{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {- | Copyright: (c) 2018-2019 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Kowainik TUI for the Summoner tool. See demo in the README.md file. -} module Summoner.Tui ( summonTui ) where import Brick (App (..), AttrMap, BrickEvent (..), Widget, attrMap, continue, customMain, halt, simpleApp, str, txt, vBox, withAttr, (<+>)) import Brick.Focus (focusRingCursor) import Brick.Forms (allFieldsValid, focusedFormInputAttr, formFocus, formState, handleFormEvent, invalidFormInputAttr, renderForm) import Brick.Main (ViewportScroll, neverShowCursor, vScrollBy, viewportScroll) import Brick.Types (EventM, Next, ViewportType (Vertical)) import Brick.Util (fg) import Brick.Widgets.Border (borderAttr) import Brick.Widgets.Center (center) import Brick.Widgets.Core (emptyWidget, fill, hLimit, hLimitPercent, padTopBottom, strWrap, txtWrap, vLimit, viewport) import Brick.Widgets.Edit (editAttr, editFocusedAttr) import Brick.Widgets.List (listSelectedAttr, listSelectedFocusedAttr) import Lens.Micro ((.~), (^.)) import Relude.Extra.Enum (universe) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory, listDirectory) import Summoner.Ansi (errorMessage, infoMessage) import Summoner.CLI (Command (..), NewOpts (..), ShowOpts (..), getCustomLicenseText, getFinalConfig, runConfig, runScript, summon) import Summoner.Config (ConfigP (cFiles)) import Summoner.Decision (Decision (..)) import Summoner.Default (defaultConfigFile) import Summoner.GhcVer (ghcTable) import Summoner.License (License (..), LicenseName, parseLicenseName, showLicenseWithDesc) import Summoner.Mode (isNonInteractive) import Summoner.Project (generateProjectNonInteractive, initializeProject) import Summoner.Source (fetchSources) import Summoner.Tui.Field (disabledAttr) import Summoner.Tui.Form (KitForm, SummonForm (..), getCurrentFocus, isActive, mkForm, recreateForm) import Summoner.Tui.Kit import Summoner.Tui.Validation (ctrlD, formErrorMessages, handleAutofill, projectDescNewLine, summonFormValidation) import Summoner.Tui.Widget (borderLabel, listInBorder) import qualified Brick (on) import qualified Graphics.Vty as V import qualified Paths_summoner_tui as Meta (version) -- | Main function that parses @CLI@ arguments and runs @summoner@ in TUI mode. summonTui :: IO () summonTui = summon Meta.version runTuiCommand -- | Run TUI specific to each command. runTuiCommand :: Command -> IO () runTuiCommand = \case New opts -> summonTuiNew opts ShowInfo opts -> summonTuiShow opts Script opts -> runScript opts -- TODO: implement TUI for script command Config opts -> runConfig opts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New command ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | TUI for creating new project. Contains interactive elements like text input fields or checkboxes to configure settings for new project. -} summonTuiNew :: NewOpts -> IO () summonTuiNew newOpts@NewOpts{..} = do -- configure initial state for TUI application finalConfig <- getFinalConfig newOpts when (isNonInteractive newOptsInteractivity) $ do generateProjectNonInteractive newOptsConnectMode newOptsProjectName finalConfig () <$ exitSuccess files <- fetchSources newOptsConnectMode (cFiles finalConfig) configFilePath <- findConfigFile let initialKit = configToSummonKit newOptsProjectName newOptsConnectMode configFilePath files finalConfig -- run TUI app skForm <- runTuiNew initialKit -- perform actions depending on the final state let kit = formState skForm if allFieldsValid skForm && (kit ^. shouldSummon == Yes) then finalSettings kit >>= initializeProject else errorMessage "Aborting summoner" where findConfigFile :: IO (Maybe FilePath) findConfigFile = if newOptsIgnoreFile then pure Nothing else case newOptsConfigFile of Nothing -> defaultConfigFile >>= \file -> ifM (doesFileExist file) (pure $ Just file) (pure Nothing) justFile -> pure justFile -- | Check content of current directory and create form after forming 'SummonKit'. runTuiNew :: SummonKit -> IO (KitForm e) runTuiNew kit = do filesAndDirs <- listDirectory =<< getCurrentDirectory dirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist filesAndDirs runApp (appNew dirs) (summonFormValidation dirs $ mkForm kit) -- | Represents @new@ command app