{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin Control.Supermonad.Plugin #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Types ( Message, User , Update(..), Request(..), Response(..) , UpdateS, RequestS, EndS , ServerInit, ServerProtocol , ClientInit, ClientProtocol , Connection(..), mkConnection ) where import Control.Supermonad.Prelude import Control.Concurrent.SimpleSession.SessionTypes ( Eps, Var, Rec, (:&:), (:+:), (:!:), (:?:) , Z ) import Control.Concurrent.SimpleSession.Implicit ( Session , Rendezvous, newRendezvous ) import Control.Monad.Indexed ( (>>>=), ireturn, imap ) instance Functor (Session i j) where fmap = imap instance Bind (Session i j) (Session j k) (Session i k) where (>>=) = (>>>=) instance Return (Session i i) where return = ireturn instance Fail (Session i j) where fail = error -- | Type of the user identifier. type User = String -- | Type of messages. type Message = String -- | Updates from the server. data Update = UserLeftChat User | NewMessage User Message | NoUpdate deriving ( Eq, Show ) -- | Requests from the client. data Request = SendMessage Message | ShutdownServer | FetchUserList | NoRequest deriving ( Eq, Show ) -- | Responses from the server to the client 'Request's. data Response = EmptyResponse | UserListResponse [User] deriving ( Eq, Show ) -- | Type of a connection between server and client (View from server-side). data Connection = Connection { unwrapConnection :: Rendezvous (ServerInit (ServerProtocol (Var Z))) } -- | Create a new connection. mkConnection :: IO Connection mkConnection = Connection <$> newRendezvous -- | The server send the most current 'Update's to the client. type UpdateS r = [Update] :!: r -- | The client sends a 'Request' and receives a 'Response' from the server. type RequestS r = Request :?: (Response :!: r) -- | The server and the client have a choice to end communication... type EndS r = Eps :+: (Eps :&: r) -- | Initially the client has to introduce itself by name. type ServerInit r = User :?: (Rec r) -- | After the introduction we repeat the steps: -- 1. End of communication? 2. Updates from server; 3. Requests from the client; type ServerProtocol r = EndS (UpdateS (RequestS r)) type EndC r = Eps :&: (Eps :+: r) type RequestC r = Request :!: (Response :?: r) type UpdateC r = [Update] :?: r -- | The client-side version of the 'ServerInit'. type ClientInit r = User :!: (Rec r) -- | The client-side version of the 'ServerProtocol'. type ClientProtocol r = EndC (UpdateC (RequestC r))