{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,GADTs,FlexibleInstances,MultiParamTypeClasses,RankNTypes,DeriveDataTypeable,TypeSynonymInstances,TypeFamilies,FlexibleContexts,CPP,ScopedTypeVariables,GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Language.SMTLib2.Internals where

import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Operators
import Language.SMTLib2.Strategy

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Map as Map hiding (assocs,foldl)
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Constraint
import Data.Tagged
import Data.List as List (genericReplicate)
import Data.Fix
import Prelude hiding (mapM,mapM_,foldl,all,maximum)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Exception
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Char (isDigit)

-- Monad stuff
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad (ap,when)

data SMTRequest response where
  SMTSetLogic :: String -> SMTRequest ()
  SMTGetInfo :: SMTInfo i -> SMTRequest i
  SMTSetOption :: SMTOption -> SMTRequest ()
  SMTAssert :: SMTExpr Bool -> Maybe InterpolationGroup -> Maybe ClauseId -> SMTRequest ()
  SMTCheckSat :: Maybe Tactic -> CheckSatLimits -> SMTRequest CheckSatResult
  SMTDeclaredDataTypes :: SMTRequest DataTypeInfo
  SMTDeclareDataTypes :: TypeCollection -> SMTRequest ()
  SMTDeclareSort :: String -> Integer -> SMTRequest ()
  SMTPush :: SMTRequest ()
  SMTPop :: SMTRequest ()
  SMTDefineFun :: (Args arg,SMTType res) => Maybe String -> Proxy arg -> ArgAnnotation arg -> SMTExpr res -> SMTRequest Integer
  SMTDeclareFun :: FunInfo -> SMTRequest Integer
  SMTGetValue :: SMTValue t => SMTExpr t -> SMTRequest t
  SMTGetModel :: SMTRequest SMTModel
  SMTGetProof :: SMTRequest (SMTExpr Bool)
  SMTGetUnsatCore :: SMTRequest [ClauseId]
  SMTSimplify :: SMTType t => SMTExpr t -> SMTRequest (SMTExpr t)
  SMTGetInterpolant :: [InterpolationGroup] -> SMTRequest (SMTExpr Bool)
  SMTComment :: String -> SMTRequest ()
  SMTExit :: SMTRequest ()
  SMTApply :: Tactic -> SMTRequest [SMTExpr Bool]
  SMTNameExpr :: String -> SMTExpr t -> SMTRequest Integer
  SMTNewInterpolationGroup :: SMTRequest InterpolationGroup
  SMTNewClauseId :: SMTRequest ClauseId
  deriving Typeable

data SMTModel = SMTModel { modelFunctions :: Map Integer (Integer,[ProxyArg],SMTExpr Untyped)
                         } deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- | Describe limits on the ressources that an SMT-solver can use
data CheckSatLimits = CheckSatLimits { limitTime :: Maybe Integer -- ^ A limit on the amount of time the solver can spend on the problem (in milliseconds)
                                     , limitMemory :: Maybe Integer -- ^ A limit on the amount of memory the solver can use (in megabytes)
                                     } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable)

-- | The result of a check-sat query
data CheckSatResult
  = Sat -- ^ The formula is satisfiable
  | Unsat -- ^ The formula is unsatisfiable
  | Unknown -- ^ The solver cannot determine the satisfiability of a formula
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable)

class Monad m => SMTBackend a m where
  smtHandle :: Typeable response => a -> SMTRequest response -> m (response,a)
  smtGetNames :: a -> m (Integer -> String)
  smtNextName :: a -> m (Maybe String -> String)

-- | Haskell types which can be represented in SMT
class (Ord t,Typeable t,
       Ord (SMTAnnotation t),Typeable (SMTAnnotation t),Show (SMTAnnotation t))
      => SMTType t where
  type SMTAnnotation t
  getSort :: t -> SMTAnnotation t -> Sort
  asDataType :: t -> SMTAnnotation t -> Maybe (String,TypeCollection)
  asDataType _ _ = Nothing
  asValueType :: t -> SMTAnnotation t -> (forall v. SMTValue v => v -> SMTAnnotation v -> r) -> Maybe r
  getProxyArgs :: t -> SMTAnnotation t -> [ProxyArg]
  getProxyArgs _ _ = []
  additionalConstraints :: t -> SMTAnnotation t -> Maybe (SMTExpr t -> [SMTExpr Bool])
  additionalConstraints _ _ = Nothing
  annotationFromSort :: t -> Sort -> SMTAnnotation t
  defaultExpr :: SMTAnnotation t -> SMTExpr t

data ArgumentSort' a = ArgumentSort Integer
                     | NormalSort (Sort' a)

type ArgumentSort = Fix ArgumentSort'

data Unmangling a = PrimitiveUnmangling (Value -> SMTAnnotation a -> Maybe a)
                  | ComplexUnmangling (forall m s. Monad m => (forall b. SMTValue b => s -> SMTExpr b -> SMTAnnotation b -> m (b,s)) -> s -> SMTExpr a -> SMTAnnotation a -> m (Maybe a,s))

data Mangling a = PrimitiveMangling (a -> SMTAnnotation a -> Value)
                | ComplexMangling (a -> SMTAnnotation a -> SMTExpr a)

-- | Haskell values which can be represented as SMT constants
class (SMTType t,Show t) => SMTValue t where
  unmangle :: Unmangling t
  mangle :: Mangling t

-- | A type class for all types which support arithmetic operations in SMT
class (SMTValue t,Num t) => SMTArith t

-- | Lifts the 'Ord' class into SMT
class (SMTType t) => SMTOrd t where
  (.<.) :: SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr Bool
  (.>=.) :: SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr Bool
  (.>.) :: SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr Bool
  (.<=.) :: SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr Bool

infix 4 .<., .<=., .>=., .>.

