module Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Handlers where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Serialize hiding (get)
import Data.Time
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Text (Text, null, strip)
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Web.ClientSession
import Snap.Core
import Snap.Snaplet
import Snap.Snaplet.Auth.AuthManager
import Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Types
import Snap.Snaplet.Session
createUser :: Text
-> ByteString
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
createUser unm pwd
| null $ strip unm = return $ Left UsernameMissing
| otherwise = do
uExists <- usernameExists unm
if uExists then return $ Left DuplicateLogin
else withBackend $ \r -> liftIO $ buildAuthUser r unm pwd
usernameExists :: Text
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) Bool
usernameExists username =
withBackend $ \r -> liftIO $ isJust <$> lookupByLogin r username
loginByUsername :: Text
-> Password
-> Bool
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
loginByUsername _ (Encrypted _) _ = return $ Left EncryptedPassword
loginByUsername unm pwd shouldRemember = do
sk <- gets siteKey
cn <- gets rememberCookieName
rp <- gets rememberPeriod
withBackend $ loginByUsername' sk cn rp
loginByUsername' :: (IAuthBackend t) =>
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Int
-> t
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
loginByUsername' sk cn rp r =
liftIO (lookupByLogin r unm) >>=
maybe (return $! Left UserNotFound) found
found user = checkPasswordAndLogin user pwd >>=
either (return . Left) matched
matched user
| shouldRemember = do
token <- gets randomNumberGenerator >>=
liftIO . randomToken 64
setRememberToken sk cn rp token
let user' = user {
userRememberToken = Just (decodeUtf8 token)
saveUser user'
return $! Right user'
| otherwise = return $ Right user
loginByRememberToken :: Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
loginByRememberToken = withBackend $ \impl -> do
key <- gets siteKey
cookieName_ <- gets rememberCookieName
period <- gets rememberPeriod
runEitherT $ do
token <- noteT (AuthError "loginByRememberToken: no remember token") $
MaybeT $ getRememberToken key cookieName_ period
user <- noteT (AuthError "loginByRememberToken: no remember token") $
MaybeT $ liftIO $ lookupByRememberToken impl
$ decodeUtf8 token
lift $ forceLogin user
return user
logout :: Handler b (AuthManager b) ()
logout = do
s <- gets session
withTop s $ withSession s removeSessionUserId
rc <- gets rememberCookieName
forgetRememberToken rc
modify $ \mgr -> mgr { activeUser = Nothing }
currentUser :: Handler b (AuthManager b) (Maybe AuthUser)
currentUser = cacheOrLookup $ withBackend $ \r -> do
s <- gets session
uid <- withTop s getSessionUserId
case uid of
Nothing -> hush <$> loginByRememberToken
Just uid' -> liftIO $ lookupByUserId r uid'
isLoggedIn :: Handler b (AuthManager b) Bool
isLoggedIn = isJust <$> currentUser
saveUser :: AuthUser -> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
saveUser u
| null $ userLogin u = return $ Left UsernameMissing
| otherwise = withBackend $ \r -> liftIO $ save r u
destroyUser :: AuthUser -> Handler b (AuthManager b) ()
destroyUser u = withBackend $ liftIO . flip destroy u
markAuthFail :: AuthUser
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
markAuthFail u = withBackend $ \r -> do
lo <- gets lockout
incFailCtr u >>= checkLockout lo >>= liftIO . save r
incFailCtr u' = return $ u' {
userFailedLoginCount = userFailedLoginCount u' + 1
checkLockout lo u' =
case lo of
Nothing -> return u'
Just (mx, wait) ->
if userFailedLoginCount u' >= mx
then do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let reopen = addUTCTime wait now
return $! u' { userLockedOutUntil = Just reopen }
else return u'
markAuthSuccess :: AuthUser
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
markAuthSuccess u = withBackend $ \r ->
incLoginCtr u >>=
updateIp >>=
updateLoginTS >>=
resetFailCtr >>=
liftIO . save r
incLoginCtr u' = return $ u' { userLoginCount = userLoginCount u' + 1 }
updateIp u' = do
ip <- rqRemoteAddr <$> getRequest
return $ u' { userLastLoginIp = userCurrentLoginIp u'
, userCurrentLoginIp = Just ip }
updateLoginTS u' = do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
return $
u' { userCurrentLoginAt = Just now
, userLastLoginAt = userCurrentLoginAt u' }
resetFailCtr u' = return $ u' { userFailedLoginCount = 0
, userLockedOutUntil = Nothing }
:: AuthUser
-> Password
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
checkPasswordAndLogin u pw =
case userLockedOutUntil u of
Just x -> do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
if now > x
then auth u
