{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeFamilies, DataKinds, RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} module Test.Language.Souffle.MarshalSpec ( module Test.Language.Souffle.MarshalSpec ) where import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Hedgehog import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import GHC.Generics import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Text import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.Maybe ( fromJust ) import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO ) import Control.Monad import Language.Souffle.Marshal import qualified Language.Souffle.Marshal as Souffle import qualified Language.Souffle.Class as Souffle import qualified Language.Souffle.Compiled as Compiled import qualified Language.Souffle.Interpreted as Interpreted import Data.String (IsString) import Data.Void (Void) data Edge = Edge String String deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype EdgeUInt = EdgeUInt Word32 deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype FloatValue = FloatValue Float deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data EdgeStrict = EdgeStrict !String !String deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data EdgeUnpacked = EdgeUnpacked {-# UNPACK #-} !Int32 {-# UNPACK #-} !Int32 deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) type Vertex = Text type Vertex' = Text data EdgeSynonyms = EdgeSynonyms Vertex Vertex deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data EdgeMultipleSynonyms = EdgeMultipleSynonyms Vertex Vertex' deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data EdgeMixed = EdgeMixed Text Vertex deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data EdgeRecord = EdgeRecord { fromNode :: Text , toNode :: Text } deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data IntsAndStrings = IntsAndStrings Text Int32 Text deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data LargeRecord = LargeRecord Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype NestedNewtype = NestedNewtype LargeRecord deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data Pair = Pair Int32 Int32 deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data NestedRecord = NestedRecord Pair Pair deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) instance Marshal Edge instance Marshal EdgeUInt instance Marshal FloatValue instance Marshal EdgeStrict instance Marshal EdgeUnpacked instance Marshal EdgeSynonyms instance Marshal EdgeMultipleSynonyms instance Marshal EdgeMixed instance Marshal EdgeRecord instance Marshal IntsAndStrings instance Marshal LargeRecord instance Marshal Pair instance Marshal NestedNewtype instance Marshal NestedRecord data RoundTrip = RoundTrip newtype StringFact = StringFact String deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype TextFact = TextFact T.Text deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype LazyTextFact = LazyTextFact TL.Text deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype Int32Fact = Int32Fact Int32 deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype Word32Fact = Word32Fact Word32 deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype FloatFact = FloatFact Float deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) instance Souffle.Fact StringFact where type FactDirection StringFact = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "string_fact" instance Souffle.Fact TextFact where type FactDirection TextFact = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "string_fact" instance Souffle.Fact LazyTextFact where type FactDirection LazyTextFact = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "string_fact" instance Souffle.Fact Int32Fact where type FactDirection Int32Fact = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "number_fact" instance Souffle.Fact Word32Fact where type FactDirection Word32Fact = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "unsigned_fact" instance Souffle.Fact FloatFact where type FactDirection FloatFact = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "float_fact" instance Souffle.Fact NestedNewtype where type FactDirection NestedNewtype = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "large_record" instance Souffle.Fact NestedRecord where type FactDirection NestedRecord = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "large_record" instance Souffle.Marshal StringFact instance Souffle.Marshal TextFact instance Souffle.Marshal LazyTextFact instance