{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Data.Aviation.Stratux.Types.GpsSolution(
, AsGpsSolution(..)
) where

import Control.Lens(makeClassyPrisms)
import Control.Monad(Monad(return), mzero)
import Data.Aeson(FromJSON(parseJSON), ToJSON(toJSON), withText, Value(String))
import Data.Eq(Eq)
import Data.Ord(Ord)
import Prelude(Show)

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Control.Lens
-- >>> import Data.Aeson(decode, encode)
-- >>> import Data.Maybe(Maybe)

data GpsSolution =
  GpsSbas -- GPS + SBAS (WAAS / EGNOS)
  | ThreeDGPS -- 3D GPS
  | DeadReckoning -- Dead Reckoning
  | NoFix -- No Fix
  | Unknown -- Unknown
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

makeClassyPrisms ''GpsSolution

-- |
-- >>> decode "\"GPS + SBAS (WAAS / EGNOS)\"" :: Maybe GpsSolution
-- Just GpsSbas
-- >>> decode "\"3D GPS\"" :: Maybe GpsSolution
-- Just ThreeDGPS
-- >>> decode "\"Dead Reckoning\"" :: Maybe GpsSolution
-- Just DeadReckoning
-- >>> decode "\"No Fix\"" :: Maybe GpsSolution
-- Just NoFix
-- >>> decode "\"Unknown\"" :: Maybe GpsSolution
-- Just Unknown
instance FromJSON GpsSolution where
  parseJSON =
    withText "GPS_solution" (\t ->
      case t of 
        "GPS + SBAS (WAAS / EGNOS)" ->
          return GpsSbas
        "3D GPS" ->
          return ThreeDGPS
        "Dead Reckoning" ->
          return DeadReckoning
        "No Fix" ->
          return NoFix
        "Unknown" ->
          return Unknown
        _ ->

-- |
-- >>> encode GpsSbas
-- "\"GPS + SBAS (WAAS / EGNOS)\""
-- >>> encode ThreeDGPS
-- "\"3D GPS\""
-- >>> encode DeadReckoning
-- "\"Dead Reckoning\""
-- >>> encode NoFix
-- "\"No Fix\""
-- >>> encode Unknown
-- "\"Unknown\""
instance ToJSON GpsSolution where
  toJSON x =
    String (
      case x of
        GpsSbas ->
          "GPS + SBAS (WAAS / EGNOS)"
        ThreeDGPS ->
          "3D GPS"
        DeadReckoning ->
          "Dead Reckoning"
        NoFix ->
          "No Fix"
        Unknown ->