module Stamina.HTTP (retry, handler) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Exception (SomeException, fromException) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Data.Time (UTCTime, defaultTimeLocale, readPTime, rfc822DateFormat, secondsToNominalDiffTime) import Network.HTTP.Client qualified as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (hRetryAfter) import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (statusIsServerError, tooManyRequests429) import Stamina qualified import Text.Read (Read (readPrec), readMaybe) import Text.Read qualified as ReadPrec -- | Retry handler for HTTP requests. -- -- Retries a subset of HTTP exceptions and overrides the delay with the Retry-After header if present. retry :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => Stamina.RetrySettings -> (Stamina.RetryStatus -> m a) -> m a retry settings = Stamina.retryFor settings handler handler :: (MonadIO m) => SomeException -> m Stamina.RetryAction handler = httpExceptionToRetryAction . fromException where -- httpExceptionToRetryAction :: Maybe HTTP.HttpException -> m Stamina.RetryAction httpExceptionToRetryAction (Just exc@(HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ (HTTP.StatusCodeException response _))) = do case lookupRetryAfter response of Just (RetryAfterSeconds seconds) -> return $ Stamina.RetryDelay $ secondsToNominalDiffTime $ fromIntegral seconds Just (RetryAfterDate date) -> return $ Stamina.RetryTime date Nothing -> if shouldRetryHttpException exc then return Stamina.Retry else return Stamina.RaiseException httpExceptionToRetryAction (Just exc) | shouldRetryHttpException exc = return Stamina.Retry httpExceptionToRetryAction _ = return Stamina.RaiseException -- lookupRetryAfter :: HTTP.Response body -> Maybe RetryAfterHeader lookupRetryAfter = readMaybe . show . snd . head . filter ((== hRetryAfter) . fst) . HTTP.responseHeaders data RetryAfterHeader = RetryAfterDate UTCTime | RetryAfterSeconds Int deriving (Eq, Show) instance Read RetryAfterHeader where readPrec = parseSeconds <|> parseWebDate where parseSeconds = RetryAfterSeconds <$> readPrec parseWebDate = ReadPrec.lift $ RetryAfterDate <$> readPTime True defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat shouldRetryHttpException :: HTTP.HttpException -> Bool shouldRetryHttpException (HTTP.InvalidUrlException _ _) = False shouldRetryHttpException (HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ reason) = case reason of HTTP.ConnectionClosed -> True HTTP.ConnectionFailure _ -> True HTTP.ConnectionTimeout -> True HTTP.IncompleteHeaders -> True HTTP.InternalException _ -> True HTTP.InvalidChunkHeaders -> True HTTP.InvalidProxyEnvironmentVariable _ _ -> True HTTP.InvalidStatusLine _ -> True HTTP.NoResponseDataReceived -> True HTTP.ProxyConnectException _ _ status | statusIsServerError status -> True HTTP.ResponseBodyTooShort _ _ -> True HTTP.ResponseTimeout -> True HTTP.StatusCodeException response _ | HTTP.responseStatus response == tooManyRequests429 -> True HTTP.StatusCodeException response _ | statusIsServerError (HTTP.responseStatus response) -> True HTTP.HttpZlibException _ -> True _ -> False