module Snap.Util.FileServe
, MimeMap
, HandlerMap
, DirectoryConfig(..)
, simpleDirectoryConfig
, defaultDirectoryConfig
, fancyDirectoryConfig
, defaultIndexGenerator
, defaultMimeTypes
, fileType
, serveDirectory
, serveDirectoryWith
, serveFile
, serveFileAs
) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (SomeException, evaluate)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.CatchIO
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Int
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Prelude hiding (Show, show)
import Prelude hiding (Show, catch, show)
import qualified Prelude
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.PosixCompat.Files
import Snap.Core
import Snap.Internal.Debug
import Snap.Internal.Parsing
import Snap.Iteratee hiding (drop)
getSafePath :: MonadSnap m => m FilePath
getSafePath = do
req <- getRequest
let mp = urlDecode $ rqPathInfo req
p <- maybe pass (return . T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8) mp
when (not $ isRelative p) pass
let dirs = splitDirectories p
when (elem ".." dirs) pass
return $! joinPath dirs
type HandlerMap m = HashMap FilePath (FilePath -> m ())
type MimeMap = HashMap FilePath ByteString
defaultMimeTypes :: MimeMap
defaultMimeTypes = Map.fromList [
( ".asc" , "text/plain" ),
( ".asf" , "video/x-ms-asf" ),
( ".asx" , "video/x-ms-asf" ),
( ".avi" , "video/x-msvideo" ),
( ".bz2" , "application/x-bzip" ),
( ".c" , "text/plain" ),
( ".class" , "application/octet-stream" ),
( ".conf" , "text/plain" ),
( ".cpp" , "text/plain" ),
( ".css" , "text/css" ),
( ".cxx" , "text/plain" ),
( ".dtd" , "text/xml" ),
( ".dvi" , "application/x-dvi" ),
( ".gif" , "image/gif" ),
( ".gz" , "application/x-gzip" ),
( ".hs" , "text/plain" ),
( ".htm" , "text/html" ),
( ".html" , "text/html" ),
( ".ico" , "image/x-icon" ),
( ".jar" , "application/x-java-archive" ),
( ".jpeg" , "image/jpeg" ),
( ".jpg" , "image/jpeg" ),
( ".js" , "text/javascript" ),
( ".json" , "application/json" ),
( ".log" , "text/plain" ),
( ".m3u" , "audio/x-mpegurl" ),
( ".mov" , "video/quicktime" ),
( ".mp3" , "audio/mpeg" ),
( ".mpeg" , "video/mpeg" ),
( ".mpg" , "video/mpeg" ),
( ".ogg" , "application/ogg" ),
( ".pac" , "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" ),
( ".pdf" , "application/pdf" ),
( ".png" , "image/png" ),
( ".ps" , "application/postscript" ),
( ".qt" , "video/quicktime" ),
( ".sig" , "application/pgp-signature" ),
( ".spl" , "application/futuresplash" ),
( ".svg" , "image/svg+xml" ),
( ".swf" , "application/x-shockwave-flash" ),
( ".tar" , "application/x-tar" ),
( ".tar.bz2" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ),
( ".tar.gz" , "application/x-tgz" ),
( ".tbz" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ),
( ".text" , "text/plain" ),
( ".tgz" , "application/x-tgz" ),
( ".torrent" , "application/x-bittorrent" ),
( ".ttf" , "application/x-font-truetype" ),
( ".txt" , "text/plain" ),
( ".wav" , "audio/x-wav" ),
( ".wax" , "audio/x-ms-wax" ),
( ".wma" , "audio/x-ms-wma" ),
( ".wmv" , "video/x-ms-wmv" ),
( ".xbm" , "image/x-xbitmap" ),
( ".xml" , "text/xml" ),
( ".xpm" , "image/x-xpixmap" ),
( ".xwd" , "image/x-xwindowdump" ),
( ".zip" , "application/zip" ) ]
data DirectoryConfig m = DirectoryConfig {
indexFiles :: [FilePath],
indexGenerator :: FilePath -> m (),
dynamicHandlers :: HandlerMap m,