-- | An array which maps indices of type /i/ to elements of type /v/.
data SMTArray (i :: *) (v :: *) = SMTArray deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable)

data FunInfo = forall arg r. (Args arg,SMTType r) => FunInfo { funInfoProxy :: Proxy (arg,r)
                                                             , funInfoArgAnn :: ArgAnnotation arg
                                                             , funInfoResAnn :: SMTAnnotation r
                                                             , funInfoName :: Maybe String

data AnyBackend m = forall b. SMTBackend b m => AnyBackend b

-- | The SMT monad used for communating with the SMT solver
data SMT' m a = SMT { runSMT :: forall b. SMTBackend b m => b -> m (a,b) }

type SMT = SMT' IO

instance Functor m => Functor (SMT' m) where
  fmap f (SMT g) = SMT $ \b -> fmap (\(r,b) -> (f r,b)) (g b)

instance Monad m => Monad (SMT' m) where
  return x = SMT $ \b -> return (x,b)
  (SMT f) >>= g = SMT $ \b -> do
    (r,b1) <- f b
    case g r of
     SMT act -> act b1

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (SMT' m) where
  liftIO act = SMT $ \b -> do
    res <- liftIO act
    return (res,b)

instance MonadFix m => MonadFix (SMT' m) where
  mfix f = SMT $ \b -> mfix (\(~(res,_)) -> case f res of
                              ~(SMT act) -> act b)

instance (Monad m,Functor m) => Applicative (SMT' m) where
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

smtBackend :: Monad m => (forall b. SMTBackend b m => b -> m (res,b)) -> SMT' m res
smtBackend f = SMT f

instance MonadTrans SMT' where
  lift act = SMT $ \b -> do
    res <- act
    return (res,b)

data Untyped = forall t. SMTType t => Untyped t deriving Typeable

data UntypedValue = forall t. SMTValue t => UntypedValue t deriving Typeable

instance Eq Untyped where
  (Untyped x) == (Untyped y) = case cast y of
    Just y' -> x==y'
    Nothing -> False

instance Ord Untyped where
  compare (Untyped x) (Untyped y) = case compare (typeOf x) (typeOf y) of
    EQ -> case cast y of
      Just y' -> compare x y'
    r -> r

instance Eq UntypedValue where
  (UntypedValue x) == (UntypedValue y) = case cast y of
    Just y' -> x==y'
    Nothing -> False

instance Ord UntypedValue where
  compare (UntypedValue x) (UntypedValue y) = case compare (typeOf x) (typeOf y) of
    EQ -> case cast y of
      Just y' -> compare x y'
    r -> r

instance Show UntypedValue where
  showsPrec p (UntypedValue x) = showsPrec p x

-- | An abstract SMT expression
data SMTExpr t where
  Var :: SMTType t => Integer -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMTExpr t
  QVar :: SMTType t => Integer -> Integer -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMTExpr t
  FunArg :: SMTType t => Integer -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMTExpr t
  Const :: SMTValue t => t -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMTExpr t
  AsArray :: (Args arg,SMTType res) => SMTFunction arg res -> ArgAnnotation arg
             -> SMTExpr (SMTArray arg res)
  Forall :: Integer -> [ProxyArg] -> SMTExpr Bool -> SMTExpr Bool
  Exists :: Integer -> [ProxyArg] -> SMTExpr Bool -> SMTExpr Bool
  Let :: Integer -> [SMTExpr Untyped] -> SMTExpr b -> SMTExpr b
  App :: (Args arg,SMTType res) => SMTFunction arg res -> arg -> SMTExpr res
  Named :: SMTExpr a -> String -> Integer -> SMTExpr a
  InternalObj :: (SMTType t,Typeable a,Ord a,Show a) => a -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMTExpr t
  UntypedExpr :: SMTType t => SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr Untyped
  UntypedExprValue :: SMTValue t => SMTExpr t -> SMTExpr UntypedValue
  deriving Typeable

data Sort' a = BoolSort
             | IntSort
             | RealSort
             | BVSort { bvSortWidth :: Integer
                      , bvSortUntyped :: Bool }
             | ArraySort [a] a
             | NamedSort String [a]
             deriving (Eq,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)

type Sort = Fix Sort'

data Value = BoolValue Bool
           | IntValue Integer
           | RealValue (Ratio Integer)
           | BVValue { bvValueWidth :: Integer
                     , bvValueValue :: Integer }
           | ConstrValue String [Value] (Maybe (String,[Sort]))
           deriving (Eq,Show)

data SMTFunction arg res where
  SMTEq :: SMTType a => SMTFunction [SMTExpr a] Bool
  SMTMap :: (Liftable arg,SMTType res,Args i) => SMTFunction arg res -> SMTFunction (Lifted arg i) (SMTArray i res)
  SMTFun :: (Args arg,SMTType res) => Integer -> SMTAnnotation res -> SMTFunction arg res
  SMTBuiltIn :: (Liftable arg,SMTType res) => String -> SMTAnnotation res -> SMTFunction arg res
  SMTOrd :: (SMTType a) => SMTOrdOp -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr a,SMTExpr a) Bool
  SMTArith :: (SMTType a,Num a) => SMTArithOp -> SMTFunction [SMTExpr a] a
  SMTMinus :: (SMTType a,Num a) => SMTFunction (SMTExpr a,SMTExpr a) a
  SMTIntArith :: SMTIntArithOp -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr Integer,SMTExpr Integer) Integer
  SMTDivide :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Rational,SMTExpr Rational) Rational
  SMTNeg :: (SMTType a,Num a) => SMTFunction (SMTExpr a) a
  SMTAbs :: (SMTType a,Num a) => SMTFunction (SMTExpr a) a
  SMTNot :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Bool) Bool
  SMTLogic :: SMTLogicOp -> SMTFunction [SMTExpr Bool] Bool
  SMTDistinct :: SMTType a => SMTFunction [SMTExpr a] Bool
  SMTToReal :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Integer) Rational
  SMTToInt :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Rational) Integer
  SMTITE :: SMTType a => SMTFunction (SMTExpr Bool,SMTExpr a,SMTExpr a) a
  SMTBVComp :: IsBitVector a => SMTBVCompOp -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr (BitVector a),SMTExpr (BitVector a)) Bool
  SMTBVBin :: IsBitVector a => SMTBVBinOp -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr (BitVector a),SMTExpr (BitVector a)) (BitVector a)
  SMTBVUn :: IsBitVector a => SMTBVUnOp -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr (BitVector a)) (BitVector a)
  SMTSelect :: (Liftable i,SMTType v) => SMTFunction (SMTExpr (SMTArray i v),i) v
  SMTStore :: (Liftable i,SMTType v) => SMTFunction (SMTExpr (SMTArray i v),i,SMTExpr v) (SMTArray i v)
  SMTConstArray :: (Args i,SMTType v) => ArgAnnotation i -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr v) (SMTArray i v)
  SMTConcat :: (Concatable a b) => SMTFunction (SMTExpr (BitVector a),SMTExpr (BitVector b)) (BitVector (ConcatResult a b))
  SMTExtract :: (TypeableNat start,TypeableNat len,
                 Extractable from len')
                => Proxy start -> Proxy len -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr (BitVector from)) (BitVector len')
  SMTConstructor :: (Args arg,SMTType dt) => Constructor arg dt -> SMTFunction arg dt
  SMTConTest :: (Args arg,SMTType dt) => Constructor arg dt -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr dt) Bool
  SMTFieldSel :: (SMTType a,SMTType f) => Field a f -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr a) f
  SMTDivisible :: Integer -> SMTFunction (SMTExpr Integer) Bool
  deriving (Typeable)

