module Stamina ( -- functions retry, retryFor, -- types RetrySettings (..), defaults, RetryAction (..), RetryStatus (..), -- raising exceptions escalateWith, escalate, withLeft, ) where import Control.Concurrent (isEmptyMVar, newEmptyMVar, threadDelay, tryPutMVar) import Control.Exception (Exception (..), SomeAsyncException (SomeAsyncException), SomeException, throwIO) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, throwM, try) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime, nominalDiffTimeToSeconds, secondsToNominalDiffTime) import System.Random (randomRIO) -- | Settings for the retry functions. data RetrySettings = RetrySettings { -- | Initial status of the retry, useful to override when resuming a retry initialRetryStatus :: RetryStatus, -- | Maximum number of attempts. Can be combined with a timeout. Default to 10. maxAttempts :: Maybe Int, -- | Maximum time for all retries. Can be combined with attempts. Default to 60s. maxTime :: Maybe NominalDiffTime, -- | Maximum backoff between retries at any time. Default to 60s. backoffMaxRetryDelay :: Maybe NominalDiffTime, -- | Maximum jitter that is added to retry back-off delays (the actual jitter added is a random number between 0 and backoffJitter). Defaults to 1.0. backoffJitter :: Double, -- | The exponential base used to compute the retry backoff. Defaults to 2.0. backoffExpBase :: Double } -- | Tracks the status of a retry -- -- All fields will be zero if no retries have been attempted yet. data RetryStatus = RetryStatus { -- | Number of retry attempts so far. attempts :: Int, -- | Delay before the next retry. delay :: NominalDiffTime, -- | Total delay so far. totalDelay :: NominalDiffTime, -- | Reset the retry status to the initial state. resetInitial :: IO (), -- | The last exception that was thrown. lastException :: Maybe SomeException } defaults :: RetrySettings defaults = RetrySettings { initialRetryStatus = RetryStatus { attempts = 0, delay = 0, totalDelay = 0, resetInitial = return (), lastException = Nothing }, maxAttempts = Just 10, maxTime = Just $ secondsToNominalDiffTime 60, backoffMaxRetryDelay = Just $ secondsToNominalDiffTime 60.0, backoffJitter = 1.0, backoffExpBase = 2.0 } data RetryAction = RaiseException -- Propagate the exception. | Retry -- Retry with the delay according to the settings. | RetryDelay NominalDiffTime -- Retry after the given delay. | RetryTime UTCTime -- Retry after the given time. deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Retry on all sync exceptions, async exceptions will still be thrown. -- -- The backoff delays between retries grow exponentially plus a random jitter. -- The backoff for retry attempt number _attempt_ is computed as: -- -- @ -- backoffExpBase ** (attempt - 1) + random(0, backoffJitter) -- @ -- -- With the default values, the backoff for the first 5 attempts will be: -- -- @ -- 2 ** 0 + random(0, 1) = 1 + random(0, 1) -- 2 ** 1 + random(0, 1) = 2 + random(0, 1) -- 2 ** 2 + random(0, 1) = 4 + random(0, 1) -- 2 ** 3 + random(0, 1) = 8 + random(0, 1) -- 2 ** 4 + random(0, 1) = 16 + random(0, 1) -- @ -- -- If all retries fail, the last exception is let through. retry :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => RetrySettings -> (RetryStatus -> m a) -> m a retry settings = retryFor settings skipAsyncExceptions where -- skipAsyncExceptions :: SomeException -> m RetryAction skipAsyncExceptions exc = case fromException exc of Just (SomeAsyncException _) -> return RaiseException Nothing -> return Retry -- Same as retry, but only retry the given exceptions. retryFor :: (Exception exc, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => RetrySettings -> (exc -> m RetryAction) -> (RetryStatus -> m a) -> m a retryFor settings handler action = initialize >>= go where initialize = do resetMVar <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar let retryStatus = (initialRetryStatus settings) {resetInitial = void $ tryPutMVar resetMVar ()} return (retryStatus, resetMVar) -- go :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => RetryStatus -> m a go (retryStatus, currentResetMVar) = do result <- try $ action retryStatus case result of Right out -> return out Left exception -> do (newRetryStatus, newResetMVar) <- do isEmpty <- liftIO $ isEmptyMVar currentResetMVar if isEmpty then return (retryStatus, currentResetMVar) else initialize exceptionAction <- handler exception delay_ <- case exceptionAction of RaiseException -> throwM exception Retry -> liftIO $ increaseDelay newRetryStatus RetryDelay delay_ -> return delay_ RetryTime time -> liftIO $ diffUTCTime time <$> getCurrentTime let RetrySettings {maxTime, maxAttempts} = settings if (isJust maxTime && Just (totalDelay newRetryStatus + delay_) > maxTime) || (isJust maxAttempts && Just (attempts newRetryStatus) == maxAttempts) then throwM exception else do liftIO $ threadDelay $ round $ 1000 * 1000 * (nominalDiffTimeToSeconds delay_) go (updateRetryStatus newRetryStatus delay_ $ toException exception, newResetMVar) updateRetryStatus :: RetryStatus -> NominalDiffTime -> SomeException -> RetryStatus updateRetryStatus status delay_ exception = status { attempts = attempts status + 1, delay = delay_, totalDelay = totalDelay status + delay_, lastException = Just exception } increaseDelay :: (MonadIO m) => RetryStatus -> m NominalDiffTime increaseDelay retryStatus = do let RetryStatus {attempts} = retryStatus let RetrySettings {backoffMaxRetryDelay, backoffJitter, backoffExpBase} = settings jitter <- randomRIO (0, backoffJitter) let delay = secondsToNominalDiffTime $ realToFrac $ backoffExpBase ** (fromIntegral attempts - 1) + jitter return $ maybe delay (min delay) backoffMaxRetryDelay -- | Escalate an Either to an exception by converting the Left value to an exception. escalateWith :: (Exception exc) => (err -> exc) -> Either err a -> IO a escalateWith f = either (throwIO . f) return -- | Convert a Maybe to an Either. withLeft :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b withLeft a = maybe (Left a) Right -- | Escalate an Either to an exception. escalate :: (Exception exc) => Either exc a -> IO a escalate = escalateWith id