* Fix unit test build break with older bytestring versions * Add "named parameters" variants of query & al. Named params allow queries like: res <- queryNamed conn "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = :id" [":id" := postId] * Add FromField instances for Int8, Word, Word8, Word16, Word32 and Word64. * Fix typos in some type conversion error messages. * Improved test coverage. * Build fix for GHC 7.4 * Docs changes - uploaded new version to Hackage to update the Hackage page. * Various improvements to documentation. Especially UTCTime parsing and printing, and how it relates to SQLite datetimes is better documented now. * Improved date/time parsing performance by adapting Leon P. Smith's parsers from postgresql-simple for SQLite. UTCTime handling is also better defined now. * Improved query performance (https://github.com/nurpax/sqlite-simple/issues/23) * Improved tests for all areas touched by the above change. v0.4.4.0 * Add FromField instance for Float * Improve error handling for day parsing * + with tests v0.4.1.0 - v0.4.3.0 (missed tagging v0.4.2.0) * Improvements to withBind functionality and documentation (see https://github.com/nurpax/sqlite-simple/pull/26) * Add columnName accessor for statements * Expose MonadPlus on RowParser * Allow access to the underlying direct-sqilte connection from an sqlite-simple connection * Add Data.Text.Lazy and lazy ByteString From/ToField instances v0.4.0.0 * Add lastInsertRowId * Expose SQLite statements based streaming API (see https://github.com/nurpax/sqlite-simple/pull/22) v0.3.0.0 * Add fold, fold_, withConnection v0.2.0.0 - v0.2.1.0 * Optimizations to improve query rows/sec performance