class (SMTValue (BitVector a)) => IsBitVector a where
  getBVSize :: Proxy a -> SMTAnnotation (BitVector a) -> Integer

class (IsBitVector a,IsBitVector b,IsBitVector (ConcatResult a b))
      => Concatable a b where
  type ConcatResult a b
  concatAnnotation :: a -> b
                      -> SMTAnnotation (BitVector a)
                      -> SMTAnnotation (BitVector b)
                      -> SMTAnnotation (BitVector (ConcatResult a b))

class (IsBitVector a,IsBitVector b) => Extractable a b where
  extractAnn :: a -> b -> Integer -> SMTAnnotation (BitVector a) -> SMTAnnotation (BitVector b)
  getExtractLen :: a -> b -> SMTAnnotation (BitVector b) -> Integer

-- | Represents a constructor of a datatype /a/
--   Can be obtained by using the template haskell extension module
data Constructor arg res = Constructor [ProxyArg] DataType Constr deriving (Typeable)

-- | Represents a field of the datatype /a/ of the type /f/
data Field a f = Field [ProxyArg] DataType Constr DataField deriving (Typeable)

newtype InterpolationGroup = InterpolationGroup Integer deriving (Typeable,Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | Identifies a clause in an unsatisfiable core
newtype ClauseId = ClauseId Integer deriving (Typeable,Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | Options controling the behaviour of the SMT solver
data SMTOption
     = PrintSuccess Bool -- ^ Whether or not to print \"success\" after each operation
     | ProduceModels Bool -- ^ Produce a satisfying assignment after each successful checkSat
     | ProduceProofs Bool -- ^ Produce a proof of unsatisfiability after each failed checkSat
     | ProduceUnsatCores Bool -- ^ Enable the querying of unsatisfiable cores after a failed checkSat
     | ProduceInterpolants Bool -- ^ Enable the generation of craig interpolants
     deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

data SMTInfo i where
  SMTSolverName :: SMTInfo String
  SMTSolverVersion :: SMTInfo String

-- | Instances of this class may be used as arguments for constructed functions and quantifiers.
class (Ord a,Typeable a,Show a,
       Ord (ArgAnnotation a),Typeable (ArgAnnotation a),Show (ArgAnnotation a))
      => Args a where
  type ArgAnnotation a
  foldExprs :: Monad m => (forall t. SMTType t => s -> SMTExpr t -> SMTAnnotation t -> m (s,SMTExpr t))
            -> s -> a -> ArgAnnotation a -> m (s,a)
  foldExprs f s x ann = do
    (s',_,r) <- foldsExprs (\cs [(expr,_)] ann' -> do
                               (cs',cr) <- f cs expr ann'
                               return (cs',[cr],cr)
                           ) s [(x,())] ann
    return (s',r)
  foldsExprs :: Monad m => (forall t. SMTType t => s -> [(SMTExpr t,b)] -> SMTAnnotation t -> m (s,[SMTExpr t],SMTExpr t))
                -> s -> [(a,b)] -> ArgAnnotation a -> m (s,[a],a)
  extractArgAnnotation :: a -> ArgAnnotation a
  toArgs :: ArgAnnotation a -> [SMTExpr Untyped] -> Maybe (a,[SMTExpr Untyped])
  fromArgs :: a -> [SMTExpr Untyped]
  fromArgs arg = fst $ foldExprsId (\lst expr ann -> (lst++[UntypedExpr expr],expr)
                                   ) [] arg (extractArgAnnotation arg)
  getTypes :: a -> ArgAnnotation a -> [ProxyArg]
  getArgAnnotation :: a -> [Sort] -> (ArgAnnotation a,[Sort])

getSorts :: Args a => a -> ArgAnnotation a -> [Sort]
getSorts u ann = fmap (\prx -> withProxyArg prx getSort) (getTypes u ann)

instance Args () where
  type ArgAnnotation () = ()
  foldExprs _ s _ _ = return (s,())
  foldsExprs _ s args _ = return (s,fmap (const ()) args,())
  extractArgAnnotation _ = ()
  toArgs _ x = Just ((),x)
  fromArgs _ = []
  getTypes _ _ = []
  getArgAnnotation _ xs = ((),xs)

foldExprsId :: Args a => (forall t. SMTType t => s -> SMTExpr t -> SMTAnnotation t -> (s,SMTExpr t))
               -> s -> a -> ArgAnnotation a -> (s,a)
foldExprsId f st arg ann = runIdentity $ foldExprs (\st' expr ann' -> return $ f st' expr ann') st arg ann

foldsExprsId :: Args a => (forall t. SMTType t => s -> [(SMTExpr t,b)] -> SMTAnnotation t -> (s,[SMTExpr t],SMTExpr t))
               -> s -> [(a,b)] -> ArgAnnotation a -> (s,[a],a)
foldsExprsId f st exprs anns = runIdentity $ foldsExprs (\st' exprs' anns' -> return $ f st' exprs' anns'
                                                        ) st exprs anns

class (Args a) => Liftable a where
  type Lifted a i
  getLiftedArgumentAnn :: a -> i -> ArgAnnotation a -> ArgAnnotation i -> ArgAnnotation (Lifted a i)
  inferLiftedAnnotation :: a -> i -> ArgAnnotation (Lifted a i) -> (ArgAnnotation i,ArgAnnotation a)
  getConstraint :: Args i => p (a,i) -> Dict (Liftable (Lifted a i))

argSorts :: Args a => a -> ArgAnnotation a -> [Sort]
argSorts arg ann = Prelude.reverse res
      (res,_) = foldExprsId (\tps e ann' -> ((getSort (getUndef e) ann'):tps,e)) [] arg ann

unpackArgs :: Args a => (forall t. SMTType t => SMTExpr t -> SMTAnnotation t -> s -> (c,s)) -> a -> ArgAnnotation a -> s -> ([c],s)
unpackArgs f x ann i = fst $ foldExprsId (\(res,ci) e ann' -> let (p,ni) = f e ann' ci
                                                              in ((res++[p],ni),e)
                                         ) ([],i) x ann

