{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause -- -- A recipe represents some kind of process for transforming -- some input entities into some output entities. module Swarm.Game.Recipe ( -- * Ingredient lists and recipes IngredientList, Recipe (..), recipeInputs, recipeOutputs, recipeRequirements, recipeTime, recipeWeight, -- * Loading recipes loadRecipes, outRecipeMap, inRecipeMap, reqRecipeMap, -- * Looking up recipes MissingIngredient (..), MissingType (..), knowsIngredientsFor, recipesFor, make, make', ) where import Control.Algebra (Has) import Control.Arrow (left) import Control.Effect.Lift (Lift, sendIO) import Control.Effect.Throw (Throw, liftEither) import Control.Lens hiding (from, (.=)) import Control.Monad ((<=<)) import Data.Bifunctor (second) import Data.Either.Validation import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.IntMap qualified as IM import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Yaml import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Swarm.Game.Entity as E import Swarm.Game.Failure import Swarm.Game.ResourceLoading (getDataFileNameSafe) import Swarm.Util.Effect (withThrow) import Swarm.Util.Lens (makeLensesNoSigs) import Swarm.Util.Yaml import Witch -- | An ingredient list is a list of entities with multiplicity. It -- is polymorphic in the entity type so that we can use either -- entity names when serializing, or actual entity objects while the -- game is running. type IngredientList e = [(Count, e)] -- | A recipe is just a list of input entities and a list of output -- entities (both with multiplicity). The idea is that it -- represents some kind of process where the inputs are -- transformed into the outputs. data Recipe e = Recipe { _recipeInputs :: IngredientList e , _recipeOutputs :: IngredientList e , _recipeRequirements :: IngredientList e , _recipeTime :: Integer , _recipeWeight :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic) deriving instance ToJSON (Recipe Entity) deriving instance FromJSON (Recipe Entity) makeLensesNoSigs ''Recipe -- | The inputs to a recipe. recipeInputs :: Lens' (Recipe e) (IngredientList e) -- | The outputs from a recipe. recipeOutputs :: Lens' (Recipe e) (IngredientList e) -- | The time required to finish a recipe. recipeTime :: Lens' (Recipe e) Integer -- | Other entities which the recipe requires you to have, but which -- are not consumed by the recipe (e.g. a furnace). recipeRequirements :: Lens' (Recipe e) (IngredientList e) -- | How this recipe is weighted against other recipes. Any time -- there are multiple valid recipes that fit certain criteria, one -- of the recipes will be randomly chosen with probability -- proportional to its weight. recipeWeight :: Lens' (Recipe e) Integer ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Serializing ------------------------------------------------------------ instance ToJSON (Recipe Text) where toJSON (Recipe ins outs reqs time weight) = object $ [ "in" .= ins , "out" .= outs ] ++ ["required" .= reqs | not (null reqs)] ++ ["time" .= time | time /= 1] ++ ["weight" .= weight | weight /= 1] instance FromJSON (Recipe Text) where parseJSON = withObject "Recipe" $ \v -> Recipe <$> v .: "in" <*> v .: "out" <*> v .:? "required" .!= [] <*> v .:? "time" .!= 1 <*> v .:? "weight" .!= 1 -- | Given an 'EntityMap', turn a list of recipes containing /names/ -- of entities into a list of recipes containing actual 'Entity' -- records; or. resolveRecipes :: EntityMap -> [Recipe Text] -> Validation [Text] [Recipe Entity] resolveRecipes em = (traverse . traverse) (\t -> maybe (Failure [t]) Success (lookupEntityName t em)) instance FromJSONE EntityMap (Recipe Entity) where parseJSONE v = do rt <- liftE $ parseJSON @(Recipe Text) v em <- getE let erEnt :: Validation [Text] (Recipe Entity) erEnt = traverse (\t -> maybe (Failure [t]) Success (lookupEntityName t em)) rt case validationToEither erEnt of Right rEnt -> return rEnt Left err -> fail . from @Text . T.unlines $ err -- | Given an already loaded 