module Control.Super.Monad
Bind(..), Return(..), Fail(..)
, Applicative(..), pure
, Functor(..)
, Monad
) where
import Prelude
( String
, Maybe(..), Either(..)
, Functor(..)
, (.), ($), const, id
import qualified Prelude as P
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity )
import GHC.Exts ( Constraint )
import qualified Data.Monoid as Mon
import qualified Data.Proxy as Proxy
import qualified Data.Functor.Product as Product
import qualified Data.Functor.Compose as Compose
import qualified Data.Complex as Complex
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import qualified Control.Applicative as App
import qualified Control.Monad.ST as ST
import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Lazy as STL
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as Read
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec as Read
import qualified GHC.Conc as STM
import qualified GHC.Generics as Generics
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Cont as Cont
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Except as Except
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Identity as Identity
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.List as List
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as RWSL
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as RWSS
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as Reader
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as StateL
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as StateS
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as WriterL
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as WriterS
infixl 4 <*>, <*, *>
class (Functor m, Functor n, Functor p) => Applicative m n p where
type ApplicativeCts m n p :: Constraint
type ApplicativeCts m n p = ()
(<*>) :: (ApplicativeCts m n p) => m (a -> b) -> n a -> p b
(*>) :: (ApplicativeCts m n p) => m a -> n b -> p b
ma *> nb = (id <$ ma) <*> nb
(<*) :: (ApplicativeCts m n p) => m a -> n b -> p a
ma <* nb = fmap const ma <*> nb
pure :: (Return f, ReturnCts f) => a -> f a
pure = return
instance Applicative ((->) r) ((->) r) ((->) r) where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Identity Identity Identity where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative [] [] [] where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Maybe Maybe Maybe where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative P.IO P.IO P.IO where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative (Either e) (Either e) (Either e) where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Mon.First Mon.First Mon.First where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Mon.Last Mon.Last Mon.Last where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Mon.Sum Mon.Sum Mon.Sum where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Mon.Product Mon.Product Mon.Product where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Mon.Dual Mon.Dual Mon.Dual where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance (Applicative m n p) => Applicative (Mon.Alt m) (Mon.Alt n) (Mon.Alt p) where
type ApplicativeCts (Mon.Alt m) (Mon.Alt n) (Mon.Alt p) = ApplicativeCts m n p
mf <*> na = Mon.Alt $ (Mon.getAlt mf) <*> (Mon.getAlt na)
mf *> na = Mon.Alt $ (Mon.getAlt mf) *> (Mon.getAlt na)
mf <* na = Mon.Alt $ (Mon.getAlt mf) <* (Mon.getAlt na)