-- | An extension of the `Args` class: Instances of this class can be represented as native haskell data types.
class Args a => LiftArgs a where
  type Unpacked a
  -- | Converts a haskell value into its SMT representation.
  liftArgs :: Unpacked a -> ArgAnnotation a -> a
  -- | Converts a SMT representation back into a haskell value.
  unliftArgs :: Monad m => a -> (forall t. SMTValue t => SMTExpr t -> m t) -> m (Unpacked a)

firstJust :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
firstJust [] = Nothing
firstJust ((Just x):_) = Just x
firstJust (Nothing:xs) = firstJust xs

getUndef :: SMTExpr t -> t
getUndef _ = error "Don't evaluate the result of 'getUndef'"

getFunUndef :: SMTFunction arg res -> (arg,res)
getFunUndef _ = (error "Don't evaluate the first result of 'getFunUndef'",
                 error "Don't evaluate the second result of 'getFunUndef'")

getArrayUndef :: Args i => SMTExpr (SMTArray i v) -> (i,Unpacked i,v)
getArrayUndef _ = (undefined,undefined,undefined)

withSMTBackendExitCleanly :: SMTBackend b IO => b -> SMT a -> IO a
withSMTBackendExitCleanly backend act
  = bracket
    (return backend)
    (\backend -> smtHandle backend SMTExit)
    (\backend -> withSMTBackend' backend False act)

withSMTBackend :: SMTBackend a m => a -> SMT' m b -> m b
withSMTBackend b = withSMTBackend' b True

withSMTBackend' :: SMTBackend a m => a -> Bool -> SMT' m b -> m b
withSMTBackend' backend mustExit f = do
  (res,nbackend) <- runSMT f backend
  when mustExit (smtHandle nbackend SMTExit >> return ())
  return res

funInfoSort :: FunInfo -> Sort
funInfoSort (FunInfo { funInfoProxy = _::Proxy (a,t)
                     , funInfoResAnn = ann})
  = getSort (undefined::t) ann

funInfoArgSorts :: FunInfo -> [Sort]
funInfoArgSorts (FunInfo { funInfoProxy = _::Proxy (a,t)
                         , funInfoArgAnn = ann })
  = getSorts (undefined::a) ann

{-newVariableId :: (Monad m) => Maybe String -> (Integer -> Maybe Integer -> (r,FunInfo)) -> SMT' m r
newVariableId name f = do
  st <- getSMT
  let idx = nextVar st
      (nc,st') = case name of
        Nothing -> (Nothing,st)
        Just name' -> let nc = Map.findWithDefault 0 name' (nameCount st)
                      in (Just nc,st { namedVars = Map.insert (name',nc) idx (namedVars st)
                                     , nameCount = Map.insert name' (nc+1) (nameCount st) })
      (res,info) = f idx nc
  putSMT $ st' { nextVar = succ idx
               , allVars = Map.insert idx info (allVars st') }
  return res

newVariable :: (Monad m,SMTType t) => Maybe String -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMT' m (SMTExpr t,FunInfo)
newVariable name (ann::SMTAnnotation t)
  = newVariableId name
    (\idx nc -> let info = FunInfo { funInfoId = idx
                                   , funInfoProxy = Proxy :: Proxy ((),t)
                                   , funInfoArgAnn = ()
                                   , funInfoResAnn = ann
                                   , funInfoName = case (name,nc) of
                                     (Nothing,Nothing) -> Nothing
                                     (Just name',Just nc') -> Just (name',nc') }
                in ((Var idx ann::SMTExpr t,info),info))

newFunction :: (Monad m,Args arg,SMTType r) => Maybe String -> ArgAnnotation arg -> SMTAnnotation r -> SMT' m (SMTFunction arg r,FunInfo)
newFunction name (ann_arg::ArgAnnotation arg) (ann_res::SMTAnnotation r)
  = newVariableId name
    (\idx nc -> let info = FunInfo { funInfoId = idx
                                   , funInfoProxy = Proxy :: Proxy (arg,r)
                                   , funInfoArgAnn = ann_arg
                                   , funInfoResAnn = ann_res
                                   , funInfoName = case (name,nc) of
                                     (Nothing,Nothing) -> Nothing
                                     (Just name',Just nc') -> Just (name',nc') }
                in ((SMTFun idx ann_res::SMTFunction arg r,info),info))

createArgs :: Args a => ArgAnnotation a -> Integer -> Map Integer FunInfo -> (a,[FunInfo],Integer,Map Integer FunInfo)
createArgs ann i mp
  = let ((tps,ni,nmp),res)
          = foldExprsId (\(tps',ci,mp') (_::SMTExpr t) ann'
                         -> let info = FunInfo { funInfoId = ci
                                               , funInfoProxy = Proxy :: Proxy ((),t)
                                               , funInfoArgAnn = ()
                                               , funInfoResAnn = ann'
                                               , funInfoName = Nothing }
                            in ((tps'++[info],ci+1,Map.insert ci info mp'),Var ci ann')
                        ) ([],i,mp) (error "Evaluated the argument to createArgs") ann
    in (res,tps,ni,nmp)

createArgs' :: (Args a,Monad m) => ArgAnnotation a -> SMT' m (a,[FunInfo])
createArgs' ann = do
  (tps,res) <- foldExprs (\tps' (_::SMTExpr t) ann' -> do
                             (expr',info) <- newVariable Nothing ann'
                             return (tps'++[info],expr')
                         ) [] (error "Evaluated the argument to createArgs") ann
  return (res,tps)

nameVariable :: Monad m => Integer -> String -> SMT' m ()
nameVariable var name = do
  st <- getSMT
  let c = Map.findWithDefault 0 name (nameCount st)
  putSMT $ st { nameCount = Map.insert name (c+1) (nameCount st) }-}

argsSignature :: Args a => a -> ArgAnnotation a -> [Sort]
argsSignature arg ann
  = reverse $ fst $
    foldExprsId (\sigs e ann' -> ((getSort (getUndef e) ann'):sigs,e))
    [] arg ann

functionGetSignature :: (SMTFunction f)
                        => f
                        -> ArgAnnotation (SMTFunArg f)
                        -> SMTAnnotation (SMTFunRes f)
                        -> ([Sort],Sort)
functionGetSignature fun arg_ann res_ann
  = let ~(uarg,ures) = getFunUndef fun
    in (argsSignature uarg arg_ann,getSort ures res_ann)-}

