{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, TypeOperators #-}
-- |
-- Module    : Statistics.Sample.Powers
-- Copyright : (c) 2009 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Very fast statistics over simple powers of a sample.  These can all
-- be computed efficiently in just a single pass over a sample, with
-- that pass subject to stream fusion.
-- The tradeoff is that some of these functions are less numerically
-- robust than their counterparts in the 'Statistics.Sample' module.
-- Where this is the case, the alternatives are noted.

module Statistics.Sample.Powers
    -- * Types
    , Powers

    -- * Constructor
    , powers

    -- * Descriptive functions
    , order
    , count
    , sum

    -- * Statistics of location
    , mean

    -- * Statistics of dispersion
    , variance
    , stdDev
    , varianceUnbiased

    -- * Functions over central moments
    , centralMoment
    , skewness
    , kurtosis

    -- * References
    -- $references
    ) where

import Control.Monad.ST (unsafeSTToIO)
import Data.Array.Vector
import Prelude hiding (sum)
import Statistics.Internal (inlinePerformIO)
import Statistics.Math (choose)
import Statistics.Types (Sample)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

newtype Powers = Powers (UArr Double)
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- | O(/n/) Collect the /n/ simple powers of a sample.
-- Functions computed over a sample's simple powers require at least a
-- certain number (or /order/) of powers to be collected.
-- * To compute the /k/th 'centralMoment', at least /k/ simple powers
--   must be collected.
-- * For the 'variance', at least 2 simple powers are needed.
-- * For 'skewness', we need at least 3 simple powers.
-- * For 'kurtosis', at least 4 simple powers are required.
-- This function is subject to stream fusion.
powers :: Int                   -- ^ /n/, the number of powers, where /n/ >= 2.
       -> Sample
       -> Powers
powers k
    | k < 2     = error "Statistics.Sample.powers: too few powers"
    | otherwise = fini . foldlU go (unsafePerformIO . unsafeSTToIO $ create)
    go ms x = inlinePerformIO . unsafeSTToIO $ loop 0 1
        where loop !i !xk | i == l = return ms
                          | otherwise = do
                readMU ms i >>= writeMU ms i . (+ xk)
                loop (i+1) (xk*x)
    fini = Powers . unsafePerformIO . unsafeSTToIO . unsafeFreezeAllMU
    create = newMU l >>= fill 0
        where fill !i ms | i == l    = return ms
                         | otherwise = writeMU ms i 0 >> fill (i+1) ms
    l = k + 1
{-# INLINE powers #-}

-- | The order (number) of simple powers collected from a 'Sample'.
order :: Powers -> Int
order (Powers pa) = lengthU pa - 1
{-# INLINE order #-}

-- | Compute the /k/th central moment of a 'Sample'.  The central
-- moment is also known as the moment about the mean.
centralMoment :: Int -> Powers -> Double
centralMoment k p@(Powers pa)
    | k < 0 || k > order p =
                  error ("Statistics.Sample.Powers.centralMoment: "
                         ++ "invalid argument")
    | k == 0    = 1
    | otherwise = (/n) . sumU . mapU go . indexedU . takeU (k+1) $ pa
    go (i :*: e) = fromIntegral (k `choose` i) * ((-m) ^ (k-i)) * e
    n = indexU pa 0
    m = mean p
{-# INLINE centralMoment #-}

-- | Maximum likelihood estimate of a sample's variance.  Also known
-- as the population variance, where the denominator is /n/.  This is
-- the second central moment of the sample.
-- This is less numerically robust than the variance function in the
-- 'Statistics.Sample' module, but the number is essentially free to
-- compute if you have already collected a sample's simple powers.
-- Requires 'Powers' with 'order' at least 2.
variance :: Powers -> Double
variance = centralMoment 2
{-# INLINE variance #-}

-- | Standard deviation.  This is simply the square root of the
-- maximum likelihood estimate of the variance.
stdDev :: Powers -> Double
stdDev = sqrt . variance
{-# INLINE stdDev #-}

-- | Unbiased estimate of a sample's variance.  Also known as the
-- sample variance, where the denominator is /n/-1.
-- Requires 'Powers' with 'order' at least 2.
varianceUnbiased :: Powers -> Double
varianceUnbiased p@(Powers pa)
    | n > 1     = variance p * n / (n-1)
    | otherwise = 0
  where n = indexU pa 0
{-# INLINE varianceUnbiased #-}

-- | Compute the skewness of a sample. This is a measure of the
-- asymmetry of its distribution.
-- A sample with negative skew is said to be /left-skewed/.  Most of
-- its mass is on the right of the distribution, with the tail on the
-- left.
-- > skewness . powers 3 $ toU [1,100,101,102,103]
-- > ==> -1.497681449918257
-- A sample with positive skew is said to be /right-skewed/.
-- > skewness . powers 3 $ toU [1,2,3,4,100]
-- > ==> 1.4975367033335198
-- A sample's skewness is not defined if its 'variance' is zero.
-- Requires 'Powers' with 'order' at least 3.
skewness :: Powers -> Double
skewness p = centralMoment 3 p * variance p ** (-1.5)
{-# INLINE skewness #-}

-- | Compute the excess kurtosis of a sample.  This is a measure of
-- the \"peakedness\" of its distribution.  A high kurtosis indicates
-- that the sample's variance is due more to infrequent severe
-- deviations than to frequent modest deviations.
-- A sample's excess kurtosis is not defined if its 'variance' is
-- zero.
-- Requires 'Powers' with 'order' at least 4.
kurtosis :: Powers -> Double
kurtosis p = centralMoment 4 p / (v * v) - 3
    where v = variance p
{-# INLINE kurtosis #-}

-- | The number of elements in the original 'Sample'.  This is the
-- sample's zeroth simple power.
count :: Powers -> Int
count (Powers pa) = floor $ indexU pa 0
{-# INLINE count #-}

-- | The sum of elements in the original 'Sample'.  This is the
-- sample's first simple power.
sum :: Powers -> Double
sum (Powers pa) = indexU pa 1
{-# INLINE sum #-}

-- | The arithmetic mean of elements in the original 'Sample'.
-- This is less numerically robust than the mean function in the
-- 'Statistics.Sample' module, but the number is essentially free to
-- compute if you have already collected a sample's simple powers.
mean :: Powers -> Double
mean p@(Powers pa)
    | n == 0    = 0
    | otherwise = sum p / n
    where n     = indexU pa 0
{-# INLINE mean #-}

-- $references
-- * Besset, D.H. (2000) Elements of statistics.
--   /Object-oriented implementation of numerical methods/
--   pp. 311&#8211;331. <http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/677916>
-- * Anderson, G. (2009) Compute /k/th central moments in one
--   pass. /quantblog/. <http://quantblog.wordpress.com/2009/02/07/compute-kth-central-moments-in-one-pass/>