instance Applicative Semigroup.Min Semigroup.Min Semigroup.Min where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Semigroup.Max Semigroup.Max Semigroup.Max where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Semigroup.Option Semigroup.Option Semigroup.Option where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Semigroup.First Semigroup.First Semigroup.First where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Semigroup.Last Semigroup.Last Semigroup.Last where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Proxy.Proxy Proxy.Proxy Proxy.Proxy where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Complex.Complex Complex.Complex Complex.Complex where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative NonEmpty.NonEmpty NonEmpty.NonEmpty NonEmpty.NonEmpty where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance (Applicative m1 n1 p1, Applicative m2 n2 p2) => Applicative (Product.Product m1 m2) (Product.Product n1 n2) (Product.Product p1 p2) where
type ApplicativeCts (Product.Product m1 m2) (Product.Product n1 n2) (Product.Product p1 p2) = (ApplicativeCts m1 n1 p1, ApplicativeCts m2 n2 p2)
Product.Pair m1 m2 <*> Product.Pair n1 n2 = Product.Pair (m1 <*> n1) (m2 <*> n2)
Product.Pair m1 m2 *> Product.Pair n1 n2 = Product.Pair (m1 *> n1) (m2 *> n2)
Product.Pair m1 m2 <* Product.Pair n1 n2 = Product.Pair (m1 <* n1) (m2 <* n2)
instance (Applicative f g h, Applicative f' g' h') => Applicative (Compose.Compose f f') (Compose.Compose g g') (Compose.Compose h h') where
type ApplicativeCts (Compose.Compose f f') (Compose.Compose g g') (Compose.Compose h h') = (ApplicativeCts f g h, ApplicativeCts f' g' h')
Compose.Compose f <*> Compose.Compose x = Compose.Compose $ fmap (<*>) f <*> x
Compose.Compose f *> Compose.Compose x = Compose.Compose $ fmap ( *>) f <*> x
Compose.Compose f <* Compose.Compose x = Compose.Compose $ fmap (<* ) f <*> x
instance Applicative Read.ReadP Read.ReadP Read.ReadP where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Read.ReadPrec Read.ReadPrec Read.ReadPrec where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative (ST.ST s) (ST.ST s) (ST.ST s) where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative (STL.ST s) (STL.ST s) (STL.ST s) where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance (Arrow.Arrow a) => Applicative (Arrow.ArrowMonad a) (Arrow.ArrowMonad a) (Arrow.ArrowMonad a) where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance (Applicative m m m, P.Monad m) => Applicative (App.WrappedMonad m) (App.WrappedMonad m) (App.WrappedMonad m) where
type ApplicativeCts (App.WrappedMonad m) (App.WrappedMonad m) (App.WrappedMonad m) = ApplicativeCts m m m
mf <*> na = App.WrapMonad $ (App.unwrapMonad mf) <*> (App.unwrapMonad na)
mf *> na = App.WrapMonad $ (App.unwrapMonad mf) *> (App.unwrapMonad na)
mf <* na = App.WrapMonad $ (App.unwrapMonad mf) <* (App.unwrapMonad na)
instance Applicative STM.STM STM.STM STM.STM where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance Applicative Generics.U1 Generics.U1 Generics.U1 where
(<*>) = (P.<*>)
(<*) = (P.<*)
(*>) = (P.*>)
instance (Applicative f g h) => Applicative (Generics.Rec1 f) (Generics.Rec1 g) (Generics.Rec1 h) where
type ApplicativeCts (Generics.Rec1 f) (Generics.Rec1 g) (Generics.Rec1 h) = ApplicativeCts f g h
(Generics.Rec1 mf) <*> (Generics.Rec1 ma) = Generics.Rec1 $ mf <*> ma
(Generics.Rec1 mf) *> (Generics.Rec1 ma) = Generics.Rec1 $ mf *> ma
(Generics.Rec1 mf) <* (Generics.Rec1 ma) = Generics.Rec1 $ mf <* ma
instance (Applicative f g h, Applicative f' g' h') => Applicative (f Generics.:*: f') (g Generics.:*: g') (h Generics.:*: h') where
type ApplicativeCts (f Generics.:*: f') (g Generics.:*: g') (h Generics.:*: h') = (ApplicativeCts f g h, ApplicativeCts f' g' h')
(f Generics.:*: g) <*> (f' Generics.:*: g') = (f <*> f') Generics.:*: (g <*> g')
(f Generics.:*: g) *> (f' Generics.:*: g') = (f *> f') Generics.:*: (g *> g')
(f Generics.:*: g) <* (f' Generics.:*: g') = (f <* f') Generics.:*: (g <* g')
