{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ImplicitParams, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, RecordWildCards, TupleSections, TypeSynonymInstances #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Module: System.Console.StructuredCLI Description: Application library for building interactive console CLIs Copyright: (c) Erick Gonzalez, 2017-2018 License: BSD3 Maintainer: erick@codemonkeylabs.de This module provides the tools to build a complete "structured" CLI application, similar to those found in systems like Cisco IOS or console configuration utilities etc. It aims to be easy for implementors to use. -} module System.Console.StructuredCLI ( -- * How to use this module: -- | -- It is often the case that a simple example is the best user guide, at least for the -- experienced programmer. The following code illustrates a basic but functioning CLI application -- -- @ -- module Main where -- -- import Control.Monad (void) -- import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) -- import Data.Default (def) -- import System.Console.StructuredCLI -- -- root :: Commands () -- root = do -- world >+ do -- hello -- bye -- command "exit" "return to previous level" exit -- -- world :: Commands () -- world = command "world" "enter into the world" $ return NewLevel -- -- hello :: Commands () -- hello = command "hello" "prints a greeting" $ do -- liftIO . putStrLn $ "Hello world!" -- return NoAction -- -- bye :: Commands () -- bye = command "bye" "say goodbye" $ do -- liftIO . putStrLn $ "Sayonara!" -- return NoAction -- -- main :: IO () -- main = void $ runCLI "Hello CLI" def root -- @ -- -- resulting example CLI session: -- -- >>> Hello CLI > ? -- - world: enter into the world -- -- >>> Hello CLI > world -- >>> Hello CLI world > ? -- - exit: return to previous level -- - bye: say goodbye -- - hello: prints a greeting -- -- >>> Hello CLI world > hello -- Hello world! -- >>> Hello CLI world > bye -- Sayonara! -- >>> Hello CLI world > exit -- >>> Hello CLI > -- -- A good way to get you started is to grab the example code available under and modify it to suit your needs. Action(..), CLIException(..), Commands, CommandsT(..), Handler, Node, Parser, ParseResult(..), Settings(..), Validator, (>+), command, command', custom, exit, isCompleted, isIncomplete, isNoResult, isFailed, labelParser, newLevel, noAction, param, param', paramParser, parseOneOf, runCLI, top) where import Control.Applicative (liftA2) import Control.Monad (replicateM_, void, when) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask) import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), catchError, runExceptT, throwError) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans, lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, evalStateT, get, gets, modify, put) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Default (Default, def) import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf, sort) import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as HL #ifdef __DEBUG__ import Debug.Trace debugM :: (Applicative f) => String -> f () debugM = traceM #else debugM :: (Applicative f) => String -> f () debugM _ = pure () #endif data State m = State { stack :: [ Level m ] } type Level m = ( String, Node m ) type StateM m = StateT (State m) m type Handler m a = a -> m Action -- | An 'Action' is returned as the result of a command handler provided by the user and -- it instructs the CLI of any changes in the CLI state data Action -- | The command executed is "entered" into, creating a new CLI level. = NewLevel -- | Do not enter a new level. | NoAction -- | Reset the CLI state up to a given number of levels. | LevelUp Int -- | Go back up all the way to the top (root) of the CLI. | ToRoot deriving (Show) -- | The 'Node' type contains the internal representation of a command. Normally there is no -- need to be concerned with it other than perhaps passing it opaquely to any utility parsers -- (like 'labelParser' for example), when writing a custom parser data Node m = forall a . Node { getLabel :: String, getHint :: String, getBranches :: [Node m], runParser :: Parser m a, isEnabled :: m Bool, handle :: Handler m a } type Parser m a = Node m -> String -> m (ParseResult a) -- | A 'Validator' is a function to which a parsed string is given in order to perform -- any checks for validity that may be applicable, or even transforming the argument if -- necessary. Note that the validator runs in the "user" monad type Validator m a = String -> m (Maybe a) type ExceptionHandler m = CLIException -> m (Either CLIException ()) -- | There is no need to concern oneself with the 'ParseResult' type unless one is writing -- a custom parser, which should actually be rarer than not. data