Souffle.Marshal Int32Fact instance Souffle.Marshal Word32Fact instance Souffle.Marshal FloatFact instance Souffle.Program RoundTrip where type ProgramFacts RoundTrip = '[StringFact, TextFact, LazyTextFact, Int32Fact, Word32Fact, FloatFact, NestedNewtype, NestedRecord] programName = const "round_trip" type RoundTripAction = forall a. Souffle.Fact a => Souffle.ContainsInputFact RoundTrip a => Souffle.ContainsOutputFact RoundTrip a => Compiled.Submit a => a -> PropertyT IO a data EdgeCases = EdgeCases data EmptyStrings a = EmptyStrings a a Int32 deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype LongStrings a = LongStrings a deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) newtype Unicode a = Unicode a deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) data NoStrings a = NoStrings Word32 Int32 Float deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic) instance Souffle.Program EdgeCases where type ProgramFacts EdgeCases = '[ EmptyStrings String, EmptyStrings T.Text, EmptyStrings TL.Text , LongStrings String, LongStrings T.Text, LongStrings TL.Text , Unicode String, Unicode T.Text, Unicode TL.Text , NoStrings Void ] programName = const "edge_cases" instance Souffle.Fact (EmptyStrings String) where type FactDirection (EmptyStrings String) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "empty_strings" instance Souffle.Fact (EmptyStrings T.Text) where type FactDirection (EmptyStrings T.Text) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "empty_strings" instance Souffle.Fact (EmptyStrings TL.Text) where type FactDirection (EmptyStrings TL.Text) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "empty_strings" instance Souffle.Fact (LongStrings String) where type FactDirection (LongStrings String) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "long_strings" instance Souffle.Fact (LongStrings T.Text) where type FactDirection (LongStrings T.Text) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "long_strings" instance Souffle.Fact (LongStrings TL.Text) where type FactDirection (LongStrings TL.Text) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "long_strings" instance Souffle.Fact (Unicode String) where type FactDirection (Unicode String) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "unicode" instance Souffle.Fact (Unicode T.Text) where type FactDirection (Unicode T.Text) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "unicode" instance Souffle.Fact (Unicode TL.Text) where type FactDirection (Unicode TL.Text) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "unicode" instance Souffle.Fact (NoStrings a) where type FactDirection (NoStrings _) = 'Souffle.InputOutput factName = const "no_strings" instance Marshal (EmptyStrings String) instance Marshal (EmptyStrings T.Text) instance Marshal (EmptyStrings TL.Text) instance Marshal (LongStrings String) instance Marshal (LongStrings T.Text) instance Marshal (LongStrings TL.Text) instance Marshal (Unicode String) instance Marshal (Unicode T.Text) instance Marshal (Unicode TL.Text) instance Marshal (NoStrings a) spec :: Spec spec = describe "Marshalling" $ parallel $ do describe "Auto-deriving marshalling code" $ it "can generate code for all instances in this file" $ -- If this file compiles, then the test has already passed 42 `shouldBe` 42 roundTripSpecs edgeCaseSpecs roundTripSpecs :: Spec roundTripSpecs = describe "data transfer between Haskell and Souffle" $ parallel $ do let roundTripTests :: RoundTripAction -> Spec roundTripTests run = do it "can serialize and deserialize String values" $ hedgehog $ do str <- forAll $ Gen.string (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode let fact = StringFact str fact' <- run fact fact === fact' it "can serialize and deserialize lazy Text values" $ hedgehog $ do str <- forAll $ Gen.string (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode let fact = LazyTextFact (TL.pack str) fact' <- run fact fact === fact' it "can serialize and deserialize strict Text values" $ hedgehog $ do str <- forAll $ Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode let fact = TextFact str fact' <- run fact fact === fact' it "can serialize and deserialize Int32 values" $ hedgehog $ do x <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) let fact = Int32Fact x fact' <- run fact fact === fact' it "can serialize and deserialize Word32 values" $ hedgehog $ do x <- forAll $ Gen.word32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) let fact = Word32Fact x fact' <- run fact fact === fact' it "can serialize and