{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {- | Copyright: (c) 2017-2019 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Kowainik This module introduces functions for the project creation. -} module Summoner.Project ( generateProject , initializeProject , fetchSources ) where import Data.List (intersect) import NeatInterpolation (text) import Relude.Extra.Enum (universe) import Shellmet () import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory) import Summoner.Ansi (Color (Green), beautyPrint, bold, errorMessage, infoMessage, setColor, skipMessage, successMessage, warningMessage) import Summoner.Config (Config, ConfigP (..)) import Summoner.CustomPrelude (CustomPrelude (..)) import Summoner.Decision (Decision (..), decisionToBool) import Summoner.Default (currentYear, defaultDescription, defaultGHC) import Summoner.GhcVer (oldGhcs, parseGhcVer, showGhcVer) import Summoner.License (LicenseName (..), customizeLicense, fetchLicense, licenseShortDesc, parseLicenseName) import Summoner.Question (YesNoPrompt (..), checkUniqueName, choose, falseMessage, mkDefaultYesNoPrompt, query, queryDef, queryManyRepeatOnFail, queryWithPredicate, targetMessageWithText, trueMessage) import Summoner.Settings (Settings (..)) import Summoner.Source (Source, fetchSource) import Summoner.Template (createProjectTemplate) import Summoner.Text (intercalateMap, moduleNameValid, packageNameValid, packageToModule) import Summoner.Tree (TreeFs, pathToTree, showBoldTree, traverseTree) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map -- | Generate the project. generateProject :: Bool -- ^ @offline@ mode option -> Text -- ^ Given project name. -> Config -- ^ Given configurations. -> IO () generateProject isOffline projectName Config{..} = do settingsRepo <- checkUniqueName projectName -- decide cabal stack or both (settingsCabal, settingsStack) <- getCabalStack (cCabal, cStack) settingsOwner <- queryDef "Repository owner: " cOwner settingsDescription <- queryDef "Short project description: " defaultDescription settingsFullName <- queryDef "Author: " cFullName settingsEmail <- queryDef "Maintainer e-mail: " cEmail putText categoryText settingsCategories <- query "Category: " putText licenseText settingsLicenseName <- if isOffline then None <$ infoMessage "'AllRightsReserved' license is used in offline mode" else choose parseLicenseName "License: " $ ordNub (cLicense : universe) -- License creation fetchedLicense <- fetchLicense settingsLicenseName settingsYear <- currentYear let settingsLicenseText = customizeLicense settingsLicenseName fetchedLicense settingsFullName settingsYear settingsGitHub <- decisionToBool cGitHub (YesNoPrompt "GitHub integration" "Do you want to create a GitHub repository?") let settingsNoUpload = getAny cNoUpload when settingsNoUpload $ do infoMessage "'No upload' option is selected. The project won't be uploaded to GitHub." infoMessage "Use 'hub' and 'git' commands manually in order to upload the project to GitHub" settingsPrivate <- decisionIf (settingsGitHub && not settingsNoUpload) (YesNoPrompt "private repository" "Create as a private repository (Requires a GitHub private repo plan)?") cPrivate settingsTravis <- decisionIf settingsGitHub (mkDefaultYesNoPrompt "Travis CI integration") cTravis settingsAppVeyor <- decisionIf settingsGitHub (mkDefaultYesNoPrompt "AppVeyor CI integration") cAppVey settingsIsLib <- decisionToBool cLib (mkDefaultYesNoPrompt "library target") settingsIsExe <- let target = "executable target" in if settingsIsLib then decisionToBool cExe (mkDefaultYesNoPrompt target) else trueMessage target settingsTest <- decisionToBool cTest (mkDefaultYesNoPrompt "tests") settingsBench <- decisionToBool cBench (mkDefaultYesNoPrompt "benchmarks") settingsPrelude <- if settingsIsLib then getPrelude else pure Nothing let settingsBaseType = case settingsPrelude of Nothing -> "base" Just _ -> "base-noprelude" let settingsExtensions = cExtensions let settingsGhcOptions = cGhcOptions let settingsGitignore = cGitignore putTextLn $ "The project will be created with GHC-" <> showGhcVer defaultGHC settingsTestedVersions <- sortNub . (defaultGHC :) <$> case cGhcVer of [] -> do putTextLn "Additionally you can specify versions of GHC to test with (space-separated): " infoMessage $ "Supported by 'summoner' GHCs: " <> intercalateMap " " showGhcVer universe queryManyRepeatOnFail parseGhcVer vers -> do putTextLn $ "Also these GHC versions will be added: " <> intercalateMap " " showGhcVer vers pure vers -- Inform if there are old GHCs that won't be included to Travis Stack matrix let oldGhcIncluded = not $ null $ settingsTestedVersions `intersect` oldGhcs when (oldGhcIncluded && settingsStack && settingsTravis) $ warningMessage "Old GHC versions won't be included into Stack matrix at Travis CI because of the Stack issue with newer Cabal versions." let fetchLast :: Text -> Last Source -> IO (Maybe Text) fetchLast option (Last mSource) = case mSource of Nothing -> pure Nothing Just source -> do let msg = [text|The option '${option}' is deprecated. Use 'files' instead.