instance (Applicative f g h, Applicative f' g' h') => Applicative (f Generics.:.: f') (g Generics.:.: g') (h Generics.:.: h') where
type ApplicativeCts (f Generics.:.: f') (g Generics.:.: g') (h Generics.:.: h') = (ApplicativeCts f g h, ApplicativeCts f' g' h')
(Generics.Comp1 mf) <*> (Generics.Comp1 ma) = Generics.Comp1 $ fmap (<*>) mf <*> ma
instance Applicative f g h => Applicative (Generics.M1 i c f) (Generics.M1 i c g) (Generics.M1 i c h) where
type ApplicativeCts (Generics.M1 i c f) (Generics.M1 i c g) (Generics.M1 i c h) = ApplicativeCts f g h
(Generics.M1 mf) <*> (Generics.M1 ma) = Generics.M1 $ mf <*> ma
(Generics.M1 mf) *> (Generics.M1 ma) = Generics.M1 $ mf *> ma
(Generics.M1 mf) <* (Generics.M1 ma) = Generics.M1 $ mf <* ma
instance Applicative (Cont.ContT r m) (Cont.ContT r m) (Cont.ContT r m) where
type ApplicativeCts (Cont.ContT r m) (Cont.ContT r m) (Cont.ContT r m) = ()
f <*> a = Cont.ContT $ \ c -> Cont.runContT f $ \ g -> Cont.runContT a (c . g)
instance (Applicative m n p) => Applicative (Except.ExceptT e m) (Except.ExceptT e n) (Except.ExceptT e p) where
type ApplicativeCts (Except.ExceptT e m) (Except.ExceptT e n) (Except.ExceptT e p) = (ApplicativeCts m n p)
Except.ExceptT f <*> Except.ExceptT v = Except.ExceptT $ fmap (<*>) f <*> v
instance (Applicative m n p) => Applicative (Identity.IdentityT m) (Identity.IdentityT n) (Identity.IdentityT p) where
type ApplicativeCts (Identity.IdentityT m) (Identity.IdentityT n) (Identity.IdentityT p) = (ApplicativeCts m n p)
Identity.IdentityT m <*> Identity.IdentityT k = Identity.IdentityT $ m <*> k
instance (Applicative m n p) => Applicative (List.ListT m) (List.ListT n) (List.ListT p) where
type ApplicativeCts (List.ListT m) (List.ListT n) (List.ListT p) = (ApplicativeCts m n p)
List.ListT fs <*> List.ListT as = List.ListT $ fmap (<*>) fs <*> as
instance (Applicative m n p) => Applicative (Maybe.MaybeT m) (Maybe.MaybeT n) (Maybe.MaybeT p) where
type ApplicativeCts (Maybe.MaybeT m) (Maybe.MaybeT n) (Maybe.MaybeT p) = (ApplicativeCts m n p)
Maybe.MaybeT f <*> Maybe.MaybeT x = Maybe.MaybeT $ fmap (<*>) f <*> x
instance (P.Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Applicative (RWSL.RWST r w s m) (RWSL.RWST r w s n) (RWSL.RWST r w s p) where
type ApplicativeCts (RWSL.RWST r w s m) (RWSL.RWST r w s n) (RWSL.RWST r w s p) = (BindCts m n p)
RWSL.RWST mf <*> RWSL.RWST ma = RWSL.RWST $ \r s -> mf r s >>= \ ~(f, s', w) -> fmap (\ ~(a, s'', w') -> (f a, s'', P.mappend w w')) (ma r s')
instance (P.Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Applicative (RWSS.RWST r w s m) (RWSS.RWST r w s n) (RWSS.RWST r w s p) where
type ApplicativeCts (RWSS.RWST r w s m) (RWSS.RWST r w s n) (RWSS.RWST r w s p) = (BindCts m n p)
RWSS.RWST mf <*> RWSS.RWST ma = RWSS.RWST $ \r s -> mf r s >>= \ (f, s', w) -> fmap (\ (a, s'', w') -> (f a, s'', P.mappend w w')) (ma r s')
instance (Applicative m n p) => Applicative (Reader.ReaderT r m) (Reader.ReaderT r n) (Reader.ReaderT r p) where
type ApplicativeCts (Reader.ReaderT r m) (Reader.ReaderT r n) (Reader.ReaderT r p) = (ApplicativeCts m n p)
Reader.ReaderT mf <*> Reader.ReaderT ma = Reader.ReaderT $ \r -> mf r <*> ma r
instance (Bind m n p) => Applicative (StateL.StateT s m) (StateL.StateT s n) (StateL.StateT s p) where
type ApplicativeCts (StateL.StateT s m) (StateL.StateT s n) (StateL.StateT s p) = (BindCts m n p)
StateL.StateT mf <*> StateL.StateT ma = StateL.StateT $ \s -> mf s >>= \ ~(f, s') -> fmap (\ ~(a, s'') -> (f a, s'')) (ma s')
instance (Bind m n p) => Applicative (StateS.StateT s m) (StateS.StateT s n) (StateS.StateT s p) where
type ApplicativeCts (StateS.StateT s m) (StateS.StateT s n) (StateS.StateT s p) = (BindCts m n p)
