Steel Overseer ============== A file watcher and development tool, similar to Ruby's [Guard]( [![Build Status](]( Installation ============ Download and install the [stack]( build tool. stack install steeloverseer This will create a binary deep inside `~/.stack/`, and symlink to it at `~/.local/bin/sos`. Usage ===== See `sos --help` to get started: Steel Overseer 2.0 Usage: sos [TARGET] [-c|--command COMMAND] [-p|--pattern PATTERN] A file watcher and development tool. Available options: -h,--help Show this help text TARGET File or directory to watch for changes. (default: ".") -c,--command COMMAND Add command to run on file event. -p,--pattern PATTERN Add pattern to match on file path. Only relevant if the target is a directory. (default: .*) Capture groups can be created with `(` `)` and captured variables can be referred to with `\1`, `\2`, etc. (`\0` contains the entire match). For example, for each change to a `.c` file in `src/`, we may want to compile the file and run its corresponding unit test: sos src/ -c "gcc -c \0 -o obj/\1.o" -c "make test --filter=test/\1_test.c" -p "src/(.*)\.c" Commands are run left-to-right, and one failed command will halt the entire pipeline. As a shortcut, we may want to write the above only once and save it in `.sosrc`, which is an alternative to the command-line interface (yaml syntax): ```yaml - pattern: src/(.*)\.c commands: - gcc -c \0 -o obj/\1.o - make test --filter=test/\1_test.c ``` Then, we only need to run sos to start watching the current directory. Pipelines of commands are immediately canceled and re-run if a subsequent filesystem event triggers the *same* list of commands. Otherwise, commands are are enqueued and run sequentially to keep the terminal output clean and readable. For example, we may wish to run `hlint` on any modified `.hs` file: ```yaml - pattern: .*\.hs command: hlint \0 ``` We can modify `foo.hs` and trigger `hlint foo.hs` to run. During its execution, modifying `bar.hs` will *enqueue* `hlint bar.hs`, while modifying `foo.hs` again will *re-run* `hlint foo.hs`. .sosrc grammar ============== sosrc := [entry] entry := { "pattern" | "patterns" : value | [value] , "command" | "commands" : value | [value] } value := [segment] segment := text_segment | var_segment text_segment := string var_segment := '\' integer The .sosrc grammar is somewhat flexible with respect to the command specifications. Both singular and plural keys are allowed, and both strings and lists of strings are allowed for values.