module Math.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.Matrix ( -- ** Sparse matrix datatype SMx, SparseMatrix (..), -- ** Basic functions height, width, setSize, emptyMx, zeroMx, isZeroMx, isNotZeroMx , idMx, -- ** Combining matrices (//), hconcat, vconcat, sizedBlockMx, sizedBlockSMx, blockMx, blockSMx, -- ** Adding/deleting row/columns addRow, addCol, addZeroRow, addZeroCol, delRow, delCol, delRowCol, separateMx, -- ** Lookup/update (#), row, col, updRow, eraseRow, erase, ins, findRowIndices, findRowIndicesR, popRow, (|>), (<|), replaceRow, exchangeRows, mapOnRows, -- ** To/from list diagonalMx, mainDiag, fromRows, toAssocList, fromAssocListWithSize, fromAssocList, fillMx, sparseMx, -- ** Transposition trans, -- ** Multiplications mulMV, (×·) , mulVM, (·×) , mul, (×), ) where import Math.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.IntMapUtilities import Data.Functor import Data.Foldable as F import Data.List as L import Data.IntMap as M hiding ((!)) import Data.Monoid import Math.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.Vector -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SPARSE MATRIX DATATYPE -- ---------------------------- -- | Internal storage of matrix type SMx α = SVec (SVec α) -- | Sparse matrix is indexed map of non-zero rows, data SparseMatrix α = SM { dims :: (Int,Int) -- ^ real height and width of filled matrix , mx :: SMx α -- ^ IntMap (IntMap α) representing non-zero values } deriving Eq -- | `fmap` applies given function on all non-zero values instance Functor SparseMatrix where fmap f m = m {mx = fmap (fmap f) (mx m)} -- | All `Num` work on sparse matrices the same way as -- on `SparseVector` (see documentation there) instance (Eq α, Num α) => Num (SparseMatrix α) where (SM (h1,w1) m) + (SM (h2,w2) n) = SM (max h1 h2, max w1 w2) $ M.filter (not . M.null) (unionWith (unionWith (+)) m n) (SM (h1,w1) m) * (SM (h2,w2) n) = SM (max h1 h2, max w1 w2) $ M.filter (not . M.null) (intersectionWith (intersectionWith (*)) m n) negate = fmap negate fromInteger 0 = emptyMx fromInteger x = diagonalMx [fromInteger x] abs = fmap abs signum = fmap signum -- | `mempty` is just `emptyMx` -- -- `mappend` is horisontal concatenation instance Monoid (SparseMatrix α) where mempty = emptyMx (SM (h1,w1) m) `mappend` (SM (h2,w2) n) = SM (max h1 h2, w1 + w2) (M.unionWith M.union m ( (shiftKeys w1) n)) -- | Shows size and filled matrix (but without zeroes) instance (Show α, Eq α, Num α) => Show (SparseMatrix α) where show = showSparseMatrix . fillMx showSparseMatrix :: (Show α, Eq α, Num α) => [[α]] -> String showSparseMatrix [] = "(0,0):\n[]\n" showSparseMatrix m = show (length m, length (head m))++": \n"++ (unlines $ (("["++) . (++"]") . intercalate "|") $ transpose $ column $ transpose m) column :: (Show α, Eq α, Num α) => [α] -> [String] column c = let c' = showNonZero c width = L.maximum $ length c' offset x = replicate (width - (length x)) ' ' ++ x in offset c' showNonZero x = if x == 0 then " " else show x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BASIC FUNCTIONS -- --------------------- -- | Matrix real height and width height, width :: SparseMatrix α -> Int height = fst . dims width = snd . dims -- | Sets height and width of matrix setSize :: (Num α) => (Int,Int) -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α setSize s m = m { dims = s } -- | Matrix of zero size with no values emptyMx :: SparseMatrix α emptyMx = SM (0,0) M.empty -- | Zero matrix of given size zeroMx :: Num α => (Int, Int) -> SparseMatrix α zeroMx (h,w) = setSize (h,w) emptyMx -- | Checks if matrix has no non-zero values (i.e. is empty) isZeroMx, isNotZeroMx :: SparseMatrix α -> Bool isZeroMx = M.null . mx isNotZeroMx = not . isZeroMx -- | Identity matrix of given size idMx :: (Num α, Eq α) => Int -> SparseMatrix α idMx n = diagonalMx (L.replicate n 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMBINING MATRICES -- ------------------------ -- | Vertical concatenation (//) :: SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α (SM (h1,w1) m) // (SM (h2,w2) n) = SM (h1 + h2, max w1 w2) (m `M.union` (shiftKeys h1 n)) -- | Batch horisontal/vertical concatenation hconcat, vconcat :: [SparseMatrix α] -> SparseMatrix α hconcat = L.foldl' (<>) emptyMx vconcat = L.foldl' (//) emptyMx -- | Takes size of each block and matrix of sparse matrices -- and constructs sparse matrix from this blocks sizedBlockMx :: Num α => (Int, Int) -> [[SparseMatrix α]] -> SparseMatrix α sizedBlockMx s = blockMx . fmap (fmap (setSize s)) -- | Fills sparse matrix of blocks and then applies `sizedBlockMx` sizedBlockSMx :: (Eq α, Num α) =>(Int, Int) -> SparseMatrix (SparseMatrix α) -> SparseMatrix α sizedBlockSMx s = sizedBlockMx s . fillMx -- TODO: evaluate block sizes automaticaly blockMx :: [[SparseMatrix α]] -> SparseMatrix α blockMx = vconcat . fmap hconcat blockSMx :: (Eq α, Num α) => SparseMatrix (SparseMatrix α) -> SparseMatrix α blockSMx = blockMx . fillMx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ADDING/DELETING ROW/COLUMNS -- --------------------------------- -- | Adds row at given index, increasing matrix height by 1 -- and shifting indexes after it addRow :: (Num α) => SparseVector α -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α addRow v i m = SM (height m + 1, max (width m) (dim v)) (addElem mbv i (mx m)) where mbv = if isZeroVec v then Nothing else Just (vec v) -- | Adds column at given index, increasing matrix width by 1 -- and shifting indexes after it addCol :: (Num α) => SparseVector α -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α addCol v j m = SM (max (height m) (dim v), width m + 1) (M.mapWithKey insCol (mx m)) where insCol i row = addElem (M.lookup i (vec v)) j row -- | Just adds zero row at given index addZeroRow :: Num α => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α addZeroRow i m = addRow (zeroVec (width m)) i m -- | Just adds zero column at given index addZeroCol :: Num α => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α addZeroCol i m = addCol (zeroVec (height m)) i m -- | Deletes row at given index, decreasing matrix height by 1 -- and shifting indexes after it delRow :: (Num α) => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α delRow i m | isZeroMx m = setSize (height m - 1, width m) m | otherwise = SM (height m - 1, width m) (delElem i (mx m)) -- | Deletes column at given index, decreasing matrix width by 1 -- and shifting indexes after it delCol :: (Num α) => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α delCol j m | isZeroMx m = setSize (height m, width m - 1) m | otherwise = SM (height m, width m - 1) ( (delElem j) (mx m)) -- | Deletes row and column at given indexes delRowCol :: Num α => Index -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α delRowCol i j m = delCol j (delRow i m) -- | Partitions matrix, using pedicate on rows and returns two /new/ matrices, -- one constructed from rows satisfying predicate, and another from rows that don't partitionMx :: (Num α) => (SparseVector α -> Bool) -> SparseMatrix α -> (SparseMatrix α, SparseMatrix α) partitionMx p (SM (h,w) m) = (SM (st,w) t, SM (h-st,w) f) where (t,f) = partitionMap (p . SV w) m st = size t -- ^ WARNING: doesn't work with empty rows -- | Separates matrix, using pedicate on rows and returns two matrices of the same size, -- one only with rows satisfying predicate, and another with the rest rows separateMx :: (Num α) => (SparseVector