mimeTypes :: MimeMap,
preServeHook :: FilePath -> m ()
snapIndexStyles :: ByteString
snapIndexStyles =
S.intercalate "\n"
[ "body { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; font-family: sans-serif }"
, "div.header {"
, "padding: 40px 40px 0px 40px; height:35px;"
, "background:rgb(25,50,87);"
, "background-image:-webkit-gradient("
, "linear,left bottom,left top,"
, "color-stop(0.00, rgb(31,62,108)),"
, "color-stop(1.00, rgb(19,38,66)));"
, "background-image:-moz-linear-gradient("
, "center bottom,rgb(31,62,108) 0%,rgb(19,38,66) 100%);"
, "text-shadow:-1px 3px 1px rgb(16,33,57);"
, "font-size:16pt; letter-spacing: 2pt; color:white;"
, "border-bottom:10px solid rgb(46,93,156) }"
, "div.content {"
, "background:rgb(255,255,255);"
, "background-image:-webkit-gradient("
, "linear,left bottom, left top,"
, "color-stop(0.50, rgb(255,255,255)),"
, "color-stop(1.00, rgb(224,234,247)));"
, "background-image:-moz-linear-gradient("
, "center bottom, white 50%, rgb(224,234,247) 100%);"
, "padding: 40px 40px 40px 40px }"
, "div.footer {"
, "padding: 16px 0px 10px 10px; height:31px;"
, "border-top: 1px solid rgb(194,209,225);"
, "color: rgb(160,172,186); font-size:10pt;"
, "background: rgb(245,249,255) }"
, "table { max-width:100%; margin: 0 auto;" `S.append`
" border-collapse: collapse; }"
, "tr:hover { background:rgb(256,256,224) }"
, "td { border:0; font-family:monospace; padding: 2px 0; }"
, "td.filename, td.type { padding-right: 2em; }"
, "th { border:0; background:rgb(28,56,97);"
, "text-shadow:-1px 3px 1px rgb(16,33,57); color: white}"
defaultIndexGenerator :: MonadSnap m
=> MimeMap
-> ByteString
-> FilePath
-> m ()
defaultIndexGenerator mm styles d = do
modifyResponse $ setContentType "text/html; charset=utf-8"
rq <- getRequest
let uri = uriWithoutQueryString rq
let pInfo = rqPathInfo rq
writeBS "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>"
writeBS "<title>Directory Listing: "
writeBS uri
writeBS "</title>"
writeBS "<style type='text/css'>"
writeBS styles
writeBS "</style></head><body>"
writeBS "<div class=\"header\">Directory Listing: "
writeBS uri
writeBS "</div><div class=\"content\">"
writeBS "<table><tr><th>File Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Last Modified"
writeBS "</th></tr>"
when (pInfo /= "") $
writeBS "<tr><td><a href='../'>..</a></td><td colspan=2>DIR</td></tr>"
entries <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents d
dirs <- liftIO $ filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (d </>)) entries
files <- liftIO $ filterM (doesFileExist . (d </>)) entries
forM_ (sort $ filter (not . (`elem` ["..", "."])) dirs) $ \f0 -> do
f <- liftIO $ liftM (\s -> T.encodeUtf8 s `mappend` "/") $ packFn f0
writeBS "<tr><td class='filename'><a href='"
writeBS f
writeBS "'>"
writeBS f
writeBS "</a></td><td class='type' colspan=2>DIR</td></tr>"
forM_ (sort files) $ \f0 -> do
f <- liftIO $ liftM T.encodeUtf8 $ packFn f0
stat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus (d </> f0)
tm <- liftIO $ formatHttpTime (modificationTime stat)
writeBS "<tr><td class='filename'><a href='"
writeBS f
writeBS "'>"
writeBS f
writeBS "</a></td><td class='type'>"
writeBS (fileType mm f0)
writeBS "</td><td>"
writeBS tm
writeBS "</tr>"
writeBS "</table></div><div class=\"footer\">Powered by "
writeBS "<b><a href=\"\">Snap</a></b></div>"
writeBS "</body>"