getSortParser :: Monad m => SMT' m SortParser
getSortParser = do
  st <- getSMT
  return $ mconcat $ fmap (withDeclaredType (\u _ -> fromSort u)) (Map.elems $ declaredTyCons st)

argumentSortToSort :: Monad m => (Integer -> m Sort) -> ArgumentSort -> m Sort
argumentSortToSort f (Fix (ArgumentSort i)) = f i
argumentSortToSort f (Fix (NormalSort s)) = do
  res <- mapM (argumentSortToSort f) s
  return (Fix res)

sortToArgumentSort :: Sort -> ArgumentSort
sortToArgumentSort (Fix s) = Fix (NormalSort (fmap sortToArgumentSort s))

declareType :: (Monad m,SMTType t) => t -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMT' m ()
declareType (_::t) ann = smtBackend $ \b0 -> do
  (dts,b1) <- smtHandle b0 SMTDeclaredDataTypes
  let (colls,ndts) = getNewTypeCollections (Proxy::Proxy t) ann dts
  b2 <- foldlM (\backend coll -> do
                   ((),nbackend) <- smtHandle backend (SMTDeclareDataTypes coll)
                   return nbackend
               ) b1 colls
  return ((),b2)

-- Data type info

data DataTypeInfo = DataTypeInfo { structures :: [TypeCollection]
                                 , datatypes :: Map String (DataType,TypeCollection)
                                 , constructors :: Map String (Constr,DataType,TypeCollection)
                                 , fields :: Map String (DataField,Constr,DataType,TypeCollection) }
                  deriving Typeable

data TypeCollection = TypeCollection { argCount :: Integer
                                     , dataTypes :: [DataType]

data ProxyArg = forall t. SMTType t => ProxyArg t (SMTAnnotation t) deriving Typeable

data ProxyArgValue = forall t. SMTValue t => ProxyArgValue t (SMTAnnotation t) deriving Typeable

withProxyArg :: ProxyArg -> (forall t. SMTType t => t -> SMTAnnotation t -> a) -> a
withProxyArg (ProxyArg x ann) f = f x ann

withProxyArgValue :: ProxyArgValue -> (forall t. SMTValue t => t -> SMTAnnotation t -> a) -> a
withProxyArgValue (ProxyArgValue x ann) f = f x ann

instance Show ProxyArg where
  showsPrec p (ProxyArg u ann) = showParen (p>10) $
                                 showString "ProxyArg " .
                                 showsPrec 11 (typeOf u) .
                                 showChar ' ' .
                                 showsPrec 11 ann

instance Eq ProxyArg where
  (ProxyArg (u1::t) ann1) == (ProxyArg u2 ann2) = case cast (u2,ann2) of
    Just (_::t,ann2') -> ann1==ann2'
    Nothing -> False

instance Ord ProxyArg where
  compare (ProxyArg u1 ann1) (ProxyArg u2 ann2) = case compare (typeOf u1) (typeOf u2) of
    EQ -> case cast ann2 of
      Just ann2' -> compare ann1 ann2'
    x -> x

instance Show ProxyArgValue where
  showsPrec p (ProxyArgValue u ann) = showParen (p>10) $
                                      showString "ProxyArg " .
                                      showsPrec 11 (typeOf u) .
                                      showChar ' ' .
                                      showsPrec 11 ann

instance Eq ProxyArgValue where
  (ProxyArgValue (u1::t) ann1) == (ProxyArgValue u2 ann2) = case cast (u2,ann2) of
    Just (_::t,ann2') -> ann1==ann2'
    Nothing -> False

instance Ord ProxyArgValue where
  compare (ProxyArgValue u1 ann1) (ProxyArgValue u2 ann2) = case compare (typeOf u1) (typeOf u2) of
    EQ -> case cast ann2 of
      Just ann2' -> compare ann1 ann2'
    x -> x

data AnyValue = forall t. SMTType t => AnyValue [ProxyArg] t (SMTAnnotation t)

withAnyValue :: AnyValue -> (forall t. SMTType t => [ProxyArg] -> t -> SMTAnnotation t -> a) -> a
withAnyValue (AnyValue p x ann) f = f p x ann

castAnyValue :: SMTType t => AnyValue -> Maybe (t,SMTAnnotation t)
castAnyValue (AnyValue _ x ann) = cast (x,ann)

data DataType = DataType { dataTypeName :: String
                         , dataTypeConstructors :: [Constr]
                         , dataTypeGetUndefined
                           :: forall r. [ProxyArg]
                              -> (forall t. SMTType t => t -> SMTAnnotation t -> r)
                              -> r

data Constr = Constr { conName :: String
                     , conFields :: [DataField]
                     , construct :: forall r. [Maybe ProxyArg] -> [AnyValue]
                                    -> (forall t. SMTType t => [ProxyArg] -> t -> SMTAnnotation t -> r)
                                    -> r
                     , conUndefinedArgs :: forall r. [ProxyArg] -> (forall arg. Args arg => arg -> ArgAnnotation arg -> r) -> r
                     , conTest :: forall t. SMTType t => [ProxyArg] -> t -> Bool

data DataField = DataField { fieldName :: String
                           , fieldSort :: ArgumentSort
                           , fieldGet :: forall r t. SMTType t => [ProxyArg] -> t
                                         -> (forall f. SMTType f => f -> SMTAnnotation f -> r)
                                         -> r

emptyDataTypeInfo :: DataTypeInfo
emptyDataTypeInfo = DataTypeInfo { structures = []
                                 , datatypes = Map.empty
                                 , constructors = Map.empty
                                 , fields = Map.empty }

containsTypeCollection :: TypeCollection -> DataTypeInfo -> Bool
containsTypeCollection struct dts = case dataTypes struct of
  dt:_ -> Map.member (dataTypeName dt) (datatypes dts)
  [] -> False

addDataTypeStructure :: TypeCollection -> DataTypeInfo -> DataTypeInfo
addDataTypeStructure struct dts
  = foldl (\cdts dt
            -> foldl (\cdts con
                      -> foldl (\cdts field
                                -> cdts { fields = Map.insert (fieldName field) (field,con,dt,struct) (fields cdts) }
                               ) (cdts { constructors = Map.insert (conName con) (con,dt,struct) (constructors cdts) })
                         (conFields con)
                     ) (cdts { datatypes = Map.insert (dataTypeName dt) (dt,struct) (datatypes cdts) })
               (dataTypeConstructors dt)
          ) (dts { structures = struct:(structures dts) }) (dataTypes struct)

