# stack-clean-old A small tool to clean away older Haskell [stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org) snapshot builds and ghc versions to recover diskspace. ## Usage ``` stack-clean-old [size|list|remove|keep-minor|purge-older|delete-work] [(-P|--project)|(-G|--global)|(-C|--compilers)|(-T|--tarballs)] [(-s|--subdirs)|(-r|--recursive)] [-d|--delete] [GHCVER]` ``` In a project directory it acts on `.stack-work/install/` by default, otherwise on `${STACK_ROOT}/{snapshots,programs}/` (the default *Stack root* is `~/.stack/`): see the [Stack root documentation](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/stack_root/). Subcommands: `size`: prints the total size of `.stack-work/` of project(s) or the *Stack root*. directories (`size` does not take a GHCVER argument). `list`: shows the total size and number of snapshots per ghc version (the GHCVER argument is optional). `remove`: removes for the specified ghc version (the GHCVER argument is required). `keep-minor`: removes the builds/installs for older minor releases of ghc major versions. If GHCVER is given then only minor versions older than it (or than the latest installed minor version) are removed. If no GHCVER is given it applies to each installed ghc major version. `purge-older`: removes snapshot builds with older timestamps `delete-work`: removes `.stack-work` directories completely dry-run mode is used by default and one should use `--delete` (`-d`) for actual deletion of files, after checking the dry-run output. If you should remove any needed snapshot builds, then they will get rebuilt again by stack next time you build any projects needing them, so removals should be done carefully but can recover a lot of diskspace. Further the commands can use `--subdirs` or `--recursive` to run over the projects in subdirs under the current directory or all matching `.stack-work` dirs from the current directory and below respectively. If you have different ghc variants/archs installed you can use `--platform` to restrict to one of then, otherwise they are each listed by default. ### Example usage List a project's builds: ```ShellSession $ stack-clean-old list 149M 9.2.8 (5 dirs) 163M 9.4.7 (5 dirs) 155M 9.6.2 (5 dirs) ``` Remove project's 9.0.2 builds: ```ShellSession $ stack-clean-old remove --delete --project 9.0.2 : ``` (--project is optional in a project dir). Remove stack ghc-9.4 snapshot builds and minor compilers before 9.4.7: ```ShellSession $ stack-clean-old list --global 9.4 x86_64-linux-tinfo6: 1.8G 9.4.6 (61 dirs) 279M 9.4.7 (6 dirs) x86_64-linux: ghc-tinfo6-9.4.6 ghc-tinfo6-9.4.7 $ stack-clean-old keep-minor --global 9.4 ghc-tinfo6-9.4.6 compiler would be removed x86_64-linux-tinfo6: 61 dirs in ~/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux-tinfo6/*/9.4.6 would be removed (use --delete (-d) for removal) $ stack-clean-old keep-minor --global 9.4 -d ghc-tinfo6-9.4.6 compiler removed x86_64-linux-tinfo6: 61 dirs in ~/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux-tinfo6/*/9.4.6 removed ``` (--global is optional outside a project dir). If you have different latest minor versions for compilers and snapshots you may prefer to specify the latest minor version to keep to get more certain behaviour. ### Purging older stack project builds ``` stack-clean-old purge-older ``` This command removes older stack builds from `.stack-work/install/`. By default it keeps 5 newest builds per ghc version. The preservation/deletion is calculated and done per ghc version. NB: If you regularly build your project for several branches/tags against the same LTS or ghc version then it is safer to avoid using `purge-older`. ### Deleting all `.stack-work/` subdirectories `stack-clean-old delete-work --recursive` can be used to remove recursively _all_ `.stack-work/` dirs within (or outside) a project directory to save space (seems same as `stack clean --full` inside a project). ## Help output (Note you can also run this tool via `stack clean-old`.) To get help you can run `stack-clean-old --help` or just: `$ stack-clean-old --version` ``` 0.5 ``` `$ stack-clean-old --help` ``` Stack clean up tool Usage: stack-clean-old [--version] COMMAND Cleans away old stack-work builds (and pending: stack snapshots) to recover diskspace. Use the --delete option to perform actual removals. https://github.com/juhp/stack-clean-old#readme Available options: -h,--help Show this help text --version Show version Available commands: size Total size list List sizes per ghc version remove Remove for a ghc version keep-minor Remove for previous ghc minor versions purge-older Purge older builds in .stack-work/install delete-work Remove project's .stack-work/ (optionally recursively) ``` ### Command options Most of the commands have similar options, e.g.: `$ stack-clean-old remove --help` ``` Usage: stack-clean-old remove [(-d|--delete) [-y|--yes]] [(-P|--project) | (-S|--snapshots) | (-C|--compilers) | (-T|--tarballs) | (-G|--global)] [(-s|--subdirs) | (-r|--recursive)] GHCVER [-o|--platform SYSTEM] Remove for a ghc version Available options: -d,--delete Do deletion [default is dryrun] -y,--yes Assume yes for all prompts -P,--project Act on current project's .stack-work/ [default in project dir] -S,--snapshots Act on ~/.stack/snapshots/ -C,--compilers Act on ~/.stack/programs/ installations -T,--tarballs Act on ~/.stack/programs/ tarballs -G,--global Act on both ~/.stack/{programs,snapshots}/ [default outside project dir] -s,--subdirs List subdirectories -r,--recursive List subdirectories -o,--platform SYSTEM Specify which OS platform to work on (eg 'x86_64-linux-tinfo6', 'aarch64-linux-nix', 'x86_64-osx', 'aarch64-osx', etc) -h,--help Show this help text ``` (The `list` and `size` commands don't have `--delete` and `--yes`.) ## Installation Run `stack install` or `cabal install` ## Related This tool complements [stack-all](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/stack-all) which builds projects across LTS major versions and hence generates a lot of stack builds. [cabal-clean](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cabal-clean) is a similar tool for cleaning old cached cabal build files. ## Contributing BSD license Project: <https://github.com/juhp/stack-clean-old> ## Disclaimer Use at your own risk: the author takes no responsibility for any loss or damaged caused by using this tool. Bug reports, suggestions, and improvements are welcome.