{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-| Copyright: (c) 2017-2019 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Kowainik This module contains template for GitHub related docs: * @.gitignore@ — static file with all Haskell related ignored files. * @appveyor.yml@ — Appveyor CI for Stack project only. * @.travis.yml@ — depending on the build tool and supported GHC versions builds the Travis matrix with all necessary checks, including HLint check. __NOTE:__ Old GHC versions is not included into Travis matrix for Stack due to Stack limitations with the Cabal version usage on each GHC. See this issue to track the problem: + https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4488 -} module Summoner.Template.GitHub ( gitHubFiles ) where import Data.List ((\\)) import NeatInterpolation (text) import Summoner.Default (defaultGHC) import Summoner.GhcVer (GhcVer (..), oldGhcs, showGhcVer) import Summoner.Settings (Settings (..)) import Summoner.Template.Mempty (memptyIfFalse) import Summoner.Text (endLine, tconcatMap) import Summoner.Tree (TreeFs (..)) gitHubFiles :: Settings -> [TreeFs] gitHubFiles Settings{..} = concat [ [File ".gitignore" (gitignoreDefault <> gitignoreCustom) | settingsGitHub] , [File ".travis.yml" travisYml | settingsTravis] , [File "appveyor.yml" appVeyorYml | settingsAppVeyor] ] where -- default .gitignore template gitignoreDefault :: Text gitignoreDefault = [text| ### Haskell dist dist-* cabal-dev *.o *.hi *.chi *.chs.h *.dyn_o *.dyn_hi *.prof *.aux *.hp *.eventlog .virtualenv .hsenv .hpc .cabal-sandbox/ cabal.sandbox.config cabal.config cabal.project.local .ghc.environment.* .HTF/ # Stack .stack-work/ stack.yaml.lock ### IDE/support # Vim [._]*.s[a-v][a-z] [._]*.sw[a-p] [._]s[a-v][a-z] [._]sw[a-p] *~ tags # IntellijIDEA .idea/ .ideaHaskellLib/ *.iml # Atom .haskell-ghc-mod.json # VS .vscode/ # Emacs *# .dir-locals.el TAGS # other .DS_Store |] -- additional .gitignore gitignoreCustom :: Text gitignoreCustom = if null settingsGitignore then "" else unlines ("\n# User specific" : settingsGitignore) -- create travis.yml template travisYml :: Text travisYml = [text| sudo: true language: haskell git: depth: 5 cabal: "2.4" cache: directories: $travisCabalCache $travisStackCache matrix: include: $travisCabalMtr $travisStackMtr $installAndScript notifications: email: false |] travisCabalCache, travisStackCache :: Text travisCabalCache = memptyIfFalse settingsCabal "- \"$HOME/.cabal/store\"" travisStackCache = memptyIfFalse settingsStack [text| - "$$HOME/.stack" - "$$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.stack-work" |] cabalTest :: Text cabalTest = if settingsTest then "cabal new-test --enable-tests" else "echo 'No tests'" travisCabalMtr :: Text travisCabalMtr = memptyIfFalse settingsCabal $ tconcatMap travisCabalMatrixItem settingsTestedVersions travisCabalMatrixItem :: GhcVer -> Text travisCabalMatrixItem (showGhcVer -> ghcV) = [text|- ghc: $ghcV|] -- Due to Stach issues with newer Cabal versions we are not supporting Travis CI for GHC <= 8.0.2 for stack travisStackMtr :: Text travisStackMtr = memptyIfFalse settingsStack $ tconcatMap travisStackMatrixItem (settingsTestedVersions \\ (defaultGHC:oldGhcs)) <> travisStackMatrixDefaultItem travisStackMatrixItem :: GhcVer -> Text travisStackMatrixItem (showGhcVer -> ghcV) = [text| $endLine - ghc: ${ghcV} env: STACK_YAML="$$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/stack-$ghcV.yaml" |] travisStackMatrixDefaultItem :: Text travisStackMatrixDefaultItem = let defGhc = showGhcVer defaultGHC in [text| $endLine - ghc: ${defGhc} env: STACK_YAML="$$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/stack.yaml" |] installAndScript :: Text installAndScript = if settingsCabal then if settingsStack then installScriptBoth else installScriptCabal else installScriptStack installScriptBoth :: Text installScriptBoth = [text| install: $hlintCheck - | if [ -z "$$STACK_YAML" ]; then ghc --version cabal --version cabal new-update cabal new-build --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks else curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh stack --version stack build --system-ghc --test --bench --no-run-tests --no-run-benchmarks --ghc-options=-Werror fi script: - | if [ -z "$$STACK_YAML" ]; then ${cabalTest} else stack test --system-ghc fi |] installScriptCabal :: Text installScriptCabal = [text| install: $hlintCheck - cabal new-update - cabal new-build --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks script: - ${cabalTest} |] installScriptStack :: Text installScriptStack = [text| install: $hlintCheck - curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh - stack --version - stack build --system-ghc --test --bench --no-run-tests --no-run-benchmarks --ghc-options=-Werror script: - stack test --system-ghc |] hlintCheck :: Text hlintCheck = [text| # HLint check - curl -sSL https://raw.github.com/ndmitchell/neil/master/misc/travis.sh | sh -s -- hlint . |] appVeyorYml :: Text appVeyorYml = if settingsCabal then appVeyorYmlCabal else appVeyorYmlStack appVeyorYmlCabal :: Text appVeyorYmlCabal = let defGhc = showGhcVer defaultGHC in [text| clone_folder: "c:\\WORK" clone_depth: 5 # Do not build feature branch with open Pull Requests skip_branch_with_pr: true platform: - x86_64 cache: - "C:\\SR" - dist-newstyle environment: global: CABOPTS: --store-dir=C:\\SR matrix: - GHCVER: $defGhc install: - choco source add -n mistuke -s https://www.myget.org/F/mistuke/api/v2 - choco install -y cabal --version - choco install -y ghc --version $defGhc - refreshenv before_build: - cabal --version - ghc --version - cabal %CABOPTS% v2-update build_script: - cabal %CABOPTS% v2-build --enable-tests - cabal %CABOPTS% v2-test --enable-tests |] -- create appveyor.yml template appVeyorYmlStack :: Text appVeyorYmlStack = [text| clone_depth: 5 # Do not build feature branch with open Pull Requests skip_branch_with_pr: true environment: STACK_ROOT: C:\sr STACK_VERSION: 2.1.1 # Workaround a gnarly bug https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5386 # See: https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2018/06/sed-a-debugging-story # TODO: check if it's fixed once we switch to lst-13 and GHC 8.6 TMP: "c:\\tmp" matrix: - STACK_YAML: stack.yaml cache: - "%STACK_ROOT% -> %STACK_YAML%, appveyor.yml" - ".stack-work -> %STACK_YAML%, appveyor.yml" install: - choco install -y haskell-stack --version %STACK_VERSION% - stack setup > nul build_script: - stack build --test --bench --no-run-tests --no-run-benchmarks test_script: - stack test |]