{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | Tests for Statistics.Math module Tests.Math ( mathTests ) where import Data.Vector.Unboxed (fromList) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Vector ((!)) import Test.QuickCheck hiding (choose) import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Tests.Helpers import Tests.Math.Tables import Statistics.Math mathTests :: Test mathTests = testGroup "S.Math" [ testProperty "Γ(x+1) = x·Γ(x) logGamma" $ gammaReccurence logGamma 3e-8 , testProperty "Γ(x+1) = x·Γ(x) logGammaL" $ gammaReccurence logGammaL 2e-13 , testProperty "γ(1,x) = 1 - exp(-x)" $ incompleteGammaAt1Check , testProperty "γ - increases" $ \s x y -> s > 0 && x > 0 && y > 0 ==> monotonicallyIncreases (incompleteGamma s) x y , testProperty "invIncompleteGamma = γ^-1" $ invIGammaIsInverse , testProperty "invIncompleteBeta = B^-1" $ invIBetaIsInverse , chebyshevTests -- Unit tests , testAssertion "Factorial is expected to be precise at 1e-15 level" $ and [ eq 1e-15 (factorial (fromIntegral n)) (fromIntegral (factorial' n)) |n <- [0..170]] , testAssertion "Log factorial is expected to be precise at 1e-15 level" $ and [ eq 1e-15 (logFactorial (fromIntegral n)) (log $ fromIntegral $ factorial' n) | n <- [2..170]] , testAssertion "logGamma is expected to be precise at 1e-9 level [integer points]" $ and [ eq 1e-9 (logGamma (fromIntegral n)) (logFactorial (n-1)) | n <- [3..10000]] , testAssertion "logGamma is expected to be precise at 1e-9 level [fractional points]" $ and [ eq 1e-9 (logGamma x) lg | (x,lg) <- tableLogGamma ] , testAssertion "logGammaL is expected to be precise at 1e-15 level" $ and [ eq 1e-15 (logGammaL (fromIntegral n)) (logFactorial (n-1)) | n <- [3..10000]] , testAssertion "logGammaL is expected to be precise at 1e-9 level [fractional points]" $ and [ eq 1e-10 (logGammaL x) lg | (x,lg) <- tableLogGamma ] , testAssertion "logBeta is expected to be precise at 1e-6 level" $ and [ eq 1e-6 (logBeta p q) (logGammaL p + logGammaL q - logGammaL (p+q)) | p <- [0.1,0.2 .. 0.9] ++ [2 .. 20] , q <- [0.1,0.2 .. 0.9] ++ [2 .. 20]] -- FIXME: Why 1e-8? Is it due to poor precision of logBeta? , testAssertion "incompleteBeta is expected to be precise at 1e-8 level" $ and [ eq 1e-8 (incompleteBeta p q x) ib | (p,q,x,ib) <- tableIncompleteBeta ] , testAssertion "choose is expected to precise at 1e-12 level" $ and [ eq 1e-12 (choose (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral k)) (fromIntegral $ choose' n k) | n <- [0..300], k <- [0..n]] ] ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- QC tests ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Γ(x+1) = x·Γ(x) gammaReccurence :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Property gammaReccurence logG ε x = (x > 0 && x < 100) ==> (abs (g2 - g1 - log x) < ε) where g1 = logG x g2 = logG (x+1) -- γ(1,x) = 1 - exp(-x) -- Since Γ(1) = 1 normalization doesn't make any difference incompleteGammaAt1Check :: Double -> Property incompleteGammaAt1Check x = x > 0 ==> (incompleteGamma 1 x + exp(-x)) ≈ 1 where (≈) = eq 1e-13 -- invIncompleteGamma is inverse of incompleteGamma invIGammaIsInverse :: Double -> Double -> Property invIGammaIsInverse (abs -> a) (abs . snd . properFraction -> p) = a > 0 && p > 0 && p < 1 ==> ( printTestCase ("x = " ++ show x ) $ printTestCase ("p' = " ++ show p') $ printTestCase ("Δp = " ++ show (p - p')) $ abs (p - p') <= 1e-12 ) where x = invIncompleteGamma a p p' = incompleteGamma a x -- invIncompleteBeta is inverse of incompleteBeta invIBetaIsInverse :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Property invIBetaIsInverse (abs -> p) (abs -> q) (abs . snd . properFraction -> x) = p > 0 && q > 0 ==> ( printTestCase ("p = " ++ show p ) $ printTestCase ("q = " ++ show q ) $ printTestCase ("x = " ++ show x ) $ printTestCase ("x' = " ++ show x') $ printTestCase ("a = " ++ show a) $ printTestCase ("err = " ++ (show $ abs $ (x - x') / x)) $ abs (x - x') <= 1e-12 ) where x' = incompleteBeta p q a a = invIncompleteBeta p q x -- Test that Chebyshev polynomial of low order are evaluated correctly chebyshevTests :: Test chebyshevTests = testGroup "Chebyshev polynomials" [ testProperty "Chebyshev 0" $ \a0 (Ch x) -> (ch0 x * a0) ≈ (chebyshev x $ fromList [a0]) , testProperty "Chebyshev 1" $ \a0 a1 (Ch x) -> (a0*ch0 x + a1*ch1 x) ≈ (chebyshev x $ fromList [a0,a1]) , testProperty "Chebyshev 2" $ \a0 a1 a2 (Ch x) -> (a0*ch0 x + a1*ch1 x + a2*ch2 x) ≈ (chebyshev x $ fromList [a0,a1,a2]) , testProperty "Chebyshev 3" $ \a0 a1 a2 a3 (Ch x) -> (a0*ch0 x + a1*ch1 x + a2*ch2 x + a3*ch3 x) ≈ (chebyshev x $ fromList [a0,a1,a2,a3]) , testProperty "Chebyshev 4" $ \a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 (Ch x) -> (a0*ch0 x + a1*ch1 x + a2*ch2 x + a3*ch3 x + a4*ch4 x) ≈ (chebyshev x $ fromList [a0,a1,a2,a3,a4]) ] where (≈) = eq 1e-12 -- Chebyshev polynomials of low order ch0,ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 :: Double -> Double ch0 _ = 1 ch1 x = x ch2 x = 2*x^2 - 1 ch3 x = 4*x^3 - 3*x ch4 x = 8*x^4 - 8*x^2 + 1 newtype Ch = Ch Double deriving Show instance Arbitrary Ch where arbitrary = do x <- arbitrary return $ Ch $ 2 * (snd . properFraction) x - 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unit tests ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lookup table for fact factorial calculation. It has fixed size -- which is bad but it's OK for this particular case factorial_table :: V.Vector Integer factorial_table = V.generate 2000 (\n -> product [1..fromIntegral n]) -- Exact implementation of factorial factorial' :: Integer -> Integer factorial' n = factorial_table ! fromIntegral n -- Exact albeit slow implementation of choose choose' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer choose' n k = factorial' n `div` (factorial' k * factorial' (n-k))