α -> Bool) -> SparseMatrix α -> (SparseMatrix α, SparseMatrix α) separateMx p (SM (h,w) m) = (SM (h,w) t, SM (h,w) f) where (t,f) = M.partition (p . SV w) m st = size t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LOOKUP/UPDATE -- ------------------- -- | Looks up an element in the matrix (if not found, zero is returned) (#) :: (Num α) => SparseMatrix α -> (Index,Index) -> α m # (i,j) = maybe 0 (findWithDefault 0 j) (M.lookup i (mx m)) -- | Returns row of matrix at given index row :: (Num α) => SparseMatrix α -> Index -> SparseVector α m `row` i = SV (width m) (findWithDefault M.empty i (mx m)) -- | Returns column of matrix at given index col :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> Index -> SparseVector α m `col` j = M.foldlWithKey' addElem (zeroVec (height m)) (mx m) where addElem acc i row = maybe acc (\x -> acc `vecIns` (i,x)) (M.lookup j row) -- old, obvious variant: (trans m) `row` i -- transpositioning the whole matrix is not effective -- | Updates values in row using given function updRow :: (Num α) => (SparseVector α -> SparseVector α) -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α updRow f i m = m { mx = M.adjust f' i (mx m) } where f' = vec . f . SV (width m) -- | Fills row with zeroes (i.e. deletes it, but size of matrix doesn't change) eraseRow :: (Num α) => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α eraseRow i m = m { mx = M.delete i (mx m) } -- | Erases matrix element at given index erase :: (Num α) => SparseMatrix α -> (Index,Index) -> SparseMatrix α m `erase` (i,j) = if isZeroVec (m' `row` i) -- if that was the last element then eraseRow i m' -- delete this row else m' where m' = updRow (`eraseInVec` j) i m -- | Inserts new element to the sparse matrix (replaces old value) ins :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> ((Index,Index), α) -> SparseMatrix α m `ins` ((i,j),0) = m `erase` (i,j) m `ins` ((i,j),x) = m { mx = newMx } where newMx = M.insertWith' M.union i (M.singleton j x) (mx m) -- | Finds indices of rows, that satisfy given predicate. Searches from left to right (in ascending order of indices) findRowIndices :: (SparseVector α -> Bool) -> SparseMatrix α -> [Int] findRowIndices p m = fst $ M.mapAccumRWithKey (\acc i x -> (if p (SV (width m) x) then i:acc else acc,x)) [] (mx m) -- | Finds indices of rows, that satisfy given predicate. Searches from right to left (in descending order of indices) findRowIndicesR :: (SparseVector α -> Bool) -> SparseMatrix α -> [Int] findRowIndicesR p m = fst $ M.mapAccumWithKey (\acc i x -> (if p (SV (width m) x) then i:acc else acc,x)) [] (mx m) -- TODO: more effective implementation (is done in exchangeRows?) -- moveRow i j m | i == j = m -- | otherwise = addRow r j $ delRow i m -- where r = m `row` i -- | Returns a row at given index and matrix without it popRow :: Num α =>Index -> SparseMatrix α -> (SparseVector α, SparseMatrix α) popRow i m = (m `row` i, delRow i m) -- | Adds row to matrix at the top (|>) :: Num α => SparseVector α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α r |> m = addRow r 1 m -- | Adds row to matrix at the bottom (<|) :: Num α => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α -> SparseMatrix α m <| r = addRow r (height m + 1) m -- | Replaces row at given index with given vector replaceRow :: Num α => SparseVector α -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α replaceRow r i m | isZeroVec r = eraseRow i m | otherwise = m { mx = M.insert i (vec r) (mx m) } -- | Exchanges positions of two rows exchangeRows :: Num α => Index -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α exchangeRows i j m | i == j = m | otherwise = replaceRow (m `row` i) j $ replaceRow (m `row` j) i m -- | Applies