StateS.StateT mf <*> StateS.StateT ma = StateS.StateT $ \s -> mf s >>= \ (f, s') -> fmap (\ (a, s'') -> (f a, s'')) (ma s')
instance (P.Monoid w, Applicative m n p) => Applicative (WriterL.WriterT w m) (WriterL.WriterT w n) (WriterL.WriterT w p) where
type ApplicativeCts (WriterL.WriterT w m) (WriterL.WriterT w n) (WriterL.WriterT w p) = (ApplicativeCts m n p)
WriterL.WriterT mf <*> WriterL.WriterT ma = WriterL.WriterT $ fmap (\ ~(f, w) ~(a, w') -> (f a, P.mappend w w')) mf <*> ma
instance (P.Monoid w, Applicative m n p) => Applicative (WriterS.WriterT w m) (WriterS.WriterT w n) (WriterS.WriterT w p) where
type ApplicativeCts (WriterS.WriterT w m) (WriterS.WriterT w n) (WriterS.WriterT w p) = (ApplicativeCts m n p)
WriterS.WriterT mf <*> WriterS.WriterT ma = WriterS.WriterT $ fmap (\ (f, w) (a, w') -> (f a, P.mappend w w')) mf <*> ma
infixl 1 >>, >>=
class (Functor m, Functor n, Functor p) => Bind m n p where
type BindCts m n p :: Constraint
type BindCts m n p = ()
(>>=) :: (BindCts m n p) => m a -> (a -> n b) -> p b
(>>) :: (BindCts m n p) => m a -> n b -> p b
ma >> mb = ma >>= const mb
instance Bind ((->) r) ((->) r) ((->) r) where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Identity Identity Identity where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind [] [] [] where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind P.Maybe P.Maybe P.Maybe where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind P.IO P.IO P.IO where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind (P.Either e) (P.Either e) (P.Either e) where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Mon.First Mon.First Mon.First where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Mon.Last Mon.Last Mon.Last where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Mon.Sum Mon.Sum Mon.Sum where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Mon.Product Mon.Product Mon.Product where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Mon.Dual Mon.Dual Mon.Dual where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance (Bind m n p) => Bind (Mon.Alt m) (Mon.Alt n) (Mon.Alt p) where
type BindCts (Mon.Alt m) (Mon.Alt n) (Mon.Alt p) = BindCts m n p
m >>= f = Mon.Alt $ (Mon.getAlt m) >>= (Mon.getAlt . f)
instance Bind Semigroup.Min Semigroup.Min Semigroup.Min where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Semigroup.Max Semigroup.Max Semigroup.Max where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Semigroup.Option Semigroup.Option Semigroup.Option where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Semigroup.First Semigroup.First Semigroup.First where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Semigroup.Last Semigroup.Last Semigroup.Last where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Proxy.Proxy Proxy.Proxy Proxy.Proxy where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Complex.Complex Complex.Complex Complex.Complex where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind NonEmpty.NonEmpty NonEmpty.NonEmpty NonEmpty.NonEmpty where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance (Bind m1 n1 p1, Bind m2 n2 p2) => Bind (Product.Product m1 m2) (Product.Product n1 n2) (Product.Product p1 p2) where
type BindCts (Product.Product m1 m2) (Product.Product n1 n2) (Product.Product p1 p2) = (BindCts m1 n1 p1, BindCts m2 n2 p2)
Product.Pair m1 m2 >>= f = Product.Pair (m1 >>= (fstP . f)) (m2 >>= (sndP . f))
where fstP (Product.Pair a _) = a
sndP (Product.Pair _ b) = b