packFn fp = do
tryFirst [ T.decodeUtf8
, T.decodeUtf16LE
, T.decodeUtf16BE
, T.decodeUtf32LE
, T.decodeUtf32BE
, const (T.pack fp) ]
tryFirst [] = error "No valid decoding"
tryFirst (f:fs) =
evaluate (f bs) `catch` \(_::SomeException) -> tryFirst fs
bs = S.pack fp
simpleDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m
simpleDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig {
indexFiles = [],
indexGenerator = const pass,
dynamicHandlers = Map.empty,
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes,
preServeHook = const $ return ()
defaultDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m
defaultDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig {
indexFiles = ["index.html", "index.htm"],
indexGenerator = const pass,
dynamicHandlers = Map.empty,
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes,
preServeHook = const $ return ()
fancyDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m
fancyDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig {
indexFiles = ["index.html", "index.htm"],
indexGenerator = defaultIndexGenerator defaultMimeTypes snapIndexStyles,
dynamicHandlers = Map.empty,
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes,
preServeHook = const $ return ()
serveDirectory :: MonadSnap m
=> FilePath
-> m ()
serveDirectory = serveDirectoryWith defaultDirectoryConfig
serveDirectoryWith :: MonadSnap m
=> DirectoryConfig m
-> FilePath
-> m ()
serveDirectoryWith cfg base = do
b <- directory <|> file <|> redir
when (not b) pass
idxs = indexFiles cfg
generate = indexGenerator cfg
mimes = mimeTypes cfg
dyns = dynamicHandlers cfg
pshook = preServeHook cfg
serve f = do
liftIO (doesFileExist f) >>= flip unless pass
let fname = takeFileName f
let staticServe f' = pshook f >> serveFileAs (fileType mimes fname) f'
lookupExt staticServe dyns fname f >> return True <|> return False
directory = do
rq <- getRequest
let uri = uriWithoutQueryString rq
unless ("/" `S.isSuffixOf` uri) pass
rel <- (base </>) <$> getSafePath
b <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist rel
if b then do let serveRel f = serve (rel </> f)
foldl' (<|>) pass ( serveRel idxs)
<|> (generate rel >> return True)
<|> return False
else return False
file = serve =<< ((base </>) <$> getSafePath)
redir = do
rel <- (base </>) <$> getSafePath
liftIO (doesDirectoryExist rel) >>= flip unless pass
rq <- getRequest
let uri = uriWithoutQueryString rq
let qss = queryStringSuffix rq
let u = S.concat [uri, "/", qss]
redirect u
serveFile :: MonadSnap m
=> FilePath
-> m ()
serveFile fp = serveFileAs (fileType defaultMimeTypes (takeFileName fp)) fp
serveFileAs :: MonadSnap m
=> ByteString
-> FilePath
-> m ()
serveFileAs mime fp = do
reqOrig <- getRequest
let req = if isNothing $ getHeader "range" reqOrig
then deleteHeader "if-range" reqOrig
else reqOrig
let mbH = getHeader "if-modified-since" req
mbIfModified <- liftIO $ case mbH of
Nothing -> return Nothing
(Just s) -> liftM Just $ parseHttpTime s
mbIfRange <- liftIO $ case getHeader "if-range" req of
Nothing -> return Nothing
(Just s) -> liftM Just $ parseHttpTime s
dbg $ "mbIfModified: " ++ mbIfModified
dbg $ "mbIfRange: " ++ mbIfRange
filestat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus fp
let mt = modificationTime filestat
maybe (return $! ()) (\lt -> when (mt <= lt) notModified) mbIfModified
