{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import Control.Monad (when) import System.Mem (performMajorGC) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Word (Word8) import GHC.IO.Handle (Handle) import System.Random (randomIO) import Streamly.FileSystem.Handle (chunkReader) import System.IO (openFile, IOMode(ReadMode)) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile) import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.ByteString () -- Internal imports #if MIN_VERSION_streamly_core(0,2,0) import Streamly.Internal.Data.Array (Array(..)) #else import Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Type (Array(..)) #endif import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Streamly.External.ByteString as Strict import qualified Streamly.External.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as S import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array as Array streamToByteString :: Monad m => S.Stream m (Array Word8) -> m ByteString streamToByteString stream = S.fold (Fold.foldl' (<>) mempty) $ fmap Strict.fromArray stream checkFileContent :: FilePath -> Handle -> IO () checkFileContent filename handle' = do print $ "Checking " <> filename bsContent <- BS.hGetContents handle' handle <- openFile filename ReadMode bsStreamly <- streamToByteString $ S.unfold chunkReader handle bsContent `shouldBe` bsStreamly word8List :: Int -> IO [Word8] word8List l = S.fold Fold.toList $ S.take l $ fmap fromIntegral $ fmap (\x -> abs x `mod` 256) $ S.repeatM (randomIO :: IO Int) propFoldTestStrict :: [Word8] -> Spec propFoldTestStrict bl = prop ("Strict: fold write . fromList = pack" ++ " -- Size: " ++ show (length bl) ++ " bytes") $ do bl' <- fmap BS.unpack $ S.fold Strict.write $ S.fromList bl bl' `shouldBe` bl propNFoldTestStrict :: Int -> [Word8] -> Spec propNFoldTestStrict n bl = prop ("Strict: fold (writeN n) . fromList = pack . take n" ++ " -- Size: " ++ show n ++ " bytes") $ do bl' <- fmap BS.unpack $ S.fold (Strict.writeN n) $ S.fromList bl bl' `shouldBe` take n bl propUnfoldTestStrict :: [Word8] -> Spec propUnfoldTestStrict bl = prop ("Strict: toList . unfold read . pack = id" ++ " -- Size: " ++ show (length bl) ++ " bytes") $ do bl' <- S.fold Fold.toList (S.unfold Strict.reader (BS.pack bl)) bl' `shouldBe` bl propUnfoldTestLazy :: [Word8] -> Spec propUnfoldTestLazy bl = prop ("Lazy: toList . unfold read . pack = id" ++ " -- Size: " ++ show (length bl) ++ " bytes") $ do bl' <- S.fold Fold.toList (S.unfold Lazy.reader (BSL.pack bl)) bl' `shouldBe` bl propFromChunks :: Spec propFromChunks = prop "Lazy.fromChunks = BSL.fromChunks" $ \aL -> do x1 <- Lazy.fromChunks $ fmap Strict.toArray $ S.fromList aL let x2 = BSL.fromChunks aL x1 `shouldBe` x2 propFromChunksIO :: Spec propFromChunksIO = prop "Lazy.fromChunks = BSL.fromChunks" $ \aL -> do x1 <- Lazy.fromChunksIO $ fmap Strict.toArray $ S.fromList aL let x2 = BSL.fromChunks aL x1 `shouldBe` x2 testFromChunksIOLaziness :: Word8 -> IO Word8 testFromChunksIOLaziness h = do lbs <- Lazy.fromChunksIO $ S.fromList (Strict.toArray (BS.singleton h) : undefined) return $ BSL.head lbs checkPinnedNature :: IO () checkPinnedNature = do (arr :: Array Word8) <- Array.fromStream (S.fromList (take 1000 (cycle [0..255]))) performMajorGC threadDelay 50000 threadDelay 50000 performMajorGC threadDelay 50000 threadDelay 50000 (_ :: Array Word8) <- Array.fromStream (S.fromList (take 10000 (cycle [0..255]))) let bs = Strict.fromArray arr lst1 = BS.unpack bs lst2 = Array.toList arr when (lst1 /= lst2) $ error "Pinned nature isn't ensured" main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Array tests" $ do it "Pinned in nature" $ checkPinnedNature it "Strict fromArray" $ mapM_ (flip withSystemTempFile checkFileContent . show) ([1 .. 100] :: [Int]) prop "Strict Identity" $ \bs -> bs `shouldBe` Strict.fromArray (Strict.toArray bs) prop "Strict Identity (with offset)" $ \bs -> let bs1 = BS.drop 5 bs in bs1 `shouldBe` Strict.fromArray (Strict.toArray bs1) prop "toArray never produces negative length" $ \bs -> -- 'BS.drop 5' to trigger non-zero offset let (Array _ startI endI) = Strict.toArray (BS.drop 5 bs) in (endI - startI) >= 0 `shouldBe` True prop "Lazy Identity" $ \bs -> do bs2 <- Lazy.fromChunks . Lazy.toChunks $ bs bs `shouldBe` bs2 wl0 <- runIO $ word8List 0 wlM <- runIO $ word8List 900 wlL <- runIO $ word8List 73700 describe "Strict: Fold tests" $ do propFoldTestStrict wl0 propFoldTestStrict wlM propFoldTestStrict wlL describe "Strict: N Fold tests" $ do propNFoldTestStrict 0 wl0 propNFoldTestStrict 900 wlM propNFoldTestStrict 73700 wlL describe "Strict: Unfold tests" $ do propUnfoldTestStrict wl0 propUnfoldTestStrict wlM propUnfoldTestStrict wlL describe "Lazy: Unfold tests" $ do propUnfoldTestLazy wl0 propUnfoldTestLazy wlM propUnfoldTestLazy wlL describe "Laziness of fromChunksIO" $ do it "Should not fail" $ do w <- testFromChunksIOLaziness 100 w `shouldBe` 100 describe "Correctness of fromChunks" propFromChunks describe "Correctness of fromChunksIO" propFromChunksIO