instance Bind Read.ReadP Read.ReadP Read.ReadP where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Read.ReadPrec Read.ReadPrec Read.ReadPrec where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind (ST.ST s) (ST.ST s) (ST.ST s) where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind (STL.ST s) (STL.ST s) (STL.ST s) where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance (Arrow.ArrowApply a) => Bind (Arrow.ArrowMonad a) (Arrow.ArrowMonad a) (Arrow.ArrowMonad a) where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance (Bind m m m, P.Monad m) => Bind (App.WrappedMonad m) (App.WrappedMonad m) (App.WrappedMonad m) where
type BindCts (App.WrappedMonad m) (App.WrappedMonad m) (App.WrappedMonad m) = BindCts m m m
m >>= f = App.WrapMonad $ (App.unwrapMonad m) >>= (App.unwrapMonad . f)
instance Bind STM.STM STM.STM STM.STM where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance Bind Generics.U1 Generics.U1 Generics.U1 where
(>>=) = (P.>>=)
instance (Bind m n p) => Bind (Generics.Rec1 m) (Generics.Rec1 n) (Generics.Rec1 p) where
type BindCts (Generics.Rec1 m) (Generics.Rec1 n) (Generics.Rec1 p) = BindCts m n p
(Generics.Rec1 mf) >>= f = Generics.Rec1 $ mf >>= (Generics.unRec1 . f)
instance (Bind f g h, Bind f' g' h') => Bind (f Generics.:*: f') (g Generics.:*: g') (h Generics.:*: h') where
type BindCts (f Generics.:*: f') (g Generics.:*: g') (h Generics.:*: h') = (BindCts f g h, BindCts f' g' h')
(f Generics.:*: g) >>= m = (f >>= \a -> let (f' Generics.:*: _g') = m a in f') Generics.:*: (g >>= \a -> let (_f' Generics.:*: g') = m a in g')
instance Bind f g h => Bind (Generics.M1 i c f) (Generics.M1 i c g) (Generics.M1 i c h) where
type BindCts (Generics.M1 i c f) (Generics.M1 i c g) (Generics.M1 i c h) = BindCts f g h
(Generics.M1 ma) >>= f = Generics.M1 $ ma >>= Generics.unM1 . f
instance Bind (Cont.ContT r m) (Cont.ContT r m) (Cont.ContT r m) where
type BindCts (Cont.ContT r m) (Cont.ContT r m) (Cont.ContT r m) = ()
m >>= k = Cont.ContT $ \ c -> Cont.runContT m (\ x -> Cont.runContT (k x) c)
instance (Bind m n p, Return n) => Bind (Except.ExceptT e m) (Except.ExceptT e n) (Except.ExceptT e p) where
type BindCts (Except.ExceptT e m) (Except.ExceptT e n) (Except.ExceptT e p) = (BindCts m n p, ReturnCts n)
m >>= k = Except.ExceptT $
Except.runExceptT m >>=
\ a -> case a of
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right x -> Except.runExceptT (k x)
instance (Bind m n p) => Bind (Identity.IdentityT m) (Identity.IdentityT n) (Identity.IdentityT p) where
type BindCts (Identity.IdentityT m) (Identity.IdentityT n) (Identity.IdentityT p) = (BindCts m n p)
m >>= k = Identity.IdentityT $ Identity.runIdentityT m >>= (Identity.runIdentityT . k)
instance (Bind m n p, Bind n n n, Return n) => Bind (List.ListT m) (List.ListT n) (List.ListT p) where
type BindCts (List.ListT m) (List.ListT n) (List.ListT p) = (BindCts m n p, BindCts n n n, ReturnCts n)
(>>=) :: forall a b. (BindCts m n p, BindCts n n n, ReturnCts n) => List.ListT m a -> (a -> List.ListT n b) -> List.ListT p b
m >>= f = List.ListT $
List.runListT m >>=
\ a -> fmap P.concat $ P.foldr k (return []) a
k :: (BindCts n n n) => a -> n [[b]] -> n [[b]]
k a r = List.runListT (f a) >>= \ x -> fmap (x :) r
instance (Return n, Bind m n p) => Bind (Maybe.MaybeT m) (Maybe.MaybeT n) (Maybe.MaybeT p) where
type BindCts (Maybe.MaybeT m) (Maybe.MaybeT n) (Maybe.MaybeT p) = (ReturnCts n, BindCts m n p)
x >>= f = Maybe.MaybeT $
Maybe.runMaybeT x >>=
\v -> case v of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just y -> Maybe.runMaybeT (f y)
instance (P.Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Bind (RWSL.RWST r w s m) (RWSL.RWST r w s n) (RWSL.RWST r w s p) where
type BindCts (RWSL.RWST r w s m) (RWSL.RWST r w s n) (RWSL.RWST r w s p) = (BindCts m n p)
m >>= k = RWSL.RWST $
