{-# OPTIONS -Wno-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as LB import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Char ( chr, isSpace ) import Data.Foldable ( foldMap ) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.List ( sort ) import Data.Semigroup import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import Data.Word import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO ) import System.Random.Shuffle import "hspec" Test.Hspec import "hspec" Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import "QuickCheck" Test.QuickCheck import "quickcheck-instances" Test.QuickCheck.Instances.ByteString () import "QuickCheck" Test.QuickCheck.Monadic import "quickcheck-unicode" Test.QuickCheck.Unicode import Data.String.Interpolate ( i, iii ) import Data.String.Interpolate.Conversion hiding ( build, finalize, interpolate, ofString, chompSpaces ) main :: IO () main = hspec $ parallel $ do describe "i" $ modifyMaxSuccess (const 10000) $ modifyMaxSize (const 500) $ do it "should allow an escaped backslash right before an interp" $ do let var :: String = "bar" expected :: String = "foo\\bar" [i|foo\\#{var}|] `shouldBe` expected it "should only esacpe verbatim segments a single time" $ do let expected :: String = "\\\\\\\\" [i|\\\\\\\\|] `shouldBe` expected context "when using String as a parameter" $ do prop "just interpolating should be id" $ \(UTF8S str) -> [i|#{str}|] == str prop "should passthrough a conversion to strict Text and back unchanged" $ \(UTF8S str) -> iID @String @T.Text str prop "should passthrough a conversion to lazy Text and back unchanged" $ \(UTF8S str) -> iID @String @LT.Text str prop "should passthrough a conversion to strict ByteString and back unchanged" $ \(UTF8S str) -> iID @String @B.ByteString str prop "should passthrough a conversion to lazy ByteString and back unchanged" $ \(UTF8S str) -> iID @String @LB.ByteString str context "when using strict Text as a parameter" $ do prop "just interpolating should be id" $ \(t :: T.Text) -> [i|#{t}|] == t prop "should passthrough a conversion to String and back unchanged" $ iID @T.Text @String prop "should passthrough a conversion to lazy Text and back unchanged" $ iID @T.Text @LT.Text prop "should passthrough a conversion to strict ByteString and back unchanged" $ iID @T.Text @B.ByteString prop "should passthrough a conversion to lazy ByteString and back unchanged" $ iID @T.Text @LB.ByteString context "when using lazy Text as a parameter" $ do prop "just interpolating should be id" $ \(lt :: LT.Text) -> [i|#{lt}|] == lt prop "should passthrough a conversion to String and back unchanged" $ iID @LT.Text @String prop "should passthrough a conversion to strict Text and back unchanged" $ iID @LT.Text @T.Text prop "should passthrough a conversion to strict ByteString and back unchanged" $ iID @LT.Text @B.ByteString prop "should passthrough a conversion to lazy ByteString and back unchanged" $ iID @LT.Text @LB.ByteString context "when using strict ByteString as a parameter" $ do prop "just interpolating should be id" $ \(b :: B.ByteString) -> [i|#{b}|] == b prop "should passthrough a conversion to lazy ByteString and back unchanged" $ iID @B.ByteString @LB.ByteString context "and the ByteString is valid UTF8" $ do prop "should passthrough a conversion to String and back unchanged" $ do \(UTF8BS b) -> iID @B.ByteString @String b prop "should passthrough a conversion to strict Text and back unchanged" $ do \(UTF8BS b) -> iID @B.ByteString @T.Text b prop "should passthrough a conversion to lazy Text and back unchanged" $ do \(UTF8BS b) -> iID @B.ByteString @LT.Text b context "when