-- | This module exports a template haskell function to create -- Serialize instances based on the SafeCopy instance, and an -- alternative decode function that puts the decode type in the error -- message. It also re-exports all other Data.Serialize symbols {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Extra.Serialize ( DecodeError(..) , HasDecodeError(fromDecodeError) -- , HasDecodeFailure -- , decodeFailure, fromDecodeFailure , module Data.Serialize , decodePrism, deserializePrism , encodeGetter, serializeGetter , deriveSerializeViaSafeCopy , decode , Serialize.encode , decode' , decodeM , decodeM' , FakeTypeRep(..), fakeTypeRep ) where import Control.Exception (ErrorCall(..), evaluate, ) import Control.Lens (Getter, Prism', prism, re, review) import Control.Monad.Catch (catch, MonadCatch) import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, throwError) import Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, null) #ifndef OMIT_DATA_INSTANCES import Data.Data (Data) #endif import Data.Data (Proxy(Proxy)) import Data.SafeCopy (SafeCopy(..), safeGet, safePut) import Data.Serialize hiding (decode, encode) import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize (encode) import Data.Text as T hiding (concat, intercalate) import Data.Text.Lazy as LT hiding (concat, intercalate) import Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), Day(ModifiedJulianDay), toModifiedJulianDay, DiffTime) import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeRep) import Data.UUID.Orphans () import Data.UUID (UUID) import Data.UUID.Orphans () import qualified Extra.Errors as Errors import Extra.Orphans () import Extra.Time (Zulu(..)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Language.Haskell.TH (Dec, Loc, TypeQ, Q) import Network.URI (URI(..), URIAuth(..)) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) newtype FakeTypeRep = FakeTypeRep String deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Serialize) instance SafeCopy FakeTypeRep fakeTypeRep :: forall a. Typeable a => Proxy a -> FakeTypeRep fakeTypeRep a = FakeTypeRep (show (typeRep a)) data DecodeError = DecodeError ByteString FakeTypeRep String deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Typeable) instance Serialize DecodeError where get = safeGet; put = safePut class HasDecodeError e where fromDecodeError :: DecodeError -> e instance HasDecodeError DecodeError where fromDecodeError = id #if 0 -- New name for backwards compatibility, especially in appraisalscribe-migrate. type HasDecodeFailure e = Errors.Member DecodeError e decodeFailure :: Errors.Member DecodeError e => Prism' (Errors.OneOf e) DecodeError decodeFailure = Errors.follow fromDecodeFailure :: Errors.Member DecodeError e => DecodeError -> Errors.OneOf e fromDecodeFailure = review decodeFailure #endif -- instance Member DecodeError DecodeError where follow = id encode :: Serialize a => a -> ByteString encode = Serialize.encode -- | Decode a value from a strict ByteString, reconstructing the original -- structure. Unlike Data.Serialize.decode, this function only succeeds -- if all the input is consumed. Not sure if this is in use anywhere. -- -- > Extra.Serialize.decode (encode 'x' <> encode 'y') :: Either String Char -- Left "decode \"xy\" failed to consume \"y\"" -- > Data.Serialize.decode (encode 'x' <> encode 'y') :: Either String Char -- Right 'x' decode :: forall a. Serialize a => ByteString -> Either String a decode b = case runGetState get b 0 of Left s -> Left s Right (a, remaining) | B.null remaining -> Right a Right (a, remaining) -> Left ("decode " <> show b <> " failed to consume " <> show remaining) -- | A Serialize instance based on safecopy. This means that -- migrations will be performed upon deserialization, which is handy -- if the value is stored in the browser's local storage. Thus, zero -- downtime upgrades! deriveSerializeViaSafeCopy :: TypeQ -> Q [Dec] deriveSerializeViaSafeCopy typ = [d|instance {-SafeCopy $typ =>-} Serialize $typ where get = safeGet put = safePut|] instance Serialize T.Text where put = put . TE.encodeUtf8 get = TE.decodeUtf8 <$> get instance Serialize LT.Text where put = put . TLE.encodeUtf8 get = TLE.decodeUtf8 <$> get -- | This is private, we can't create a Generic instance for it. instance Serialize DiffTime where get = fromRational <$> get put = put . toRational instance Serialize UTCTime where get = uncurry UTCTime <$> get put (UTCTime day time) = put (day, time) instance Serialize Day where get = ModifiedJulianDay <$> get put = put . toModifiedJulianDay -- deriving instance Generic UUID deriving instance Serialize UUID Use -- the SafeCopy methods to implement Serialize. This is a pretty neat -- trick, it automatically does SafeCopy migration on any deserialize -- of a type with this implementation. instance Serialize UUID where get = safeGet put = safePut deriving instance Serialize Loc deriving instance Serialize URI deriving instance Serialize URIAuth deriving instance Serialize Zulu -- | Monadic version of decode. decodeM :: forall a e m. (Serialize a, Typeable a, HasDecodeError e, MonadError e m) => ByteString -> m a decodeM bs = case decode bs of Left s -> throwError (fromDecodeError (DecodeError bs (fakeTypeRep (Proxy @a)) s)) Right a -> return a -- | Like 'decodeM', but also catches any ErrorCall thrown and lifts -- it into the MonadError instance. I'm not sure whether this can -- actually happen. What I'm seeing is probably an error call from -- outside the serialize package, in which case this (and decode') are -- pointless. decodeM' :: forall e m a. (Serialize a, Typeable a, HasDecodeError e, MonadError e m, MonadCatch m) => ByteString -> m a decodeM' bs = go `catch` handle where go = case decode bs of Left s -> throwError (fromDecodeError (DecodeError bs (fakeTypeRep (Proxy @a)) s)) Right a -> return a handle :: ErrorCall -> m a handle (ErrorCall s) = throwError $ fromDecodeError $ DecodeError bs (fakeTypeRep (Proxy @a)) ("ErrorCall: " <> s) -- | Version of decode that catches any thrown ErrorCall and modifies -- its message. decode' :: forall a. (Serialize a) => ByteString -> Either String a decode' b = unsafePerformIO (evaluate (decode b :: Either String a) `catch` handle) where handle :: ErrorCall -> IO (Either String a) handle e = return $ Left (show e) -- | Serialize/deserialize prism. deserializePrism :: forall a. (Serialize a) => Prism' ByteString a deserializePrism = decodePrism {-# DEPRECATED deserializePrism "dumb name - use decodePrism" #-} -- | Serialize/deserialize prism. decodePrism :: forall a. (Serialize a) => Prism' ByteString a decodePrism = prism encode (\s -> either (\_ -> Left s) Right (decode s :: Either String a)) -- | Inverting a prism turns it into a getter. serializeGetter :: forall a. (Serialize a) => Getter a ByteString serializeGetter = re deserializePrism {-# DEPRECATED serializeGetter "dumb name - use encodeGetter" #-} encodeGetter :: forall a. (Serialize a) => Getter a ByteString encodeGetter = re deserializePrism instance SafeCopy DecodeError where version = 1 #ifndef OMIT_DATA_INSTANCES deriving instance Data FakeTypeRep deriving instance Data DecodeError #endif #ifndef OMIT_SHOW_INSTANCES deriving instance Show FakeTypeRep deriving instance Show DecodeError #endif