{-# language BangPatterns #-} {-# language DataKinds #-} {-# language DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# language DerivingStrategies #-} {-# language DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# language LambdaCase #-} {-# language MagicHash #-} {-# language NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# language UnboxedTuples #-} -- | Internet datagram sockets without a fixed destination. module Socket.Datagram.IPv4.Unconnected ( -- * Types Socket(..) , Family(..) , Connectedness(..) , Peer(..) , Message(..) -- * Establish , withSocket -- * Exceptions , SocketException(..) ) where import Control.Exception (mask,onException) import Data.Word (Word16) import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(..),eACCES) import Foreign.C.Error (eNFILE,eMFILE,eADDRINUSE) import GHC.IO (IO(..)) import Net.Types (IPv4(..)) import Socket (Connectedness(..),Family(..)) import Socket.Datagram (Socket(..)) import Socket.Datagram (SocketException(..)) import Socket.Debug (debug) import Socket.IPv4 (Peer(..),Message(..),describeEndpoint) import Socket.Error (die) import qualified Foreign.C.Error.Describe as D import qualified Linux.Socket as L import qualified Posix.Socket as S import qualified Socket as SCK import qualified Socket.EventManager as EM -- | Open a socket and run the supplied callback on it. This closes the socket -- when the callback finishes or when an exception is thrown. Do not return -- the socket from the callback. This leads to undefined behavior. If the -- address @ is used, the socket receives on all network interfaces. -- If the port 0 is used, an unused port is chosen by the operating system. -- The callback provides the chosen port (or if the user specified a non-zero -- port, the chosen port will be that value). withSocket :: Peer -- ^ Address and port to use -> (Socket 'Unconnected ('SCK.Internet 'SCK.V4) -> Word16 -> IO a) -- ^ Callback providing the socket and the chosen port -> IO (Either SocketException a) withSocket endpoint@Peer{port = specifiedPort} f = mask $ \restore -> do debug ("withSocket: opening socket " ++ describeEndpoint endpoint) e1 <- S.uninterruptibleSocket S.internet (L.applySocketFlags (L.closeOnExec <> L.nonblocking) S.datagram) S.defaultProtocol debug ("withSocket: opened socket " ++ describeEndpoint endpoint) case e1 of Left err -> handleSocketException err Right fd -> do let !mngr = EM.manager EM.register mngr fd e2 <- S.uninterruptibleBind fd (S.encodeSocketAddressInternet (endpointToSocketAddressInternet endpoint)) debug ("withSocket: requested binding for " ++ describeEndpoint endpoint) case e2 of Left err -> do -- We intentionally discard any exceptions thrown by close. -- There is simply nothing that can be done with them. S.uninterruptibleErrorlessClose fd handleBindException specifiedPort err Right _ -> do eactualPort <- if specifiedPort == 0 then S.uninterruptibleGetSocketName fd S.sizeofSocketAddressInternet >>= \case Left err -> do S.uninterruptibleErrorlessClose fd die ("Socket.Datagram.IPv4.Undestined.getsockname: " ++ describeErrorCode err) Right (sockAddrRequiredSz,sockAddr) -> if sockAddrRequiredSz == S.sizeofSocketAddressInternet then case S.decodeSocketAddressInternet sockAddr of Just S.SocketAddressInternet{port = actualPort} -> do let cleanPort = S.networkToHostShort actualPort debug ("withSocket: successfully bound " ++ describeEndpoint endpoint ++ " and got port " ++ show cleanPort) pure (Right cleanPort) Nothing -> do S.uninterruptibleErrorlessClose fd die "Socket.Datagram.IPv4.Undestined: non-internet socket family" else do S.uninterruptibleErrorlessClose fd die "Socket.Datagram.IPv4.Undestined: socket address size" else pure (Right specifiedPort) case eactualPort of Left err -> pure (Left err) Right actualPort -> do a <- onException (restore (f (Socket fd) actualPort)) (S.uninterruptibleErrorlessClose fd) S.uninterruptibleClose fd >>= \case Left err -> die ("Socket.Datagram.IPv4.Undestined.close: " ++ describeErrorCode err) Right _ -> pure (Right a) endpointToSocketAddressInternet :: Peer -> S.SocketAddressInternet endpointToSocketAddressInternet (Peer {address, port}) = S.SocketAddressInternet { port = S.hostToNetworkShort port , address = S.hostToNetworkLong (getIPv4 address) } describeErrorCode :: Errno -> String describeErrorCode err@(Errno e) = "error code " ++ D.string err ++ " (" ++ show e ++ ")" handleSocketException :: Errno -> IO (Either SocketException a) handleSocketException e | e == eMFILE = pure (Left SocketFileDescriptorLimit) | e == eNFILE = pure (Left SocketFileDescriptorLimit) | otherwise = die ("Socket.Datagram.IPv4.Undestined.socket: " ++ describeErrorCode e) handleBindException :: Word16 -> Errno -> IO (Either SocketException a) handleBindException !thePort !e | e == eACCES = pure (Left SocketPermissionDenied) | e == eADDRINUSE = if thePort == 0 then pure (Left SocketAddressInUse) else pure (Left SocketEphemeralPortsExhausted) | otherwise = die ("Socket.Datagram.IPv4.Undestined.bind: " ++ describeErrorCode e)