-- |
-- Module      : Streamly.Data.Parser
-- Copyright   : (c) 2020 Composewell Technologies
-- License     : BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer  : streamly@composewell.com
-- Stability   : pre-release
-- Portability : GHC
-- Parsers are stream consumers like folds with the following differences:
-- * folds cannot fail but parsers can fail and backtrack.
-- * folds can be composed as a Tee but parsers cannot.
-- * folds can be used for scanning but parsers cannot.
-- * folds can be converted to parsers.
-- This module implements parsers with stream fusion which compile to efficient
-- loops comparable to the speed of C.
-- == Using Parsers
-- This module provides elementary parsers and parser combinators that can be
-- used to parse a stream of data. Additionally, all the folds from the
-- "Streamly.Data.Fold" module can be converted to parsers using 'fromFold'.
-- All the parsing functionality provided by popular parsing libraries, and
-- more is available. Also see "Streamly.Unicode.Parser" module for Char stream
-- parsers.
-- A data stream can be transformed to a stream of parsed data elements. Parser
-- combinators can be used to create a pipeline of folds or parsers such that
-- the next fold or parser consumes the result of the previous parser. See
-- 'Streamly.Data.Stream.parse' and 'Streamly.Data.Stream.parseMany' to run
-- these parsers on a stream.
-- == Parser vs ParserK
-- There are two functionally equivalent parsing modules,
-- "Streamly.Data.Parser" (this module) and "Streamly.Data.ParserK". The latter
-- is a CPS based wrapper over the former, and can be used for parsing in
-- general. "Streamly.Data.Parser" enables stream fusion and should be
-- preferred over "Streamly.Data.ParserK" for high performance stream parsing
-- use cases. However, there are a few cases where this module is not
-- suitable and ParserK should be used instead.
-- For static fusion, parser combinators have to use strict pattern matching on
-- arguments of type Parser. This leads to infinte loop when a parser is
-- defined recursively, due to strict evaluation of the recursive call. For
-- example, the following implementation loops infinitely because of the
-- recursive use of parser @p@ in the @*>@ combinator:
-- >>> import Streamly.Data.Parser (Parser)
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Data.Parser as Parser
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as Stream
-- >>> import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
-- >>> :{
-- >>> p :: Monad m => Parser Char m String
-- >>> p = Parser.satisfy (== '(') *> p <|> Parser.fromFold Fold.toList
-- >>> :}
-- Use ParserK when recursive use is required:
-- >>> import Streamly.Data.ParserK (ParserK)
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Data.StreamK as StreamK
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.StreamK as StreamK (parse)
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.ParserK as ParserK (adapt)
-- >>> :{
-- >>> p :: Monad m => ParserK Char m String
-- >>> p = ParserK.adapt (Parser.satisfy (== '(')) *> p <|> ParserK.adapt (Parser.fromFold Fold.toList)
-- >>> :}
-- >>> StreamK.parse p $ StreamK.fromStream $ Stream.fromList "hello"
-- Right "hello"
-- For this reason Applicative, Alternative or Monad compositions with
-- recursion cannot be used with the 'Parser' type. Alternative type class based
-- operations like 'asum' and Alternative based generic parser combinators use
-- recursion. Similarly, Applicative type class based operations like
-- 'Prelude.sequence' use recursion. Custom implementations of many such
-- operations are provided in this module (e.g. 'some', 'many'), and those
-- should be used instead.
-- Another limitation of Parser type is due to the quadratic complexity causing
-- slowdown when too many nested compositions are used. Especially Applicative,
-- Monad, Alternative instances, and sequenced parsing operations (e.g. nested
-- 'one', and 'splitWith') degrade the performance quadratically (O(n^2)) when
-- combined @n@ times, roughly 8 or less sequenced parsers are fine. READ THE
-- == Streaming Parsers
-- With 'Streamly.Data.ParserK.ParserK' you can use the generic Alternative
-- type class based parsers from the
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/parser-combinators parser-combinators>
-- library or similar. However, we recommend that you use the equivalent
-- functionality from this module for better performance and for streaming
-- behavior.
-- Firstly, the combinators in this module are faster due to stream fusion.
-- Secondly, these are streaming in nature as the results can be passed
-- directly to other stream consumers (folds or parsers). The Alternative type
-- class based parsers would end up buffering all the results in lists before
-- they can be consumed.
-- When recursion or heavy nesting is needed use ParserK.
-- == Error Reporting
-- These parsers do not report the error context (e.g. line number or column).
-- This may be supported in future.
-- == Monad Transformer Stack
-- 'MonadTrans' instance is not provided. If the 'Parser' type is the top most
-- layer (which should be the case almost always) you can just use 'fromEffect'
-- to execute the lower layer monad effects.
-- == Parser vs ParserK Implementation
-- The 'Parser' type represents a stream consumer by composing state as data
-- which enables stream fusion. Stream fusion generates a tight loop without
-- any constructor allocations between the stages, providing C like performance
-- for the loop. Stream fusion works when multiple functions are combined in a
-- pipeline statically. Therefore, the operations in this module must be
-- inlined and must not be used recursively to allow for stream fusion.
-- The 'ParserK' type represents a stream consumer by composing function calls,
-- therefore, a function call overhead is incurred at each composition. It is
-- quite fast in general but may be a few times slower than a fused parser.
-- However, it allows for scalable dynamic composition especially parsers can
-- be used in recursive calls. Using the 'ParserK' type operations like
-- 'splitWith' provide linear (O(n)) performance with respect to the number of
-- compositions.
-- == Experimental APIs
-- Please refer to "Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser" for functions that have not
-- yet been released.
module Streamly.Data.Parser
    -- * Setup
    -- | To execute the code examples provided in this module in ghci, please
    -- run the following commands first.
    -- $setup

    -- * Parser Type

    -- -- * Downgrade to Fold
    -- , toFold

    -- * Parsers
    -- ** From Folds
    , fromFold

    -- ** Without Input
    -- , fromFoldMaybe
    , fromPure
    , fromEffect
    , die
    -- , dieM
    , peek
    , eof

    -- ** Element parsers

    -- All of these can be expressed in terms of either
    , one
    -- , oneEq
    -- , oneNotEq
    , oneOf
    , noneOf
    , satisfy
    -- , maybe
    -- , either

    -- ** Sequences
    , streamEqBy
    , listEqBy
    , listEq

    -- * Combinators
    -- Mapping on output
    -- , rmapM

    -- ** Mapping on input
    , lmap
    , lmapM

     -- * Map on output
    , rmapM

    -- ** Filtering
    , filter

    -- ** Look Ahead
    , lookAhead

    -- ** Tokenize by length
    -- , takeBetween
    , takeEQ
    -- , takeGE
    -- , takeP

    -- ** Tokenize by predicate
    -- , takeWhileP
    , takeWhile
    , takeWhile1
    , dropWhile
    -- , takeEndBy
    -- , takeEndByEsc
    -- , takeStartBy
    , wordBy

    -- ** Grouping
    , groupBy
    , groupByRolling
    , groupByRollingEither

    -- ** Framing
    -- , wordFramedBy
    , wordWithQuotes
    -- , wordProcessQuotes
    -- , wordKeepQuotes

    -- -- * Alternative
    -- , alt

    -- ** Splitting
    , many
    , some
    , manyTill

    -- ** De-interleaving
    , deintercalate


import Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser
import Prelude hiding (dropWhile, takeWhile, filter)

#include "DocTestDataParser.hs"