'EntityMap', try to load a list of -- recipes from the data file @recipes.yaml@. loadRecipes :: (Has (Throw SystemFailure) sig m, Has (Lift IO) sig m) => EntityMap -> m [Recipe Entity] loadRecipes em = do fileName <- getDataFileNameSafe Recipes f textRecipes <- withThrow (AssetNotLoaded (Data Recipes) fileName . CanNotParseYaml) . (liftEither <=< sendIO) $ decodeFileEither @[Recipe Text] fileName withThrow (AssetNotLoaded (Data Recipes) fileName . CustomMessage) . liftEither . left (T.append "Unknown entities in recipe(s): " . T.intercalate ", ") . validationToEither $ resolveRecipes em textRecipes where f = "recipes.yaml" ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Build a map of recipes either by inputs or outputs. buildRecipeMap :: Getter (Recipe Entity) (IngredientList Entity) -> [Recipe Entity] -> IntMap [Recipe Entity] buildRecipeMap select recipeList = IM.fromListWith (++) (map (second (: [])) (concatMap mk recipeList)) where mk r = [(e ^. entityHash, r) | (_, e) <- r ^. select] -- | Build a map of recipes indexed by output ingredients. outRecipeMap :: [Recipe Entity] -> IntMap [Recipe Entity] outRecipeMap = buildRecipeMap recipeOutputs -- | Build a map of recipes indexed by input ingredients. inRecipeMap :: [Recipe Entity] -> IntMap [Recipe Entity] inRecipeMap = buildRecipeMap recipeInputs -- | Build a map of recipes indexed by requirements. reqRecipeMap :: [Recipe Entity] -> IntMap [Recipe Entity] reqRecipeMap = buildRecipeMap recipeRequirements -- | Get a list of all the recipes for the given entity. Look up an -- entity in either an 'inRecipeMap' or 'outRecipeMap' depending on -- whether you want to know recipes that consume or produce the -- given entity, respectively. recipesFor :: IntMap [Recipe Entity] -> Entity -> [Recipe Entity] recipesFor rm e = fromMaybe [] $ IM.lookup (e ^. entityHash) rm data MissingIngredient = MissingIngredient MissingType Count Entity deriving (Show, Eq) data MissingType = MissingInput | MissingCatalyst deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Figure out which ingredients (if any) are lacking from an -- inventory to be able to carry out the recipe. -- Requirements are not consumed and so can use equipped. missingIngredientsFor :: (Inventory, Inventory) -> Recipe Entity -> [MissingIngredient] missingIngredientsFor (inv, ins) (Recipe inps _ reqs _ _) = mkMissing MissingInput (findLacking inv inps) <> mkMissing MissingCatalyst (findLacking ins (findLacking inv reqs)) where mkMissing k = map (uncurry (MissingIngredient k)) findLacking inven = filter ((> 0) . fst) . map (countNeeded inven) countNeeded inven (need, entity) = (need - E.lookup entity inven, entity) -- | Figure out if a recipe is available, but it can be lacking items. knowsIngredientsFor :: (Inventory, Inventory) -> Recipe Entity -> Bool knowsIngredientsFor (inv, ins) recipe = knowsAll inv (recipe ^. recipeInputs) && knowsAll ins (recipe ^. recipeRequirements) where knowsAll xs = all (E.contains xs . snd) -- | Try to make a recipe, deleting the recipe's inputs from the -- inventory. Return either a description of which items are -- lacking, if the inventory does not contain sufficient inputs, -- or an inventory without inputs and function adding outputs if -- it was successful. make :: -- robots inventory and equipped devices (Inventory, Inventory) -> -- considered recipe Recipe Entity -> -- failure (with count of missing) or success with a new inventory, -- a function to add results and the recipe repeated Either [MissingIngredient] (Inventory, IngredientList Entity, Recipe Entity) make invs r = finish <$> make' invs r where finish (invTaken, out) = (invTaken, out, r) -- | Try to make a recipe, but do not insert it yet. make' :: (Inventory, Inventory) -> Recipe Entity -> Either [MissingIngredient] (Inventory, IngredientList Entity) make' invs@(inv, _) r = case missingIngredientsFor invs r of [] -> let removed = foldl' (flip (uncurry deleteCount)) inv (r ^. recipeInputs) in Right (removed, r ^. recipeOutputs) missing -> Left missing