module Network.Mail.Client.Gmail (
, GmailException(..)
) where
import Control.Monad (forever, forM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, runResourceT)
import Control.Exception (Exception, bracket, throw)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as P
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (ByteString, pack)
import Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy (encode)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L (ByteString, hPutStrLn, readFile)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Search (replace)
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec (sinkParser)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text as S (Text, pack)
import Data.Text.Lazy as L (Text, fromChunks)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Network (PortID(PortNumber), connectTo)
import Network.Mail.Mime hiding (renderMail)
import Network.TLS
import Network.TLS.Extra (ciphersuite_all)
import Prelude hiding (any, readFile)
import System.FilePath (takeExtension, takeFileName)
import System.IO hiding (readFile)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
data GmailException =
ParseError String
| Timeout
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception GmailException
:: L.Text
-> L.Text
-> Address
-> [Address]
-> [Address]
-> [Address]
-> S.Text
-> L.Text
-> [FilePath]
-> Int
-> IO ()
sendGmail user pass from to cc bcc subject body attachments micros = do
let handle = connectTo "" $ PortNumber 587
bracket handle hClose $ \ hdl -> do
recvSMTP hdl micros "220"
sendSMTP hdl "EHLO localhost"
recvSMTP hdl micros "250"
recvSMTP hdl micros "220"
let context = contextNew hdl params
bracket context cClose $ \ ctx -> do
handshake ctx
sendSMTPS ctx "EHLO localhost"
recvSMTPS ctx micros "250"
recvSMTPS ctx micros "334"
sendSMTPS ctx username
recvSMTPS ctx micros "334"
sendSMTPS ctx password
recvSMTPS ctx micros "235"
sendSMTPS ctx sender
recvSMTPS ctx micros "250"
sendSMTPS ctx recipient
recvSMTPS ctx micros "250"
sendSMTPS ctx "DATA"
recvSMTPS ctx micros "354"
sendSMTPS ctx =<< mail
recvSMTPS ctx micros "250"
sendSMTPS ctx "QUIT"
recvSMTPS ctx micros "221"
where username = encode $ encodeUtf8 user
password = encode $ encodeUtf8 pass
sender = "MAIL FROM: " <> angleBracket [from]
recipient = "RCPT TO: " <> angleBracket (to ++ cc ++ bcc)
mail = renderMail from to cc bcc subject body attachments
sink :: B.ByteString -> Sink (Maybe B.ByteString) (ResourceT IO) ()
sink code = (awaitForever $ maybe (throw Timeout) yield) =$= sinkParser (parser code)
parser :: B.ByteString -> P.Parser ()
parser code = do
reply <- P.take 3
if code /= reply
then throw . ParseError $ "Expected SMTP reply code " ++ show code ++ ", but recieved SMTP reply code " ++ show reply ++ "."
else anyChar >>= \ case
' ' -> return ()
'-' -> manyTill anyChar endOfLine >> parser code
_ -> throw $ ParseError "Unexpected character."
params :: ClientParams
params = (defaultParamsClient "" "587")
{ clientSupported = def { supportedCiphers = ciphersuite_all }
, clientShared = def { sharedValidationCache = noValidate }
} where noValidate = ValidationCache (\_ _ _ -> return ValidationCachePass)
(\_ _ _ -> return ())
cClose :: Context -> IO ()
cClose ctx = bye ctx >> contextClose ctx
angleBracket :: [Address] -> L.ByteString
angleBracket = \ case [] -> ""; (Address _ email:_) -> "<" <> encodeUtf8 (fromChunks [email]) <> ">"
sendSMTP :: Handle -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
sendSMTP = L.hPutStrLn
sendSMTPS :: Context -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
sendSMTPS ctx msg = sendData ctx $ msg <> "\r\n"
recvSMTP :: Handle -> Int -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
recvSMTP hdl micros code =