ParseResult a = Done { -- | Output (parsed) value to be fed to the command action handler getOutput :: a, -- | Part of the string matched during parsing of a command getDoneMatched :: String, -- | Remaining input data getDoneRemaining :: String } | Partial { -- | List of possible completions along with a corresponding help string getPartialHints :: [(String, String)], -- | Remaining input data getPartialRemaining :: String } | Fail { -- | A message string containing a possible hint for correct useage getFailMessage :: String, -- | Remaining input data getFailRemaining :: String } -- | Parsing provided input doesnt match this command. The difference between 'Fail' and -- 'NoMatch' is a fine but important one. Failure should be used for example when a command -- keyword is correct but a required parameter is invalid or contains an error for example. -- A 'NoMatch' should be exclusively used when a command keyword does not correspond to the -- given input | NoMatch deriving Show data Settings m -- | CLI Settings provided upon launching the CLI. It is recommended to modify -- the settings provided by the 'Default' instance: i.e: -- @ -- def { getBanner = "My CLI" } -- @ -- that way you can use for example the default exception handler which should suit -- usual needs, etc. = Settings { -- | An optional filename to activate and store the CLI command history function getHistory :: Maybe FilePath, -- | Text to display upon start of the CLI application getBanner :: String, -- | Prompt characters to display to the right of the current command "stack" getPrompt :: m String, -- | Disable prompt for use with batch scripts isBatch :: Bool, -- | Exception handler handleException :: ExceptionHandler m } data CLIException = Exit | InternalError String | SyntaxError String String | UndecisiveInput String [String] | HelpRequested [(String, String)] | InvalidOperation String deriving Show -- | The 'CommandsT' transformer monad is the key to building a CLI tree. It is meant to -- be used as a transformer wrapping an application specific "user" monad (for example, a 'State' -- monad encapsulating application state). This monad is executed _once_ upon calling 'runCLI' -- to build the command tree. Keep in mind however that any parsers or actions used in -- any given command all run in the "user" monad and unlike the process of building the command -- tree, they will be called multiple times as the user navigates the CLI at runtime. -- Each 'CommandsT' monadic action corresponds to a single "node" (a.k.a. command) in the CLI. -- Succesive actions simply add commands to the current "level". It is possible to "nest" -- a new level to a command by using the '(>+)' operator. When properly indented (see example code -- above) it provides a pretty self explanatory way to build the CLI tree. newtype CommandsT m a = CommandsT { runCommandsT :: m (a, [Node m]) } -- | An alias type for the case where CommandsT wraps IO only (i.e. no state, etc) type Commands = CommandsT IO instance (Functor f) => Functor (CommandsT f) where fmap f = CommandsT . fmap (\(a, w) -> (f a, w)) . runCommandsT instance (Applicative a) => Applicative (CommandsT a) where pure = CommandsT . pure . (, mempty) x <*> y = CommandsT $ liftA2 f (runCommandsT x) (runCommandsT y) where f (a, v) (b, w) = (a b, v <> w) instance (Monad m) => Monad (CommandsT m) where return = pure m >>= f = CommandsT $ do (a, v) <- runCommandsT m (b, w) <- runCommandsT $ f a return $ (b, v <> w) instance MonadTrans CommandsT where lift m = CommandsT $ do a <- m return (a, mempty) instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (CommandsT m) where liftIO = lift . liftIO instance (MonadIO m) => Default (Settings m) where def = Settings Nothing "" (return " > ") False defExceptionHandler instance (Monad m) => Default (Parser m String) where def = labelParser instance (Monad m) => Default (Validator m String) where def = return . pure type ParserT m = ExceptT CLIException (HL.InputT (StateM m)) liftStateM :: (Monad m) => StateM m a -> ParserT m a liftStateM = lift . lift liftInputT :: (Monad m) => HL.InputT (StateM m) a -> ParserT m a liftInputT = lift liftUserM :: (Monad m) => m a -> ParserT m a liftUserM = lift . lift . lift execCommandsT :: (Monad m) => CommandsT m a -> m [Node m] execCommandsT = fmap snd . runCommandsT data SearchResult m = Completed { completedNode :: Node m, completedAction :: m Action, completedMatched :: String, completedRemaining :: String } | Incomplete { incompleteNode :: Node m, incompleteHints :: [(String, String)] } | Failed { failedNode :: Node m, failedMsg :: String, failedRemaining :: String } | NoResult isCompleted :: (Monad m) => SearchResult m -> Bool isCompleted Completed{..