{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

module Stack2nix
  ( Args(..)
  , Package(..)
  , RemotePkgConf(..)
  , StackConfig(..)
  , parseStackYaml
  , stack2nix
  , version
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent.Async
import           Control.Concurrent.MSem
import           Control.Exception            (SomeException, catch,
import           Control.Monad                (unless)
import qualified Data.ByteString              as BS
import           Data.Fix                     (Fix (..))
import           Data.List                    (foldl', sort, union, (\\))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict              as Map
import           Data.Maybe                   (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid                  ((<>))
import           Data.Text                    (Text, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Traversable             as T
import           Data.Version                 (Version (..), parseVersion,
import           Data.Yaml                    (FromJSON (..), (.!=), (.:),
import qualified Data.Yaml                    as Y
import           Distribution.Text            (display)
import           Nix.Expr                     (Binding (..), NExpr, NExprF (..),
                                               NKeyName (..), ParamSet (..),
                                               Params (..))
import           Nix.Parser                   (Result (..), parseNixFile,
import           Nix.Pretty                   (prettyNix)
import           Paths_stack2nix              (version)
import           Stack2nix.External           (cabal2nix)
import           Stack2nix.External.Util      (runCmd, runCmdFrom)
import           Stack2nix.External.VCS.Git   (Command (..), ExternalCmd (..),
                                               InternalCmd (..), git)
import           System.Directory             (doesFileExist)
import           System.Environment           (getEnv)
import           System.FilePath              (dropExtension, isAbsolute,
                                               normalise, takeDirectory,
                                               takeFileName, (</>))
import           System.FilePath.Glob         (glob)
import           System.IO                    (hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout)
import           System.IO.Temp               (withSystemTempDirectory)
import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)

data Args = Args
  { argRev     :: Maybe String
  , argOutFile :: Maybe FilePath
  , argUri     :: String
  deriving (Show)

data StackConfig = StackConfig
  { resolver  :: Text
  , packages  :: [Package]
  , extraDeps :: [Text]
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Package = LocalPkg FilePath
             | RemotePkg RemotePkgConf
             deriving (Show, Eq)

data RemotePkgConf = RemotePkgConf
  { gitUrl   :: Text
  , commit   :: Text
  , extraDep :: Bool
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance FromJSON StackConfig where
  parseJSON (Y.Object v) =
    StackConfig <$>
    v .: "resolver" <*>
    v .: "packages" <*>
    v .: "extra-deps"
  parseJSON _ = fail "Expected Object for StackConfig value"

instance FromJSON Package where
  parseJSON (Y.String v) = return $ LocalPkg $ unpack v
  parseJSON obj@(Y.Object _) = RemotePkg <$> parseJSON obj
  parseJSON _ = fail "Expected String or Object for Package value"

instance FromJSON RemotePkgConf where
  parseJSON (Y.Object v) = do
    loc <- v .: "location"
    gitUrl <- loc .: "git"
    commit <- loc .: "commit"
    extra <- v .:? "extra-dep" .!= False
    return $ RemotePkgConf gitUrl commit extra
  parseJSON _ = fail "Expected Object for RemotePkgConf value"

parseStackYaml :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe StackConfig
parseStackYaml = Y.decode

checkRuntimeDeps :: IO ()
checkRuntimeDeps = do
  checkVer "cabal2nix" "2.2.1"
  checkVer "git" "2"
  checkVer "cabal" "1"
    checkVer prog minVer = do
      hPutStrLn stderr $ unwords ["Ensuring", prog, "version is >=", minVer, "..."]
      result <- runCmd prog ["--version"] `onException` (error $ "Failed to run " ++ prog ++ ". Not found in PATH.")
      case result of
        Right out ->
            -- heuristic for parsing version from stdout
            firstLine = head . lines
            lastWord = head . reverse . words
            ver = parseVer . lastWord . firstLine $ out
          unless (ver >= parseVer minVer) $ error $ unwords ["ERROR:", prog, "version must be", minVer, "or higher. Current version:", maybe "[parse failure]" showVersion ver]
        Left err  -> error err

    parseVer :: String -> Maybe Version
    parseVer =
      fmap fst . listToMaybe . reverse . readP_to_S parseVersion

stack2nix :: Args -> IO ()
stack2nix args@Args{..} = do
  isLocalRepo <- doesFileExist $ argUri </> "stack.yaml"
  if isLocalRepo
  then handleStackConfig Nothing argUri
  else withSystemTempDirectory "s2n-" $ \tmpDir ->
    tryGit tmpDir >> handleStackConfig (Just argUri) tmpDir
    updateCabalPackageIndex :: IO ()
    updateCabalPackageIndex =
      getEnv "HOME" >>= \home -> runCmdFrom home "cabal" ["update"] >> return ()

    tryGit :: FilePath -> IO ()
    tryGit tmpDir = do
      git $ OutsideRepo $ Clone argUri tmpDir
      case argRev of
        Just r  -> git $ InsideRepo tmpDir $ Checkout r
        Nothing -> return mempty

    handleStackConfig :: Maybe String -> FilePath -> IO ()
    handleStackConfig remoteUri localDir = do
      let fname = localDir </> "stack.yaml"
      alreadyExists <- doesFileExist fname
      unless alreadyExists $ runCmdFrom localDir "stack" ["init", "--system-ghc"]
                             >> return ()
      contents <- BS.readFile fname
      case parseStackYaml contents of
        Just config -> toNix args remoteUri localDir config
        Nothing     -> error $ "Failed to parse " <> (localDir </> "stack.yaml")

-- Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18898822/204305
mapPool :: T.Traversable t => Int -> (a -> IO b) -> t a -> IO (t b)
mapPool max' f xs = do
  sem <- new max'
  mapConcurrently (with sem . f) xs

c2nPoolSize :: Int
c2nPoolSize = 4

toNix :: Args -> Maybe String -> FilePath -> StackConfig -> IO ()
toNix Args{..} remoteUri baseDir StackConfig{..} =
  withSystemTempDirectory "s2n" $ \outDir -> do
    _ <- mapPool c2nPoolSize (genNixFile outDir) packages
    overrides <- mapPool c2nPoolSize overrideFor =<< updateDeps outDir
    _ <- mapPool c2nPoolSize (genNixFile outDir) packages
    _ <- mapPool c2nPoolSize patchNixFile =<< glob (outDir </> "*.nix")
    writeFile (outDir </> "initialPackages.nix") $ initialPackages $ sort overrides
    pullInNixFiles $ outDir </> "initialPackages.nix"
    nf <- parseNixFile $ outDir </> "initialPackages.nix"
    case nf of
      Success expr ->
        case argOutFile of
          Just fname -> writeFile fname $ defaultNix expr
          Nothing    -> hPutStrLn stdout $ defaultNix expr
      _ -> error "failed to parse intermediary initialPackages.nix file"
        updateDeps :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
        updateDeps outDir = do
          hPutStrLn stderr $ "Updating deps from " ++ baseDir
          result <- runCmdFrom baseDir "stack" ["list-dependencies", "--system-ghc", "--separator", "-"]
          case result of
            Right pkgs -> do
              let pkgs' = ["hscolour", "jailbreak-cabal", "cabal-doctest", "happy", "stringbuilder"] ++ lines pkgs
              hPutStrLn stderr "Haskell dependencies:"
              mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) pkgs'
              _ <- mapPool c2nPoolSize (\d -> catch (handleExtraDep outDir d) ignoreError) $ pack <$> pkgs'
              return ()
            Left err -> error $ unlines ["FAILED: stack list-dependencies", err]
          glob (outDir </> "*.nix")

        -- TODO: Remove this.
        ignoreError :: SomeException -> IO ()
        ignoreError _ = return ()

        genNixFile :: FilePath -> Package -> IO ()
        genNixFile outDir (LocalPkg relPath) =
          cabal2nix (fromMaybe baseDir remoteUri) (pack <$> argRev) (Just relPath) (Just outDir)
        genNixFile outDir (RemotePkg RemotePkgConf{..}) =
          cabal2nix (unpack gitUrl) (Just commit) Nothing (Just outDir)

        patchNixFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
        patchNixFile fname = do
          contents <- readFile fname
          case parseNixString contents of
            Success expr ->
              case takeFileName fname of
                "hspec.nix" -> do
                  writeFile fname $ show $ prettyNix $ (addParam "stringbuilder" . stripNonEssentialDeps) expr
                _ -> writeFile fname $ show $ prettyNix $ stripNonEssentialDeps expr
            _ -> error "failed to parse intermediary nix package file"

        addParam :: String -> NExpr -> NExpr
        addParam param expr =
          let contents = show $ prettyNix expr
              (l:ls) = lines contents
              (openBrace, params) = splitAt 1 (words l)
              l' = unwords $ openBrace ++ [param ++ ", "] ++ params
          case parseNixString $ unlines (l':ls) of
            Success expr' -> expr'
            _             -> expr

        stripNonEssentialDeps :: NExpr -> NExpr
        stripNonEssentialDeps expr =
          let sectsToDrop = ["testHaskellDepends", "testToolDepends", "benchmarkHaskellDepends", "benchmarkToolDepends"]
              sectsToKeep = ["executableHaskellDepends", "executableToolDepends", "libraryHaskellDepends", "librarySystemDepends", "libraryToolDepends", "setupHaskellDepends"]
              collectDeps sects = foldr union [] $ fmap (dependenciesFromSection expr) sects
              depsToStrip = collectDeps sectsToDrop \\ collectDeps sectsToKeep
              expr' = foldl dropDependencySection expr sectsToDrop
          dropParams expr' depsToStrip

        handleExtraDep :: FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
        handleExtraDep outDir dep =
          cabal2nix ("cabal://" <> unpack dep) Nothing Nothing (Just outDir)