let sz = fromIntegral $ fileSize filestat
lm <- liftIO $ formatHttpTime mt
modifyResponse $ setHeader "Last-Modified" lm
. setHeader "Accept-Ranges" "bytes"
. setContentType mime
let skipRangeCheck = maybe (False)
(\lt -> mt > lt)
wasRange <- if skipRangeCheck
then return False
else liftSnap $ checkRangeReq req fp sz
dbg $ "was this a range request? " ++ wasRange
unless wasRange $ do
modifyResponse $ setResponseCode 200
. setContentLength sz
liftSnap $ sendFile fp
notModified = finishWith $
setResponseCode 304 emptyResponse
lookupExt :: a -> HashMap FilePath a -> FilePath -> a
lookupExt def m f =
if null ext
then def
else fromMaybe (lookupExt def m (drop 1 ext)) mbe
ext = takeExtensions f
mbe = Map.lookup ext m
fileType :: MimeMap -> FilePath -> ByteString
fileType = lookupExt defaultMimeType
defaultMimeType :: ByteString
defaultMimeType = "application/octet-stream"
data RangeReq = RangeReq { _rangeFirst :: !Int64
, _rangeLast :: !(Maybe Int64)
| SuffixRangeReq { _suffixLength :: !Int64 }
deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)
rangeParser :: Parser RangeReq
rangeParser = string "bytes=" *>
(byteRangeSpec <|> suffixByteRangeSpec) <*
byteRangeSpec = do
start <- parseNum
char '-'
end <- option Nothing $ liftM Just parseNum
return $! RangeReq start end
suffixByteRangeSpec = liftM SuffixRangeReq $ char '-' *> parseNum
checkRangeReq :: (MonadSnap m) => Request -> FilePath -> Int64 -> m Bool
checkRangeReq req fp sz = do
dbg $ "checkRangeReq, fp=" ++ fp ++ ", sz=" ++ sz
maybe (return False)
(\s -> either (const $ return False)
(fullyParse s rangeParser))
(getHeader "range" req)
withRange rng@(RangeReq start mend) = do
dbg $ "withRange: got Range request: " ++ rng
let end = fromMaybe (sz1) mend
dbg $ "withRange: start=" ++ start
++ ", end=" ++ end
if start < 0 || end < start || start >= sz || end >= sz
then send416
else send206 start end
withRange rng@(SuffixRangeReq nbytes) = do
dbg $ "withRange: got Range request: " ++ rng
let end = sz1
let start = sz nbytes
dbg $ "withRange: start=" ++ start
++ ", end=" ++ end
if start < 0 || end < start || start >= sz || end >= sz
then send416
else send206 start end
send206 start end = do
dbg "inside send206"
let len = endstart+1
let crng = toByteString $
mconcat [ fromByteString "bytes "
, fromShow start
, fromWord8 (c2w '-')
, fromShow end
, fromWord8 (c2w '/')
, fromShow sz ]
modifyResponse $ setResponseCode 206
. setHeader "Content-Range" crng
. setContentLength len
dbg $ "send206: sending range (" ++ start
++ "," ++ (end+1) ++ ") to sendFilePartial"
sendFilePartial fp (start,end+1)
return True
send416 = do
dbg "inside send416"
if getHeader "If-Range" req /= Nothing
then return False
else do
let crng = toByteString $
mconcat [ fromByteString "bytes */"
, fromShow sz ]
modifyResponse $ setResponseCode 416
. setHeader "Content-Range" crng
. setContentLength 0
. deleteHeader "Content-Type"
. deleteHeader "Content-Encoding"
. deleteHeader "Transfer-Encoding"
. setResponseBody (enumBuilder mempty)
return True
dbg :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
dbg s = debug $ "FileServe:" ++ s
uriWithoutQueryString :: Request -> ByteString
uriWithoutQueryString rq = S.takeWhile (/= '?') uri
uri = rqURI rq
queryStringSuffix :: Request -> ByteString
queryStringSuffix rq = S.concat [ s, qs ]
qs = rqQueryString rq
s = if S.null qs then "" else "?"