} = True isCompleted _ = False isIncomplete :: (Monad m) => SearchResult m -> Bool isIncomplete Incomplete{..} = True isIncomplete _ = False isNoResult :: (Monad m) => SearchResult m -> Bool isNoResult NoResult = True isNoResult _ = False isFailed :: (Monad m) => SearchResult m -> Bool isFailed Failed{..} = True isFailed _ = False -- | the CommandsT "nest" operation. It adds a new deeper CLI level to the command on the left -- side with the commands on the right side, for example: -- @ -- activate >+ do -- foo -- bar -- baz -- @ -- Would result in the following CLI command structure: -- -- >>> > activate -- >>> activate > ? -- >>> - foo .. -- >>> - bar .. -- >>> - baz .. (>+) :: (Monad m) => CommandsT m () -> CommandsT m () -> CommandsT m () node >+ descendents = do node' <- lift $ execCommandsT node case node' of [] -> error $ "Cannot branch off empty command" _:_:_ -> error $ "Cannot branch off more than one command" [predecessor] -> CommandsT $ do ns <- execCommandsT descendents return ((), [predecessor { getBranches = ns }]) -- | Build a command node that is always active and takes no parameters command :: (Monad m) => String -- ^ Command keyword -> String -- ^ Help text for this command -> m Action -- ^ Action in the "user" monad (i.e. @return NewLevel@) -> CommandsT m () command label hint action = do command' label hint (return True) action -- | A variation of 'command' that allows for "disabling" the command at runtime by -- running the given "enable" monadic action (as always in the "user" monad) to check -- if the command should be displayed as an option and/or accepted or not. command' :: (Monad m) => String -- ^ Command keyword -> String -- ^ Help text for this command -> m Bool -- ^ Enable action in the "user" monad -> m Action -- ^ Action in the "user" monad (i.e. @return NewLevel@) -> CommandsT m () command' label hint enable action = do custom label hint labelParser enable $ const action -- | Build a command node that takes one parameter (delimited by space). The parsed parameter -- is fed to the validator monadic function (in the "user" monad) and the resulting value -- if any is fed in turn as an argument to the handler action (also in the "user" monad). param :: (Monad m) => String -- ^ Command keyword -> String -- ^ Help text for this command (including argument description) -> Validator m a -- ^ Monadic validator (in the "user" monad) -> Handler m a -- ^ Handling action. Takes the validator output as argument -> CommandsT m () param label hint validator handler = param' label hint validator (return True) handler -- | A variation of 'param' that allows for "disabling" the command at runtime by -- running the given "enable" monadic action (as always in the "user" monad) to check -- if the command should be displayed as an option and/or accepted or not. param' :: (Monad m) => String -- ^ Command keyword -> String -- ^ Help text for this command (including argument description) -> Validator m a -- ^ Monadic validator (in the "user" monad) -> m Bool -- ^ Enable action in the "user" monad -> Handler m a -- ^ Handling action. Takes the validator output as argument -> CommandsT m () param' label hint validator enable handler = do custom label hint parser enable handler where parser = paramParser hint validator -- | Create a command using a custom parser, providing thus complete flexibility custom :: (Monad m) => String -- ^ Command keyword -> String -- ^ Help text for this command -> Parser m a -- ^ Custom parser (runs in the "user" monad) -> m Bool -- ^ Enable action in the "user" monad -> Handler m a -- ^ Handling action. Takes the validator output as argument -> CommandsT m () custom label hint parser enable handler = do let node = Node { getLabel = label, getHint = hint, getBranches = [], runParser = parser, isEnabled = enable, handle = handler } CommandsT . return $ ((), [node]) -- | A utility action to reset the CLI tree to the root node . Equivalent to @return ToRoot@ top :: (Monad m) => m Action top = return ToRoot -- | A utility action to "leave" the current CLI level. Equivalent to @return $ LevelUp 1@ exit :: (Monad m) => m Action exit = return $ LevelUp 1 -- | A utility action to "nest" into a new CLI level. Equivalent to @return NewLevel@ newLevel :: (Monad m) => m Action newLevel = return NewLevel -- | A utility action to leave the current CLI level untouched. Equivalent to @return NoAction@ noAction :: (Monad m) => m Action noAction = return NoAction -- | A utility parser that reads an input and parses a command label. It can be used as part of -- custom parsers to first read the command keyword before parsing any arguments etc. labelParser :: (Monad m) => Node m -> String -> m (ParseResult String) labelParser Node{..