-- | Get all the type collections which are not yet declared from a type.
getNewTypeCollections :: SMTType t => Proxy t -> SMTAnnotation t -> DataTypeInfo
                         -> ([TypeCollection],DataTypeInfo)
getNewTypeCollections (_::Proxy t) ann dts
  = case asDataType (undefined::t) ann of
    Nothing -> ([],dts) -- This is no declarable data type
    Just (name,coll)
      -> let isKnown = Map.member name (datatypes dts) -- Is the datatype already known?
             proxies = getProxyArgs (undefined::t) ann
             (tps1,dts1) = if isKnown
                           then ([],dts)
                           else ([coll],addDataTypeStructure coll dts)
             (tps2,dts2) = foldl (\(tps,dts) prx -- Check all the data type parameters
                                  -> withProxyArg prx $
                                     \(_::a) ann'
                                     -> let (ntps,ndts) = getNewTypeCollections
                                                          (Proxy::Proxy a)
                                                          ann' dts
                                        in (ntps++tps,ndts)
                                 ) ([],dts1) proxies
             (tps3,dts3) = if isKnown
                           then ([],dts2)
                           else foldl
                                (\cur dt
                                 -> dataTypeGetUndefined dt proxies $
                                    \dtUndef dtAnn
                                    -> foldl
                                       (\cur con
                                        -> foldl
                                           (\(tps,dts) field
                                            -> fieldGet field proxies dtUndef $
                                               \(_::f) fAnn
                                               -> let (ntps,ndts) = getNewTypeCollections
                                                                    (Proxy::Proxy f)
                                                                    fAnn dts
                                                  in (ntps++tps,ndts)
                                           ) cur (conFields con)
                                       ) cur (dataTypeConstructors dt)
                                ) ([],dts2) (dataTypes coll) -- Declare all field types
         in (tps2++tps3++tps1,dts3)

asNamedSort :: Sort -> Maybe (String,[Sort])
asNamedSort (Fix (NamedSort name args)) = Just (name,args)
asNamedSort _ = Nothing

escapeName :: Either (String,Integer) Integer -> String
escapeName (Right i) = "var"++(if i==0
                              then ""
                              else "_"++show i)
escapeName (Left (c:cs,nc))
  = (if isDigit c
     then "num"++escapeName' (c:cs)
     else escapeName' (c:cs))++(if nc==0
                                then ""
                                else "_"++show nc)
escapeName (Left ([],0)) = "no_name"
escapeName (Left ([],n)) = "no_name"++show n

escapeName' :: String -> String
escapeName' [] = []
escapeName' ('_':xs) = '_':'_':escapeName' xs
escapeName' (x:xs) = x:escapeName' xs

unescapeName :: String -> Maybe (Either (String,Integer) Integer)
unescapeName "var" = Just (Right 0)
unescapeName ('v':'a':'r':'_':rest) = if all isDigit rest
                                      then Just (Right (read rest))
                                      else Nothing
unescapeName xs = do
  res <- unescapeName' xs
  return $ Left res

unescapeName' :: String -> Maybe (String,Integer)
unescapeName' ('n':'o':'_':'n':'a':'m':'e':rest) = case rest of
  [] -> Just ("",0)
  xs -> if all isDigit xs
        then Just ("",read xs)
        else Nothing
unescapeName' ('_':'_':rest) = do
  (name,nc) <- unescapeName' rest
  return ('_':name,nc)
unescapeName' ('_':rest) = if all isDigit rest
                           then return ("",read rest)
                           else Nothing
unescapeName' (x:xs) = do
  (name,nc) <- unescapeName' xs
  return (x:name,nc)
unescapeName' "" = Just ("",0)

data SMTState = SMTState { nextVar :: Integer
                         , nextInterpolationGroup :: Integer
                         , nextClauseId :: Integer
                         , allVars :: Map Integer (FunInfo,Integer)
                         , namedVars :: Map (String,Integer) Integer
                         , nameCount :: Map String Integer
                         , declaredDataTypes :: DataTypeInfo }

emptySMTState :: SMTState
emptySMTState = SMTState { nextVar = 0
                         , nextInterpolationGroup = 0
                         , nextClauseId = 0
                         , allVars = Map.empty
                         , namedVars = Map.empty
                         , nameCount = Map.empty
                         , declaredDataTypes = emptyDataTypeInfo

smtStateAddFun :: FunInfo -> SMTState -> (Integer,String,SMTState)
smtStateAddFun finfo st
  = (v,name',nst)
    v = nextVar st
    nameBase = case funInfoName finfo of
      Nothing -> "var"
      Just n -> n
    nc = case Map.lookup nameBase (nameCount st) of
      Just n -> n
      Nothing -> 0
    name' = if nc==0
            then nameBase
            else nameBase++"_"++show nc
    nst = st { nextVar = v+1
             , allVars = Map.insert v (finfo,nc) (allVars st)
             , namedVars = Map.insert (nameBase,nc) v (namedVars st)
             , nameCount = Map.insert nameBase (nc+1) (nameCount st)

-- BitVectors

data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving Typeable

data BVKind = BVUntyped
            | BVTyped Nat

class TypeableNat n where
  typeOfNat :: Proxy n -> TypeRep
  typeOfNat p = Prelude.foldl
                (\c _ -> mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "smtlib2" "Language.SMTLib2.Internals" "'S") [c])
                (mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "smtlib2" "Language.SMTLib2.Internals" "'Z") [])
                (genericReplicate (reflectNat p 0) ())
  reflectNat :: Proxy n -> Integer -> Integer

instance TypeableNat Z where
  typeOfNat _ = mkTyConApp
                (mkTyCon3 "smtlib2" "Language.SMTLib2.Internals" "'Z")
  reflectNat _ x = x

instance TypeableNat n => TypeableNat (S n) where
  typeOfNat _ = mkTyConApp
                (mkTyCon3 "smtlib2" "Language.SMTLib2.Internals" "'S")
                [typeOfNat (Proxy::Proxy n)]
  reflectNat _ x = reflectNat (Proxy::Proxy n) (x+1)

class TypeableBVKind n where
  typeOfBVKind :: Proxy n -> TypeRep

instance TypeableBVKind BVUntyped where
  typeOfBVKind _ = mkTyConApp
                   (mkTyCon3 "smtlib2" "Language.SMTLib2.Internals" "'BVUntyped")