runResourceT $ source $$ sink code
where source = forever $ liftIO chunk >>= yield
chunk = timeout micros $ append <$> hGetLine hdl
append = flip (<>) "\n" . B.pack
recvSMTPS :: Context -> Int -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
recvSMTPS ctx micros code =
runResourceT $ source $$ sink code
where source = forever $ liftIO chunk >>= yield
chunk = timeout micros $ recvData ctx
:: Address
-> [Address]
-> [Address]
-> [Address]
-> S.Text
-> L.Text
-> [FilePath]
-> IO L.ByteString
renderMail from to cc bcc subject body attach = do
parts <- forM attach $ \ path -> do
content <- readFile path
let mime = getMime $ takeExtension path
file = Just . S.pack $ takeFileName path
return $! [Part mime Base64 file [] content]
let plain = [Part "text/plain; charset=utf-8" QuotedPrintableText Nothing [] $ encodeUtf8 body]
mail <- renderMail' . Mail from to cc bcc headers $ plain : parts
return $! replace "\n." ("\n.." :: L.ByteString) mail <> "\r\n.\r\n"
where headers = [("Subject", subject)]
getMime :: String -> S.Text
getMime = \ case
".3dm" -> "x-world/x-3dmf"
".3dmf" -> "x-world/x-3dmf"
".a" -> "application/octet-stream"
".aab" -> "application/x-authorware-bin"
".aam" -> "application/x-authorware-map"
".aas" -> "application/x-authorware-seg"
".abc" -> "text/"
".acgi" -> "text/html"
".afl" -> "video/animaflex"
".ai" -> "application/postscript"
".aif" -> "audio/aiff"
".aifc" -> "audio/aiff"
".aiff" -> "audio/aiff"
".aim" -> "application/x-aim"
".aip" -> "text/x-audiosoft-intra"
".ani" -> "application/x-navi-animation"
".aos" -> "application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software"
".aps" -> "application/mime"
".arc" -> "application/octet-stream"
".arj" -> "application/arj"
".art" -> "image/x-jg"
".asf" -> "video/x-ms-asf"
".asm" -> "text/x-asm"
".asp" -> "text/asp"
".asx" -> "application/x-mplayer2"
".au" -> "audio/basic"
".avi" -> "application/x-troff-msvideo"
".avs" -> "video/avs-video"
".bcpio" -> "application/x-bcpio"
".bin" -> "application/mac-binary"
".bm" -> "image/bmp"
".bmp" -> "image/bmp"
".boo" -> "application/book"
".book" -> "application/book"
".boz" -> "application/x-bzip2"
".bsh" -> "application/x-bsh"
".bz" -> "application/x-bzip"
".bz2" -> "application/x-bzip2"
".c" -> "text/plain"
".c++" -> "text/plain"
".cat" -> "application/"
".cc" -> "text/plain"
".ccad" -> "application/clariscad"
".cco" -> "application/x-cocoa"
".cdf" -> "application/cdf"
".cer" -> "application/pkix-cert"
".cha" -> "application/x-chat"
".chat" -> "application/x-chat"
".class" -> "application/java"
".com" -> "application/octet-stream"
".conf" -> "text/plain"
".cpio" -> "application/x-cpio"
".cpp" -> "text/x-c"
".cpt" -> "application/mac-compactpro"
".crl" -> "application/pkcs-crl"
".crt" -> "application/pkix-cert"
".csh" -> "application/x-csh"
".css" -> "application/x-pointplus"
".cxx" -> "text/plain"
".dcr" -> "application/x-director"
".deepv" -> "application/x-deepv"
".def" -> "text/plain"
".der" -> "application/x-x509-ca-cert"
".dif" -> "video/x-dv"
".dir" -> "application/x-director"
".dl" -> "video/dl"
".doc" -> "application/msword"
".dot" -> "application/msword"
".dp" -> "application/commonground"
".drw" -> "application/drafting"
".dump" -> "application/octet-stream"
".dv" -> "video/x-dv"
".dvi" -> "application/x-dvi"
".dwf" -> "drawing/x-dwf (old)"
".dwg" -> "application/acad"
".dxf" -> "application/dxf"
".dxr" -> "application/x-director"
".el" -> "text/x-script.elisp"
".elc" -> "application/x-bytecode.elisp (compiled elisp)"
".env" -> "application/x-envoy"
".eps" -> "application/postscript"
".es" -> "application/x-esrehber"
".etx" -> "text/x-setext"
".evy" -> "application/envoy"
".exe" -> "application/octet-stream"
".f" -> "text/plain"
".f77" -> "text/x-fortran"
".f90" -> "text/plain"
