[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/HaskellCNOrg/snaplet-i18n.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/HaskellCNOrg/snaplet-i18n) ## snaplet-i18n 1. create config below into `data/message_en.cfg` ~~~ hello = "Hello" shanghai = "ShangHai" ~~~ 2. use tag in heist template ~~~ ~~~ **see test at test/snap.hs*** ## Snaplet - [what is snaplet] [what is snaplet]: http://snapframework.com/docs/tutorials/snaplets-tutorial ## TODO - maybe multiple locale support at run time. - build failed at Hakcage - because heist does not specify version of `transformers`, which will conflick with `transformer` of `mtl` - Upgrade heist would be fine.