{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} -- | This module contains functions and data types to parse CLI inputs. module Summoner.CLI ( -- * CLI data types Command (..) , NewOpts (..) , ShowOpts (..) -- * Functions to parse CLI arguments and run @summoner@ , summon , summonCli -- * Common helper functions , getFinalConfig ) where import Data.Version (Version, showVersion) import Development.GitRev (gitCommitDate, gitDirty, gitHash) import NeatInterpolation (text) import Options.Applicative (Parser, ParserInfo, command, execParser, flag, fullDesc, help, helper, info, infoFooter, infoHeader, infoOption, long, metavar, optional, progDesc, short, strArgument, strOption, subparser, switch) import Options.Applicative.Help.Chunk (stringChunk) import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import Summoner.Ansi (blueCode, boldCode, errorMessage, infoMessage, redCode, resetCode, warningMessage) import Summoner.Config (Config, ConfigP (..), PartialConfig, defaultConfig, finalise, loadFileConfig) import Summoner.Decision (Decision (..)) import Summoner.Default (defaultConfigFile) import Summoner.GhcVer (GhcVer, showGhcVer) import Summoner.License (License (..), LicenseName (..), fetchLicense, parseLicenseName, showLicenseWithDesc) import Summoner.Project (generateProject) import Summoner.Settings (CustomPrelude (..)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Paths_summoner as Meta (version) -- | Main function that parses @CLI@ commands and runs them using given -- 'Command' handler. summon :: Version -> (Command -> IO ()) -> IO () summon version performCommand = execParser (cliParser version) >>= performCommand -- | Runs @summoner@ in CLI mode. summonCli :: IO () summonCli = summon Meta.version runCliCommand -- | Run 'summoner' with @CLI@ command runCliCommand :: Command -> IO () runCliCommand = \case New opts -> runNew opts ShowInfo opts -> runShow opts {- | Runs @show@ command. @ Usage: summon show COMMAND Show supported licenses or ghc versions Available commands: ghc Show available ghc versions license Show available licenses license [LICENSE_NAME] Show specific license text @ -} runShow :: ShowOpts -> IO () runShow = \case -- show list of all available GHC versions GhcList -> showBulletList @GhcVer showGhcVer (reverse universe) -- show a list of all available licenses LicenseList Nothing -> showBulletList @LicenseName showLicenseWithDesc universe -- show a specific license LicenseList (Just name) -> case parseLicenseName (toText name) of Nothing -> do errorMessage "This wasn't a valid choice." infoMessage "Here is the list of supported licenses:" showBulletList @LicenseName show universe -- get and show a license`s text Just licenseName -> do fetchedLicense <- fetchLicense licenseName putTextLn $ unLicense fetchedLicense where showBulletList :: (a -> Text) -> [a] -> IO () showBulletList showT = mapM_ (infoMessage . T.append "➤ " . showT) {- | Runs @new@ command. @ Usage: summon new PROJECT_NAME [--ignore-config] [--no-upload] [--offline] [-f|--file FILENAME] [--cabal] [--stack] [--prelude-package PACKAGE_NAME] [--prelude-module MODULE_NAME] [with [OPTIONS]] [without [OPTIONS]] @ -} runNew :: NewOpts -> IO () runNew newOpts@NewOpts{..} = do -- get the final config finalConfig <- getFinalConfig newOpts -- Generate the project. generateProject newOptsNoUpload newOptsOffline newOptsProjectName finalConfig -- | By the given 'NewOpts' return the final configurations. getFinalConfig :: NewOpts -> IO Config getFinalConfig NewOpts{..