{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} -- | Resolving a build plan for a set of packages in a given Stackage -- snapshot. module Stack.BuildPlan ( BuildPlanException (..) , BuildPlanCheck (..) , checkSnapBuildPlan , DepError(..) , DepErrors , gpdPackageDeps , gpdPackages , gpdPackageName , MiniBuildPlan(..) , MiniPackageInfo(..) , loadResolver , loadMiniBuildPlan , removeSrcPkgDefaultFlags , resolveBuildPlan , selectBestSnapshot , getToolMap , shadowMiniBuildPlan , showItems , showPackageFlags , parseCustomMiniBuildPlan , loadBuildPlan ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception (assert) import Control.Monad (liftM, forM, unless) import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (State, execState, get, modify, put) import Crypto.Hash (hashWith, SHA256(..)) import Data.Aeson.Extended (WithJSONWarnings(..), logJSONWarnings) import Data.Store.VersionTagged import qualified Data.ByteArray as Mem (convert) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as B64URL import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, isNothing) import Data.Monoid import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import qualified Data.Traversable as Tr import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Yaml (decodeEither', decodeFileEither) import qualified Distribution.Package as C import Distribution.PackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription, flagDefault, flagManual, flagName, genPackageFlags, executables, exeName, library, libBuildInfo, buildable) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as C import Distribution.System (Platform) import Distribution.Text (display) import qualified Distribution.Version as C import Network.HTTP.Download import Path import Path.IO import Prelude -- Fix AMP warning import Stack.Constants import Stack.Fetch import Stack.Package import Stack.PackageIndex import Stack.Types.BuildPlan import Stack.Types.FlagName import Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier import Stack.Types.PackageIndex import Stack.Types.PackageName import Stack.Types.Version import Stack.Types.Config import Stack.Types.Urls import Stack.Types.Compiler import Stack.Types.Resolver import Stack.Types.StackT data BuildPlanException = UnknownPackages (Path Abs File) -- stack.yaml file (Map PackageName (Maybe Version, Set PackageName)) -- truly unknown (Map PackageName (Set PackageIdentifier)) -- shadowed | SnapshotNotFound SnapName | FilepathInDownloadedSnapshot T.Text | NeitherCompilerOrResolverSpecified T.Text deriving (Typeable) instance Exception BuildPlanException instance Show BuildPlanException where show (SnapshotNotFound snapName) = unlines [ "SnapshotNotFound " ++ snapName' , "Non existing resolver: " ++ snapName' ++ "." , "For a complete list of available snapshots see https://www.stackage.org/snapshots" ] where snapName' = show $ renderSnapName snapName show (UnknownPackages stackYaml unknown shadowed) = unlines $ unknown' ++ shadowed' where unknown' :: [String] unknown' | Map.null unknown = [] | otherwise = concat [ ["The following packages do not exist in the build plan:"] , map go (Map.toList unknown) , case mapMaybe goRecommend $ Map.toList unknown of [] -> [] rec -> ("Recommended action: modify the extra-deps field of " ++ toFilePath stackYaml ++ " to include the following:") : (rec ++ ["Note: further dependencies may need to be added"]) , case mapMaybe getNoKnown $ Map.toList unknown of [] -> [] noKnown -> [ "There are no known versions of the following packages:" , intercalate ", " $ map packageNameString noKnown ] ] where go (dep, (_, users)) | Set.null users = packageNameString dep go (dep, (_, users)) = concat [ packageNameString dep , " (used by " , intercalate ", " $ map packageNameString $ Set.toList users , ")" ] goRecommend (name, (Just version, _)) = Just $ "- " ++ packageIdentifierString (PackageIdentifier name version) goRecommend (_, (Nothing, _)) = Nothing getNoKnown (name, (Nothing, _)) = Just name getNoKnown (_, (Just _, _)) = Nothing shadowed' :: [String] shadowed' | Map.null shadowed = [] | otherwise = concat [ ["The following packages are shadowed by local packages:"] , map go (Map.toList shadowed) , ["Recommended action: modify the extra-deps field of " ++ toFilePath stackYaml ++ " to include the following:"] , extraDeps , ["Note: further dependencies may need to be added"] ] where go (dep, users) | Set.null users = packageNameString dep ++ " (internal stack error: this should never be null)" go (dep, users) = concat [ packageNameString dep , " (used by " , intercalate ", " $ map (packageNameString . packageIdentifierName) $ Set.toList users , ")" ] extraDeps = map (\ident -> "- " ++ packageIdentifierString ident) $ Set.toList $ Set.unions $ Map.elems shadowed show (FilepathInDownloadedSnapshot url) = unlines [ "Downloaded snapshot specified a 'resolver: { location: filepath }' " , "field, but filepaths are not allowed in downloaded snapshots.