# stocks Haskell library for the IEX trading API. Example: ```haskell stack build && stack ghci > getCompany "aapl" Just (Company {symbol = "AAPL", companyName = "Apple Inc.", exchange = "Nasdaq Global Select", industry = "Computer Hardware", website = "http://www.apple.com", description = "Apple Inc is designs ...", ceo = "Timothy D. Cook", issueType = "cs", sector = "Technology"}) > getPrice "dps" Just 120.36 ``` Please see the HUnit test for a complete example of all API calls. ## How to run test suite ``` stack test ``` ## Contribute For any problems, comments, or feedback please create an issue [here on GitHub](https://github.com/dabcoder/stocks/issues). ### Attribution If you redistribute our API data: * Cite IEX using the following text and link: “Data provided for free by [IEX](https://iextrading.com/developer).” * Provide a link to https://iextrading.com/api-exhibit-a in your terms of service.