\ r s -> RWSL.runRWST m r s >>=
\ ~(a, s', w) -> fmap (\ ~(b, s'',w') -> (b, s'', w `P.mappend` w')) $ RWSL.runRWST (k a) r s'
instance (P.Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Bind (RWSS.RWST r w s m) (RWSS.RWST r w s n) (RWSS.RWST r w s p) where
type BindCts (RWSS.RWST r w s m) (RWSS.RWST r w s n) (RWSS.RWST r w s p) = (BindCts m n p)
m >>= k = RWSS.RWST $
\ r s -> RWSS.runRWST m r s >>=
\ (a, s', w) -> fmap (\(b, s'',w') -> (b, s'', w `P.mappend` w')) $ RWSS.runRWST (k a) r s'
instance (Bind m n p) => Bind (Reader.ReaderT r m) (Reader.ReaderT r n) (Reader.ReaderT r p) where
type BindCts (Reader.ReaderT r m) (Reader.ReaderT r n) (Reader.ReaderT r p) = (BindCts m n p)
m >>= k = Reader.ReaderT $
\ r -> Reader.runReaderT m r >>=
\ a -> Reader.runReaderT (k a) r
instance (Bind m n p) => Bind (StateL.StateT s m) (StateL.StateT s n) (StateL.StateT s p) where
type BindCts (StateL.StateT s m) (StateL.StateT s n) (StateL.StateT s p) = (BindCts m n p)
m >>= k = StateL.StateT
$ \ s -> StateL.runStateT m s >>=
\ ~(a, s') -> StateL.runStateT (k a) s'
instance (Bind m n p) => Bind (StateS.StateT s m) (StateS.StateT s n) (StateS.StateT s p) where
type BindCts (StateS.StateT s m) (StateS.StateT s n) (StateS.StateT s p) = (BindCts m n p)
m >>= k = StateS.StateT
$ \ s -> StateS.runStateT m s >>=
\ (a, s') -> StateS.runStateT (k a) s'
instance (P.Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Bind (WriterL.WriterT w m) (WriterL.WriterT w n) (WriterL.WriterT w p) where
type BindCts (WriterL.WriterT w m) (WriterL.WriterT w n) (WriterL.WriterT w p) = (BindCts m n p)
m >>= k = WriterL.WriterT $
WriterL.runWriterT m >>=
\ ~(a, w) -> fmap (\ ~(b, w') -> (b, w `P.mappend` w')) $ WriterL.runWriterT (k a)
instance (P.Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Bind (WriterS.WriterT w m) (WriterS.WriterT w n) (WriterS.WriterT w p) where
type BindCts (WriterS.WriterT w m) (WriterS.WriterT w n) (WriterS.WriterT w p) = (BindCts m n p)
m >>= k = WriterS.WriterT $
WriterS.runWriterT m >>=
\ (a, w) -> fmap (\ (b, w') -> (b, w `P.mappend` w')) $ WriterS.runWriterT (k a)
class (Functor m) => Return m where
type ReturnCts m :: Constraint
type ReturnCts m = ()
return :: (ReturnCts m) => a -> m a
instance Return ((->) r) where
return = P.return
instance Return Identity where
return = P.return
instance Return [] where
return = P.return
instance Return P.Maybe where
return = P.return
instance Return P.IO where
return = P.return
instance Return (P.Either e) where
return = P.return
instance Return Mon.First where
return = P.return
instance Return Mon.Last where
return = P.return
instance Return Mon.Sum where
return = P.return
instance Return Mon.Product where
return = P.return
instance Return Mon.Dual where
return = P.return
instance (Return a) => Return (Mon.Alt a) where
type ReturnCts (Mon.Alt a) = ReturnCts a
return a = Mon.Alt $ return a
instance Return Semigroup.Min where
return = P.return
instance Return Semigroup.Max where
return = P.return
instance Return Semigroup.Option where
return = P.return
instance Return Semigroup.First where
return = P.return
instance Return Semigroup.Last where
return = P.return
instance Return Proxy.Proxy where
return = P.return
instance Return Complex.Complex where
return = P.return
instance Return NonEmpty.NonEmpty where
return = P.return
instance (Return m1, Return m2) => Return (Product.Product m1 m2) where
type ReturnCts (Product.Product m1 m2) = (ReturnCts m1, ReturnCts m2)
return a = Product.Pair (return a) (return a)
instance (Return f, Return f') => Return (Compose.Compose f f') where
type ReturnCts (Compose.Compose f f') = (ReturnCts f, ReturnCts f')
return = Compose.Compose . return . return