} = do -- read config from file fileConfig <- readFileConfig newOptsIgnoreFile newOptsConfigFile -- union all possible configs let unionConfig = defaultConfig <> fileConfig <> newOptsCliConfig -- get the final config case finalise unionConfig of Success c -> pure c Failure msgs -> for_ msgs errorMessage >> exitFailure -- | Reads and parses the given config file. If no file is provided the default -- configuration returned. readFileConfig :: Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> IO PartialConfig readFileConfig ignoreFile maybeFile = if ignoreFile then pure mempty else do (isDefault, file) <- case maybeFile of Nothing -> (True,) <$> defaultConfigFile Just x -> pure (False, x) isFile <- doesFileExist file if isFile then do infoMessage $ "Configurations from " <> toText file <> " will be used." loadFileConfig file else if isDefault then do fp <- toText <$> defaultConfigFile warningMessage $ "Default config " <> fp <> " file is missing." pure mempty else do errorMessage $ "Specified configuration file " <> toText file <> " is not found." exitFailure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command data types ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Represent all available commands data Command -- | @new@ command creates a new project = New NewOpts -- | @show@ command shows supported licenses or GHC versions | ShowInfo ShowOpts -- | Options parsed with @new@ command data NewOpts = NewOpts { newOptsProjectName :: Text -- ^ project name , newOptsIgnoreFile :: Bool -- ^ ignore all config files if 'True' , newOptsNoUpload :: Bool -- ^ don't upload to github , newOptsOffline :: Bool -- ^ Offline mode , newOptsConfigFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ file with custom configuration , newOptsCliConfig :: PartialConfig -- ^ config gathered during CLI } -- | Commands parsed with @show@ command data ShowOpts = GhcList | LicenseList (Maybe String) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Main parser of the app. cliParser :: Version -> ParserInfo Command cliParser version = modifyHeader $ modifyFooter $ info ( helper <*> versionP version <*> summonerP ) $ fullDesc <> progDesc "Set up your own Haskell project" versionP :: Version -> Parser (a -> a) versionP version = infoOption (summonerVersion version) $ long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Show summoner's version" summonerVersion :: Version -> String summonerVersion version = toString $ intercalate "\n" $ [sVersion, sHash, sDate] ++ [sDirty | $(gitDirty)] where sVersion = blueCode <> boldCode <> "Summoner " <> "v" <> showVersion version <> resetCode sHash = " ➤ " <> blueCode <> boldCode <> "Git revision: " <> resetCode <> $(gitHash) sDate = " ➤ " <> blueCode <> boldCode <> "Commit date: " <> resetCode <> $(gitCommitDate) sDirty = redCode <> "There are non-committed files." <> resetCode -- All possible commands. summonerP :: Parser Command summonerP = subparser $ command "new" (info (helper <*> newP) $ progDesc "Create a new Haskell project") <> command "show" (info (helper <*> showP) $ progDesc "Show supported licenses or ghc versions") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Show command parsers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parses options of the @show@ command. showP :: Parser Command showP = ShowInfo <$> subparser ( command "ghc" (info (helper <*> pure GhcList) $ progDesc "Show supported ghc versions") <> command "license" (info (helper <*> licenseText) $ progDesc "Show supported licenses") ) licenseText :: Parser ShowOpts licenseText = LicenseList <$> optional (strArgument (metavar "LICENSE_NAME" <> help "Show specific license text")) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New command parsers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parses options of the @new@ command. newP :: Parser Command newP = do newOptsProjectName <- strArgument (metavar "PROJECT_NAME") newOptsIgnoreFile <- ignoreFileP newOptsNoUpload <- noUploadP newOptsOffline <- offlineP newOptsConfigFile <- optional fileP cabal <- cabalP stack <- stackP preludePack <- optional preludePackP preludeMod <- optional preludeModP with <- optional withP without <- optional withoutP pure $ New $ NewOpts { newOptsNoUpload = newOptsNoUpload || newOptsOffline , newOptsCliConfig = (maybeToMonoid $ with <> without) { cPrelude = Last $ CustomPrelude <$> preludePack <*> preludeMod , cCabal = cabal , cStack = stack } , .. } targetsP :: Decision -> Parser PartialConfig targetsP d = do cGitHub <- githubP d cTravis <- travisP d cAppVey <- appVeyorP d cPrivate <- privateP d cLib <- libraryP d cExe <- execP d cTest <- testP d cBench <- benchmarkP d pure mempty { cGitHub = cGitHub , cTravis = cTravis , cAppVey = cAppVey , cPrivate= cPrivate , cLib = cLib , cExe = cExe , cTest = cTest , cBench = cBench } githubP :: Decision -> Parser Decision githubP d = flag Idk d $ long "github" <> short 'g' <> help "GitHub integration" travisP :: Decision -> Parser Decision travisP d = flag Idk d $ long "travis" <> short 'c' <> help "Travis CI integration" appVeyorP :: Decision -> Parser Decision appVeyorP d = flag Idk d $ long "app-veyor" <> short 'w' <> help "AppVeyor CI integration" privateP :: Decision -> Parser Decision privateP d = flag Idk d $ long "private" <> short 'p' <> help "Private repository" libraryP :: Decision -> Parser Decision libraryP d = flag Idk d $ long "library" <> short 'l' <> help "Library folder" execP :: Decision -> Parser Decision execP d = flag Idk d $ long "exec" <> short 'e' <> help "Executable target" testP :: Decision -> Parser Decision testP d = flag Idk d $ long "test" <> short 't' <> help "Test target" benchmarkP :: Decision -> Parser Decision benchmarkP d = flag Idk d $ long "benchmark" <> short 'b' <> help "Benchmarks" withP :: Parser PartialConfig withP = subparser $ mconcat [ metavar "with [OPTIONS]" , command "with" $ info (helper <*> targetsP Yes) (progDesc "Specify options to enable") ] withoutP :: Parser PartialConfig withoutP = subparser $ mconcat [ metavar "without [OPTIONS]" , command "without" $ info (helper <*> targetsP Nop) (progDesc "Specify options to disable") ] ignoreFileP :: Parser Bool ignoreFileP = switch $ long "ignore-config" <> help "Ignore configuration file" noUploadP :: Parser Bool noUploadP = switch $ long "no-upload" <> help "Do not upload to GitHub. Special case of the '--offline' flag." offlineP :: Parser Bool offlineP = switch $ long "offline" <> help "Offline mode: create project with 'All Rights Reserved' license and without uploading to GitHub." fileP :: Parser FilePath fileP = strOption $ long "file" <> short 'f' <> metavar "FILENAME" <> help "Path to the toml file with configurations. If not specified '~/.summoner.toml' will be used if present" preludePackP :: Parser Text preludePackP = strOption $ long "prelude-package" <> metavar "PACKAGE_NAME" <> help "Name for the package of the custom prelude to use in the project" preludeModP :: Parser Text preludeModP = strOption $ long "prelude-module" <> metavar "MODULE_NAME" <> help "Name for the module of the custom prelude to use in the project" cabalP :: Parser Decision cabalP = flag Idk Yes $ long "cabal" <> help "Cabal support for the project" stackP :: Parser Decision stackP = flag Idk Yes $ long "stack" <> help "Stack support for the project" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Beauty util ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- to put custom header which doesn't cut all spaces modifyHeader :: ParserInfo a -> ParserInfo a modifyHeader p = p {infoHeader = stringChunk $ toString artHeader} -- to put custom footer which doesn't cut all spaces modifyFooter :: ParserInfo a -> ParserInfo a modifyFooter p = p {infoFooter = stringChunk $ toString artFooter} artHeader :: Text artHeader = [text| $endLine ___ ╱ . ╲ │╲_/│ │ │ │ ╱│ ___________________________________________________-' │ ╱ │ ╱ .-. │ │ ╱ ╲ │ │ │\_. │ Summoner — tool for creating Haskell projects │ │\│ │ ╱│ │ │ `-_-' │ ╱ │ │_____________________________________________╱ │ │ ╲ ╱ `-_-' |] artFooter :: Text artFooter = [text| $endLine , * + + o * ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ * @ ╭─╮ . ________┃ ┃_______ ╱| . │λ│ @ ' ╲ ┃ λ Haskell's summon scroll λ ┃ ╱ _╱ ╰─ ╰╥╯ O ╲ ┃ ┃ ╱ .─╲"╱. * ║ + ╱ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ╲ ╱ ( ) ╲_ ║ ╱__________) (_________╲ ╲ ╲(')╲__(╱ ╱╱`)╱ `╮ ║ `╲. ╱╱ ( │ ║ ╲.╲╱ │ ║ `╰══════════╯ $endLine |]