        overrideFor :: FilePath -> IO String
        overrideFor nixFile = do
          deps <- externalDeps
          return $ "    " <> (dropExtension . takeFileName) nixFile <> " = callPackage ./" <> takeFileName nixFile <> " { " <> deps <> " };"
            externalDeps :: IO String
            externalDeps = do
              deps <- librarySystemDeps nixFile
              return . unwords $ fmap (\d -> unpack d <> " = pkgs." <> unpack d <> ";") deps

        pullInNixFiles :: FilePath -> IO ()
        pullInNixFiles nixFile = do
          nf <- parseNixFile nixFile
          case nf of
            Success expr ->
              case expr of
                Fix (NAbs paramSet (Fix (NAbs fnParam (Fix (NSet attrs))))) -> do
                  attrs' <- mapM patchAttr attrs
                  let expr' = Fix (NAbs paramSet (Fix (NAbs fnParam (Fix (NSet attrs')))))
                  writeFile nixFile $ (++ "\n") $ show $ prettyNix expr'
                _ ->
                  error $ "unhandled nix expression format\n" ++ show expr
            _ -> error "failed to parse nix file!"
              patchAttr :: Binding (Fix NExprF) -> IO (Binding (Fix NExprF))
              patchAttr attr =
                case attr of
                  NamedVar k (Fix (NApp (Fix (NApp (Fix (NSym "callPackage")) pkg)) deps)) -> do
                    pkg' <- patchPkgRef pkg
                    return $ NamedVar k (Fix (NApp (Fix (NApp (Fix (NSym "callPackage")) pkg')) deps))
                  _ -> error $ "unhandled NamedVar"

              patchPkgRef (Fix (NLiteralPath path)) = do
                let p = if isAbsolute path then path else normalise $ takeDirectory nixFile </> path
                nf <- parseNixFile p
                case nf of
                  Success expr -> return expr
                  _ -> error $ "failed to parse referenced nix file '" ++ path ++ "'"
              patchPkgRef x                   = return x

        dependenciesFromSection :: NExpr -> String -> [Text]
        dependenciesFromSection expr name = do
          case expr of
            Fix (NAbs _ (Fix (NApp _ (Fix (NSet namedVars))))) ->
              case lookupNamedVar namedVars name of
                Just (Fix (NList deps)) ->
                  foldl' (\acc x ->
                            case x of
                              Fix (NSym n) -> n : acc
                              _            -> acc) [] deps
                _ -> []
            _ -> []

        librarySystemDeps :: FilePath -> IO [Text]
        librarySystemDeps nixFile = do
          nf <- parseNixFile nixFile
          case nf of
            Success expr -> return $ dependenciesFromSection expr "librarySystemDepends"
            _            -> return []

        dropDependencySection :: NExpr -> String -> NExpr
        dropDependencySection expr name =
          case expr of
            Fix (NAbs a (Fix (NApp b (Fix (NSet namedVars))))) ->
              Fix (NAbs a (Fix (NApp b (Fix (NSet $ dropNamedVar namedVars name)))))
            _ -> expr

        lookupNamedVar :: [Binding a] -> String -> Maybe a
        lookupNamedVar [] _ = Nothing
        lookupNamedVar (x:xs) name =
          case x of
            NamedVar [StaticKey k] val ->
              if unpack k == name
              then Just val
              else lookupNamedVar xs name
            _ -> lookupNamedVar xs name

        dropNamedVar :: [Binding a] -> String -> [Binding a]
        dropNamedVar xs name = filter differentName xs
            differentName (NamedVar [StaticKey k] _) = unpack k /= name
            differentName _                          = True

        dropParams :: NExpr -> [Text] -> NExpr
        dropParams (Fix (NAbs (ParamSet (FixedParamSet paramMap) x)
                    (Fix (NApp mkDeriv (Fix (NSet args)))))) names =
          Fix (NAbs (ParamSet (FixedParamSet $ foldr Map.delete paramMap names) x)
                    (Fix (NApp mkDeriv (Fix (NSet args)))))
        dropParams x _ = x

        initialPackages overrides = unlines $
          [ "{ pkgs, stdenv, callPackage }:"
          , ""
          , "self: {"
          ] ++ overrides ++
          [ "}"

        defaultNix pkgsNixExpr = unlines
          [ "# Generated using stack2nix " ++ display version ++ "."
          , "#"
          , "# Only works with sufficiently recent nixpkgs, e.g. \"NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/21a8239452adae3a4717772f4e490575586b2755.tar.gz\"."
          , ""
          , "{ pkgs ? (import <nixpkgs> {})"
          , ", compiler ? pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc802"
          , ", ghc ? pkgs.haskell.compiler.ghc802"
          , "}:"
          , ""
          , "with (import <nixpkgs/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/lib.nix> { inherit pkgs; });"
          , ""
          , "let"
          , "  stackPackages = " ++ show (prettyNix pkgsNixExpr) ++ ";"
          , "in"
          , "compiler.override {"
          , "  initialPackages = stackPackages;"
          , "}"