} input = do case nextWord input of ("?", remaining) -> return $ Fail getHint remaining (word, remaining) | word == getLabel -> return $ Done "" word remaining (word, remaining) | word `isPrefixOf` getLabel -> return $ Partial [(getLabel, getHint)] remaining (_, _) -> return $ NoMatch infixr 9 -.- (-.-) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> a1 -> b) -> a -> a1 -> c (-.-) = (.).(.) -- | A utility parser that reads an input and parses any of the provided possibilities -- as a parameter for the command node using this parser (see provided example.hs) parseOneOf :: (Monad m) => [String] -> String-> Node m -> String -> m (ParseResult String) parseOneOf possibilities hint = parseOneOf' -.- labelParser where parseOneOf' = (=<<) parseOneOf'' parseOneOf'' :: (Monad m) => ParseResult String -> m (ParseResult String) parseOneOf'' (Done _ _ rest) = case nextWord rest of ("?", _) -> return $ Fail hint rest ("", remaining) -> return $ Partial (zip possibilities $ repeat "") remaining (word, _) -> do results <- mapM (parseOne word) (zip possibilities $ repeat "") case filter isDone results of (Done _ matched remaining:_) -> return $ Done matched matched remaining _ -> case filter isPartial results of [] -> case results of (result':_) -> return result' _ -> return NoMatch partials -> return $ foldl merge (Partial [] "") partials parseOneOf'' (Fail hint' rest) = return $ Fail hint' rest parseOneOf'' (Partial xs rest) = return $ Partial xs rest parseOneOf'' NoMatch = return NoMatch merge (Partial ps _) (Partial ps' rest') = Partial (ps ++ ps') rest' merge _ _ = error "Internal inconsistency merging partial results from parseOneOf" isDone (Done _ _ _) = True isDone _ = False isPartial (Partial _ _) = True isPartial _ = False parseOne input (str, hint') = labelParser Node { getLabel = str, getHint = hint', getBranches = [], isEnabled = return True, runParser = error "dummy parser", handle = const $ return NoAction } input paramParser :: Monad m => String -> (String -> m (Maybe a)) -> Node m -> String -> m (ParseResult a) paramParser hint validator = parseParam -.- labelParser where parseParam = (=<<) parseParam' parseParam' (Done _ matched rest) = case nextWord rest of ("?", _) -> return $ Fail hint rest ("", remaining) -> return $ Partial [("", hint)] remaining (word, remaining) -> do v <- validator word return $ maybe (badArg rest) (\x -> Done x (matched ++ ' ':word) remaining) v parseParam' (Fail x y) = return $ Fail x y parseParam' (Partial x y) = return $ Partial x y parseParam' NoMatch = return NoMatch badArg = Fail hint nextWord :: String -> (String, String) nextWord = span (not.isSpace) . dropWhile isSpace hLineSettingsFrom :: (MonadIO m) => Settings m -> HL.Settings (StateM m) hLineSettingsFrom Settings{..} = HL.setComplete explorer HL.defaultSettings { HL.historyFile = getHistory } -- | Launches the CLI application. It doesn't normally return unless an exception is thrown -- or if it runs out of input in batch mode. Normal return value is that returned by the CommandsT -- action that built the tree. Remember that 'Settings' is an instance of 'Default' runCLI :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, HL.MonadException m) => String -> Settings m -> CommandsT m a -> m (Either CLIException a) runCLI name settings@Settings{..} commands = do (value, root) <- runCommandsT commands when (not isBatch) $ liftIO . putStrLn $ getBanner let ?settings = settings withStateM root . HL.runInputT hLineSettings . runExceptT $ do loop return value where hLineSettings = hLineSettingsFrom settings withStateM root = flip evalStateT $ state0 root processInput = do let ?settings = settings state <- liftStateM get runLevel `catchError` \e -> do liftStateM $ put state throwError e processInput dummyParser _ = \_ input -> return $ Partial [] input state0 root = State [(name, mkNode root)] mkNode root = Node { getLabel = name, getHint = mempty, getBranches = root, runParser = dummyParser root, isEnabled = return True, handle = const . return $ NewLevel } loop = do void . catchError processInput $ \e -> do exceptionResult <- liftUserM $ handleException e either throwError return exceptionResult loop defExceptionHandler :: (MonadIO m) => CLIException -> m (Either CLIException ()) defExceptionHandler (SyntaxError str msg) = do fmap Right . liftIO . putStrLn $ "SyntaxError at or around " ++ str ++ ": " ++ msg ++ "\n" defExceptionHandler (HelpRequested hints) = fmap Right . liftIO $ do mapM_ display $ hints putStrLn "" where display (label, hint) = putStrLn $ "- " ++ label ++ ": " ++ hint defExceptionHandler e = return . Left $ e runLevel :: (?settings::Settings m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m, HL.MonadException m) => ParserT m () runLevel = do prompt <- liftUserM . buildPrompt =<< withLabels stack0 <- getStack result <- runMaybeT $ do