".fdf" -> "application/vnd.fdf"
".fif" -> "application/fractals"
".fli" -> "video/fli"
".flo" -> "image/florian"
".flx" -> "text/vnd.fmi.flexstor"
".fmf" -> "video/x-atomic3d-feature"
".for" -> "text/plain"
".fpx" -> "image/vnd.fpx"
".frl" -> "application/freeloader"
".funk" -> "audio/make"
".g" -> "text/plain"
".g3" -> "image/g3fax"
".gif" -> "image/gif"
".gl" -> "video/gl"
".gsd" -> "audio/x-gsm"
".gsm" -> "audio/x-gsm"
".gsp" -> "application/x-gsp"
".gss" -> "application/x-gss"
".gtar" -> "application/x-gtar"
".gz" -> "application/x-compressed"
".gzip" -> "application/x-gzip"
".h" -> "text/plain"
".hdf" -> "application/x-hdf"
".help" -> "application/x-helpfile"
".hgl" -> "application/vnd.hp-hpgl"
".hh" -> "text/plain"
".hlb" -> "text/x-script"
".hlp" -> "application/hlp"
".hpg" -> "application/vnd.hp-hpgl"
".hpgl" -> "application/vnd.hp-hpgl"
".hqx" -> "application/binhex"
".hs" -> "text/x-haskell"
".hta" -> "application/hta"
".htc" -> "text/x-component"
".htm" -> "text/html"
".html" -> "text/html"
".htmls" -> "text/html"
".htt" -> "text/webviewhtml"
".htx" -> "text/html"
".ice" -> "x-conference/x-cooltalk"
".ico" -> "image/x-icon"
".idc" -> "text/plain"
".ief" -> "image/ief"
".iefs" -> "image/ief"
".iges" -> "application/iges"
".igs" -> "application/iges"
".ima" -> "application/x-ima"
".imap" -> "application/x-httpd-imap"
".inf" -> "application/inf"
".ins" -> "application/x-internett-signup"
".ip" -> "application/x-ip2"
".isu" -> "video/x-isvideo"
".it" -> "audio/it"
".iv" -> "application/x-inventor"
".ivr" -> "i-world/i-vrml"
".ivy" -> "application/x-livescreen"
".jam" -> "audio/x-jam"
".jav" -> "text/plain"
".java" -> "text/plain"
".jcm" -> "application/x-java-commerce"
".jfif" -> "image/jpeg"
".jfif-tbnl" -> "image/jpeg"
".jpe" -> "image/jpeg"
".jpeg" -> "image/jpeg"
".jpg" -> "image/jpeg"
".jps" -> "image/x-jps"
".js" -> "application/x-javascript"
".jut" -> "image/jutvision"
".kar" -> "audio/midi"
".ksh" -> "application/x-ksh"
".la" -> "audio/nspaudio"
".lam" -> "audio/x-liveaudio"
".latex" -> "application/x-latex"
".lha" -> "application/lha"
".lhx" -> "application/octet-stream"
".list" -> "text/plain"
".lma" -> "audio/nspaudio"
".log" -> "text/plain"
".lsp" -> "application/x-lisp"
".lst" -> "text/plain"
".lsx" -> "text/x-la-asf"
".ltx" -> "application/x-latex"
".lzh" -> "application/octet-stream"
".lzx" -> "application/lzx"
".m" -> "text/plain"
".m1v" -> "video/mpeg"
".m2a" -> "audio/mpeg"
".m2v" -> "video/mpeg"
".m3u" -> "audio/x-mpequrl"
".man" -> "application/x-troff-man"
".map" -> "application/x-navimap"
".mar" -> "text/plain"
".mbd" -> "application/mbedlet"
".mc$" -> "application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0"
".mcd" -> "application/mcad"
".mcf" -> "image/vasa"
".mcp" -> "application/netmc"
".me" -> "application/x-troff-me"
".mht" -> "message/rfc822"
".mhtml" -> "message/rfc822"
".mid" -> "application/x-midi"
".midi" -> "application/x-midi"
".mif" -> "application/x-frame"
".mime" -> "message/rfc822"
".mjf" -> "audio/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mjuicemediafile"
".mjpg" -> "video/x-motion-jpeg"
".mm" -> "application/base64"
".mme" -> "application/base64"
".mod" -> "audio/mod"
".moov" -> "video/quicktime"
".mov" -> "video/quicktime"
".movie" -> "video/x-sgi-movie"
".mp2" -> "audio/mpeg"
".mp3" -> "audio/mpeg3"
".mpa" -> "audio/mpeg"
".mpc" -> "application/x-project"
".mpe" -> "video/mpeg"
".mpeg" -> "video/mpeg"
".mpg" -> "audio/mpeg"
".mpga" -> "audio/mpeg"
".mpp" -> "application/"
".mpt" -> "application/x-project"
".mpv" -> "application/x-project"
".mpx" -> "application/x-project"
".mrc" -> "application/marc"
".ms" -> "application/x-troff-ms"
".mv" -> "video/x-sgi-movie"
".my" -> "audio/make"
