module Snap.Snaplet.PostgresqlSimple (
, HasPostgres(..)
, PGSConfig(..)
, pgsDefaultConfig
, mkPGSConfig
, pgsInit
, pgsInit'
, getConnectionString
, withPG
, P.Connection
, liftPG
, liftPG'
, query
, query_
, fold
, foldWithOptions
, fold_
, foldWithOptions_
, forEach
, forEach_
, execute
, execute_
, executeMany
, returning
, withTransaction
, withTransactionLevel
, withTransactionMode
, formatMany
, formatQuery
, P.Query
, P.In(..)
, P.Binary(..)
, P.Only(..)
, P.SqlError(..)
, P.FormatError(..)
, P.QueryError(..)
, P.ResultError(..)
, P.TransactionMode(..)
, P.IsolationLevel(..)
, P.ReadWriteMode(..)
, P.begin
, P.beginLevel
, P.beginMode
, P.rollback
, P.commit
, (P.:.)(..)
, ToRow(..)
, FromRow(..)
, P.defaultConnectInfo
, P.defaultTransactionMode
, P.defaultIsolationLevel
, P.defaultReadWriteMode
, field
) where
import Prelude hiding ((++))
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl(..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid(Monoid(..), (<>))
import qualified Data.Configurator as C
import qualified Data.Configurator.Types as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as TB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat as TB
import Data.Int
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Pool
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as P
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Transaction as P
import Snap
import Snap.Snaplet.PostgresqlSimple.Internal
import Paths_snaplet_postgresql_simple
instance HasPostgres (Handler b Postgres) where
getPostgresState = get
setLocalPostgresState s = local (const s)
instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => HasPostgres (ReaderT (Snaplet Postgres) m) where
getPostgresState = asks (^# snapletValue)
setLocalPostgresState s = local (set snapletValue s)
instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => HasPostgres (ReaderT Postgres m) where
getPostgresState = ask
setLocalPostgresState s = local (const s)
getConnectionString :: C.Config -> IO ByteString
getConnectionString config = do
let params =
[ ["host"]
, ["hostaddr"]
, ["port"]
, ["dbname","db"]
, ["user"]
, ["password","pass"]
, ["connection_timeout"]
, ["client_encoding"]
, ["options"]
, ["application_name"]
, ["fallback_application_name"]
, ["keepalives"]
, ["keepalives_idle"]
, ["keepalives_interval"]
, ["keepalives_count"]
, ["sslmode"]
, ["sslcompression"]
, ["sslcert"]
, ["sslkey"]
, ["sslrootcert"]
, ["sslcrl"]
, ["requirepeer"]
, ["krbsrvname"]
, ["gsslib"]
, ["service"]
connstr <- fmap mconcat $ mapM showParam params
extra <- fmap TB.fromText $ C.lookupDefault "" config "connectionString"
return $! T.encodeUtf8 (TL.toStrict (TB.toLazyText (connstr <> extra)))
qt = TB.singleton '\''
bs = TB.singleton '\\'
sp = TB.singleton ' '
eq = TB.singleton '='
lookupConfig = foldr (\name names -> do
mval <- C.lookup config name
case mval of
Nothing -> names
Just _ -> return mval)
(return Nothing)
showParam [] = undefined
showParam names@(name:_) = do
mval :: Maybe C.Value <- lookupConfig names
let key = TB.fromText name <> eq
case mval of
Nothing -> return mempty
Just (C.Bool x) -> return (key <> showBool x <> sp)
Just (C.String x) -> return (key <> showText x <> sp)
Just (C.Number x) -> return (key <> showNum x <> sp)
Just (C.List _) -> return mempty
showBool x = TB.decimal (fromEnum x)
nd ratio = (numerator ratio, denominator ratio)
showNum (nd -> (n,1)) = TB.decimal n
showNum x = TB.formatRealFloat TB.Fixed Nothing
( fromIntegral (numerator x)
/ fromIntegral (denominator x) :: Double )
showText x = qt <> loop x
loop (T.break escapeNeeded -> (a,b))
= TB.fromText a <>
case T.uncons b of
Nothing -> qt
Just (c,b') -> escapeChar c <> loop b'
