{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Backends.Persistent -- ( module Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Backends.Persistent ( PersistAuthManager , initPersistAuthManager , initPersistAuthManager' , authEntityDefs -- * Persistent Auth Data Types -- $datatypes , module Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Backends.Persistent.Types -- , SnapAuthUserGeneric(..) -- , SnapAuthUser -- , SnapAuthUserId , db2au , dbUserSplices , userDBKey , textPassword ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Map.Syntax as MS import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Time import Database.Persist import Database.Persist.Postgresql import Database.Persist.Quasi import Database.Persist.Quasi.Internal import Database.Persist.TH hiding (derivePersistField) import Heist import Heist.Compiled import Paths_snaplet_persistent import Safe import Snap.Snaplet import Snap.Snaplet.Auth import Snap.Snaplet.Persistent import Snap.Snaplet.Session import Web.ClientSession (getKey) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Backends.Persistent.Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The list of entity definitions this snaplet exposes. You need -- them so that you can append to your application's list of -- entity definitions and perform the migration in one block. -- -- See how this example combined an app's own entity definitions and -- the auth snaplet's in one migration block: -- -- > share [mkMigrate "migrateAll"] $ -- > authEntityDefs ++ -- > $(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "schema.txt") authEntityDefs :: [UnboundEntityDef] authEntityDefs = $(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "schema.txt") -- $datatypes -- -- Persistent creates its own data types mirroring the database schema, so we -- have to export this extra layer of types and conversion to 'AuthUser'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Function to convert a 'SnapAuthUser' entity into the auth snaplet's -- 'AuthUser'. db2au :: Entity SnapAuthUser -> AuthUser db2au (Entity k SnapAuthUser{..}) = AuthUser { userId = Just . UserId $ showKey k , userLogin = snapAuthUserLogin , userEmail = Just snapAuthUserEmail , userPassword = Just . Encrypted . T.encodeUtf8 $ snapAuthUserPassword , userActivatedAt = snapAuthUserActivatedAt , userSuspendedAt = snapAuthUserSuspendedAt , userRememberToken = snapAuthUserRememberToken , userLoginCount = snapAuthUserLoginCount , userFailedLoginCount = snapAuthUserFailedLoginCount , userLockedOutUntil = snapAuthUserLockedOutUntil , userCurrentLoginAt = snapAuthUserCurrentLoginAt , userLastLoginAt = snapAuthUserLastLoginAt , userCurrentLoginIp = T.encodeUtf8 `fmap` snapAuthUserCurrentIp , userLastLoginIp = T.encodeUtf8 `fmap` snapAuthUserLastIp , userCreatedAt = Just snapAuthUserCreatedAt , userUpdatedAt = Just snapAuthUserUpdatedAt , userResetToken = snapAuthUserResetToken , userResetRequestedAt = snapAuthUserResetRequestedAt , userRoles = [] , userMeta = HM.empty } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Splices for 'SnapAuthUser' that are equivalent to the ones for -- 'AuthUser'. dbUserSplices :: Monad n => Splices (RuntimeSplice n (Entity SnapAuthUser) -> Splice n) dbUserSplices = MS.mapV (deferMap (return . db2au)) userCSplices data PersistAuthManager = PAM { pamPool :: ConnectionPool } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Initializer that gets AuthSettings from a config file. initPersistAuthManager :: SnapletLens b SessionManager -> ConnectionPool -> SnapletInit b (AuthManager b) initPersistAuthManager l pool = make $ do aus <- authSettingsFromConfig initHelper aus l pool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Initializer that lets you specify AuthSettings. initPersistAuthManager' :: AuthSettings -> SnapletLens b SessionManager -> ConnectionPool -> SnapletInit b (AuthManager b) initPersistAuthManager' aus l pool = make $ initHelper aus l pool make :: Initializer b v v -> SnapletInit b v make = makeSnaplet "persist-auth" description datadir where description = "A snaplet providing user authentication support using Persist" datadir = Just $ liftM (++"/resources/auth") getDataDir initHelper :: AuthSettings -> SnapletLens b SessionManager -> ConnectionPool -> Initializer b (AuthManager b) (AuthManager b) initHelper aus l pool = liftIO $ do key <- getKey (asSiteKey aus) rng <- liftIO mkRNG return $ AuthManager { backend = PAM pool , session = l , activeUser = Nothing , minPasswdLen = asMinPasswdLen aus , rememberCookieName = asRememberCookieName aus , rememberCookieDomain = Nothing , rememberPeriod = asRememberPeriod aus , siteKey = key , lockout = asLockout aus , randomNumberGenerator = rng } readT :: Text -> Int readT = readNote "Can't read text" . T.unpack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Get the db key from an 'AuthUser' userDBKey :: AuthUser -> Maybe SnapAuthUserId userDBKey au = case userId au of Nothing -> Nothing Just (UserId k) -> Just . mkKey $ (readT k :: Int) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ textPassword :: Password -> Text textPassword (Encrypted bs) = T.decodeUtf8 bs textPassword (ClearText bs) = T.decodeUtf8 bs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | instance IAuthBackend PersistAuthManager where save PAM{..} au@AuthUser{..} = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime pw <- encryptPassword $ fromMaybe (ClearText "") userPassword withPool pamPool $ do case userId of Nothing -> do insert $ SnapAuthUser userLogin (fromMaybe "" userEmail) (textPassword pw) userActivatedAt userSuspendedAt userRememberToken userLoginCount userFailedLoginCount userLockedOutUntil userCurrentLoginAt userLastLoginAt (fmap T.decodeUtf8 userCurrentLoginIp) (fmap T.decodeUtf8 userLastLoginIp) now now Nothing Nothing "" "" return $ Right $ au {userUpdatedAt = Just now} Just (UserId t) -> do let k = (mkKey (readT t :: Int)) update k $ catMaybes [ Just $ SnapAuthUserLogin =. userLogin , Just $ SnapAuthUserEmail =. fromMaybe "" userEmail , fmap (\ (Encrypted p) -> SnapAuthUserPassword =. T.decodeUtf8 p) userPassword , Just $ SnapAuthUserActivatedAt =. userActivatedAt , Just $ SnapAuthUserSuspendedAt =. userSuspendedAt , Just $ SnapAuthUserRememberToken =. userRememberToken , Just $ SnapAuthUserLoginCount =. userLoginCount , Just $ SnapAuthUserFailedLoginCount =. userFailedLoginCount , Just $ (SnapAuthUserLockedOutUntil =.) userLockedOutUntil , Just $ (SnapAuthUserCurrentLoginAt =.) userCurrentLoginAt , Just $ (SnapAuthUserLastLoginAt =.) userLastLoginAt , Just $ SnapAuthUserCurrentIp =. (T.decodeUtf8 `fmap` userCurrentLoginIp) , Just $ (SnapAuthUserLastIp =.) (T.decodeUtf8 `fmap` userLastLoginIp) , fmap (SnapAuthUserCreatedAt =.) userCreatedAt , Just $ SnapAuthUserUpdatedAt =. now , Just $ SnapAuthUserResetToken =. userResetToken , Just $ SnapAuthUserResetRequestedAt =. userResetRequestedAt , Just $ SnapAuthUserRoles =. show userRoles ] return $ Right $ au {userUpdatedAt = Just now} destroy _ _ = fail "We don't allow destroying users." lookupByUserId PAM{..} (UserId t) = withPool pamPool $ do let k = (mkKey (readT t :: Int)) u <- get k case u of Nothing -> return Nothing Just u' -> return . Just $ db2au $ Entity k u' lookupByLogin PAM{..} login = withPool pamPool $ do res <- selectFirst [SnapAuthUserLogin ==. login] [] return $ fmap db2au res lookupByRememberToken PAM{..} token = withPool pamPool $ do res <- selectFirst [SnapAuthUserRememberToken ==. Just token] [] return $ fmap db2au res #if MIN_VERSION_snap(1,1,0) lookupByEmail PAM{..} email = withPool pamPool $ do res <- selectFirst [SnapAuthUserEmail ==. email] [] return $ fmap db2au res #endif