cabal-version: 2.2 name: streamly-core version: 0.2.1 synopsis: Streaming, parsers, arrays, serialization and more description: For upgrading to streamly-0.9.0+ please read the . . Streamly is a standard library for Haskell that focuses on C-like performance, modular combinators, and streaming data flow model. Streamly consists of two packages: "streamly-core" and "streamly". provides basic features, and depends only on GHC boot libraries (see note below), while provides higher-level features like concurrency, time, lifted exceptions, and networking. For documentation, visit the . . The streamly-core package provides the following functionality: . * Streams as composable producers of a sequence of values. * Streams provide all the functionality provided by Haskell lists but in an effectful, streaming fashion with better performance. * Streams provide ListT and logic programming functionality as well. * Folds as composable stream consumers that reduce the streams to a single value or reduce segments of streams to transform the stream. * Parsers as more powerful, composable stream consumers supporting standard parser combinators with backtracking but in a streaming fashion. * Arrays with streaming interfaces providing high performance, modularity, and concise interface as all streaming operations can be performed on arrays. * Arrays can be immutable or mutable, unboxed or boxed, pinned or unpinned. * Arrays generalize the functionality provided by @bytestring@ and @text@ packages. * Interoperability with @bytestring@ and @text@ is provided via separate packages. * Arrays and folds provide natural builder functionality so there are no separate builder modules. * High performance binary serialization with configurable JSON like features. * Streaming combinators for unicode text processing, providing functionality equivalent to the @text@ package. * String interpolation for convenient construction of strings. * Streaming console IO (stdin/stdout) operations. * Streaming file and directory IO operations. . This package covers some or all of the functionality covered by @streaming, pipes, conduit, list-t, logic-t, foldl, attoparsec, array, primitive, vector, vector-algorithms, binary, cereal, store, bytestring, text, stringsearch, interpolate@. Streamly provides a consistent, concise, modular and performant interface for all this functionality. . Note: The dependencies "heaps" and "monad-control" are included in the package solely for backward compatibility, and will be removed in future versions. homepage: bug-reports: license: BSD-3-Clause license-file: LICENSE tested-with: GHC==8.6.5 , GHC==8.8.4 , GHC==8.10.7 , GHC==9.0.2 , GHC==9.2.8 , GHC==9.4.7 , GHC==9.6.3 , GHC==9.8.1 author: Composewell Technologies maintainer: copyright: 2017 Composewell Technologies category: Streamly, Streaming, Dataflow, Pipes, List, Logic, Non-determinism, Parsing, Array, Time stability: Stable build-type: Configure extra-source-files: configure -- doctest include files src/DocTestDataArray.hs src/DocTestDataFold.hs src/DocTestDataMutArray.hs src/DocTestDataMutArrayGeneric.hs src/DocTestDataParser.hs src/DocTestDataParserK.hs src/DocTestDataStream.hs src/DocTestDataStreamK.hs src/DocTestDataUnfold.hs src/DocTestUnicodeParser.hs src/DocTestUnicodeStream.hs src/DocTestUnicodeString.hs src/DocTestFileSystemHandle.hs -- This is duplicated src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Array/ArrayMacros.h src/assert.hs src/inline.hs src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Time/Clock/config-clock.h src/ extra-tmp-files: config.log config.status autom4te.cache src/config.h extra-doc-files: docs/*.md docs/ApiChangelogs/0.1.0.txt docs/ApiChangelogs/0.1.0-0.2.0.txt source-repository head type: git location: flag debug description: Debug build with asserts enabled manual: True default: False flag dev description: Development build manual: True default: False flag has-llvm description: Use llvm backend for code generation manual: True default: False flag opt description: off=GHC default, on=-O2 manual: True default: True flag limit-build-mem description: Limits memory when building manual: True default: False flag use-unliftio description: Use unliftio-core instead of monad-control manual: True default: False flag use-unfolds description: Use unfolds for generation everywhere manual: True default: False flag use-folds description: Use folds for elimination everywhere manual: True default: False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Common stanzas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- common compile-options default-language: Haskell2010 if flag(dev) cpp-options: -DDEVBUILD if flag(use-unfolds) cpp-options: -DUSE_UNFOLDS_EVERYWHERE if flag(use-folds) cpp-options: -DUSE_FOLDS_EVERYWHERE ghc-options: -Weverything -Wno-implicit-prelude -Wno-missing-deriving-strategies -Wno-missing-exported-signatures -Wno-missing-import-lists -Wno-missing-local-signatures -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode -Wno-missed-specialisations -Wno-all-missed-specialisations -Wno-monomorphism-restriction -Wno-prepositive-qualified-module -Wno-unsafe -Rghc-timing if impl(ghc >= 9.2) ghc-options: -Wno-missing-kind-signatures -Wno-redundant-bang-patterns -Wno-operator-whitespace if impl(ghc >= 9.8) ghc-options: -Wno-missing-role-annotations if flag(has-llvm) ghc-options: -fllvm if flag(dev) ghc-options: -Wmissed-specialisations -Wall-missed-specialisations if flag(limit-build-mem) ghc-options: +RTS -M1000M -RTS if flag(use-unliftio) cpp-options: -DUSE_UNLIFTIO common default-extensions default-extensions: BangPatterns CApiFFI CPP ConstraintKinds DeriveDataTypeable DeriveGeneric DeriveTraversable ExistentialQuantification FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving InstanceSigs KindSignatures LambdaCase MagicHash MultiParamTypeClasses PatternSynonyms RankNTypes RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators ViewPatterns -- MonoLocalBinds, enabled by TypeFamilies, causes performance -- regressions. Disable it. This must come after TypeFamilies, -- otherwise TypeFamilies will enable it again. NoMonoLocalBinds -- UndecidableInstances -- Does not show any perf impact -- UnboxedTuples -- interferes with (#.) common optimization-options if flag(opt) ghc-options: -O2 -fdicts-strict -fspec-constr-recursive=16 -fmax-worker-args=16 -- For this to be effective it must come after the -O2 option if flag(dev) || flag(debug) || !flag(opt) cpp-options: -DDEBUG ghc-options: -fno-ignore-asserts common threading-options ghc-options: -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N -- We need optimization options here to optimize internal (non-inlined) -- versions of functions. Also, we have some benchmarking inspection tests -- part of the library when built with --benchmarks flag. Thos tests fail -- if we do not use optimization options here. It was observed that due to -- -O2 here some concurrent/nested benchmarks improved and others regressed. -- We can investigate a bit more here why the regression occurred. common lib-options import: compile-options, optimization-options, default-extensions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library import: lib-options if impl(ghc >= 8.6) default-extensions: QuantifiedConstraints js-sources: jsbits/clock.js include-dirs: src , src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Array , src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Stream if os(windows) c-sources: src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Time/Clock/Windows.c if os(darwin) include-dirs: src/Streamly/Internal c-sources: src/Streamly/Internal/Data/Time/Clock/Darwin.c hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: -- Internal modules, listed roughly in bottom up -- dependency order To view dependency graph: -- graphmod | dot -Tps > -- streamly-base Streamly.Internal.BaseCompat , Streamly.Internal.Control.Exception , Streamly.Internal.Control.Monad , Streamly.Internal.Control.ForkIO Streamly.Internal.Data.IsMap , Streamly.Internal.System.IO -- streamly-strict-data , Streamly.Internal.Data.Tuple.Strict , Streamly.Internal.Data.Maybe.Strict , Streamly.Internal.Data.Either.Strict , Streamly.Internal.Data.IOFinalizer -- streamly-time , Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.TimeSpec , Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units , Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Clock -- streamly-core-stream-types , Streamly.Internal.Data.SVar.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Refold.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Producer -- streamly-core-array-types , Streamly.Internal.Data.MutByteArray -- streaming and parsing Haskell types to/from bytes , Streamly.Internal.Data.Binary.Parser , Streamly.Internal.Data.Binary.Stream -- May depend on streamly-core-stream , Streamly.Internal.Data.MutArray , Streamly.Internal.Data.MutArray.Generic -- streamly-core-streams , Streamly.Internal.Data.StreamK -- StreamD depends on streamly-array-types , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamD , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream -- streamly-core-data , Streamly.Internal.Data.Builder , Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold , Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Chunked , Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser , Streamly.Internal.Data.ParserK , Streamly.Internal.Data.Pipe -- streamly-containers (non-base) , Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold -- streamly-core-data-arrays , Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Generic , Streamly.Internal.Data.Array , Streamly.Internal.Data.MutArray.Stream , Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Stream -- streamly-unicode-core , Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Stream , Streamly.Internal.Unicode.String , Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Parser , Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Array -- Filesystem/IO , Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Handle , Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.File , Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Dir -- Ring Arrays , Streamly.Internal.Data.Ring , Streamly.Internal.Data.Ring.Generic -- streamly-console , Streamly.Internal.Console.Stdio -- To be implemented -- , Streamly.Data.Refold -- , Streamly.Data.Binary.Encode -- Stream types -- Pre-release modules -- , Streamly.Data.Fold.Window -- , Streamly.Data.Pipe -- , Streamly.Data.Array.Stream -- , Streamly.Data.Array.Fold -- , Streamly.Data.Array.Mut.Stream -- , Streamly.Data.Ring -- , Streamly.Data.Ring.Unboxed -- , Streamly.Data.IORef.Unboxed -- , Streamly.Data.List -- , Streamly.Data.Binary.Decode -- , Streamly.FileSystem.File -- , Streamly.FileSystem.Dir -- , Streamly.Data.Time.Units -- , Streamly.Data.Time.Clock -- , Streamly.Data.Tuple.Strict -- , Streamly.Data.Maybe.Strict -- , Streamly.Data.Either.Strict -- streamly-core released modules in alphabetic order -- NOTE: these must be added to streamly.cabal as well , Streamly.Console.Stdio , Streamly.Data.MutByteArray , Streamly.Data.Array , Streamly.Data.Array.Generic , Streamly.Data.MutArray , Streamly.Data.MutArray.Generic , Streamly.Data.Fold , Streamly.Data.Parser , Streamly.Data.ParserK , Streamly.Data.Stream , Streamly.Data.StreamK , Streamly.Data.Unfold , Streamly.FileSystem.Dir , Streamly.FileSystem.File , Streamly.FileSystem.Handle , Streamly.Unicode.Parser , Streamly.Unicode.Stream , Streamly.Unicode.String other-modules: Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Step , Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Combinators , Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Container , Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee , Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Window , Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Tee , Streamly.Internal.Data.ParserK.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Container , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Eliminate , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Exception , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Generate , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Lift , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Nesting , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Step , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Top , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Transform , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Transformer , Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.StreamK.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.StreamK.Transformer , Streamly.Internal.Data.Pipe.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.Enumeration , Streamly.Internal.Data.MutArray.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Type -- Unboxed IORef , Streamly.Internal.Data.IORef.Unboxed , Streamly.Internal.Data.MutByteArray.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Unbox , Streamly.Internal.Data.Unbox.TH , Streamly.Internal.Data.Serialize.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Serialize.TH , Streamly.Internal.Data.Serialize.TH.RecHeader , Streamly.Internal.Data.Serialize.TH.Common , Streamly.Internal.Data.Serialize.TH.Bottom , Streamly.Internal.Data.Producer.Type , Streamly.Internal.Data.Producer.Source , Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Clock.Type if flag(dev) exposed-modules: Streamly.Internal.Data.StreamK.Alt -- XXX Compilation needs to be fixed -- , Streamly.Internal.Data.List build-depends: -- streamly-base -- -- These dependencies can be reversed if we want -- streamly-base to depend only on base. -- -- Core libraries shipped with ghc, the min and max -- constraints of these libraries should match with -- the GHC versions we support. This is to make sure that -- packages depending on the "ghc" package (packages -- depending on doctest is a common example) can -- depend on streamly. ghc-prim >= 0.5.3 && < 0.12 , fusion-plugin-types >= 0.1 && < 0.2 , base >= 4.12 && < 4.20 , exceptions >= 0.8.0 && < 0.11 , transformers >= 0.5.5 && < 0.7 , filepath >= 1.4.2 && < 1.6 -- streamly-unicode-core , template-haskell >= 2.14 && < 2.22 -- streamly-filesystem-core , directory >= 1.3.3 && < 1.4 -- XXX to be removed , containers >= 0.6.0 && < 0.8 , heaps >= 0.3 && < 0.5 if impl(ghc >= 9.0) build-depends: ghc-bignum >= 1.0 && < 2 else build-depends: integer-gmp >= 1.0 && < 1.2 if !flag(use-unliftio) build-depends: monad-control >= 1.0 && < 1.1 if os(linux) || os (darwin) build-depends: unix >= 2.7.0 && < 2.9 if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 >= 2.6 && < 2.14