Copyright | (c) Eitan Chatav 2020 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- commentOnTable :: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol tab, Has sch db schema, Has tab schema ('Table table)) => QualifiedAlias sch tab -> Text -> Definition db db
- commentOnType :: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol typ, Has sch db schema, Has typ schema ('Typedef type_)) => QualifiedAlias sch typ -> Text -> Definition db db
- commentOnView :: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol vie, Has sch db schema, Has vie schema ('View view)) => QualifiedAlias sch vie -> Text -> Definition db db
- commentOnFunction :: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol fun, Has sch db schema, Has fun schema ('Function function)) => QualifiedAlias sch fun -> Text -> Definition db db
- commentOnIndex :: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol ind, Has sch db schema, Has ind schema ('Index index)) => QualifiedAlias sch ind -> Text -> Definition db db
- commentOnColumn :: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol tab, KnownSymbol col, Has sch db schema, Has tab schema ('Table '(cons, cols)), Has col cols '(def, nulltyp)) => QualifiedAlias sch tab -> Alias col -> Text -> Definition db db
- commentOnSchema :: (KnownSymbol sch, Has sch db schema) => Alias sch -> Text -> Definition db db
:: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol tab, Has sch db schema, Has tab schema ('Table table)) | |
=> QualifiedAlias sch tab | table |
-> Text | comment |
-> Definition db db |
When a user views a table in the database (i.e. with d+ table), it is useful to be able to read a description of the table.
:: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol typ, Has sch db schema, Has typ schema ('Typedef type_)) | |
=> QualifiedAlias sch typ | type |
-> Text | comment |
-> Definition db db |
When a user views a type in the database (i.e with dT type), it is useful to be able to read a description of the type.
:: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol vie, Has sch db schema, Has vie schema ('View view)) | |
=> QualifiedAlias sch vie | view |
-> Text | comment |
-> Definition db db |
When a user views a view in the database (i.e. with dv view), it is useful to be able to read a description of the view.
:: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol fun, Has sch db schema, Has fun schema ('Function function)) | |
=> QualifiedAlias sch fun | function |
-> Text | comment |
-> Definition db db |
When a user views a function in the database (i.e. with df+ function), it is useful to be able to read a description of the function.
:: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol ind, Has sch db schema, Has ind schema ('Index index)) | |
=> QualifiedAlias sch ind | index |
-> Text | comment |
-> Definition db db |
When a user views an index in the database (i.e. with di+ index), it is useful to be able to read a description of the index.
:: (KnownSymbol sch, KnownSymbol tab, KnownSymbol col, Has sch db schema, Has tab schema ('Table '(cons, cols)), Has col cols '(def, nulltyp)) | |
=> QualifiedAlias sch tab | table |
-> Alias col | column |
-> Text | comment |
-> Definition db db |
When a user views a table in the database (i.e. with d+ table), it is useful to be able to view descriptions of the columns in that table.
:: (KnownSymbol sch, Has sch db schema) | |
=> Alias sch | schema |
-> Text | comment |
-> Definition db db |
When a user views a schema in the database (i.e. with dn+ schema), it is useful to be able to read a description.