module Codec.Picture.Png.Streaming.Juicy
( imageFromStream )
import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Png.Streaming
import Codec.Picture.Png.Streaming.Util
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow (..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as Vec
import Data.Word (Word16, Word8)
import Foreign (castForeignPtr, sizeOf)
import Data.ByteString.Streaming (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming as Q
import Streaming.Prelude (Of (..))
type BytePacker m b r = ByteString m r -> m (Of (Vector b) r)
type MkImage m p r = (Int, Int) -> ByteString m r -> m (Of (Image p) r)
bp8 :: (Monad m) => BytePacker m Word8 r
bp8 input =
do bs :> res <- Q.toStrict input
return (bytestringToVector bs :> res)
bp16 :: (Monad m) => BytePacker m Word16 r
bp16 input =
do BI.PS fptr offset idx :> res <- Q.toStrict input
let ws = sizeOf (0 :: Word16)
return (Vec.unsafeFromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fptr) (offset `div` ws) (idx `div` ws) :> res)
mkImage :: (Monad m) => BytePacker m (PixelBaseComponent p) r -> MkImage m p r
mkImage bytePacker (imageWidth, imageHeight) input =
do imageData :> res <- bytePacker input
return (Image{..} :> res)
lmap :: (a -> b) -> Of a r -> Of b r
lmap f (x :> r) = f x :> r
imageFromStream :: (MonadThrow m) => DecodedPNG m r -> m (Of DynamicImage r)
imageFromStream (HeaderData{..} :> bytes) =
let wh = (fromIntegral hdWidth, fromIntegral hdHeight)
in if | hdColourType == 0 && hdBitDepth == 8 -> lmap ImageY8 <$> mkImage bp8 wh bytes
| hdColourType == 0 && hdBitDepth == 16 -> lmap ImageY16 <$> mkImage bp16 wh bytes
| hdColourType == 2 && hdBitDepth == 8 -> lmap ImageRGB8 <$> mkImage bp8 wh bytes
| hdColourType == 2 && hdBitDepth == 16 -> lmap ImageRGB16 <$> mkImage bp16 wh bytes
| hdColourType == 4 && hdBitDepth == 8 -> lmap ImageYA8 <$> mkImage bp8 wh bytes
| hdColourType == 4 && hdBitDepth == 16 -> lmap ImageYA16 <$> mkImage bp16 wh bytes
| hdColourType == 6 && hdBitDepth == 8 -> lmap ImageRGBA8 <$> mkImage bp8 wh bytes
| hdColourType == 6 && hdBitDepth == 16 -> lmap ImageRGBA16 <$> mkImage bp16 wh bytes
| otherwise -> throwM UnsupportedImageType