line <- MaybeT . liftInputT $ HL.getInputLine prompt when (isBatch ?settings) $ printInput line process line case result of Nothing -> if isBatch ?settings then throwError Exit else restore stack0 _ -> return () where buildPrompt ns = (showStack ns ++) <$> getPrompt ?settings withLabels = fmap fst <$> getStack restore stack = liftStateM . modify $ \s -> s { stack = stack } showStack = intercalate " " . reverse printInput = lift . liftInputT . HL.outputStrLn getStack :: (Monad m) => ParserT m [Level m] getStack = liftStateM $ gets stack process :: (Monad m) => String -> MaybeT (ParserT m) () process input = lift $ do stack0 <- getStack node <- getCurrentNode action <- process' input node NewLevel -- I believe it shouldn't actually matter since it will -- simply be overriden by the last action result but -- NewLevel als default action is correct in term of the -- expected behaviour when parsing a command. We keep -- nesting until done.. case action of NewLevel -> return () LevelUp n -> levelUp n stack0 NoAction -> levelUp 0 stack0 ToRoot -> levelUp (-maxBound) stack0 where levelUp levels stack0 = do stack <- getStack let depth = length stack depth0 = length stack0 depth' = max 1 $ depth0 - levels -- there must always be at least a root node to = depth - depth' replicateM_ to pop process' :: (Monad m) => String -> Node m -> Action -> ParserT m Action process' "" _ action = return action process' (' ':remaining) node action = process' remaining node action process' input currentNode _ = do debugM $ "processing " ++ show input ++ " on " ++ getLabel currentNode result <- liftStateM $ findNext currentNode input case filter isCompleted result of (Completed{ completedNode=node@Node{..}, ..}:_) -> do push completedMatched node action <- liftUserM completedAction process' completedRemaining node action _ -> if checkForHelp . dropWhile isSpace $ reverse input then do let hints = foldl getHelp [] result debugM $ "help requested: " ++ show hints throwError . HelpRequested $ hints else case filter isFailed result of Failed{..}:_ -> throwError . SyntaxError input $ failedMsg _ -> case filter isIncomplete result of Incomplete{..}:_ -> throwError . SyntaxError input . snd . head $ incompleteHints _ -> throwError . SyntaxError input $ "" where checkForHelp ('?':_) = True checkForHelp _ = False getHelp acc Failed{..} = (getLabel failedNode, failedMsg):acc getHelp acc Incomplete{..} = incompleteHints ++ acc getHelp acc Completed{..} = help completedNode : acc getHelp acc _ = acc help :: (Monad m) => Node m -> (String , String) help Node{..} = (getLabel, getHint) push :: (Monad m) => String -> Node m -> ParserT m () push label node = liftStateM . modify $ \s@State{..} -> s { stack = (label, node) : stack } pop :: (Monad m) => ParserT m () pop = do stack <- liftStateM $ gets stack case stack of (_:remaining) -> liftStateM $ modify $ \s -> s { stack = remaining } [] -> throwError . InvalidOperation $ "Invalid attempt to pop element from empty command stack" getCurrentNode :: (Monad m) => ParserT m (Node m) getCurrentNode = do stack <- liftStateM $ gets stack case stack of ((_, node):_) -> return node [] -> throwError . InternalError $ "Empty command stack" findNext :: (Monad m) => Node m -> String -> StateM m [SearchResult m] findNext root input = do filter (not . isNoResult) <$> mapM matching branches where matching node@Node{..} = do enabled <- lift isEnabled if enabled then do result <- lift $ runParser node input case result of Done output matched rest -> return Completed { completedNode = node, completedAction = handle output, completedMatched = matched, completedRemaining = rest } Fail msg rest -> return Failed { failedNode = node, failedMsg = msg, failedRemaining = rest } Partial hints _ -> return Incomplete { incompleteNode = node, incompleteHints = hints } NoMatch -> return NoResult else return NoResult branches = getBranches root explorer :: (Monad m) => HL.CompletionFunc (StateM m) explorer input@(tfel, _) = do currentLevel <- gets stack possibilities <- case currentLevel of (_, currentNode):_ -> sort <$> getPossibilities currentNode left _ -> return [] let complete = HL.completeWord Nothing " " $ \str -> return $ map HL.simpleCompletion $ filter (str `isPrefixOf`) possibilities complete input where left = reverse tfel getPossibilities :: (Monad m) => Node m -> String -> StateM m [String] getPossibilities root input = do results <- findNext root input case filter isCompleted results of (_:_:_) -> return [] Completed{..}:[] -> getPossibilities completedNode completedRemaining _ -> return $ fst <$> foldl getPossibilities' [] results where getPossibilities' acc Incomplete{..} = filter notEmpty incompleteHints ++ acc getPossibilities' acc _ = acc notEmpty ("", _) = False notEmpty (_, _) = True