snap-predicates-0.3.0: Declarative routing for Snap.

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





The purpose of the snap-predicates package is to facilitate the convenient definition of safe Snap handlers. Here safety means that a handler can declare all pre-conditions which must be fulfilled such that the handler can produce a successful response. It is then statically guaranteed that the handler will not be invoked if any of these pre-conditions fails.


The snap-predicates package defines a Boolean type which carries -- in addition to actual truth values T and F -- meta-data for each case:

data Boolean f t =
    F (Maybe f)
  | T Delta t
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Delta can in most instances be ignored, i.e. set to 0. It's purpose is as a measure of distance for those predicates which evaluate to T but some may be "closer" in some way than others. An example is for instance HTTP content-negotiations (cf. Accept)

Further there is a type-class Predicate defined which contains an evaluation function apply, where the predicate instance is applied to some value, yielding T or F.

class Predicate p a where
    type FVal p
    type TVal p
    apply :: p -> a -> State Env (Boolean (FVal p)) (TVal p)

All predicates are instances of this type-class, which does not specify the type against which the predicate is evaluated, nor the types of actual meta-data for the true/false case of the Boolean returned. Snap related predicates are normally defined against Request and in case they fail, they return a status code and an optional message.

Predicates may utilise the stateful Env to cache intermediate results accross multiple evaluations, i.e. a resource may be declared multiple times with different sets of predicates which means that in case a predicate is part of more than one set it is evaluated multiple times for the same input data. As an optimisation it may be beneficial to store intermediate results in Env and re-use them later (cf. the implementation of Accept).

Besides these type definitions, there are some ways to connect two Predicates to form a new one as the logical OR or the logical AND of its parts. These are:

Besides evaluating to T or F depending on the truth values of its parts, these connectives also propagate the meta-data and Delta appropriately.

If :&: evaluates to T it has to combine the meta-data of both predicates, and it uses the product type :*: for this. This type also has a right-associative data constructor using the same symbol, so one can combine many predicates without having to nest the meta-data pairs.

In the OR case, the two predicates have potentially meta-data of different types, so we use a sum type Either whenever we combine two predicates with :||:. For convenience a type-alias :+: is defined for Either, which allows simple infix notation. However, for the common case where both predicates have meta-data of the same type, there is often no need to distinguish which OR-branch was true. In this case, the :|: combinator can be used.

Finally there are Const and Fail to always evaluate to T or F respectively.

As an example of how these operators are used, see below in section "Routes".

Example Predicate

data Param = Param ByteString deriving Eq

instance Predicate Param Request where
    type FVal Param = Error
    type TVal Param = ByteString
    apply (Param x) r =
        case params r x of
            []    -> return (F (Error 400 (Just $ "Expected parameter '" <> x <> "'.")))
            (v:_) -> return (T [] v)

This is a simple example looking for the existence of a Request parameter with the given name. In the success case, the parameter value is returned.

As mentioned before, Snap predicates usually fix the type a from Predicate above to Request. The associated types FVal and TVal denote the meta-data types of the predicate. In this example, the meta-date type is ByteString. The F-case is Error which contains a status code and an optional message.


So how are Predicates used in some Snap application? One way is to just evaluate them against a given request inside a snap handler, e.g.

someHandler :: Snap ()
someHandler = do
    req <- getRequest
    case eval (Accept Application Json :&: Param "baz") req of
        T (_ :*: bazValue)      -> ...
        F (Just (Error st msg)) -> ...
        F Nothing               -> ...

However another possibility is to augment route definitions with the Routes monad to use them with route, e.g.

sitemap :: Routes Snap ()
sitemap = do
    get  "/a" handlerA $ Accept Application Json :&: (Param "name" :|: Param "nick") :&: Param "foo"
    get  "/b" handlerB $ Accept Text Plain :&: (Param "name" :||: Param "nick") :&: Param "foo"
    get  "/c" handlerC $ Fail (Error 410 (Just "Gone."))
    post "/d" handlerD $ Accept Application Protobuf
    post "/e" handlerE $ Accept Application Xml

The handlers then encode their pre-conditions in their type-signature:

handlerA :: MediaType Application Json :*: ByteString :*: ByteString -> Snap ()
handlerB :: MediaType Text Plain :*: (ByteString :+: ByteString) :*: ByteString -> Snap ()
handlerC :: MediaType Application Json :*: Char -> Snap ()
handlerD :: MediaType Application Protobuf -> Snap ()
handlerE :: MediaType Application Xml -> Snap ()

The type-declaration of a handler has to match the corresponding predicate, i.e. the type of the predicate's T meta-data value:

(MonadSnap m, Predicate p Request) => TVal p -> m ()

One thing to note is that Fail works with all T meta-data types which is safe because the handler is never invoked, or Fail is used in some logical disjunction.

Given the route and handler definitions above, one can then integrate with Snap via expandRoutes, which turns the Routes monad into a list of MonadSnap m => [(ByteString, m ())]. Additionally routes can be turned into Strings via showRoutes.