  The mouse (button) specific section of input.
module FRP.Spice.Input.Mouse where

-- Global Imports --
import qualified Data.Traversable as T (sequence)
import Data.Map.Strict hiding (keys, map)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
import Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import FRP.Elerea.Param
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default

-- Local Imports --
import FRP.Spice.Math.Vector

-- Code --

-- Adding an instance of Ord to MouseButton so it can be used with the map
instance Ord MouseButton where
  mb1 <= mb2 = fromEnum mb1 < fromEnum mb2

  A list of all mouse buttons available via the GLFW api.
buttons :: [MouseButton]
buttons = [ ButtonLeft
          , ButtonRight
          , ButtonMiddle
          map ButtonNo [0 .. 7]

  A map from @'MouseButton'@ to externals created for every button.
externals :: IO (Map MouseButton (Signal Bool, Bool -> IO ()))
externals = liftM fromList $ mapM (\b -> liftM ((,) b) $ external False) buttons

  Creating the @'Signal'@ of a @'Map'@ from @'MouseButton'@ to @'Bool'@ from a
  @'Map'@ of @'externals'@.
signals :: Map MouseButton (Signal Bool, Bool -> IO ()) -> Signal (Map MouseButton Bool)
signals = T.sequence . fmap fst

  Making a @'Map'@ from @'MouseButton'@ to sink from a @'Map'@ of
sinks :: Map MouseButton (Signal Bool, Bool -> IO ()) -> Map MouseButton (Bool -> IO ())
sinks = fmap snd