".mzz" -> "application/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mzz"
".nap" -> "image/naplps"
".naplps" -> "image/naplps"
".nc" -> "application/x-netcdf"
".ncm" -> "application/"
".nif" -> "image/x-niff"
".niff" -> "image/x-niff"
".nix" -> "application/x-mix-transfer"
".nsc" -> "application/x-conference"
".nvd" -> "application/x-navidoc"
".o" -> "application/octet-stream"
".oda" -> "application/oda"
".omc" -> "application/x-omc"
".omcd" -> "application/x-omcdatamaker"
".omcr" -> "application/x-omcregerator"
".p" -> "text/x-pascal"
".p10" -> "application/pkcs10"
".p12" -> "application/pkcs-12"
".p7a" -> "application/x-pkcs7-signature"
".p7c" -> "application/pkcs7-mime"
".p7m" -> "application/pkcs7-mime"
".p7r" -> "application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp"
".p7s" -> "application/pkcs7-signature"
".part" -> "application/pro_eng"
".pas" -> "text/pascal"
".pbm" -> "image/x-portable-bitmap"
".pcl" -> "application/vnd.hp-pcl"
".pct" -> "image/x-pict"
".pcx" -> "image/x-pcx"
".pdb" -> "chemical/x-pdb"
".pdf" -> "application/pdf"
".pfunk" -> "audio/make"
".pgm" -> "image/x-portable-graymap"
".pic" -> "image/pict"
".pict" -> "image/pict"
".pkg" -> "application/x-newton-compatible-pkg"
".pko" -> "application/"
".pl" -> "text/plain"
".plx" -> "application/x-pixclscript"
".pm" -> "image/x-xpixmap"
".pm4" -> "application/x-pagemaker"
".pm5" -> "application/x-pagemaker"
".png" -> "image/png"
".pnm" -> "application/x-portable-anymap"
".pot" -> "application/mspowerpoint"
".pov" -> "model/x-pov"
".ppa" -> "application/"
".ppm" -> "image/x-portable-pixmap"
".pps" -> "application/mspowerpoint"
".ppt" -> "application/mspowerpoint"
".ppz" -> "application/mspowerpoint"
".pre" -> "application/x-freelance"
".prt" -> "application/pro_eng"
".ps" -> "application/postscript"
".psd" -> "application/octet-stream"
".pvu" -> "paleovu/x-pv"
".pwz" -> "application/"
".py" -> "text/x-script.phyton"
".pyc" -> "applicaiton/x-bytecode.python"
".qcp" -> "audio/vnd.qcelp"
".qd3" -> "x-world/x-3dmf"
".qd3d" -> "x-world/x-3dmf"
".qif" -> "image/x-quicktime"
".qt" -> "video/quicktime"
".qtc" -> "video/x-qtc"
".qti" -> "image/x-quicktime"
".qtif" -> "image/x-quicktime"
".ra" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
".ram" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
".ras" -> "application/x-cmu-raster"
".rast" -> "image/cmu-raster"
".rexx" -> "text/x-script.rexx"
".rf" -> "image/vnd.rn-realflash"
".rgb" -> "image/x-rgb"
".rm" -> "application/vnd.rn-realmedia"
".rmi" -> "audio/mid"
".rmm" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
".rmp" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
".rng" -> "application/ringing-tones"
".rnx" -> "application/vnd.rn-realplayer"
".roff" -> "application/x-troff"
".rp" -> "image/vnd.rn-realpix"
".rpm" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin"
".rt" -> "text/richtext"
".rtf" -> "application/rtf"
".rtx" -> "application/rtf"
".rv" -> "video/vnd.rn-realvideo"
".s" -> "text/x-asm"
".s3m" -> "audio/s3m"
".saveme" -> "application/octet-stream"
".sbk" -> "application/x-tbook"
".scm" -> "application/x-lotusscreencam"
".sdml" -> "text/plain"
".sdp" -> "application/sdp"
".sdr" -> "application/sounder"
".sea" -> "application/sea"
".set" -> "application/set"
".sgm" -> "text/sgml"
".sgml" -> "text/sgml"
".sh" -> "application/x-bsh"
".shar" -> "application/x-bsh"
".shtml" -> "text/html"
".sid" -> "audio/x-psid"
".sit" -> "application/x-sit"
".skd" -> "application/x-koan"
".skm" -> "application/x-koan"
".skp" -> "application/x-koan"
".skt" -> "application/x-koan"
".sl" -> "application/x-seelogo"
".smi" -> "application/smil"
".smil" -> "application/smil"
".snd" -> "audio/basic"
".sol" -> "application/solids"
".spc" -> "application/x-pkcs7-certificates"