else return . Left $ LockedOut x
Nothing -> auth u
auth :: AuthUser -> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
auth user =
case authenticatePassword user pw of
Just e -> do
markAuthFail user
return $ Left e
Nothing -> do
forceLogin user
modify (\mgr -> mgr { activeUser = Just user })
markAuthSuccess user
forceLogin :: AuthUser
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure ())
forceLogin u = do
s <- gets session
withSession s $
case userId u of
Just x -> do
withTop s (setSessionUserId x)
return $ Right ()
Nothing -> return . Left $
AuthError $ "forceLogin: Can't force the login of a user "
++ "without userId"
getRememberToken :: (Serialize t, MonadSnap m)
=> Key
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Int
-> m (Maybe t)
getRememberToken sk rc rp = getSecureCookie rc sk rp
setRememberToken :: (Serialize t, MonadSnap m)
=> Key
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Int
-> t
-> m ()
setRememberToken sk rc rp token = setSecureCookie rc sk rp token
forgetRememberToken :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> m ()
forgetRememberToken rc = expireCookie rc (Just "/")
setSessionUserId :: UserId -> Handler b SessionManager ()
setSessionUserId (UserId t) = setInSession "__user_id" t
removeSessionUserId :: Handler b SessionManager ()
removeSessionUserId = deleteFromSession "__user_id"
getSessionUserId :: Handler b SessionManager (Maybe UserId)
getSessionUserId = do
uid <- getFromSession "__user_id"
return $ liftM UserId uid
authenticatePassword :: AuthUser
-> Password
-> Maybe AuthFailure
authenticatePassword u pw = auth
auth = case userPassword u of
Nothing -> Just PasswordMissing
Just upw -> check $ checkPassword pw upw
check b = if b then Nothing else Just IncorrectPassword
:: Handler b (AuthManager b) (Maybe AuthUser)
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Maybe AuthUser)
cacheOrLookup f = do
au <- gets activeUser
if isJust au
then return au
else do
au' <- f
modify (\mgr -> mgr { activeUser = au' })
return au'
:: ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Either AuthFailure AuthUser)
registerUser lf pf = do
l <- fmap decodeUtf8 <$> getParam lf
p <- getParam pf
let l' = note UsernameMissing l
let p' = note PasswordMissing p
case liftM2 (,) l' p' of
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right (lgn, pwd) -> createUser lgn pwd
:: ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Maybe ByteString
-> (AuthFailure -> Handler b (AuthManager b) ())
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) ()
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) ()
loginUser unf pwdf remf loginFail loginSucc =
runEitherT (loginUser' unf pwdf remf)
>>= either loginFail (const loginSucc)
loginUser' :: ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Maybe ByteString
-> EitherT AuthFailure (Handler b (AuthManager b)) AuthUser
loginUser' unf pwdf remf = do
mbUsername <- lift $ getParam unf
mbPassword <- lift $ getParam pwdf
remember <- lift $ liftM (fromMaybe False)
(runMaybeT $
do field <- MaybeT $ return remf
value <- MaybeT $ getParam field
return $ value == "1")
password <- noteT PasswordMissing $ hoistMaybe mbPassword
username <- noteT UsernameMissing $ hoistMaybe mbUsername
EitherT $ loginByUsername (decodeUtf8 username)
(ClearText password) remember
logoutUser :: Handler b (AuthManager b) ()
-> Handler b (AuthManager b) ()
logoutUser target = logout >> target
requireUser :: SnapletLens b (AuthManager b)
-> Handler b v a
-> Handler b v a
-> Handler b v a
requireUser auth bad good = do
loggedIn <- withTop auth isLoggedIn
if loggedIn then good else bad
withBackend ::
(forall r. (IAuthBackend r) => r -> Handler b (AuthManager v) a)
-> Handler b (AuthManager v) a
withBackend f = join $ do
(AuthManager backend_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) <- get
return $ f backend_
setPasswordResetToken :: Text -> Handler b (AuthManager b) (Maybe Text)
setPasswordResetToken login = do
tokBS <- liftIO . randomToken 40 =<< gets randomNumberGenerator
let token = decodeUtf8 tokBS
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
success <- modPasswordResetToken login (Just token) (Just now)
return $ if success then Just token else Nothing
clearPasswordResetToken :: Text -> Handler b (AuthManager b) Bool
clearPasswordResetToken login = modPasswordResetToken login Nothing Nothing
modPasswordResetToken :: Text
-> Maybe Text
-> Maybe UTCTime
-> Handler v (AuthManager v) Bool
modPasswordResetToken login token timestamp = do
res <- runMaybeT $ do
u <- MaybeT $ withBackend $ \b -> liftIO $ lookupByLogin b login
lift $ saveUser $ u
{ userResetToken = token
, userResetRequestedAt = timestamp
return ()
return $ maybe False (\_ -> True) res