escapeNeeded c = c == '\'' || c == '\\'
escapeChar c = case c of
'\'' -> bs <> qt
'\\' -> bs <> bs
_ -> TB.singleton c
description :: T.Text
description = "PostgreSQL abstraction"
datadir :: Maybe (IO FilePath)
datadir = Just $ liftM (<>"/resources/db") getDataDir
pgsInit :: SnapletInit b Postgres
pgsInit = makeSnaplet "postgresql-simple" description datadir $ do
config <- mkPGSConfig =<< getSnapletUserConfig
initHelper config
pgsInit' :: PGSConfig -> SnapletInit b Postgres
pgsInit' config = makeSnaplet "postgresql-simple" description Nothing $
initHelper config
mkPGSConfig :: MonadIO m => C.Config -> m PGSConfig
mkPGSConfig config = liftIO $ do
connstr <- getConnectionString config
stripes <- C.lookupDefault 1 config "numStripes"
idle <- C.lookupDefault 5 config "idleTime"
resources <- C.lookupDefault 20 config "maxResourcesPerStripe"
return $ PGSConfig connstr stripes idle resources
initHelper :: MonadIO m => PGSConfig -> m Postgres
initHelper PGSConfig{..} = do
pool <- liftIO $ createPool (P.connectPostgreSQL pgsConnStr) P.close
pgsNumStripes (realToFrac pgsIdleTime)
return $ PostgresPool pool
query :: (HasPostgres m, ToRow q, FromRow r)
=> P.Query -> q -> m [r]
query q params = liftPG' (\c -> P.query c q params)
query_ :: (HasPostgres m, FromRow r) => P.Query -> m [r]
query_ q = liftPG' (`P.query_` q)
returning :: (HasPostgres m, ToRow q, FromRow r)
=> P.Query -> [q] -> m [r]
returning q params = liftPG' (\c -> P.returning c q params)
fold :: (HasPostgres m,
FromRow row,
ToRow params)
=> P.Query -> params -> b -> (b -> row -> IO b) -> m b
fold template qs a f = liftPG' (\c -> P.fold c template qs a f)
foldWithOptions :: (HasPostgres m,
FromRow row,
ToRow params)
=> P.FoldOptions
-> P.Query
-> params
-> b
-> (b -> row -> IO b)
-> m b
foldWithOptions opts template qs a f =
liftPG' (\c -> P.foldWithOptions opts c template qs a f)
fold_ :: (HasPostgres m,
FromRow row)
=> P.Query -> b -> (b -> row -> IO b) -> m b
fold_ template a f = liftPG' (\c -> P.fold_ c template a f)
foldWithOptions_ :: (HasPostgres m,
FromRow row)
=> P.FoldOptions
-> P.Query
-> b
-> (b -> row -> IO b)
-> m b
foldWithOptions_ opts template a f =
liftPG' (\c -> P.foldWithOptions_ opts c template a f)
forEach :: (HasPostgres m,
FromRow r,
ToRow q)
=> P.Query -> q -> (r -> IO ()) -> m ()
forEach template qs f = liftPG' (\c -> P.forEach c template qs f)
forEach_ :: (HasPostgres m,
FromRow r)
=> P.Query -> (r -> IO ()) -> m ()
forEach_ template f = liftPG' (\c -> P.forEach_ c template f)
execute :: (HasPostgres m, ToRow q)
=> P.Query -> q -> m Int64
execute template qs = liftPG' (\c -> P.execute c template qs)
execute_ :: (HasPostgres m)
=> P.Query -> m Int64
execute_ template = liftPG' (`P.execute_` template)
executeMany :: (HasPostgres m, ToRow q)
=> P.Query -> [q] -> m Int64
executeMany template qs = liftPG' (\c -> P.executeMany c template qs)
withTransaction :: (HasPostgres m)
=> m a -> m a
withTransaction = withTransactionMode P.defaultTransactionMode
withTransactionLevel :: (HasPostgres m)
=> P.IsolationLevel -> m a -> m a
withTransactionLevel lvl =
withTransactionMode P.defaultTransactionMode { P.isolationLevel = lvl }
withTransactionMode :: (HasPostgres m)
=> P.TransactionMode -> m a -> m a
withTransactionMode mode act = withPG $ do
pg <- getPostgresState
r <- liftBaseWith $ \run -> E.mask
$ \unmask -> withConnection pg
$ \con -> do
P.beginMode mode con
r <- unmask (run act) `E.onException` P.rollback con
P.commit con
return r
restoreM r
formatMany :: (ToRow q, HasPostgres m)
=> P.Query -> [q] -> m ByteString
formatMany q qs = liftPG' (\c -> P.formatMany c q qs)
formatQuery :: (ToRow q, HasPostgres m)
=> P.Query -> q -> m ByteString
formatQuery q qs = liftPG' (\c -> P.formatQuery c q qs)