instance Return Read.ReadP where
return = P.return
instance Return Read.ReadPrec where
return = P.return
instance Return (ST.ST s) where
return = P.return
instance Return (STL.ST s) where
return = P.return
instance (Arrow.ArrowApply a) => Return (Arrow.ArrowMonad a) where
return = P.return
instance (Return m, P.Monad m) => Return (App.WrappedMonad m) where
type ReturnCts (App.WrappedMonad m) = ReturnCts m
return a = App.WrapMonad $ return a
instance Return STM.STM where
return = P.return
instance Return Generics.U1 where
return = P.return
instance (Return m) => Return (Generics.Rec1 m) where
type ReturnCts (Generics.Rec1 m) = ReturnCts m
return = Generics.Rec1 . return
instance (Return f, Return g) => Return (f Generics.:*: g) where
type ReturnCts (f Generics.:*: g) = (ReturnCts f, ReturnCts g)
return a = return a Generics.:*: return a
instance (Return f, Return g) => Return (f Generics.:.: g) where
type ReturnCts (f Generics.:.: g) = (ReturnCts f, ReturnCts g)
return = Generics.Comp1 . return . return
instance Return f => Return (Generics.M1 i c f) where
type ReturnCts (Generics.M1 i c f) = ReturnCts f
return = Generics.M1 . return
instance Return (Cont.ContT r m) where
type ReturnCts (Cont.ContT r m) = ()
return x = Cont.ContT ($ x)
instance (Return m) => Return (Except.ExceptT e m) where
type ReturnCts (Except.ExceptT e m) = ReturnCts m
return = Except.ExceptT . return . Right
instance (Return m) => Return (Identity.IdentityT m) where
type ReturnCts (Identity.IdentityT m) = ReturnCts m
return = (Identity.IdentityT) . return
instance (Return m) => Return (List.ListT m) where
type ReturnCts (List.ListT m) = ReturnCts m
return a = List.ListT $ return [a]
instance (Return m) => Return (Maybe.MaybeT m) where
type ReturnCts (Maybe.MaybeT m) = ReturnCts m
return = Maybe.MaybeT . return . Just
instance (P.Monoid w, Return m) => Return (RWSL.RWST r w s m) where
type ReturnCts (RWSL.RWST r w s m) = ReturnCts m
return a = RWSL.RWST $ \ _ s -> return (a, s, P.mempty)
instance (P.Monoid w, Return m) => Return (RWSS.RWST r w s m) where
type ReturnCts (RWSS.RWST r w s m) = ReturnCts m
return a = RWSS.RWST $ \ _ s -> return (a, s, P.mempty)
instance (Return m) => Return (Reader.ReaderT r m) where
type ReturnCts (Reader.ReaderT r m) = ReturnCts m
return = Reader.ReaderT . const . return
instance (Return m) => Return (StateL.StateT s m) where
type ReturnCts (StateL.StateT s m) = ReturnCts m
return x = StateL.StateT $ \s -> return (x, s)
instance (Return m) => Return (StateS.StateT s m) where
type ReturnCts (StateS.StateT s m) = ReturnCts m
return x = StateS.StateT $ \s -> return (x, s)
instance (P.Monoid w, Return m) => Return (WriterL.WriterT w m) where
type ReturnCts (WriterL.WriterT w m) = ReturnCts m
return a = WriterL.WriterT $ return (a, P.mempty)
instance (P.Monoid w, Return m) => Return (WriterS.WriterT w m) where
type ReturnCts (WriterS.WriterT w m) = ReturnCts m
return a = WriterS.WriterT $ return (a, P.mempty)
class Fail m where
type FailCts m :: Constraint
type FailCts m = ()
fail :: (FailCts m) => String -> m a
instance Fail ((->) r) where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Identity where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail [] where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail P.Maybe where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail P.IO where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail (P.Either e) where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Mon.First where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Mon.Last where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Mon.Sum where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Mon.Product where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Mon.Dual where