\n" , "Filepath specified: " ++ T.unpack url ] show (NeitherCompilerOrResolverSpecified url) = "Failed to load custom snapshot at " ++ T.unpack url ++ ", because no 'compiler' or 'resolver' is specified." -- | Determine the necessary packages to install to have the given set of -- packages available. -- -- This function will not provide test suite and benchmark dependencies. -- -- This may fail if a target package is not present in the @BuildPlan@. resolveBuildPlan :: (StackMiniM env m, HasBuildConfig env) => MiniBuildPlan -> (PackageName -> Bool) -- ^ is it shadowed by a local package? -> Map PackageName (Set PackageName) -- ^ required packages, and users of it -> m ( Map PackageName (Version, Map FlagName Bool) , Map PackageName (Set PackageName) ) resolveBuildPlan mbp isShadowed packages | Map.null (rsUnknown rs) && Map.null (rsShadowed rs) = return (rsToInstall rs, rsUsedBy rs) | otherwise = do bconfig <- view buildConfigL (caches, _gitShaCaches) <- getPackageCaches let maxVer = Map.fromListWith max $ map toTuple $ Map.keys caches unknown = flip Map.mapWithKey (rsUnknown rs) $ \ident x -> (Map.lookup ident maxVer, x) throwM $ UnknownPackages (bcStackYaml bconfig) unknown (rsShadowed rs) where rs = getDeps mbp isShadowed packages data ResolveState = ResolveState { rsVisited :: Map PackageName (Set PackageName) -- ^ set of shadowed dependencies , rsUnknown :: Map PackageName (Set PackageName) , rsShadowed :: Map PackageName (Set PackageIdentifier) , rsToInstall :: Map PackageName (Version, Map FlagName Bool) , rsUsedBy :: Map PackageName (Set PackageName) } toMiniBuildPlan :: (StackMiniM env m, HasConfig env) => CompilerVersion -- ^ Compiler version -> Map PackageName Version -- ^ cores -> Map PackageName (Version, Map FlagName Bool, [Text], Maybe GitSHA1) -- ^ non-core packages -> m MiniBuildPlan toMiniBuildPlan compilerVersion corePackages packages = do -- Determine the dependencies of all of the packages in the build plan. We -- handle core packages specially, because some of them will not be in the -- package index. For those, we allow missing packages to exist, and then -- remove those from the list of dependencies, since there's no way we'll -- ever reinstall them anyway. (cores, missingCores) <- addDeps True compilerVersion $ fmap (, Map.empty, [], Nothing) corePackages (extras, missing) <- addDeps False compilerVersion packages assert (Set.null missing) $ return MiniBuildPlan { mbpCompilerVersion = compilerVersion , mbpPackages = Map.unions [ fmap (removeMissingDeps (Map.keysSet cores)) cores , extras , Map.fromList $ map goCore $ Set.toList missingCores ] } where goCore (PackageIdentifier name version) = (name, MiniPackageInfo { mpiVersion = version , mpiFlags = Map.empty , mpiGhcOptions = [] , mpiPackageDeps = Set.empty , mpiToolDeps = Set.empty , mpiExes = Set.empty , mpiHasLibrary = True , mpiGitSHA1 = Nothing }) removeMissingDeps cores mpi = mpi { mpiPackageDeps = Set.intersection cores (mpiPackageDeps mpi) } -- | Add in the resolved dependencies from the package index addDeps :: (StackMiniM env m, HasConfig env) => Bool -- ^ allow missing -> CompilerVersion -- ^ Compiler version -> Map PackageName (Version, Map FlagName Bool, [Text], Maybe GitSHA1) -> m (Map PackageName MiniPackageInfo, Set PackageIdentifier) addDeps allowMissing compilerVersion toCalc = do platform <- view platformL (resolvedMap, missingIdents) <- if allowMissing then do (missingNames, missingIdents, m) <- resolvePackagesAllowMissing Nothing shaMap Set.empty assert (Set.null missingNames) $ return (m, missingIdents) else do m <- resolvePackages Nothing shaMap Set.empty return (m, Set.empty) let byIndex = Map.fromListWith (++) $ flip map resolvedMap $ \rp -> let (cache, ghcOptions, sha) = case Map.lookup (packageIdentifierName (rpIdent rp)) toCalc of Nothing -> (Map.empty, [], Nothing) Just (_, x, y, z) -> (x, y, z) in (indexName $ rpIndex rp, [(rp, (cache, ghcOptions, sha))]) res <- forM (Map.toList byIndex) $ \(indexName', pkgs) -> fmap Map.unions $ withCabalFiles indexName' pkgs $ \ident (flags, ghcOptions, mgitSha) cabalBS -> case readPackageUnresolvedBS (Right ident) cabalBS of Left e | allowedToSkip ident -> return Map.empty | otherwise -> throwM e Right (_warnings, gpd) -> do let packageConfig = PackageConfig { packageConfigEnableTests = False , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False , packageConfigFlags = flags , packageConfigGhcOptions = ghcOptions , packageConfigCompilerVersion = compilerVersion , packageConfigPlatform = platform } name = packageIdentifierName ident pd = resolvePackageDescription packageConfig gpd exes = Set.fromList $ map (ExeName . T.pack . exeName) $ executables pd notMe = Set.filter (/= name) . Map.keysSet return $ Map.singleton name MiniPackageInfo { mpiVersion = packageIdentifierVersion ident , mpiFlags = flags , mpiGhcOptions = ghcOptions , mpiPackageDeps = notMe $ packageDependencies pd , mpiToolDeps = Map.keysSet $ packageToolDependencies pd , mpiExes = exes , mpiHasLibrary = maybe False (buildable . libBuildInfo) (library pd) , mpiGitSHA1 = mgitSha } return (Map.unions res, missingIdents) where shaMap = Map.fromList $ map (\(n, (v, _f, _ghcOptions, gitsha)) -> (PackageIdentifier n v, gitsha)) $ Map.toList toCalc -- Michael Snoyman, 2017-07-31: -- -- This is a stop-gap measure to address a specific concern around -- the GHC 8.2.1 release. The current Stack version (1.5.0) will -- eagerly parse all cabal files mentioned in a snapshot, -- including global packages. Additionally, for the first time -- (AFAICT), GHC 8.2.1 is providing a package on Hackage with a -- ghc.cabal file, which requires the (not yet supported) Cabal -- 2.0 file format. To work around this, we're adding a special -- dispensation to ignore parse failures for this package. -- -- Master already does better by simply ignoring global -- information and looking things up in the database. We may want -- to consider going a step further and simply ignoring _all_ -- parse failures, or turning them into warnings, though I haven't -- considered the repercussions of that. allowedToSkip (PackageIdentifier name _) = name == $(mkPackageName "ghc") -- | Resolve all packages necessary to install for the needed packages. getDeps :: MiniBuildPlan -> (PackageName -> Bool) -- ^ is it shadowed by a local package? -> Map PackageName (Set PackageName) -> ResolveState getDeps mbp isShadowed packages = execState (mapM_ (uncurry goName) $ Map.toList packages) ResolveState { rsVisited = Map.empty , rsUnknown = Map.empty , rsShadowed = Map.empty , rsToInstall = Map.empty , rsUsedBy = Map.empty } where toolMap = getToolMap mbp -- | Returns a set of shadowed packages we depend on. goName :: PackageName -> Set PackageName -> State ResolveState (Set PackageName) goName name users = do -- Even though we could check rsVisited first and short-circuit things -- earlier, lookup in mbpPackages first so that we can produce more -- usable error information on missing dependencies rs <- get put rs { rsUsedBy = Map.insertWith Set.union name users $ rsUsedBy rs } case Map.lookup name $ mbpPackages mbp of Nothing -> do modify $ \rs' -> rs' { rsUnknown = Map.insertWith Set.union name users $ rsUnknown rs' } return Set.empty Just mpi -> case Map.lookup name (rsVisited rs) of Just shadowed -> return shadowed Nothing -> do put rs { rsVisited = Map.insert name Set.empty $ rsVisited rs } let depsForTools = Set.unions $ mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup toolMap) (Set.toList $ mpiToolDeps mpi) let deps = Set.filter (/= name) (mpiPackageDeps mpi <> depsForTools) shadowed <- fmap F.fold $ Tr.forM (Set.toList deps) $ \dep -> if isShadowed dep then do modify $ \rs' -> rs' { rsShadowed = Map.insertWith Set.union dep (Set.singleton $ PackageIdentifier name (mpiVersion mpi)) (rsShadowed rs') } return $ Set.singleton dep else do shadowed <- goName dep (Set.singleton name) let m = Map.fromSet (\_ -> Set.singleton $ PackageIdentifier name (mpiVersion mpi)) shadowed modify $ \rs' -> rs' { rsShadowed = Map.unionWith Set.union m $ rsShadowed rs' } return shadowed modify $ \rs' -> rs' { rsToInstall = Map.insert name (mpiVersion mpi, mpiFlags mpi) $ rsToInstall rs' , rsVisited = Map.insert name shadowed $ rsVisited rs' } return shadowed -- | Map from tool name to package providing it getToolMap :: MiniBuildPlan -> Map Text (Set PackageName) getToolMap mbp = Map.unionsWith Set.union {- We no longer do this, following discussion at: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/308#issuecomment-112076704 -- First grab all of the package names, for times where a build tool is -- identified by package name $ Map.fromList (map (packageNameByteString &&& Set.singleton) (Map.keys ps)) -} -- And then get all of the explicit executable names $ concatMap goPair (Map.toList ps) where ps = mbpPackages mbp goPair (pname, mpi) = map (flip Map.singleton (Set.singleton pname) . unExeName) $ Set.toList $ mpiExes mpi loadResolver :: (StackMiniM env m, HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => Maybe (Path Abs File) -> Resolver -> m (MiniBuildPlan, LoadedResolver) loadResolver mconfigPath resolver = case resolver of ResolverSnapshot snap -> liftM (, ResolverSnapshot snap) $ loadMiniBuildPlan snap -- TODO(mgsloan): Not sure what this FIXME means -- FIXME instead of passing the stackYaml dir we should maintain -- the file URL in the custom resolver always relative to stackYaml. ResolverCustom name url -> do (mbp, hash) <- parseCustomMiniBuildPlan mconfigPath url return (mbp, ResolverCustomLoaded name url hash) ResolverCompiler compiler -> return ( MiniBuildPlan { mbpCompilerVersion = compiler , mbpPackages = mempty } , ResolverCompiler compiler ) -- | Load up a 'MiniBuildPlan', preferably from cache loadMiniBuildPlan :: (StackMiniM env m, HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => SnapName -> m MiniBuildPlan loadMiniBuildPlan name = do path <- configMiniBuildPlanCache name $(versionedDecodeOrLoad miniBuildPlanVC) path $ liftM buildPlanFixes $ do bp <- loadBuildPlan name toMiniBuildPlan (siCompilerVersion $ bpSystemInfo bp) (siCorePackages $ bpSystemInfo bp) (goPP <$> bpPackages bp) where goPP pp = ( ppVersion pp , pcFlagOverrides $ ppConstraints pp -- TODO: store ghc options in BuildPlan? , [] , ppCabalFileInfo pp >>= fmap (GitSHA1 . encodeUtf8) . Map.lookup "GitSHA1" . cfiHashes ) -- | Some hard-coded fixes for build plans, hopefully to be irrelevant over -- time. buildPlanFixes :: MiniBuildPlan -> MiniBuildPlan buildPlanFixes mbp = mbp { mbpPackages = Map.fromList $ map go $ Map.toList $ mbpPackages mbp } where go (name, mpi) = (name, mpi { mpiFlags = goF (packageNameString name) (mpiFlags mpi) }) goF "persistent-sqlite" = Map.insert $(mkFlagName "systemlib") False goF "yaml" = Map.insert $(mkFlagName "system-libyaml") False goF _ = id -- | Load the 'BuildPlan' for the given snapshot. Will load from a local copy -- if available, otherwise downloading from Github. loadBuildPlan :: (StackMiniM env m, HasConfig env) => SnapName -> m BuildPlan loadBuildPlan name = do stackage <- view stackRootL file' <- parseRelFile $ T.unpack file let fp = buildPlanDir stackage file' $logDebug $ "Decoding build plan from: " <> T.pack (toFilePath fp) eres <- liftIO $ decodeFileEither $ toFilePath fp case eres of Right bp -> return bp Left e -> do $logDebug $ "Decoding build plan from file failed: " <> T.pack (show e) ensureDir (parent fp) url <- buildBuildPlanUrl name file req <- parseRequest $ T.unpack url $logSticky $ "Downloading " <> renderSnapName name <> " build plan ..." $logDebug $ "Downloading build plan from: " <> url _ <- redownload req fp $logStickyDone $ "Downloaded " <> renderSnapName name <> " build plan." liftIO (decodeFileEither $ toFilePath fp) >>= either throwM return where file = renderSnapName name <> ".yaml" buildBuildPlanUrl :: (MonadReader env m, HasConfig env) => SnapName -> Text -> m Text buildBuildPlanUrl name file = do urls <- view $ configL.to configUrls return $ case name of LTS _ _ -> urlsLtsBuildPlans urls <> "/" <> file Nightly _ -> urlsNightlyBuildPlans urls <> "/" <> file gpdPackages :: [GenericPackageDescription] -> Map PackageName Version gpdPackages gpds = Map.fromList $ map (fromCabalIdent . C.package . C.packageDescription) gpds where fromCabalIdent (C.PackageIdentifier name version) = (fromCabalPackageName name, fromCabalVersion version) gpdPackageName :: GenericPackageDescription -> PackageName gpdPackageName = fromCabalPackageName . C.pkgName . C.package . C.packageDescription gpdPackageDeps :: GenericPackageDescription -> CompilerVersion -> Platform -> Map FlagName Bool -> Map PackageName VersionRange gpdPackageDeps gpd cv platform flags = Map.filterWithKey (const . (/= name)) (packageDependencies pkgDesc) where name = gpdPackageName gpd pkgDesc = resolvePackageDescription pkgConfig gpd pkgConfig = PackageConfig { packageConfigEnableTests = True , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = True , packageConfigFlags = flags , packageConfigGhcOptions = [] , packageConfigCompilerVersion = cv , packageConfigPlatform = platform } -- Remove any src package flags having default values -- Remove any package entries with no flags set removeSrcPkgDefaultFlags :: [C.GenericPackageDescription] -> Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool) -> Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool) removeSrcPkgDefaultFlags gpds flags = let defaults = Map.unions (map gpdDefaultFlags gpds) flags' = Map.differenceWith removeSame flags defaults in Map.filter (not . Map.null) flags' where removeSame f1 f2 = let diff v v' = if v == v' then Nothing else Just v in Just $ Map.differenceWith diff f1 f2 gpdDefaultFlags gpd = let tuples = map getDefault (C.genPackageFlags gpd) in Map.singleton (gpdPackageName gpd) (Map.fromList tuples) flagName' = fromCabalFlagName . C.flagName getDefault f | C.flagDefault f = (flagName' f, True) | otherwise = (flagName' f, False) -- | Find the set of @FlagName@s necessary to get the given -- @GenericPackageDescription@ to compile against the given @BuildPlan@. Will -- only modify non-manual flags, and will prefer default values for flags. -- Returns the plan which produces least number of dep errors selectPackageBuildPlan :: Platform -> CompilerVersion -> Map PackageName Version -> GenericPackageDescription -> (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool), DepErrors) selectPackageBuildPlan platform compiler pool gpd = (selectPlan . limitSearchSpace . NonEmpty.map makePlan) flagCombinations where selectPlan :: NonEmpty (a, DepErrors) -> (a, DepErrors) selectPlan = F.foldr1 fewerErrors where fewerErrors p1 p2 | nErrors p1 == 0 = p1 | nErrors p1 <= nErrors p2 = p1 | otherwise = p2 where nErrors = Map.size . snd -- Avoid exponential complexity in flag combinations making us sad pandas. -- See: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/543 limitSearchSpace :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a limitSearchSpace (x :| xs) = x :| take (maxFlagCombinations - 1) xs where maxFlagCombinations = 128 makePlan :: [(FlagName, Bool)] -> (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool), DepErrors) makePlan flags = checkPackageBuildPlan platform compiler pool (Map.fromList flags) gpd flagCombinations :: NonEmpty [(FlagName, Bool)] flagCombinations = mapM getOptions (genPackageFlags gpd) where getOptions :: C.Flag -> NonEmpty (FlagName, Bool) getOptions f | flagManual f = (fname, flagDefault f) :| [] | flagDefault f = (fname, True) :| [(fname, False)] | otherwise = (fname, False) :| [(fname, True)] where fname = (fromCabalFlagName . flagName) f -- | Check whether with the given set of flags a package's dependency -- constraints can be satisfied against a given build plan or pool of packages. checkPackageBuildPlan :: Platform -> CompilerVersion -> Map PackageName Version -> Map FlagName Bool -> GenericPackageDescription -> (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool), DepErrors) checkPackageBuildPlan platform compiler pool flags gpd = (Map.singleton pkg flags, errs) where pkg = gpdPackageName gpd errs = checkPackageDeps pkg constraints pool constraints = gpdPackageDeps gpd compiler platform flags -- | Checks if the given package dependencies can be satisfied by the given set -- of packages. Will fail if a package is either missing or has a version -- outside of the version range. checkPackageDeps :: PackageName -- ^ package using dependencies, for constructing DepErrors -> Map PackageName VersionRange -- ^ dependency constraints -> Map PackageName Version -- ^ Available package pool or index -> DepErrors checkPackageDeps myName deps packages = Map.unionsWith combineDepError $ map go $ Map.toList deps where go :: (PackageName, VersionRange) -> DepErrors go (name, range) = case Map.lookup name packages of Nothing -> Map.singleton name DepError { deVersion = Nothing , deNeededBy = Map.singleton myName range } Just v | withinRange v range -> Map.empty | otherwise -> Map.singleton name DepError { deVersion = Just v , deNeededBy = Map.singleton myName range } type DepErrors = Map PackageName DepError data DepError = DepError { deVersion :: !(Maybe Version) , deNeededBy :: !(Map PackageName VersionRange) } deriving Show -- | Combine two 'DepError's for the same 'Version'. combineDepError :: DepError -> DepError -> DepError combineDepError (DepError a x) (DepError b y) = assert (a == b) $ DepError a (Map.unionWith C.intersectVersionRanges x y) -- | Given a bundle of packages (a list of @GenericPackageDescriptions@'s) to -- build and an available package pool (snapshot) check whether the bundle's -- dependencies can be satisfied. If flags is passed as Nothing flag settings -- will be chosen automatically. checkBundleBuildPlan :: Platform -> CompilerVersion -> Map PackageName Version -> Maybe (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool)) -> [GenericPackageDescription] -> (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool), DepErrors) checkBundleBuildPlan platform compiler pool flags gpds = (Map.unionsWith dupError (map fst plans) , Map.unionsWith combineDepError (map snd plans)) where plans = map (pkgPlan flags) gpds pkgPlan Nothing gpd = selectPackageBuildPlan platform compiler pool' gpd pkgPlan (Just f) gpd = checkPackageBuildPlan platform compiler pool' (flags' f gpd) gpd flags' f gpd = fromMaybe Map.empty (Map.lookup (gpdPackageName gpd) f) pool' = Map.union (gpdPackages gpds) pool dupError _ _ = error "Bug: Duplicate packages are not expected here" data BuildPlanCheck = BuildPlanCheckOk (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool)) | BuildPlanCheckPartial (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool)) DepErrors | BuildPlanCheckFail (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool)) DepErrors CompilerVersion -- | Compare 'BuildPlanCheck', where GT means a better plan. compareBuildPlanCheck :: BuildPlanCheck -> BuildPlanCheck -> Ordering compareBuildPlanCheck (BuildPlanCheckPartial _ e1) (BuildPlanCheckPartial _ e2) = -- Note: order of comparison flipped, since it's better to have fewer errors. compare (Map.size e2) (Map.size e1) compareBuildPlanCheck (BuildPlanCheckFail _ e1 _) (BuildPlanCheckFail _ e2 _) = let numUserPkgs e = Map.size $ Map.unions (Map.elems (fmap deNeededBy e)) in compare (numUserPkgs e2) (numUserPkgs e1) compareBuildPlanCheck BuildPlanCheckOk{} BuildPlanCheckOk{} = EQ compareBuildPlanCheck BuildPlanCheckOk{} BuildPlanCheckPartial{} = GT compareBuildPlanCheck BuildPlanCheckOk{} BuildPlanCheckFail{} = GT compareBuildPlanCheck BuildPlanCheckPartial{} BuildPlanCheckFail{} = GT compareBuildPlanCheck _ _ = LT instance Show BuildPlanCheck where show BuildPlanCheckOk {} = "" show (BuildPlanCheckPartial f e) = T.unpack $ showDepErrors f e show (BuildPlanCheckFail f e c) = T.unpack $ showCompilerErrors f e c -- | Check a set of 'GenericPackageDescription's and a set of flags against a -- given snapshot. Returns how well the snapshot satisfies the dependencies of -- the packages. checkSnapBuildPlan :: (StackM env m, HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => [GenericPackageDescription] -> Maybe (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool)) -> SnapName -> m BuildPlanCheck checkSnapBuildPlan gpds flags snap = do platform <- view platformL mbp <- loadMiniBuildPlan snap let compiler = mbpCompilerVersion mbp snapPkgs = mpiVersion <$> mbpPackages mbp (f, errs) = checkBundleBuildPlan platform compiler snapPkgs flags gpds cerrs = compilerErrors compiler errs if Map.null errs then return $ BuildPlanCheckOk f else if Map.null cerrs then do return $ BuildPlanCheckPartial f errs else return $ BuildPlanCheckFail f cerrs compiler where compilerErrors compiler errs | whichCompiler compiler == Ghc = ghcErrors errs -- FIXME not sure how to handle ghcjs boot packages | otherwise = Map.empty isGhcWiredIn p _ = p `HashSet.member` wiredInPackages ghcErrors = Map.filterWithKey isGhcWiredIn -- | Find a snapshot and set of flags that is compatible with and matches as -- best as possible with the given 'GenericPackageDescription's. selectBestSnapshot :: (StackM env m, HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => [GenericPackageDescription] -> NonEmpty SnapName -> m (SnapName, BuildPlanCheck) selectBestSnapshot gpds snaps = do $logInfo $ "Selecting the best among " <> T.pack (show (NonEmpty.length snaps)) <> " snapshots...\n" F.foldr1 go (NonEmpty.map getResult snaps) where go mold mnew = do old@(_snap, bpc) <- mold case bpc of BuildPlanCheckOk {} -> return old _ -> fmap (betterSnap old) mnew getResult snap = do result <- checkSnapBuildPlan gpds Nothing snap reportResult result snap return (snap, result) betterSnap (s1, r1) (s2, r2) | compareBuildPlanCheck r1 r2 /= LT = (s1, r1) | otherwise = (s2, r2) reportResult BuildPlanCheckOk {} snap = do $logInfo $ "* Matches " <> renderSnapName snap $logInfo "" reportResult r@BuildPlanCheckPartial {} snap = do $logWarn $ "* Partially matches " <> renderSnapName snap $logWarn $ indent $ T.pack $ show r reportResult r@BuildPlanCheckFail {} snap = do $logWarn $ "* Rejected " <> renderSnapName snap $logWarn $ indent $ T.pack $ show r indent t = T.unlines $ fmap (" " <>) (T.lines t) showItems :: Show a => [a] -> Text showItems items = T.concat (map formatItem items) where formatItem item = T.concat [ " - " , T.pack $ show item , "\n" ] showPackageFlags :: PackageName -> Map FlagName Bool -> Text showPackageFlags pkg fl = if not $ Map.null fl then T.concat [ " - " , T.pack $ packageNameString pkg , ": " , T.pack $ intercalate ", " $ map formatFlags (Map.toList fl) , "\n" ] else "" where formatFlags (f, v) = show f ++ " = " ++ show v showMapPackages :: Map PackageName a -> Text showMapPackages mp = showItems $ Map.keys mp showCompilerErrors :: Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool) -> DepErrors -> CompilerVersion -> Text showCompilerErrors flags errs compiler = T.concat [ compilerVersionText compiler , " cannot be used for these packages:\n" , showMapPackages $ Map.unions (Map.elems (fmap deNeededBy errs)) , showDepErrors flags errs -- TODO only in debug mode ] showDepErrors :: Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool) -> DepErrors -> Text showDepErrors flags errs = T.concat [ T.concat $ map formatError (Map.toList errs) , if T.null flagVals then "" else "Using package flags:\n" <> flagVals ] where formatError (depName, DepError mversion neededBy) = T.concat [ showDepVersion depName mversion , T.concat (map showRequirement (Map.toList neededBy)) ] showDepVersion depName mversion = T.concat [ T.pack $ packageNameString depName , case mversion of Nothing -> " not found" Just version -> T.concat [ " version " , T.pack $ versionString version , " found" ] , "\n" ] showRequirement (user, range) = T.concat [ " - " , T.pack $ packageNameString user , " requires " , T.pack $ display range , "\n" ] flagVals = T.concat (map showFlags userPkgs) userPkgs = Map.keys $ Map.unions (Map.elems (fmap deNeededBy errs)) showFlags pkg = maybe "" (showPackageFlags pkg) (Map.lookup pkg flags) -- | Given a set of packages to shadow, this removes them, and any -- packages that transitively depend on them, from the 'MiniBuildPlan'. -- The 'Map' result yields all of the packages that were downstream of -- the shadowed packages. It does not include the shadowed packages. shadowMiniBuildPlan :: MiniBuildPlan -> Set PackageName -> (MiniBuildPlan, Map PackageName MiniPackageInfo) shadowMiniBuildPlan (MiniBuildPlan cv pkgs0) shadowed = (MiniBuildPlan cv (Map.fromList met), Map.fromList unmet) where pkgs1 = Map.difference pkgs0 $ Map.fromSet (const ()) shadowed depsMet = flip execState Map.empty $ mapM_ (check Set.empty) (Map.keys pkgs1) check visited name | name `Set.member` visited = error $ "shadowMiniBuildPlan: cycle detected, your MiniBuildPlan is broken: " ++ show (visited, name) | otherwise = do m <- get case Map.lookup name m of Just x -> return x Nothing -> case Map.lookup name pkgs1 of Nothing | name `Set.member` shadowed -> return False -- In this case, we have to assume that we're -- constructing a build plan on a different OS or -- architecture, and therefore different packages -- are being chosen. The common example of this is -- the Win32 package. | otherwise -> return True Just mpi -> do let visited' = Set.insert name visited ress <- mapM (check visited') (Set.toList $ mpiPackageDeps mpi) let res = and ress modify $ \m' -> Map.insert name res m' return res (met, unmet) = partitionEithers $ map toEither $ Map.toList pkgs1 toEither pair@(name, _) = wrapper pair where wrapper = case Map.lookup name depsMet of Just True -> Left Just False -> Right Nothing -> assert False Right -- This works differently for snapshots fetched from URL and those -- fetched from file: -- -- 1) If downloading the snapshot from a URL, assume the fetched data is -- immutable. Hash the URL in order to determine the location of the -- cached download. The file contents of the snapshot determines the -- hash for looking up cached MBP. -- -- 2) If loading the snapshot from a file, load all of the involved -- snapshot files. The hash used to determine the cached MBP is the hash -- of the concatenation of the parent's hash with the snapshot contents. -- -- Why this difference? We want to make it easy to simply edit snapshots -- in the filesystem, but we want caching for remote snapshots. In order -- to avoid reparsing / reloading all the yaml for remote snapshots, we -- need a different hash system. -- TODO: This could probably be more efficient if it first merged the -- custom snapshots, and then applied them to the MBP. It is nice to -- apply directly, because then we have the guarantee that it's -- semantically identical to snapshot extension. If this optimization is -- implemented, note that the direct Monoid for CustomSnapshot is not -- correct. Crucially, if a package is present in the snapshot, its -- flags and ghc-options are not based on settings from prior snapshots. -- TODO: This semantics should be discussed / documented more. -- TODO: allow a hash check in the resolver. This adds safety / -- correctness, allowing you to ensure that you are indeed getting the -- right custom snapshot. -- TODO: Allow custom plan to specify a name. parseCustomMiniBuildPlan :: (StackMiniM env m, HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => Maybe (Path Abs File) -- ^ Root directory for when url is a filepath -> T.Text -> m (MiniBuildPlan, SnapshotHash) parseCustomMiniBuildPlan mconfigPath0 url0 = do $logDebug $ "Loading " <> url0 <> " build plan" case parseUrlThrow $ T.unpack url0 of Just req -> downloadCustom url0 req Nothing -> case mconfigPath0 of Nothing -> throwM $ FilepathInDownloadedSnapshot url0 Just configPath -> do (getMbp, hash) <- readCustom configPath url0 mbp <- getMbp -- NOTE: We make the choice of only writing a cache -- file for the full MBP, not the intermediate ones. -- This isn't necessarily the best choice if we want -- to share work extended snapshots. I think only -- writing this one is more efficient for common -- cases. binaryPath <- getBinaryPath hash alreadyCached <- doesFileExist binaryPath unless alreadyCached $ $(versionedEncodeFile miniBuildPlanVC) binaryPath mbp return (mbp, hash) where downloadCustom url req = do let urlHash = S8.unpack $ trimmedSnapshotHash $ doHash $ encodeUtf8 url hashFP <- parseRelFile $ urlHash ++ ".yaml" customPlanDir <- getCustomPlanDir let cacheFP = customPlanDir $(mkRelDir "yaml") hashFP _ <- download req cacheFP yamlBS <- liftIO $ S.readFile $ toFilePath cacheFP let yamlHash = doHash yamlBS binaryPath <- getBinaryPath yamlHash liftM (, yamlHash) $ $(versionedDecodeOrLoad miniBuildPlanVC) binaryPath $ do (cs, mresolver) <- decodeYaml yamlBS parentMbp <- case (csCompilerVersion cs, mresolver) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> throwM (NeitherCompilerOrResolverSpecified url) (Just cv, Nothing) -> return (compilerBuildPlan cv) -- NOTE: ignoring the parent's hash, even though -- there could be one. URL snapshot's hash are -- determined just from their contents. (_, Just resolver) -> liftM fst (loadResolver Nothing resolver) applyCustomSnapshot cs parentMbp readCustom configPath path = do yamlFP <- resolveFile (parent configPath) (T.unpack $ fromMaybe path $ T.stripPrefix "file://" path <|> T.stripPrefix "file:" path) yamlBS <- liftIO $ S.readFile $ toFilePath yamlFP (cs, mresolver) <- decodeYaml yamlBS (getMbp, hash) <- case mresolver of Just (ResolverCustom _ url ) -> case parseUrlThrow $ T.unpack url of Just req -> do let getMbp = do -- Ignore custom hash, under the -- assumption that the URL is sufficient -- for identity. (mbp, _) <- downloadCustom url req return mbp return (getMbp, doHash yamlBS) Nothing -> do (getMbp0, SnapshotHash hash0) <- readCustom yamlFP url let hash = doHash (hash0 <> yamlBS) getMbp = do binaryPath <- getBinaryPath hash -- Idea here is to not waste time -- writing out intermediate cache files, -- but check for them. exists <- doesFileExist binaryPath if exists then do eres <- $(versionedDecodeFile miniBuildPlanVC) binaryPath case eres of Just mbp -> return mbp -- Invalid format cache file, remove. Nothing -> do removeFile binaryPath getMbp0 else getMbp0 return (getMbp, hash) Just resolver -> do -- NOTE: in the cases where we don't have a hash, the -- normal resolver name is enough. Since this name is -- part of the yaml file, it ends up in our hash. let hash = doHash yamlBS getMbp = do (mbp, resolver') <- loadResolver (Just configPath) resolver let mhash = customResolverHash resolver' assert (isNothing mhash) (return mbp) return (getMbp, hash) Nothing -> do case csCompilerVersion cs of Nothing -> throwM (NeitherCompilerOrResolverSpecified path) Just cv -> do let hash = doHash yamlBS getMbp = return (compilerBuildPlan cv) return (getMbp, hash) return (applyCustomSnapshot cs =<< getMbp, hash) getBinaryPath hash = do binaryFilename <- parseRelFile $ S8.unpack (trimmedSnapshotHash hash) ++ ".bin" customPlanDir <- getCustomPlanDir return $ customPlanDir $(mkRelDir "bin") binaryFilename decodeYaml yamlBS = do WithJSONWarnings res warnings <- either (throwM . ParseCustomSnapshotException url0) return $ decodeEither' yamlBS logJSONWarnings (T.unpack url0) warnings return res compilerBuildPlan cv = MiniBuildPlan { mbpCompilerVersion = cv , mbpPackages = mempty } getCustomPlanDir = do root <- view stackRootL return $ root $(mkRelDir "custom-plan") doHash = SnapshotHash . B64URL.encode . Mem.convert . hashWith SHA256 applyCustomSnapshot :: (StackMiniM env m, HasConfig env) => CustomSnapshot -> MiniBuildPlan -> m MiniBuildPlan applyCustomSnapshot cs mbp0 = do let CustomSnapshot mcompilerVersion packages dropPackages (PackageFlags flags) ghcOptions = cs addFlagsAndOpts :: PackageIdentifier -> (PackageName, (Version, Map FlagName Bool, [Text], Maybe GitSHA1)) addFlagsAndOpts (PackageIdentifier name ver) = ( name , ( ver , Map.findWithDefault Map.empty name flags -- NOTE: similar to 'allGhcOptions' in Stack.Types.Build , ghcOptionsFor name ghcOptions -- we add a Nothing since we don't yet collect Git SHAs for custom snapshots , Nothing ) ) packageMap = Map.fromList $ map addFlagsAndOpts $ Set.toList packages cv = fromMaybe (mbpCompilerVersion mbp0) mcompilerVersion packages0 = mbpPackages mbp0 `Map.difference` Map.fromSet (const ()) dropPackages mbp1 <- toMiniBuildPlan cv mempty packageMap return MiniBuildPlan { mbpCompilerVersion = cv , mbpPackages = Map.union (mbpPackages mbp1) packages0 }