deserialize Float values" $ hedgehog $ do let epsilon = 1e-6 fmin = -1e9 fmax = 1e9 x <- forAll $ Gen.float (Range.exponentialFloat fmin fmax) let fact = FloatFact x FloatFact x' <- run fact (abs (x' - x) < epsilon) === True it "can serialize and deserialize newtypes" $ hedgehog $ do a <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) b <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) c <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) d <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) let fact = NestedNewtype $ LargeRecord a b c d fact' <- run fact fact === fact' it "can serialize and deserialize nested product types" $ hedgehog $ do a <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) b <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) c <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) d <- forAll $ Gen.int32 (Range.linear minBound maxBound) let fact = NestedRecord (Pair a b) (Pair c d) fact' <- run fact fact === fact' describe "interpreted mode" $ parallel $ roundTripTests $ \fact -> liftIO $ Interpreted.runSouffle RoundTrip $ \handle -> do let prog = fromJust handle Interpreted.addFact prog fact Interpreted.run prog Prelude.head <$> Interpreted.getFacts prog describe "compiled mode" $ parallel $ roundTripTests $ \fact -> liftIO $ Compiled.runSouffle RoundTrip $ \handle -> do let prog = fromJust handle Compiled.addFact prog fact Compiled.run prog Prelude.head <$> Compiled.getFacts prog edgeCaseSpecs :: Spec edgeCaseSpecs = describe "edge cases" $ parallel $ do let longString :: IsString a => a longString = "long_string_from_DL:...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................end" getFactsI :: forall f a. (Souffle.Fact (f a), Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (f a)) => IO [f a] getFactsI = Interpreted.runSouffle EdgeCases $ \handle -> do let prog = fromJust handle Interpreted.run prog Interpreted.getFacts prog getFactsC :: forall f a. (Souffle.Fact (f a), Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (f a)) => IO [f a] getFactsC = Compiled.runSouffle EdgeCases $ \handle -> do let prog = fromJust handle Compiled.run prog Prelude.reverse <$> Compiled.getFacts prog getUnicodeFactsI :: forall a. (IsString a, Eq a, Souffle.Fact (Unicode a), Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (Unicode a)) => IO ([Unicode a], Maybe (Unicode a), Maybe (Unicode a)) getUnicodeFactsI = Interpreted.runSouffle EdgeCases $ \handle -> do let prog = fromJust handle Interpreted.run prog (,,) <$> Interpreted.getFacts prog <*> Interpreted.findFact prog (Unicode "⌀") -- \x2300 iso \x2200 <*> Interpreted.findFact prog (Unicode "≂") -- \x2242 iso \x2200 getUnicodeFactsC :: forall a. (IsString a, Eq a, Souffle.Fact (Unicode a), Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (Unicode a), Compiled.Submit (Unicode a)) => IO ([Unicode a], Maybe (Unicode a), Maybe (Unicode a)) getUnicodeFactsC = Compiled.runSouffle EdgeCases $ \handle -> do let prog = fromJust handle Compiled.run prog (,,) <$> (Prelude.reverse <$> Compiled.getFacts prog) <*> Compiled.findFact prog (Unicode "⌀") -- \x2300 iso \x2200 <*> Compiled.findFact prog (Unicode "≂") -- \x2242 iso \x2200 addAndGetFactsI :: Souffle.Fact (f a) => Souffle.ContainsInputFact EdgeCases (f a) => Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (f a) => [f a] -> IO [f a] addAndGetFactsI fs = Interpreted.runSouffle EdgeCases $ \handle -> do let prog = fromJust handle Interpreted.addFacts prog fs Interpreted.run prog Interpreted.getFacts prog addAndGetFactsC :: Souffle.Fact (f a) => Souffle.ContainsInputFact EdgeCases (f a) => Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (f a) => Compiled.Submit (f a) => [f a] -> IO [f a] addAndGetFactsC fs = Compiled.runSouffle EdgeCases $ \handle -> do let prog = fromJust handle Compiled.addFacts prog fs Compiled.run prog Prelude.reverse <$> Compiled.getFacts prog runTests :: (forall f a. (Souffle.Fact (f a), Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (f a)) => IO [f a]) -> (forall a. (IsString a, Eq a, Souffle.Fact (Unicode a), Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (Unicode a), Compiled.Submit (Unicode a)) => IO ([Unicode a], Maybe (Unicode a), Maybe (Unicode a))) -> (forall f a. Souffle.Fact (f a) => Souffle.ContainsInputFact EdgeCases (f a) => Souffle.ContainsOutputFact EdgeCases (f a) => Compiled.Submit (f a) => [f a] -> IO [f a]) -> Spec runTests getFacts getUnicodeFacts addAndGetFacts = do it "correctly marshals facts with number-like types" $ do facts <- getFacts (facts :: [NoStrings Void]) `shouldBe` [ NoStrings 42 (-100) 1.5 , NoStrings 123 (-456) 3.14 ] it "correctly marshals facts with empty Strings" $ do facts <- getFacts (facts :: [EmptyStrings String]) `shouldBe` [ EmptyStrings "" "" 42 , EmptyStrings "" "abc" 42 , EmptyStrings "abc" "" 42 ] it "correctly marshals facts with empty Texts" $ do facts <- getFacts (facts :: [EmptyStrings T.Text]) `shouldBe` [ EmptyStrings "" "" 42 , EmptyStrings "" "abc" 42 , EmptyStrings "abc" "" 42 ] it "correctly marshals facts with empty lazy Texts" $ do facts <- getFacts (facts :: [EmptyStrings TL.Text]) `shouldBe` [ EmptyStrings "" "" 42 , EmptyStrings "" "abc" 42 , EmptyStrings "abc" "" 42 ] it "correctly marshals facts really with long (>255 chars) String" $ do facts <- getFacts (facts :: [LongStrings String]) `shouldBe` [ LongStrings longString ] it "correctly marshals facts really with long (>255 chars) Text" $ do facts <- getFacts (facts :: [LongStrings T.Text]) `shouldBe` [ LongStrings longString ] it "correctly marshals facts really with long (>255 chars) lazy Text" $ do facts <- getFacts (facts :: [LongStrings TL.Text]) `shouldBe` [ LongStrings longString ] it "correctly marshals facts containing unicode characters (String)" $ do results <- getUnicodeFacts results `shouldBe` ( [ Unicode ("∀" :: String), Unicode "∀∀" ] , Nothing :: Maybe (Unicode String) , Nothing :: Maybe (Unicode String) ) it "correctly marshals facts containing unicode characters (Text)" $ do results <- getUnicodeFacts results `shouldBe` ( [ Unicode ("∀" :: T.Text), Unicode "∀∀" ] , Nothing :: Maybe (Unicode T.Text) , Nothing :: Maybe (Unicode T.Text) ) it "correctly marshals facts containing unicode characters (lazy Text)" $ do results <- getUnicodeFacts results `shouldBe` ( [ Unicode ("∀" :: TL.Text), Unicode "∀∀" ] , Nothing :: Maybe (Unicode TL.Text) , Nothing :: Maybe (Unicode TL.Text) ) it "correctly marshals empty strings back and forth (Strings)" $ do let facts :: [EmptyStrings String] facts = [EmptyStrings "" "" 1, EmptyStrings "" "" 42, EmptyStrings "" "abc" 2, EmptyStrings "" "abc" 42, EmptyStrings "abc" "" 3, EmptyStrings "abc" "" 42] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals empty strings back and forth (Text)" $ do let facts :: [EmptyStrings T.Text] facts = [EmptyStrings "" "" 1, EmptyStrings "" "" 42, EmptyStrings "" "abc" 2, EmptyStrings "" "abc" 42, EmptyStrings "abc" "" 3, EmptyStrings "abc" "" 42] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals empty strings back and forth (lazy Text)" $ do let facts :: [EmptyStrings TL.Text] facts = [EmptyStrings "" "" 1, EmptyStrings "" "" 42, EmptyStrings "" "abc" 2, EmptyStrings "" "abc" 42, EmptyStrings "abc" "" 3, EmptyStrings "abc" "" 42] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals unicode back and forth (Strings)" $ do let facts :: [Unicode String] facts = [Unicode "∀", Unicode "∀∀", Unicode "≂", Unicode "⌀", Unicode "⌀⌀"] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals unicode back and forth (Text)" $ do let facts :: [Unicode T.Text] facts = [Unicode "∀", Unicode "∀∀", Unicode "≂", Unicode "⌀", Unicode "⌀⌀"] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals unicode back and forth (lazy Text)" $ do let facts :: [Unicode TL.Text] facts = [Unicode "∀", Unicode "∀∀", Unicode "≂", Unicode "⌀", Unicode "⌀⌀"] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals really long strings back and forth (Strings)" $ do let facts :: [LongStrings String] facts = [LongStrings longString, LongStrings $ join $ Prelude.replicate 10000 "abc"] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals really long strings back and forth (Text)" $ do let facts :: [LongStrings T.Text] facts = [LongStrings longString, LongStrings $ T.pack $ join $ Prelude.replicate 10000 "abc"] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals really long strings back and forth (lazy Text)" $ do let facts :: [LongStrings TL.Text] facts = [LongStrings longString, LongStrings $ TL.pack $ join $ Prelude.replicate 10000 "abc"] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts it "correctly marshals facts with number-like types" $ do let facts :: [NoStrings Void] facts = [ NoStrings 42 (-100) 1.5 , NoStrings 123 (-456) 3.14 , NoStrings 789 (-789) 1000.123 , NoStrings 0x12345678 (-1000) 1234.56789 ] facts' <- addAndGetFacts facts facts' `shouldBe` facts describe "interpreted mode" $ parallel $ do runTests getFactsI getUnicodeFactsI addAndGetFactsI describe "compiled mode" $ parallel $ do runTests getFactsC getUnicodeFactsC addAndGetFactsC