vector-function on matrix rows mapOnRows :: (SparseVector α -> SparseVector β)-> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix β mapOnRows f m = m { mx = (vec . f . (SV (width m))) (mx m) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TO/FROM LIST -- ------------------ ------------ -- Matrices: -- | Constructs square matrix with given elements on diagonal diagonalMx :: (Num α, Eq α) => [α] -> SparseMatrix α diagonalMx = L.foldl add emptyMx where add m x = let i = height m + 1 in setSize (i,i) (m `ins` ((i,i),x)) -- | Collects main diagonal of matrix mainDiag :: (Eq α, Num α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α mainDiag m = sparseList [ m#(i,i) | i <- [1 .. l] ] where l = min (height m) (width m) -- | Constructs matrix from a list of rows fromRows :: (Num α) => [SparseVector α] -> SparseMatrix α fromRows = L.foldl (<|) emptyMx -- | Converts sparse matrix to associative list, -- adding fake zero element, to save real size for inverse conversion toAssocList :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> [ ((Index,Index), α) ] toAssocList (SM s m) = (s, 0) : [ ((i,j), x) | (i,row) <- M.toAscList m, (j,x) <- M.toAscList row, x /= 0 ] -- | Converts associative list to sparse matrix, -- of given size fromAssocListWithSize :: (Num α, Eq α) => (Int,Int) -> [ ((Index,Index), α) ] -> SparseMatrix α fromAssocListWithSize s l = L.foldl' ins (zeroMx s) l -- | Converts associative list to sparse matrix, -- using maximal index as matrix size fromAssocList :: (Num α, Eq α) => [ ((Index,Index), α) ] -> SparseMatrix α fromAssocList l = fromAssocListWithSize (L.maximum $ fmap fst l) l -- | Converts sparse matrix to plain list-matrix with all zeroes restored fillMx :: (Num α) => SparseMatrix α -> [[α]] fillMx m = [ [ m # (i,j) | j <- [1 .. width m] ] | i <- [1 .. height m] ] -- | Converts plain list-matrix to sparse matrix, throwing out all zeroes sparseMx :: (Num α, Eq α) => [[α]] -> SparseMatrix α sparseMx [] = emptyMx sparseMx m@(r:_) = SM (length m, length r) $ M.fromList [ (i,row) | (i,row) <- zipWith pair [1..] m, not (M.null row) ] where pair i r = (i, vec (sparseList r)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TRANSPOSITION -- ------------------- -- | Transposes matrix (rows become columns) trans :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α trans m = let mt = M.foldlWithKey' accRow emptyMx (mx m) accRow acc i row = M.foldlWithKey' (accElem i) acc row accElem i acc j x = acc `ins` ((j,i),x) in setSize (width m, height m) mt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MULTIPLICATIONS -- --------------------- -- | Matrix-by-vector multiplication mulMV :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α -> SparseVector α mulMV = (×·) -- | Unicode alias for `mulMV` (×·) :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α -> SparseVector α (SM (h,_) m) ×· (SV _ v) = SV h (M.filter (0/=) ( (v··) m)) -- dot-p v with each row -- | Vector-by-matrix multiplication mulVM :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseVector α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α mulVM = (·×) -- | Unicode alias for `mulVM` (·×) :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseVector α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α v ·× m = (trans m) ×· v -- | Sparse matrices multiplication mul :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α mul = (×) -- | Unicode alias for `mul` (×) :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α a × b = let d = (height a, width b) -- size of result bt = mx (trans b) -- columns of b m = M.filter (not . M.null) $ (\aRow -> M.filter (0/=) ( (aRow··) bt)) (mx a) -- each row of a should be dot-multiplied on b columns in SM d m