".spl" -> "application/futuresplash"
".spr" -> "application/x-sprite"
".sprite" -> "application/x-sprite"
".src" -> "application/x-wais-source"
".ssi" -> "text/x-server-parsed-html"
".ssm" -> "application/streamingmedia"
".sst" -> "application/"
".step" -> "application/step"
".stl" -> "application/sla"
".stp" -> "application/step"
".sv4cpio" -> "application/x-sv4cpio"
".sv4crc" -> "application/x-sv4crc"
".svf" -> "image/vnd.dwg"
".svr" -> "application/x-world"
".swf" -> "application/x-shockwave-flash"
".t" -> "application/x-troff"
".talk" -> "text/x-speech"
".tar" -> "application/x-tar"
".tbk" -> "application/toolbook"
".tcl" -> "application/x-tcl"
".tcsh" -> "text/x-script.tcsh"
".tex" -> "application/x-tex"
".texi" -> "application/x-texinfo"
".texinfo" -> "application/x-texinfo"
".text" -> "application/plain"
".tgz" -> "application/gnutar"
".tif" -> "image/tiff"
".tiff" -> "image/tiff"
".tr" -> "application/x-troff"
".tsi" -> "audio/tsp-audio"
".tsp" -> "application/dsptype"
".tsv" -> "text/tab-separated-values"
".turbot" -> "image/florian"
".txt" -> "text/plain"
".uil" -> "text/x-uil"
".uni" -> "text/uri-list"
".unis" -> "text/uri-list"
".unv" -> "application/i-deas"
".uri" -> "text/uri-list"
".uris" -> "text/uri-list"
".ustar" -> "application/x-ustar"
".uu" -> "application/octet-stream"
".uue" -> "text/x-uuencode"
".vcd" -> "application/x-cdlink"
".vcs" -> "text/x-vcalendar"
".vda" -> "application/vda"
".vdo" -> "video/vdo"
".vew" -> "application/groupwise"
".viv" -> "video/vivo"
".vivo" -> "video/vivo"
".vmd" -> "application/vocaltec-media-desc"
".vmf" -> "application/vocaltec-media-file"
".voc" -> "audio/voc"
".vos" -> "video/vosaic"
".vox" -> "audio/voxware"
".vqe" -> "audio/x-twinvq-plugin"
".vqf" -> "audio/x-twinvq"
".vql" -> "audio/x-twinvq-plugin"
".vrml" -> "application/x-vrml"
".vrt" -> "x-world/x-vrt"
".vsd" -> "application/x-visio"
".vst" -> "application/x-visio"
".vsw" -> "application/x-visio"
".w60" -> "application/wordperfect6.0"
".w61" -> "application/wordperfect6.1"
".w6w" -> "application/msword"
".wav" -> "audio/wav"
".wb1" -> "application/x-qpro"
".wbmp" -> "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"
".web" -> "application/vnd.xara"
".wiz" -> "application/msword"
".wk1" -> "application/x-123"
".wmf" -> "windows/metafile"
".wml" -> "text/vnd.wap.wml"
".wmlc" -> "application/vnd.wap.wmlc"
".wmls" -> "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript"
".wmlsc" -> "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc"
".word" -> "application/msword"
".wp" -> "application/wordperfect"
".wp5" -> "application/wordperfect"
".wp6" -> "application/wordperfect"
".wpd" -> "application/wordperfect"
".wq1" -> "application/x-lotus"
".wri" -> "application/mswrite"
".wrl" -> "application/x-world"
".wrz" -> "model/vrml"
".wsc" -> "text/scriplet"
".wsrc" -> "application/x-wais-source"
".wtk" -> "application/x-wintalk"
".xbm" -> "image/x-xbitmap"
".xdr" -> "video/x-amt-demorun"
".xgz" -> "xgl/drawing"
".xif" -> "image/vnd.xiff"
".xl" -> "application/excel"
".xla" -> "application/excel"
".xlb" -> "application/excel"
".xlc" -> "application/excel"
".xld" -> "application/excel"
".xlk" -> "application/excel"
".xll" -> "application/excel"
".xlm" -> "application/excel"
".xls" -> "application/excel"
".xlt" -> "application/excel"
".xlv" -> "application/excel"
".xlw" -> "application/excel"
".xm" -> "audio/xm"
".xml" -> "application/xml"
".xmz" -> "xgl/movie"
".xpix" -> "application/"
".xpm" -> "image/x-xpixmap"
".x-png" -> "image/png"
".xsr" -> "video/x-amt-showrun"
".xwd" -> "image/x-xwd"
".xyz" -> "chemical/x-pdb"
".z" -> "application/x-compress"
".zip" -> "application/x-compressed"
".zoo" -> "application/octet-stream"
".zsh" -> "text/x-script.zsh"
_ -> "application/octet-stream"