instance TypeableNat n => TypeableBVKind (BVTyped n) where
  typeOfBVKind _ = mkTyConApp
                   (mkTyCon3 "smtlib2" "Language.SMTLib2.Internals" "'BVTyped")
                   [typeOfNat (Proxy::Proxy n)]

type family Add (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) :: Nat
type instance Add Z n = n
type instance Add (S n1) n2 = S (Add n1 n2)

reifySum :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> a -> (forall n1 n2. (TypeableNat n1,TypeableNat n2,TypeableNat (Add n1 n2))
                                        => Proxy (n1::Nat) -> Proxy (n2::Nat) -> Proxy (Add n1 n2) -> r) -> r
reifySum n1 n2 f
  | n1 < 0 || n2 < 0 = error "smtlib2: Cann only reify numbers >= 0."
  | otherwise = reifySum' n1 n2 f
    reifySum' :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> a
                 -> (forall n1 n2. (TypeableNat n1,TypeableNat n2,TypeableNat (Add n1 n2))
                     => Proxy (n1::Nat) -> Proxy (n2::Nat) -> Proxy (Add n1 n2) -> r) -> r
    reifySum' 0 n2 f = reifyNat n2 $ \(_::Proxy i) -> f (Proxy::Proxy Z) (Proxy::Proxy i) (Proxy::Proxy i)
    reifySum' n1 n2 f = reifySum' (n1-1) n2 $ \(_::Proxy i1) (_::Proxy i2) (_::Proxy i3)
                                               -> f (Proxy::Proxy (S i1)) (Proxy::Proxy i2) (Proxy::Proxy (S i3))

reifyExtract :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> a -> a
                -> (forall n1 n2 n3 n4. (TypeableNat n1,TypeableNat n2,TypeableNat n3,TypeableNat n4,Add n4 n2 ~ S n3)
                    => Proxy (n1::Nat) -> Proxy (n2::Nat) -> Proxy (n3::Nat) -> Proxy (n4::Nat) -> r) -> r
reifyExtract t l u f
  | t <= u || l > u || l < 0 = error "smtlib2: Invalid extract parameters."
  | otherwise = reifyExtract' t l u (u - l + 1) f
    reifyExtract' :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> a
                     -> (forall n1 n2 n3 n4. (TypeableNat n1,TypeableNat n2,TypeableNat n3,TypeableNat n4,Add n4 n2 ~ S n3)
                         => Proxy (n1::Nat) -> Proxy (n2::Nat) -> Proxy (n3::Nat) -> Proxy (n4::Nat) -> r) -> r
    reifyExtract' t 0 0 1 f
      = reifyNat t $
        \(_::Proxy n1) -> f (Proxy::Proxy n1) (Proxy::Proxy Z) (Proxy::Proxy Z) (Proxy::Proxy (S Z))
    reifyExtract' t l u 0 f
      = reifyNat t $
        \(_::Proxy n1)
        -> reifyNat u $
           \(_::Proxy n3)
           -> f (Proxy::Proxy n1) (Proxy::Proxy (S n3)) (Proxy::Proxy n3) (Proxy::Proxy Z)
    reifyExtract' t l u r f = reifyExtract' t l (u-1) (r-1) $
                              \(_::Proxy n1) (_::Proxy n2) (_::Proxy n3) (_::Proxy n4)
                               -> f (Proxy::Proxy n1) (Proxy::Proxy n2) (Proxy::Proxy (S n3)) (Proxy::Proxy (S n4))

reifyNat :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> (forall n. TypeableNat n => Proxy (n::Nat) -> r) -> r
reifyNat x f
  | x < 0 = error "smtlib2: Can only reify numbers >= 0."
  | otherwise = reifyNat' x f
    reifyNat' :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> (forall n. TypeableNat n => Proxy (n::Nat) -> r) -> r
    reifyNat' 0 f = f (Proxy :: Proxy Z)
    reifyNat' n f = reifyNat' (n-1) (\(_::Proxy n) -> f (Proxy::Proxy (S n)))

data BitVector (b :: BVKind) = BitVector Integer deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance TypeableBVKind k => Typeable (BitVector k) where
  typeOf _ = mkTyConApp
             (mkTyCon3 "smtlib2" "Language.SMTLib2.Internals" "BitVector")
             [typeOfBVKind (Proxy::Proxy k)]
data Z = Z deriving (Typeable)
data S a = S deriving (Typeable)

class Typeable a => TypeableNat a where
  reflectNat :: Proxy a -> Integer -> Integer

instance TypeableNat Z where
  reflectNat _ = id

instance TypeableNat n => TypeableNat (S n) where
  reflectNat _ x = reflectNat (Proxy::Proxy n) (x+1)

type family Add n1 n2
type instance Add Z n = n
type instance Add (S n1) n2 = S (Add n1 n2)

data BVUntyped = BVUntyped deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable)
data BVTyped n = BVTyped deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable)

reifyNat :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> (forall n. TypeableNat n => Proxy n -> r) -> r
reifyNat n f
  | n < 0 = error "smtlib2: Can only reify numbers >= 0."
  | otherwise = reifyNat' n f
    reifyNat' :: (Num a,Eq a) => a -> (forall n. TypeableNat n => Proxy n -> r) -> r
    reifyNat' 0 f' = f' (Proxy::Proxy Z)
    reifyNat' n' f' = reifyNat' (n'-1) (f'.g)

    g :: Proxy n -> Proxy (S n)
    g _ = Proxy

reifySum :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> a -> (forall n1 n2. (TypeableNat n1,TypeableNat n2,TypeableNat (Add n1 n2))
                                        => Proxy n1 -> Proxy n2 -> Proxy (Add n1 n2) -> r) -> r
reifySum n1 n2 f
  | n1 < 0 || n2 < 0 = error "smtlib2: Cann only reify numbers >= 0."
  | otherwise = reifySum' n1 n2 f
    reifySum' :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> a
                 -> (forall n1 n2. (TypeableNat n1,TypeableNat n2,TypeableNat (Add n1 n2))
                     => Proxy n1 -> Proxy n2 -> Proxy (Add n1 n2) -> r) -> r
    reifySum' 0 n2' f' = reifyNat n2' $ \(_::Proxy i) -> f' (Proxy::Proxy Z) (Proxy::Proxy i) (Proxy::Proxy i)
    reifySum' n1' n2' f' = reifySum' (n1'-1) n2' $ \(_::Proxy i1) (_::Proxy i2) (_::Proxy i3)
                                                   -> f' (Proxy::Proxy (S i1)) (Proxy::Proxy i2) (Proxy::Proxy (S i3))