behaviour. appNew :: [FilePath] -> App (KitForm e) e SummonForm appNew dirs = App { appDraw = drawNew dirs , appHandleEvent = \s ev -> if formState s ^. shouldSummon == Idk then case ev of VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []) -> halt $ changeShouldSummon Yes s VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc []) -> withForm ev s (changeShouldSummon Nop) _ -> continue s else case ev of VtyEvent V.EvResize {} -> continue s VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter [V.MMeta]) -> withForm ev s (validateForm . projectDescNewLine) VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []) -> if allFieldsValid s then withForm ev s (changeShouldSummon Idk) else continue s VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc []) -> halt s VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'd') [V.MCtrl]) -> withForm ev s (validateForm . ctrlD) -- Handle active/inactive checkboxes VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar ' ') []) -> case getCurrentFocus s of Nothing -> withFormDef ev s Just field -> handleCheckboxActivation ev s field -- Run handler for autofill actions VtyEvent (V.EvKey key []) | keyTriggersAutofill key -> withForm ev s (validateForm . handleAutofill) MouseDown n _ _ _ -> handleCheckboxActivation ev s n -- Handle skip of deactivated checkboxes VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') []) -> loopWhileInactive ev s VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KBackTab []) -> loopWhileInactive ev s -- Default action _ -> withFormDef ev s , appChooseCursor = focusRingCursor formFocus , appStartEvent = pure , appAttrMap = const theMap } where withForm ev s f = handleFormEvent ev s >>= continue . f withFormDef ev s = withForm ev s validateForm changeShouldSummon :: Decision -> KitForm e -> KitForm e changeShouldSummon newShould f = mkForm $ formState f & shouldSummon .~ newShould validateForm :: KitForm e -> KitForm e validateForm = summonFormValidation dirs mkNewForm :: KitForm e -> KitForm e mkNewForm = recreateForm validateForm -- Activate/Deactivate checkboxes depending on current field change handleCheckboxActivation :: BrickEvent SummonForm e -> KitForm e -> SummonForm -> EventM SummonForm (Next (KitForm e)) handleCheckboxActivation ev form = \case CabalField -> withForm ev form mkNewForm StackField -> withForm ev form mkNewForm GitHubEnable -> withForm ev form mkNewForm GitHubDisable -> withForm ev form mkNewForm GitHubNoUpload -> withForm ev form mkNewForm _ -> withFormDef ev form -- Handles form event until current element is active loopWhileInactive :: BrickEvent SummonForm e -> KitForm e -> EventM SummonForm (Next (KitForm e)) loopWhileInactive ev form = do newForm <- handleFormEvent ev form case getCurrentFocus newForm of Nothing -> continue newForm Just field -> if not $ isActive (formState newForm) field then loopWhileInactive ev newForm else continue newForm -- Autofill is only triggered on characters and backspace keys. keyTriggersAutofill :: V.Key -> Bool keyTriggersAutofill (V.KChar _) = True keyTriggersAutofill V.KBS = True keyTriggersAutofill _ = False -- | Draws the form for @new@ command. drawNew :: [FilePath] -> KitForm e -> [Widget SummonForm] drawNew dirs kitForm = case kit ^. shouldSummon of Idk -> [confirmDialog] _ -> [formWidget] where kit :: SummonKit kit = formState kitForm confirmDialog :: Widget SummonForm confirmDialog = center $ hLimit 55 $ borderLabel "Confirm" $ padTopBottom 2 $ vBox [ str "• Enter – Press Enter to create the project" , str "• Esc – Or Esc to go back to settings" ] formWidget :: Widget SummonForm formWidget = vBox [ form <+> tree , status <+> help ] form :: Widget SummonForm form = borderLabel "Summon new project" (renderForm kitForm) tree :: Widget SummonForm tree = hLimitPercent 25 $ vLimit 22 $ borderLabel "Project Structure" $ vBox [ withAttr "tree" $ txt $ renderWidgetTree kit -- to fill all the space that widget should take. , fill ' ' ] status :: Widget SummonForm status = hLimitPercent 45 $ borderLabel "Status" $ vBox [ informationBlock , validationBlock , configBlock , fill ' ' ] where informationBlock :: Widget SummonForm informationBlock = case getCurrentFocus kitForm of Just UserOwner -> infoTxt "GitHub username" Just ProjectCat -> infoTxt "Comma-separated categories as used at Hackage" Just Ghcs -> infoTxt "Space separated GHC versions" _ -> emptyWidget infoTxt :: Text -> Widget SummonForm infoTxt = withAttr "blue-fg" . txtWrap . (<>) " ⓘ " validationBlock :: Widget SummonForm validationBlock = vBox $ case formErrorMessages dirs kitForm of [] -> [withAttr "green-fg" $ str " ✔ Project configuration is valid"] fields -> map (\msg -> withAttr "red-fg" $ strWrap $ " ☓ " ++ msg) fields configBlock :: Widget SummonForm configBlock = case kit ^. configFile of Nothing -> emptyWidget Just file -> infoTxt $ toText file <> " file is used" help, helpBody :: Widget SummonForm help = borderLabel "Help" (helpBody <+> fill ' ') helpBody = vBox [ str "• Enter : create the project" , str "• Esc : quit" , str "• Ctrl+d : remove input of the text field" , str "• Arrows : up/down arrows to choose license" , str "• Alt+Enter : switch to new line" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Show command ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Simply shows info about GHC versions or licenses in TUI. summonTuiShow :: ShowOpts -> IO () summonTuiShow = \case GhcList -> runTuiShowGhcVersions LicenseList Nothing -> runTuiShowAllLicenses LicenseList (Just name) -> runTuiShowLicense name runTuiShowGhcVersions :: IO () runTuiShowGhcVersions = runSimpleApp drawGhcVersions where drawGhcVersions :: Widget () drawGhcVersions = listInBorder "Supported GHC versions" 60 0 ghcTable runTuiShowAllLicenses :: IO () runTuiShowAllLicenses = runSimpleApp drawLicenseNames where drawLicenseNames :: Widget () drawLicenseNames = listInBorder "Supported licenses" 70 4 (map showLicenseWithDesc universe) runTuiShowLicense :: String -> IO () runTuiShowLicense (toText -> name) = case parseLicenseName name of Nothing -> do errorMessage $ "Error parsing license name: " <> name infoMessage "Use 'summon show license' command to see the list of all available licenses" Just licenseName -> do lc <- getCustomLicenseText licenseName runApp (licenseApp licenseName lc) () where licenseApp :: LicenseName -> License -> App () e () licenseApp licenseName lc = App { appDraw = drawScrollableLicense licenseName lc , appStartEvent = pure , appAttrMap = const theMap , appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor , appHandleEvent = \() event -> case event of VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KDown []) -> vScrollBy licenseScroll 1 >> continue () VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KUp []) -> vScrollBy licenseScroll (-1) >> continue () VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc []) -> halt () _ -> continue () } licenseScroll :: ViewportScroll () licenseScroll = viewportScroll () drawScrollableLicense :: LicenseName -> License -> () -> [Widget ()] drawScrollableLicense licenseName (License lc) = const [ui] where ui :: Widget () ui = center $ hLimit 80 $ borderLabel ("License: " ++ show licenseName) $ viewport () Vertical $ vBox $ map (\t -> if t == "" then txt "\n" else txtWrap t) $ lines lc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Runs brick application with given start state. runApp :: Ord n => App s e n -> s -> IO s runApp app s = do initialVty <- buildVty customMain initialVty buildVty Nothing app s where buildVty :: IO V.Vty buildVty = do v <- V.mkVty =<< V.standardIOConfig V.setMode (V.outputIface v) V.Mouse True pure v -- | Runs the app without any state. runSimpleApp :: Ord n => Widget n -> IO () runSimpleApp w = runApp (mkSimpleApp w) () -- | Creates simple brick app that doesn't have state and just displays given 'Widget'. mkSimpleApp :: Widget n -> App () e n mkSimpleApp w = (simpleApp w) { appAttrMap = const theMap } -- | Styles, colours that are used across the app. theMap :: AttrMap theMap = attrMap V.defAttr [ (editAttr, V.black `Brick.on` V.cyan) , (editFocusedAttr, V.black `Brick.on` V.white) , (invalidFormInputAttr, V.white `Brick.on` V.red) , (focusedFormInputAttr, V.black `Brick.on` V.yellow) , (listSelectedAttr, V.black `Brick.on` V.cyan) , (listSelectedFocusedAttr, V.black `Brick.on` V.white) , (disabledAttr, fg V.brightBlack) , ("blue-fg", fg V.blue) , ("green-fg", fg V.green) , ("yellow-fg", fg V.yellow) , ("red-fg", fg V.brightRed) , (borderAttr, fg V.cyan) , ("tree", fg V.cyan) ]