fail = P.fail
instance (Fail a) => Fail (Mon.Alt a) where
type FailCts (Mon.Alt a) = (FailCts a)
fail a = Mon.Alt $ fail a
instance Fail Semigroup.Min where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Semigroup.Max where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Semigroup.Option where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Semigroup.First where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Semigroup.Last where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Proxy.Proxy where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Complex.Complex where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail NonEmpty.NonEmpty where
fail = P.fail
instance (Fail m1, Fail m2) => Fail (Product.Product m1 m2) where
type FailCts (Product.Product m1 m2) = (FailCts m1, FailCts m2)
fail a = Product.Pair (fail a) (fail a)
instance Fail Read.ReadP where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Read.ReadPrec where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail (ST.ST s) where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail (STL.ST s) where
fail = P.fail
instance (Arrow.ArrowApply a) => Fail (Arrow.ArrowMonad a) where
fail = P.fail
instance (Fail m, P.Monad m) => Fail (App.WrappedMonad m) where
type FailCts (App.WrappedMonad m) = (FailCts m)
fail a = App.WrapMonad $ fail a
instance Fail STM.STM where
fail = P.fail
instance Fail Generics.U1 where
fail = P.fail
instance (Fail m) => Fail (Generics.Rec1 m) where
type FailCts (Generics.Rec1 m) = FailCts m
fail = Generics.Rec1 . fail
instance (Fail f, Fail g) => Fail (f Generics.:*: g) where
type FailCts (f Generics.:*: g) = (FailCts f, FailCts g)
fail a = fail a Generics.:*: fail a
instance Fail f => Fail (Generics.M1 i c f) where
type FailCts (Generics.M1 i c f) = FailCts f
fail = Generics.M1 . fail
instance (Fail m) => Fail (Cont.ContT r m) where
type FailCts (Cont.ContT r m) = (FailCts m)
fail = (Cont.ContT) . const . fail
instance (Fail m) => Fail (Except.ExceptT e m) where
type FailCts (Except.ExceptT e m) = (FailCts m)
fail = Except.ExceptT . fail
instance (Fail m) => Fail (Identity.IdentityT m) where
type FailCts (Identity.IdentityT m) = (FailCts m)
fail msg = Identity.IdentityT $ fail msg
instance (Return m) => Fail (List.ListT m) where
type FailCts (List.ListT m) = (ReturnCts m)
fail _ = List.ListT $ return []
instance (Return m) => Fail (Maybe.MaybeT m) where
type FailCts (Maybe.MaybeT m) = (ReturnCts m)
fail _ = Maybe.MaybeT (return Nothing)
instance (P.Monoid w, Fail m) => Fail (RWSL.RWST r w s m) where
type FailCts (RWSL.RWST r w s m) = (FailCts m)
fail msg = RWSL.RWST $ \ _ _ -> fail msg
instance (P.Monoid w, Fail m) => Fail (RWSS.RWST r w s m) where
type FailCts (RWSS.RWST r w s m) = (FailCts m)
fail msg = RWSS.RWST $ \ _ _ -> fail msg
instance (Fail m) => Fail (Reader.ReaderT r m) where
type FailCts (Reader.ReaderT r m) = (FailCts m)
fail = Reader.ReaderT . const . fail
instance (Fail m) => Fail (StateL.StateT s m) where
type FailCts (StateL.StateT s m) = (FailCts m)
fail = StateL.StateT . const . fail
instance (Fail m) => Fail (StateS.StateT s m) where
type FailCts (StateS.StateT s m) = (FailCts m)
fail = StateS.StateT . const . fail
instance (P.Monoid w, Fail m) => Fail (WriterL.WriterT w m) where
type FailCts (WriterL.WriterT w m) = (FailCts m)
fail msg = WriterL.WriterT $ fail msg
instance (P.Monoid w, Fail m) => Fail (WriterS.WriterT w m) where
type FailCts (WriterS.WriterT w m) = (FailCts m)
fail msg = WriterS.WriterT $ fail msg
type family Monad m :: Constraint where
Monad m = (Bind m m m, Return m, Fail m)