using lazy ByteString as a parameter" $ do prop "just interpolating should be id" $ \(lb :: LB.ByteString) -> [i|#{lb}|] == lb prop "should passthrough a conversion to strict ByteString and back unchanged" $ iID @LB.ByteString @B.ByteString context "and the ByteString is valid UTF8" $ do prop "should passthrough a conversion to String and back unchanged" $ \(UTF8LBS lb) -> iID @LB.ByteString @String lb prop "should passthrough a conversion to strict Text and back unchanged" $ \(UTF8LBS lb) -> iID @LB.ByteString @T.Text lb prop "should passthrough a conversion to lazy Text and back unchanged" $ \(UTF8LBS lb) -> iID @LB.ByteString @LT.Text lb context "when using Char as a parameter" $ do prop "interpolating into a String shouldn't have quotes" $ \(UTF8C c) -> [i|#{c}|] == [c] prop "interpolating into strict Text shouldn't have quotes" $ \(UTF8C c) -> [i|#{c}|] == T.singleton c prop "interpolating into lazy Text shouldn't have quotes" $ \(UTF8C c) -> [i|#{c}|] == LT.singleton c prop "interpolating into strict ByteString shouldn't have quotes" $ \(UTF8C c) -> [i|#{c}|] == (LB.toStrict $ LB.toLazyByteString $ LB.charUtf8 c) prop "interpolating into lazy ByteString shouldn't have quotes" $ \(UTF8C c) -> [i|#{c}|] == (LB.toLazyByteString $ LB.charUtf8 c) context "when interpolating into strict ByteString" $ do it "should handle literal Unicode strings correctly" $ do let interpolated :: B.ByteString = [i|λ|] expected :: B.ByteString = "\xCE\xBB" interpolated `shouldBe` expected context "when interpolating into lazy ByteString" $ do it "should handle literal Unicode strings correctly" $ do let interpolated :: LB.ByteString = [i|λ|] expected :: LB.ByteString = "\xCE\xBB" interpolated `shouldBe` expected -- describe "__i" $ modifyMaxSuccess (const 10000) $ modifyMaxSize (const 500) $ do -- context "when there are no newlines" $ do -- prop "is the same as i" $ -- \(NonwhitespaceText t) -> -- let iResult :: T.Text = [i|#{t}|] -- __iResult :: T.Text = [__i|#{t}|] -- in iResult == __iResult -- context "when there are newlines" $ do -- it "handles a small code snippet correctly" $ do -- let interpolated :: T.Text = -- [__i| -- id :: a -> a -- id x = y -- where y = x -- |] -- expected :: T.Text = "id :: a -> a\nid x = y\n where y = x" -- interpolated `shouldBe` expected -- prop "produces the same output for different indentation levels" $ -- \(lines :: [(Word8, T.Text)]) (indent :: Word8) -> -- let unindented = flip fmap (unshift lines) $ \(level, line) -> -- leftPad (fromIntegral level) ' ' line -- indented = (leftPad (fromIntegral indent) ' ') <$> unindented -- unindentedResult :: T.Text = [__i|#{T.unlines unindented}|] -- indentedResult :: T.Text = [__i|#{T.unlines indented}|] -- in unindentedResult == indentedResult -- context "is idempotent" $ do -- prop "into String" $ __iIdempotent @String -- prop "into strict Text" $ __iIdempotent @T.Text -- prop "into lazy Text" $ __iIdempotent @LT.Text -- prop "into strict ByteString" $ __iIdempotent @B.ByteString -- prop "into lazy ByteString" $ __iIdempotent @LB.ByteString -- context "is idempotently its own inverse" $ do -- context "from String" $ do -- prop "into strict Text" $ __iIdempotentInverse @String @T.Text -- prop "into lazy Text" $ __iIdempotentInverse @String @LT.Text -- prop "into strict ByteString" $ __iIdempotentInverse @String @B.ByteString -- prop "into lazy ByteString" $ __iIdempotentInverse @String @LB.ByteString -- context "from strict Text" $ do -- prop "into String" $ __iIdempotentInverse @T.Text @String -- prop "into lazy Text" $ __iIdempotentInverse @T.Text @LT.Text -- prop "into strict ByteString" $ __iIdempotentInverse @T.Text @B.ByteString -- prop "into lazy ByteString" $ __iIdempotentInverse @T.Text @LB.ByteString -- context "from lazy Text" $ do -- prop "into String" $ __iIdempotentInverse @LT.Text @String -- prop "into strict Text" $ __iIdempotentInverse @LT.Text @T.Text -- prop "into strict ByteString" $ __iIdempotentInverse @LT.Text @B.ByteString -- prop "into lazy ByteString" $ __iIdempotentInverse @LT.Text @LB.ByteString -- context "from strict ByteString" $ do -- prop "into String" $ __iIdempotentInverse @B.ByteString @String -- prop "into strict Text" $ __iIdempotentInverse @B.ByteString @T.Text -- prop "into lazy Text" $ __iIdempotentInverse @B.ByteString @LT.Text -- prop "into lazy ByteString" $ __iIdempotentInverse @B.ByteString @LB.ByteString -- context "from lazy ByteString" $ do -- prop "into String" $ __iIdempotentInverse @LB.ByteString @String -- prop "into strict Text" $ __iIdempotentInverse @LB.ByteString @T.Text -- prop "into lazy Text" $ __iIdempotentInverse @LB.ByteString @LT.Text -- prop "into strict ByteString" $ __iIdempotentInverse @LB.ByteString @B.ByteString -- -- I'm not sure whether these laws actually hold, because of tabs. Will -- -- have to look at this more closely. -- prop "is commutative with reversing lines" $ -- \(SpaceyText t) -> -- [__i|#{T.unlines (reverse (T.lines t))}|] == T.unlines (reverse (T.lines [__i|#{t}|])) -- prop "is commutative with sorting lines" $ -- \(SpaceyText t) -> -- [__i|#{T.unlines (sort (T.lines t))}|] == T.unlines (sort (T.lines [__i|#{t}|])) -- prop "removes same indentation when lines rearranged" $ -- \(SpaceyText t) -> -- monadicIO $ do -- shuffled <- T.unlines <$> liftIO (shuffleM $ T.lines t) -- assert $ sort (T.lines [__i|#{shuffled}|]) == sort (T.lines [__i|#{t}|]) -- prop "non-whitespace chars in output same as in input" $ -- \(SpaceyText t) -> charFrequencies [__i|#{t}|] == charFrequencies t -- prop "output string length <= input string length" $ -- \(SpaceyText t) -> T.length [__i|#{t}|] <= T.length t -- prop "output words = input words" $ -- \(SpaceyText t) -> T.words t == T.words [__i|#{t}|] describe "iii" $ modifyMaxSuccess (const 10000) $ modifyMaxSize (const 500) $ do context "when there isn't any whitespace" $ do prop "is the same as i" $ \(NonwhitespaceText t) -> let iResult :: T.Text = [i|#{t}|] iiiResult :: T.Text = [iii|#{t}|] in iResult == iiiResult context "when there is whitespace" $ do it "collapses a small example of whitespace" $ do let interpolated :: T.Text = [iii| foo bar baz |] expected :: T.Text = "foo bar baz" interpolated `shouldBe` expected it "collapses a small example of newlines" $ do let interpolated :: T.Text = [iii| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean congue iaculis dui, at iaculis sapien interdum nec. |] expected :: T.Text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean congue iaculis dui, at iaculis sapien interdum nec." interpolated `shouldBe` expected prop "never has any newlines" $ \(SpaceyText t) -> T.all (/= '\n') [iii|#{t}|] prop "never has more than one consecutive space" $ \(SpaceyText t) -> let chunks = T.groupBy (\c1 c2 -> isSpace c1 == isSpace c2) [iii|#{t}|] in all (\chunk -> T.all (not . isSpace) chunk || T.length chunk <= 1) chunks prop "never has leading whitespace" $ \(SpaceyText t) -> T.null $ T.takeWhile isSpace [iii|#{t}|] prop "never has trailing whitespace" $ \(SpaceyText t) -> T.null $ T.takeWhileEnd isSpace [iii|#{t}|] context "is idempotent" $ do prop "into String" $ iiiIdempotent @String prop "into strict Text" $ iiiIdempotent @T.Text prop "into lazy Text" $ iiiIdempotent @LT.Text prop "into strict ByteString" $ iiiIdempotent @B.ByteString prop "into lazy ByteString" $ iiiIdempotent @LB.ByteString context "is idempotently its own inverse" $ do context "from String" $ do prop "into strict Text" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @String @T.Text prop "into lazy Text" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @String @LT.Text prop "into strict ByteString" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @String @B.ByteString prop "into lazy ByteString" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @String @LB.ByteString context "from strict Text" $ do prop "into String" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @T.Text @String prop "into lazy Text" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @T.Text @LT.Text prop "into strict ByteString" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @T.Text @B.ByteString prop "into lazy ByteString" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @T.Text @LB.ByteString context "from lazy Text" $ do prop "into String" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @LT.Text @String prop "into strict Text" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @LT.Text @T.Text prop "into strict ByteString" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @LT.Text @B.ByteString prop "into lazy ByteString" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @LT.Text @LB.ByteString context "from strict ByteString" $ do prop "into String" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @B.ByteString @String prop "into strict Text" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @B.ByteString @T.Text prop "into lazy Text" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @B.ByteString @LT.Text prop "into lazy ByteString" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @B.ByteString @LB.ByteString context "from lazy ByteString" $ do prop "into String" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @LB.ByteString @String prop "into strict Text" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @LB.ByteString @T.Text prop "into lazy Text" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @LB.ByteString @LT.Text prop "into strict ByteString" $ iiiIdempotentInverse @LB.ByteString @B.ByteString prop "is commutative with string reversal" $ \(SpaceyText t) -> [iii|#{T.reverse t}|] == T.reverse [iii|#{t}|] prop "non-whitespace chars in output same as in input" $ \(SpaceyText t) -> charFrequencies [iii|#{t}|] == charFrequencies t prop "output string length <= input string length" $ \(SpaceyText t) -> T.length [iii|#{t}|] <= T.length t prop "output words = input words" $ \(SpaceyText t) -> T.words t == T.words [iii|#{t}|] iID :: forall from to fromflag toflag. ( Eq from , Interpolatable fromflag to from , Interpolatable toflag from to ) => from -> Bool iID from = let to :: to = [i|#{from}|] from' :: from = [i|#{to}|] in from == from' -- __iIdempotent :: forall to toflag. -- ( Eq to -- , Interpolatable toflag to to -- , Interpolatable toflag T.Text to -- ) -- => SpaceyText -- -> Bool -- __iIdempotent (SpaceyText t) = -- let x :: to = [__i|#{t}|] -- x' :: to = [__i|#{x}|] -- in x == x' iiiIdempotent :: forall to toflag. ( Eq to , Interpolatable toflag to to , Interpolatable toflag T.Text to , SpaceChompable to ) => SpaceyText -> Bool iiiIdempotent (SpaceyText t) = let x :: to = [iii|#{t}|] x' :: to = [iii|#{x}|] in x == x' -- __iIdempotentInverse :: forall from to fromflag toflag. -- ( Eq from -- , Interpolatable fromflag T.Text from -- , Interpolatable toflag from to -- , Interpolatable fromflag to from -- ) -- => SpaceyText -- -> Bool -- __iIdempotentInverse (SpaceyText t) = -- let x :: from = [__i|#{t}|] -- x' :: to = [__i|#{x}|] -- x'' :: from = [__i|#{x'}|] -- in x == x'' iiiIdempotentInverse :: forall from to fromflag toflag. ( Eq from , Interpolatable fromflag T.Text from , Interpolatable toflag from to , Interpolatable fromflag to from , SpaceChompable from , SpaceChompable to ) => SpaceyText -> Bool iiiIdempotentInverse (SpaceyText t) = let x :: from = [iii|#{t}|] x' :: to = [iii|#{x}|] x'' :: from = [iii|#{x'}|] in x == x'' -- -- | -- -- Reduce each index by the minimum index in the array. -- unshift :: (Ord a, Num a) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -- unshift [] = [] -- unshift l@((x, _) : xs) = -- let min = getMin $ foldr (\(x, _) m -> Min x <> m) (Min x) xs -- in (\(x, y) -> (x - min, y)) <$> l -- -- | -- -- Add the given number of the specific characters to the left. -- leftPad :: Int -> Char -> T.Text -> T.Text -- leftPad amt c t = T.replicate amt (T.singleton c) <> t -- | -- The default Arbitrary for Char generates U+FFFF and U+FFFE, which aren't -- valid Unicode. Sigh... newtype UTF8Char = UTF8C { unUTF8C :: Char } deriving newtype (Eq, Show) newtype UTF8String = UTF8S { unUTF8S :: String } deriving newtype (Eq, Show) newtype UTF8ByteString = UTF8BS B.ByteString deriving newtype (Eq, Show) newtype UTF8LazyByteString = UTF8LBS LB.ByteString deriving newtype (Eq, Show) newtype SpaceyText = SpaceyText T.Text deriving newtype (Eq, Show) newtype NonwhitespaceText = NonwhitespaceText T.Text deriving newtype (Eq, Show) instance Arbitrary UTF8Char where arbitrary = UTF8C <$> unicodeChar shrink (UTF8C c) = UTF8C <$> shrinkChar c instance Arbitrary UTF8String where arbitrary = do chars <- listOf arbitrary pure $ UTF8S (unUTF8C <$> chars) shrink (UTF8S str) = case str of [] -> [] (_:[]) -> [] _ -> let mid = length str `div` 2 in [UTF8S $ take mid str, UTF8S $ drop mid str] instance Arbitrary T.Text where arbitrary = T.pack . unUTF8S <$> arbitrary shrink t = if T.null t || T.length t == 1 then [] else let mid = T.length t `div` 2 in [T.take mid t, T.drop mid t] instance Arbitrary LT.Text where arbitrary = LT.pack . unUTF8S <$> arbitrary shrink lt = if LT.null lt || LT.length lt == 1 then [] else let mid = LT.length lt `div` 2 in [LT.take mid lt, LT.drop mid lt] instance Arbitrary UTF8ByteString where arbitrary = UTF8BS . LB.toStrict . LB.toLazyByteString . foldMap LB.charUtf8 . unUTF8S <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary UTF8LazyByteString where arbitrary = UTF8LBS . LB.toLazyByteString . foldMap LB.charUtf8 . unUTF8S <$> arbitrary -- Basically, we want this to be an 'alternation' of sequences of printable -- characters and whitespace characters. instance Arbitrary SpaceyText where arbitrary = SpaceyText . foldMap id <$> scale (round . sqrt @Double . fromIntegral) (listOf (oneof [whitespace, nonwhitespace])) instance Arbitrary NonwhitespaceText where arbitrary = NonwhitespaceText <$> nonwhitespace charFrequencies :: T.Text -> HM.HashMap Char Int charFrequencies = T.foldl' (flip $ HM.alter increment) HM.empty . T.filter (not . isSpace) where increment :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int increment Nothing = Just 1 increment (Just x) = Just (x + 1) whitespace :: Gen T.Text whitespace = T.pack <$> listOf1 (elements [' ', '\r', '\t', '\n', '\x1680', '\x2000', '\x2006']) nonwhitespace :: Gen T.Text nonwhitespace = T.pack <$> listOf1 nonwhitespaceChar nonwhitespaceChar :: Gen Char nonwhitespaceChar = unicodeChar `suchThat` (not . isSpace) unicodeChar :: Gen Char unicodeChar = chr `fmap` points where points = flip suchThat (not . reserved) $ oneof [ ascii , plane0 , plane1 , plane2 , plane14 ]