-- | Defines operations on local and global variable environments.
module Stg.Machine.Env (

    -- * Locals

    -- * Globals
) where

import           Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Map            as M
import           Data.Monoid

import Stg.Language
import Stg.Machine.Types
import Stg.Util

-- | Add a list of bindings to the local environment.
-- Already existing variables will be shadowed (i.e. overwritten).
addLocals :: [Mapping Var Value] -> Locals -> Locals
addLocals defs locals = makeLocals defs <> locals

-- | Create a local environment from a list of bindings.
makeLocals :: [Mapping Var Value] -> Locals
makeLocals = Locals . M.fromList . map (\(Mapping k v) -> (k,v))

-- | Look up the value of an 'Atom' first in the local, then in the global
-- environment.
val :: Locals -> Globals -> Atom -> Validate NotInScope Value
val _lcl _gbl (AtomLit (Literal k)) = Success (PrimInt k)
val (Locals locals) (Globals globals) (AtomVar var) =
    case M.lookup var locals <|> M.lookup var globals of
        Just v -> Success v
        Nothing -> Failure (NotInScope [var])

-- | Look up the values of many 'Atom's, and return their values in the
-- input's order, or a list of variables not in scope.
vals :: Locals -> Globals -> [Atom] -> Validate NotInScope [Value]
vals locals globals = traverse (val locals globals)

-- | Look up the value of a variable in the local environment.
localVal :: Locals -> Atom -> Validate NotInScope Value
localVal locals = val locals mempty

-- | Look up the value of a variable in the global environment.
globalVal :: Globals -> Atom -> Validate NotInScope Value
globalVal globals = val mempty globals