# [Strive][] Strive is a Haskell client for the [Strava V3 API][]. [![Version][]](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/strive) [![Build][]](https://travis-ci.org/tfausak/strive) [![Dependencies][]](http://packdeps.haskellers.com/feed?needle=strive) --- - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [Request access](#request-access) - [Token exchange](#token-exchange) - [Deauthorization](#deauthorization) - [Athletes](#athletes) - [Retrieve current athlete](#retrieve-current-athlete) - [Retrieve another athlete](#retrieve-another-athlete) - [Update current athlete](#update-current-athlete) - [Totals and stats](#totals-and-stats) - [List athlete K/QOMs/CRs](#list-athlete-kqomscrs) - [Friends and followers](#friends-and-followers) - [List athlete friends](#list-athlete-friends) - [List athlete followers](#list-athlete-followers) - [List both following](#list-both-following) - [Activities](#activities) - [Create an activity](#create-an-activity) - [Retrieve an activity](#retrieve-an-activity) - [Update an activity](#update-an-activity) - [Delete an activity](#delete-an-activity) - [List athlete activities](#list-athlete-activities) - [List related activities](#list-related-activities) - [List friends' activities](#list-friends-activities) - [List activity zones](#list-activity-zones) - [List activity laps](#list-activity-laps) - [Comments](#comments) - [List activity comments](#list-activity-comments) - [Kudos](#kudos) - [List activity kudoers](#list-activity-kudoers) - [Photos](#photos) - [List activity photos](#list-activity-photos) - [Clubs](#clubs) - [Retrieve a club](#retrieve-a-club) - [List athlete clubs](#list-athlete-clubs) - [List club members](#list-club-members) - [List club activities](#list-club-activities) - [Join a club](#join-a-club) - [Leave a club](#leave-a-club) - [Gear](#gear) - [Retrieve gear](#retrieve-gear) - [Segments](#segments) - [Retrieve a segment](#retrieve-a-segment) - [List starred segments](#list-starred-segments) - [List efforts](#list-efforts) - [Segment leaderboard](#segment-leaderboard) - [Segment explorer](#segment-explorer) - [Segment efforts](#segment-efforts) - [Retrieve a segment effort](#retrieve-a-segment-effort) - [Streams](#streams) - [Retrieve activity streams](#retrieve-activity-streams) - [Retrieve effort streams](#retrieve-effort-streams) - [Retrieve segment streams](#retrieve-segment-streams) - [Uploads](#uploads) - [Upload an activity](#upload-an-activity) - [Check upload status](#check-upload-status) ## Installation Add it to your Cabal file: ~~~ build-depends: strive ==2.0.* ~~~ Or install it manually: ~~~ {.sh} $ cabal update $ cabal install 'strive ==2.0.*' ~~~ Strive uses [Semantic Versioning][]. See [the change log][] for a detailed list of changes. ## Usage To use the API, you'll need an access token. Once you have that, create a new client using the default HTTP manager. ~~~ {.haskell .ignore} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Strive let token = "..." client <- buildClient (Just token) ~~~ Most types implement lenses for their fields. Lenses are preferred over directly accessing the fields. For instance, instead of doing this: ~~~ {.haskell .ignore} client_accessToken (client { client_accessToken = "record token" }) -- "record token" ~~~ Do this: ~~~ {.haskell .ignore} get accessToken (set accessToken "lens token" client) -- "lens token" ~~~ ### [Authentication](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/oauth/) #### [Request access](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/oauth/#get-authorize) ~~~ {.haskell} let authorizeUrl = buildAuthorizeUrl 1790 "http://localhost" $ with [ set approvalPrompt False , set privateScope True , set writeScope True , set state "..." ] print (authorizeUrl :: String) ~~~ #### [Token exchange](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/oauth/#post-token) ~~~ {.haskell} tokenExchangeResponse <- exchangeToken 1790 "secret" "code" print (tokenExchangeResponse :: Result TokenExchangeResponse) ~~~ #### [Deauthorization](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/oauth/#deauthorize) ~~~ {.haskell} deauthorizationResponse <- deauthorize client print (deauthorizationResponse :: Result DeauthorizationResponse) ~~~ ### [Athletes](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/athlete/) #### [Retrieve current athlete](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/athlete/#get-details) ~~~ {.haskell} currentAthlete <- getCurrentAthlete client print (currentAthlete :: Result AthleteDetailed) ~~~ #### [Retrieve another athlete](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/athlete/#get-another-details) ~~~ {.haskell} anotherAthlete <- getAthlete client 65516 print (anotherAthlete :: Result AthleteSummary) ~~~ #### [Update current athlete](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/athlete/#update) ~~~ {.haskell} updatedAthlete <- updateCurrentAthlete client $ with [ set city (Just "Dallas") , set state (Just "Texas") , set country (Just "United States") , set sex (Just Male) , set weight (Just 72.57) ] print (updatedAthlete :: Result AthleteDetailed) ~~~ #### [Totals and stats](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/athlete/#stats) ~~~ {.haskell} athleteStats <- getAthleteStats client 65516 print (athleteStats :: Result AthleteStats) ~~~ #### [List athlete K/QOMs/CRs](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/athlete/#koms) ~~~ {.haskell} athleteCrs <- getAthleteCrs client 65516 $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (athleteCrs :: Result [EffortDetailed]) ~~~ ### [Friends and followers](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/follow/) #### [List athlete friends](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/follow/#friends) ~~~ {.haskell} currentFriends <- getCurrentFriends client $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (currentFriends :: Result [AthleteSummary]) ~~~ ~~~ {.haskell} friends <- getFriends client 65516 $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (friends :: Result [AthleteSummary]) ~~~ #### [List athlete followers](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/follow/#followers) ~~~ {.haskell} currentFollowers <- getCurrentFollowers client $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (currentFollowers :: Result [AthleteSummary]) ~~~ ~~~ {.haskell} followers <- getFollowers client 65516 $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (followers :: Result [AthleteSummary]) ~~~ #### [List both following](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/follow/#both) ~~~ {.haskell} commonFriends <- getCommonFriends client 65516 $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (commonFriends :: Result [AthleteSummary]) ~~~ ### [Activities](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/) #### [Create an activity](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#create) ~~~ {.haskell} createdActivity <- createActivity client "An Example" Run (UTCTime (fromGregorian 1970 0 0) 0) 10 $ with [ set description (Just "...") , set distance (Just 100.0) ] print (createdActivity :: Result ActivityDetailed) ~~~ #### [Retrieve an activity](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#get-details) ~~~ {.haskell} activity <- getActivity client 141273622 $ with [ set allEfforts True ] print (activity :: Result ActivitySummary) ~~~ #### [Update an activity](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#put-updates) ~~~ {.haskell} updatedActivity <- updateActivity client 141273622 $ with [ set name (Just "WedEx Pit Stop") , set type_ (Just Ride) , set private (Just False) , set commute (Just True) , set trainer (Just False) , set gearId (Just "b387882") , set description Nothing ] print (updatedActivity :: Result ActivityDetailed) ~~~ #### [Delete an activity](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#delete) ~~~ {.haskell} deletedActivity <- deleteActivity client 162674281 print (deletedActivity :: Result ()) ~~~ #### [List athlete activities](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#get-activities) ~~~ {.haskell} currentActivities <- getCurrentActivities client $ with [ set before (Just (UTCTime (fromGregorian 1970 0 0) 0)) , set after (Just (UTCTime (fromGregorian 1970 0 0) 0)) , set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (currentActivities :: Result [ActivitySummary]) ~~~ #### [List related activities](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#get-related) ~~~ {.haskell} relatedActivities <- getRelatedActivities client 141273622 $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (relatedActivities :: Result [ActivitySummary]) ~~~ #### [List friends' activities](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#get-feed) ~~~ {.haskell} feed <- getFeed client $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (feed :: Result [ActivitySummary]) ~~~ #### [List activity zones](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#zones) ~~~ {.haskell} activityZones <- getActivityZones client 141273622 print (activityZones :: Result [ActivityZoneDetailed]) ~~~ #### [List activity laps](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/activities/#laps) ~~~ {.haskell} activityLaps <- getActivityLaps client 141273622 print (activityLaps :: Result [ActivityLapSummary]) ~~~ ### [Comments](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/comments/) #### [List activity comments](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/comments/#list) ~~~ {.haskell} activityComments <- getActivityComments client 90112360 $ with [ set markdown True , set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (activityComments :: Result [CommentSummary]) ~~~ ### [Kudos](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/kudos/) #### [List activity kudoers](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/kudos/#list) ~~~ {.haskell} activityKudoers <- getActivityKudoers client 141273622 $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (activityKudoers :: Result [AthleteSummary]) ~~~ ### [Photos](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/photos/) #### [List activity photos](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/photos/#list) ~~~ {.haskell} activityPhotos <- getActivityPhotos client 141273622 print (activityPhotos :: Result [PhotoSummary]) ~~~ ### [Clubs](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/clubs/) #### [Retrieve a club](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/clubs/#get-details) ~~~ {.haskell} club <- getClub client 11193 print (club :: Result ClubDetailed) ~~~ #### [List athlete clubs](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/clubs/#get-athletes) ~~~ {.haskell} currentClubs <- getCurrentClubs client print (currentClubs :: Result [ClubSummary]) ~~~ #### [List club members](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/clubs/#get-members) ~~~ {.haskell} clubMembers <- getClubMembers client 11193 $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (clubMembers :: Result [AthleteSummary]) ~~~ #### [List club activities](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/clubs/#get-activities) ~~~ {.haskell} clubActivities <- getClubActivities client 11193 $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (clubActivities :: Result [ActivitySummary]) ~~~ #### [Join a club](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/clubs/#join) ~~~ {.haskell} joinedClub <- joinClub client 165 print (joinedClub :: Result ()) ~~~ #### [Leave a club](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/clubs/#leave) ~~~ {.haskell} leftClub <- leaveClub client 165 print (leftClub :: Result ()) ~~~ ### [Gear](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/gear/) #### [Retrieve gear](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/gear/#show) ~~~ {.haskell} theGear <- getGear client "b387855" print (theGear :: Result GearDetailed) ~~~ ### [Segments](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/segments/) #### [Retrieve a segment](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/segments/#retrieve) ~~~ {.haskell} theSegment <- getSegment client 4773104 print (theSegment :: Result SegmentDetailed) ~~~ #### [List starred segments](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/segments/#starred) ~~~ {.haskell} starredSegments <- getStarredSegments client $ with [ set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (starredSegments :: Result [SegmentSummary]) ~~~ #### [List efforts](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/segments/#efforts) ~~~ {.haskell} theSegmentEfforts <- getSegmentEfforts client 4773104 $ with [ set athleteId (Just 65516) , set range (Just ((UTCTime (fromGregorian 1970 0 0) 0), (UTCTime (fromGregorian 1970 0 0) 0))) , set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (theSegmentEfforts :: Result [EffortDetailed]) ~~~ #### [Segment leaderboard](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/segments/#leaderboard) ~~~ {.haskell} segmentLeaderboardResponse <- getSegmentLeaderboard client 4773104 $ with [ set gender (Just Male) , set ageGroup (Just Ages0To24) , set weightClass (Just Kilograms65To74) , set following (Just True) , set clubId (Just 11193) , set dateRange (Just "this_year") , set contextEntries (Just 15) , set page 1 , set perPage 2 ] print (segmentLeaderboardResponse :: Result SegmentLeaderboardResponse) ~~~ #### [Segment explorer](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/segments/#explore) ~~~ {.haskell} segmentExplorerResponse <- exploreSegments client (32.0, -96.0, 33.0, -95.0) $ with [ set activityType Riding , set minCat 0 , set maxCat 5 ] print (segmentExplorerResponse :: Result SegmentExplorerResponse) ~~~ ### [Segment efforts](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/efforts/) #### [Retrieve a segment effort](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/efforts/#retrieve) ~~~ {.haskell} segmentEffort <- getSegmentEffort client 1595370098 print (segmentEffort :: Result EffortDetailed) ~~~ ### [Streams](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/streams/) #### [Retrieve activity streams](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/streams/#activity) ~~~ {.haskell} activityStreams <- getActivityStreams client 141273622 [LatlngStream, WattsStream] $ with [ set resolution (Just Low) , set seriesType Time ] print (activityStreams :: Result [StreamDetailed]) ~~~ #### [Retrieve effort streams](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/streams/#effort) ~~~ {.haskell} effortStreams <- getEffortStreams client 1595370098 [LatlngStream, WattsStream] $ with [ set resolution (Just Low) , set seriesType Time ] print (effortStreams :: Result [StreamDetailed]) ~~~ #### [Retrieve segment streams](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/streams/#segment) ~~~ {.haskell} segmentStreams <- getSegmentStreams client 4773104 [LatlngStream, WattsStream] $ with [ set resolution (Just Low) , set seriesType Time ] print (segmentStreams :: Result [StreamDetailed]) ~~~ ### [Uploads](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/uploads/) #### [Upload an activity](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/uploads/#post-file) ~~~ {.haskell} uploadedActivity <- uploadActivity client (pack "...") "gpx.gz" $ with [ set activityType (Just Ride) , set name (Just "An Example") , set description (Just "...") , set private True , set trainer False , set externalId (Just "...") ] print (uploadedActivity :: Result UploadStatus) ~~~ #### [Check upload status](http://strava.github.io/api/v3/uploads/#get-status) ~~~ {.haskell} upload <- getUpload client 16486788 print (upload :: Result UploadStatus) ~~~ [strive]: http://taylor.fausak.me/strive/ [strava v3 api]: http://strava.github.io/api/ [version]: https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/strive.svg?label=version&style=flat-square [build]: https://img.shields.io/travis/tfausak/strive/master.svg?label=build&style=flat-square [dependencies]: https://img.shields.io/hackage-deps/v/strive.svg?label=dependencies&style=flat-square [semantic versioning]: http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html [the change log]: CHANGELOG.md