module Stackctl.AWS.Core ( MonadAWS , send , paginate , await , withAuth , localEnv -- * "Control.Monad.AWS" extensions , simple , discover , assumeRole -- * Error-handling , handlingServiceError , formatServiceError -- * "Amazonka" extensions , AccountId (..) -- * "Amazonka" re-exports , Region (..) , FromText (..) , ToText (..) ) where import Stackctl.Prelude import Amazonka ( AWSRequest , AWSResponse , Region , ServiceError , serviceError_code , serviceError_message , serviceError_requestId , _Sensitive , _ServiceError ) import qualified Amazonka import Amazonka.Auth.Keys (fromSession) import Amazonka.Data.Text (FromText (..), ToText (..)) import qualified Amazonka.Env as Amazonka import Amazonka.STS.AssumeRole import Control.Monad.AWS import Control.Monad.Logger (defaultLoc, toLogStr) import Data.Typeable (typeRep) import Stackctl.AWS.Orphans () import UnliftIO.Exception.Lens (handling) discover :: MonadLoggerIO m => m Amazonka.Env discover = do env <- liftIO $ Amazonka.newEnv loggerIO <- askLoggerIO let logger level = do loggerIO defaultLoc "Amazonka" ( case level of Amazonka.Info -> LevelInfo Amazonka.Error -> LevelError Amazonka.Debug -> LevelDebug Amazonka.Trace -> LevelOther "trace" ) . toLogStr pure $ env & Amazonka.env_logger .~ logger simple :: forall a m b . ( HasCallStack , MonadIO m , MonadAWS m , AWSRequest a , Typeable a , Typeable (AWSResponse a) ) => a -> (AWSResponse a -> Maybe b) -> m b simple req post = do resp <- send req let name = show $ typeRep $ Proxy @a err = name <> " successful, but processing the response failed" maybe (throwString err) pure $ post resp assumeRole :: (MonadIO m, MonadAWS m) => Text -- ^ Role ARN -> Text -- ^ Session name -> m a -- ^ Action to run as the assumed role -> m a assumeRole role sessionName f = do let req = newAssumeRole role sessionName assumeEnv <- simple req $ \resp -> do let creds = resp ^. assumeRoleResponse_credentials token <- creds ^. Amazonka.authEnv_sessionToken let accessKeyId = creds ^. Amazonka.authEnv_accessKeyId secretAccessKey = creds ^. Amazonka.authEnv_secretAccessKey . _Sensitive sessionToken = token ^. _Sensitive pure $ fromSession accessKeyId secretAccessKey sessionToken localEnv assumeEnv f newtype AccountId = AccountId { unAccountId :: Text } deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, ToJSON) -- | Handle 'ServiceError', log it and 'exitFailure' -- -- This is useful at the top-level of the app, where we'd be crashing anyway. It -- makes things more readable and easier to debug. handlingServiceError :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLogger m) => m a -> m a handlingServiceError = handling _ServiceError $ \e -> do logError $ "Exiting due to AWS Service error" :# [ "code" .= toText (e ^. serviceError_code) , "message" .= fmap toText (e ^. serviceError_message) , "requestId" .= fmap toText (e ^. serviceError_requestId) ] exitFailure formatServiceError :: ServiceError -> Text formatServiceError e = mconcat [ toText $ e ^. serviceError_code , maybe "" ((": " <>) . toText) $ e ^. serviceError_message , maybe "" (("\nRequest Id: " <>) . toText) $ e ^. serviceError_requestId ]