# stack-clean-old A small tool to clean away older Haskell [stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org) snapshot builds and ghc versions, to recover diskspace. ## Usage ``` stack-clean-old [project|snapshots|ghc] [size|list|remove-version|remove-earlier-minor] [GHCVER] ``` These commands act respectively on: - the current local **project**: `.stack-work/install/` - the user's stack **snapshot** builds: `~/.stack/snapshots/` - installed stack **ghc** compilers: `~/.stack/programs/`. and the subcommands: `size`: prints the total size of the above directory (`size` does not take a GHCVER argument). `list`: shows the total size and number of snapshots per ghc version (the GHCVER argument is optional). `remove-version`: removes all snapshots for the specified ghc version (the GHCVER argument is required). `remove-earlier-minor`: removes the builds/installs for previous minor ghc versions. If GHCVER is given then only minor versions older than it are removed. NB: If you remove all snapshot builds for a version of ghc, then you would have to rebuild again for any projects still using them, so removal should be used cautiously, but it can recover a lot of diskspace. ### Example usage To remove project builds for ghc-8.2.2: ``` $ stack-clean-old project list 154M 8.2.2 (5 dirs) 154M 8.4.4 (5 dirs) 163M 8.6.5 (5 dirs) $ stack-clean-old project remove-version 8.2.2 ``` Remove all stack ghc-8.4 snapshot builds before 8.4.4: ``` $ stack-clean-old snapshots list 8.4 421M 8.4.1 (7 dirs) 368M 8.4.2 (6 dirs) 489M 8.4.3 (8 dirs) 799M 8.4.4 (24 dirs) $ stack-clean-old snapshots remove-earlier-minor 8.4.4 7 dirs removed for 8.4.1 6 dirs removed for 8.4.2 8 dirs removed for 8.4.3 ``` Incidently I build my projects across as many major Stackage LTS versions as possible, and collectively this piles up to a lot of diskspace: so I wrote this tool to help manage that. ### Purging older stack project builds ``` stack-clean-old project remove-older ``` This command removes older stack builds from `.stack-work/install/`. By default it keeps 5 newest builds per ghc version. The preservation/deletion is calculated and done per ghc version. NB: If you regularly build your project for several branches/tags against the same LTS or ghc version then it is safer to avoid using `remove-older`. ## Installation Run `stack install` or `cabal install` ## Contributing BSD license Project: https://github.com/juhp/stack-clean-old ## Warning disclaimer Use at your own risk. The author takes no responsibility for any loss or damaged caused by using this tool. Bug reports, suggestions, and improvements are welcome.