|] warningMessage msg fetchSource isOffline source settingsStylish <- fetchLast "stylish.{url,file,link}" cStylish settingsContributing <- fetchLast "contributing.{url,file,link}" cContributing settingsFiles <- fetchSources isOffline cFiles -- Create project data from all variables in scope -- and make a project from it. initializeProject Settings{..} where decisionIf :: Bool -> YesNoPrompt -> Decision -> IO Bool decisionIf p ynPrompt decision = if p then decisionToBool decision ynPrompt else falseMessage (yesNoTarget ynPrompt) categoryText :: Text categoryText = [text| List of categories to choose from: * Control * Concurrency * Codec * Graphics * Data * Sound * Math * System * Parsing * Network * Text * Application * Development * Compilers/Interpreters * Testing * Web * Game * Utility |] licenseText :: Text licenseText = "List of licenses to choose from:\n\n" <> unlines (map showShort $ universe @LicenseName) <> "\n" where showShort :: LicenseName -> Text showShort l = " * " <> show l <> ": " <> licenseShortDesc l getPrelude :: IO (Maybe CustomPrelude) getPrelude = case cPrelude of Last Nothing -> do p <- queryWithPredicate "Custom prelude package (leave empty if no custom prelude is needed): " [] "Name can contain letters/numbers/'-'" packageNameValid if p == "" then Nothing <$ skipMessage "No custom prelude will be used in the project" else do let defModule = packageToModule p input <- queryWithPredicate "Custom prelude module: " [defModule] "Name can contain dot-separated capitalized letter/numeral fragments. Ex: This.Is.Valid1" moduleNameValid let m = if input == "" then defModule else input successMessage $ "Custom prelude " <> p <> " will be used in the project" pure $ Just $ CustomPrelude p m Last prelude@(Just (CustomPrelude p _)) -> prelude <$ successMessage ("Custom prelude " <> p <> " will be used in the project") -- get what build tool to use in the project -- If user chose only one during CLI, we assume to use only that one. getCabalStack :: (Decision, Decision) -> IO (Bool, Bool) getCabalStack = \case (Idk, Idk) -> decisionToBool cCabal (mkDefaultYesNoPrompt "cabal") >>= \c -> if c then decisionToBool cStack (mkDefaultYesNoPrompt "stack") >>= \s -> pure (c, s) else stackMsg True >> pure (False, True) (Nop, Nop) -> errorMessage "Neither cabal nor stack was chosen" >> exitFailure (Yes, Yes) -> output (True, True) (Yes, _) -> output (True, False) (_, Yes) -> output (False, True) (Nop, Idk) -> output (False, True) (Idk, Nop) -> output (True, False) where output :: (Bool, Bool) -> IO (Bool, Bool) output x@(c, s) = cabalMsg c >> stackMsg s >> pure x cabalMsg c = targetMessageWithText c "Cabal" "used in this project" stackMsg c = targetMessageWithText c "Stack" "used in this project" -- | Creates the directory and run GitHub commands. initializeProject :: Settings -> IO () initializeProject settings@Settings{..} = do createProjectDirectory settings when settingsGitHub $ doGithubCommands settings beautyPrint [bold, setColor Green] "\nJob's done\n" {- | This function fetches contents of extra file sources. -} fetchSources :: Bool -> Map FilePath Source -> IO [TreeFs] fetchSources isOffline = mapMaybeM sourceToTree . Map.toList where sourceToTree :: (FilePath, Source) -> IO (Maybe TreeFs) sourceToTree (path, source) = do infoMessage $ "Fetching content of the extra file: " <> toText path fetchSource isOffline source >>= \case Nothing -> do errorMessage $ "Error fetching: " <> toText path pure Nothing Just content -> pure $ Just $ pathToTree path content -- | From the given 'Settings' creates the project. createProjectDirectory :: Settings -> IO () createProjectDirectory settings@Settings{..} = do let tree = createProjectTemplate settings traverseTree tree successMessage "\nThe project with the following structure has been created:" putTextLn $ showBoldTree tree setCurrentDirectory (toString settingsRepo) -- | Init, commit and push repository to GitHub. doGithubCommands :: Settings -> IO () doGithubCommands Settings{..} = do -- Create git repostitory and do a commit. "git" ["init"] "git" ["add", "."] "git" ["commit", "-m", "Create the project"] unless settingsNoUpload $ do "hub" $ ["create", "-d", settingsDescription, settingsOwner <> "/" <> settingsRepo] ++ ["-p" | settingsPrivate] -- Create private repository if asked so -- Upload repository to GitHub. "git" ["push", "-u", "origin", "master"]