Name: sr-extra Version: 1.72.1 License: BSD3 License-File: COPYING Author: David Fox Category: Unclassified Synopsis: Module limbo Description: A hodge-podge of functions, modules, and instances. These generally end up here because 1. they are needed in two unrelated packages, 2. they belong in some upstream module, 3. they can't be moved to an upstream module because they would add dependencies, or 4. they are deprecated but still in use Maintainer: David Fox Homepage: Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.4 flag network-uri Description: Get Network.URI from the network-uri package rather than the full network package. Default: True flag omit-serialize Description: Omit all the Serialize instances, on the assumption that we will use SafeCopy instances instead. Default: False flag omit-data Description: Omit all Data instances Default: False Library GHC-Options: -Wall -Wredundant-constraints Build-Depends: base < 5, bytestring, bzlib, Cabal, containers, Diff, directory, exceptions, fgl, filepath, generic-data, hslogger, lens, ListLike, mmorph, mtl, pretty, pureMD5, random, safecopy >= 0.9.5, show-combinators, syb, template-haskell, text, th-lift, th-lift-instances, th-orphans, time >= 1.1, transformers, unexceptionalio-trans, unix, Unixutils >= 1.51, userid, uuid, uuid-orphans, uuid-types, zlib C-Sources: cbits/gwinsz.c Include-Dirs: cbits Install-Includes: gwinsz.h Extensions: ConstraintKinds, CPP, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric Extensions: FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes Extensions: ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies Exposed-modules: Extra.Bool, Extra.Debug, Extra.Debug2, Extra.Either, Extra.EnvPath, Extra.ErrorControl, Extra.Errors, Extra.ErrorSet, Extra.Except, Extra.Exit, Extra.Files, Extra.FP, Extra.Generics, Extra.Generics.Show, Extra.IOThread Extra.List, Extra.HughesPJ, Extra.Log, Extra.Misc, Extra.Monad.Supply, Extra.Net, Extra.Orphans, Extra.Orphans2, Extra.Orphans3, Extra.Pretty, Extra.SafeCopy, Extra.SafeCopyDebug, Extra.Serialize, Extra.SerializeDebug, Extra.Text, Extra.TH, Extra.Time, Extra.Terminal, Extra.URI, Extra.URIQuery, Extra.Verbosity if !impl(ghcjs) Build-Depends: show-please, filemanip, HUnit, process, process-extras, QuickCheck >= 2 && < 3 Exposed-Modules: Extra.GPGSign, Extra.Lock, Extra.IO, Extra.Process, Extra.SSH, Test.QUnit, Test.QuickCheck.Properties if flag(network-uri) Build-Depends: network-uri >= 2.6 else Build-Depends: network >= 2.4 if flag(omit-data) CPP-Options: -DOMIT_DATA_INSTANCES if flag(omit-serialize) CPP-Options: -DOMIT_SERIALIZE -- We still need cereal to implement instance SafeCopy Proxy Build-Depends: cereal else Build-Depends: cereal