-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Datamining.Clustering.SSOM
-- Copyright   :  (c) Amy de Buitléir 2012-2014
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  amy@nualeargais.ie
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- A Simplified Self-organising Map (SSOM). An SSOM maps input patterns
-- onto a set, where each element in the set is a model of the input
-- data. An SSOM is like a Kohonen Self-organising Map (SOM), except
-- that instead of a grid, it uses a simple set of unconnected models.
-- Since the models are unconnected, only the model that best matches
-- the input is ever updated. This makes it faster, however,
-- topological relationships within the input data are not preserved.
-- This implementation supports the use of non-numeric patterns.
-- In layman's terms, a SSOM can be useful when you you want to build
-- a set of models on some data. A tutorial is available at
-- <https://github.com/mhwombat/som/wiki>.
-- References:
-- * de Buitléir, Amy, Russell, Michael and Daly, Mark. (2012). Wains:
--   A pattern-seeking artificial life species. Artificial Life, 18 (4),
--   399-423. 
-- * Kohonen, T. (1982). Self-organized formation of topologically 
--   correct feature maps. Biological Cybernetics, 43 (1), 59–69.

module Data.Datamining.Clustering.SSOM
    -- * Construction
    -- * Deconstruction
    -- * Advanced control
  ) where

import Data.Datamining.Clustering.SSOMInternal (SSOM(..),
  Gaussian(..), toMap, trainNode)