# Things to be done - [ ] does hiding work? - [ ] does CPP work? (should do) - [ ] Script to generate new test (from template?) - [ ] get tasty-golden to delete successful results and update tests where smuggler makes no changes - [ ] refactor the much more sophisticated https://github.com/ddssff/refact-global-hse - [ ] Do a better job of preserving comments - [ ] Running test suite on both an imported module and the module that imports it creates race conditions because both cases will generate the same minimum imprts dump file - [ ] Do a better job of preserving imported pattern annotation. - [ ] Check that type imports / exports work, Type Operators, - [X] Running test suite on both an imported module and the module that imports it creates race conditions because both cases will generate the same minimum imports dump file - [ ] User ghc environment files instead of `cabal exec` to launch tests - [ ] Use NamedFieldPuns / RecordWildCards for Options - [ ] Check that an export does not need to be qualified