{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Snap.Snaplet.Rest.FromRequest.Internal
    ( FromRequest (..)
    , parseRead
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS
import qualified Data.Text            as Text

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString      (ByteString)
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI, mk)
import Snap.Core            (Params)

import Snap.Snaplet.Rest.Proxy (Proxy)

-- | Instances of this class can be parsed from the remaining path information
-- at the current route, and potentially also the URL parameters.
class FromRequest id where

    -- | Parse a value from the remaining path information.  A value of
    -- 'Nothing' indicates that the parse failed.
    fromPath :: ByteString -> Maybe id

    -- | Internal method that indicates if individual resources are disabled.
    pathEnabled :: Proxy id -> Bool
    pathEnabled _ = True

    -- | Internal method that allows standard types to provide a default
    -- implementation of 'fromParams'.
    defaultFromParams :: Maybe (Params -> Maybe id)
    defaultFromParams = Nothing

-- This instance is useful for a singleton resource.  Indicates that the
-- resource can only be accessed at its root, and cannot be searched.
instance FromRequest () where
    fromPath _ = Nothing
    pathEnabled _ = False

-- This instance can be used to indicate that while query string searching is
-- disabled, operations can still be performed on collections.
instance FromRequest a => FromRequest (Maybe a) where
    fromPath = Just . fromPath
    defaultFromParams = Just $ const Nothing

-- Useful for disparate path and query types.
instance FromRequest a => FromRequest (Either a b) where
    fromPath = fmap Left . fromPath

instance FromRequest Int where
    fromPath = parseRead

instance FromRequest (CI String) where
    fromPath p = mk . BS.toString <$> checkSplit p

instance FromRequest (CI Text.Text) where
    fromPath p = mk . Text.pack . BS.toString <$> checkSplit p

instance FromRequest (CI ByteString) where
    fromPath p = mk <$> checkSplit p

instance FromRequest (CI LBS.ByteString) where
    fromPath p = mk . LBS.fromStrict <$> checkSplit p

instance FromRequest a => FromRequest [a] where
    fromPath = mapM (checkSplit >=> fromPath) . BS.split 47

instance (FromRequest a, FromRequest b) => FromRequest (a, b) where
    fromPath p = do
        let (a, b) = BS.breakByte 47 p
        a' <- fromPath a
        b' <- fromPath b
        return (a', b')

instance (FromRequest a, FromRequest b, FromRequest c)
        => FromRequest (a, b, c) where
    fromPath p = do
        let (a, r) = BS.breakByte 47 p
        a' <- fromPath a
        (b, c) <- fromPath r
        return (a', b, c)

instance (FromRequest a, FromRequest b, FromRequest c, FromRequest d)
        => FromRequest (a, b, c, d) where
    fromPath p = do
        let (a, r) = BS.breakByte 47 p
        a' <- fromPath a
        (b, c, d) <- fromPath r
        return (a', b, c, d)

-- | Ensures that the given 'ByteString' is neither empty nor containing a
-- path split, evaluating to 'Nothing' in either case.
checkSplit :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
checkSplit bs = if length (BS.split 47 bs) /= 1 then Nothing else Just bs

-- | A convenient helper function that wraps a read failure into 'Nothing'
-- instead of throwing an error.
parseRead :: Read a => ByteString -> Maybe a
parseRead = safeRead . reads . BS.toString
    safeRead [(a, "")] = Just a
    safeRead _         = Nothing