reifyExtract :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> a -> a
                -> (forall n1 n2 n3 n4. (TypeableNat n1,TypeableNat n2,TypeableNat n3,TypeableNat n4,Add n4 n2 ~ S n3)
                    => Proxy n1 -> Proxy n2 -> Proxy n3 -> Proxy n4 -> r) -> r
reifyExtract t l u f
  | t <= u || l > u || l < 0 = error "smtlib2: Invalid extract parameters."
  | otherwise = reifyExtract' t l u (u - l + 1) f
    reifyExtract' :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> a
                     -> (forall n1 n2 n3 n4. (TypeableNat n1,TypeableNat n2,TypeableNat n3,TypeableNat n4,Add n4 n2 ~ S n3)
                         => Proxy n1 -> Proxy n2 -> Proxy n3 -> Proxy n4 -> r) -> r
    reifyExtract' t' 0 0  1 f'
      = reifyNat t' $
        \(_::Proxy n1) -> f' (Proxy::Proxy n1) (Proxy::Proxy Z) (Proxy::Proxy Z) (Proxy::Proxy (S Z))
    reifyExtract' t' _ u' 0 f' = reifyNat t' $
                                 \(_::Proxy n1)
                                 -> reifyNat u' $
                                    \(_::Proxy n3)
                                    -> f' (Proxy::Proxy n1) (Proxy::Proxy (S n3)) (Proxy::Proxy n3) (Proxy::Proxy Z)
    reifyExtract' t' l' u' r' f' = reifyExtract' t' l' (u'-1) (r'-1) $
                                   \(_::Proxy n1) (_::Proxy n2) (_::Proxy n3) (_::Proxy n4)
                                   -> f' (Proxy::Proxy n1) (Proxy::Proxy n2) (Proxy::Proxy (S n3)) (Proxy::Proxy (S n4))

data BitVector (b :: *) = BitVector Integer deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable)

instance Show (BitVector a) where
  show (BitVector x) = show x

instance Enum (BitVector a) where
  succ (BitVector x) = BitVector (succ x)
  pred (BitVector x) = BitVector (pred x)
  toEnum x = BitVector (toEnum x)
  fromEnum (BitVector x) = fromEnum x
  enumFrom (BitVector x) = [ BitVector y | y <- enumFrom x ]
  enumFromThen (BitVector x) (BitVector y)
    = [ BitVector z | z <- enumFromThen x y ]
  enumFromTo (BitVector x) (BitVector y)
    = [ BitVector z | z <- enumFromTo x y ]
  enumFromThenTo (BitVector x) (BitVector y) (BitVector z)
    = [ BitVector p | p <- enumFromThenTo x y z ]

type N0 = Z
type N1 = S N0
type N2 = S N1
type N3 = S N2
type N4 = S N3
type N5 = S N4
type N6 = S N5
type N7 = S N6
type N8 = S N7
type N9 = S N8
type N10 = S N9
type N11 = S N10
type N12 = S N11
type N13 = S N12
type N14 = S N13
type N15 = S N14
type N16 = S N15
type N17 = S N16
type N18 = S N17
type N19 = S N18
type N20 = S N19
type N21 = S N20
type N22 = S N21
type N23 = S N22
type N24 = S N23
type N25 = S N24
type N26 = S N25
type N27 = S N26
type N28 = S N27
type N29 = S N28
type N30 = S N29
type N31 = S N30
type N32 = S N31
type N33 = S N32
type N34 = S N33
type N35 = S N34
type N36 = S N35
type N37 = S N36
type N38 = S N37
type N39 = S N38
type N40 = S N39
type N41 = S N40
type N42 = S N41
type N43 = S N42
type N44 = S N43
type N45 = S N44
type N46 = S N45
type N47 = S N46
type N48 = S N47
type N49 = S N48
type N50 = S N49
type N51 = S N50
type N52 = S N51
type N53 = S N52
type N54 = S N53
type N55 = S N54
type N56 = S N55
type N57 = S N56
type N58 = S N57
type N59 = S N58
type N60 = S N59
type N61 = S N60
type N62 = S N61
type N63 = S N62
type N64 = S N63

type BV8 = BitVector (BVTyped N8)
type BV16 = BitVector (BVTyped N16)
type BV32 = BitVector (BVTyped N32)
type BV64 = BitVector (BVTyped N64)

instance Monad m => SMTBackend (AnyBackend m) m where
  smtHandle (AnyBackend b) req = do
    (res,nb) <- smtHandle b req
    return (res,AnyBackend nb)
  smtGetNames (AnyBackend b) = smtGetNames b
  smtNextName (AnyBackend b) = smtNextName b

instance Show (SMTExpr t) where
  showsPrec = showExpr

newtype Bound = Bound Integer deriving (Typeable,Eq,Ord,Show)

showExpr :: Int -> SMTExpr t -> ShowS
showExpr p (Var v ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "Var " .
                                           showsPrec 11 v .
                                           showChar ' ' .
                                           showsPrec 11 ann)
showExpr p (QVar lvl v ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "QVar " .
                                                showsPrec 11 lvl .
                                                showChar ' ' .
                                                showsPrec 11 v .
                                                showChar ' ' .
                                                showsPrec 11 ann)
showExpr p (FunArg v ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "FunArg " .
                                              showsPrec 11 v .
                                              showChar ' ' .
                                              showsPrec 11 ann)
showExpr p (Const c ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "Const " .
                                             showsPrec 11 c .
                                             showChar ' ' .
                                             showsPrec 11 ann)
showExpr p (AsArray fun ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "AsArray " .
                                                 showsPrec 11 fun .
                                                 showChar ' ' .
                                                 showsPrec 11 ann)
showExpr p (Forall lvl args f) = showParen (p>10) (showString "Forall " .
                                                   showsPrec 11 lvl .
                                                   showChar ' ' .
                                                   showsPrec 11 args .
                                                   showString " ~> " .
                                                   showsPrec 11 f)
showExpr p (Exists lvl args f) = showParen (p>10) (showString "Exists " .
                                                   showsPrec 11 lvl .
                                                   showChar ' ' .
                                                   showsPrec 11 args .
                                                   showString " ~> " .
                                                   showsPrec 11 f)
showExpr p (Let lvl arg f) = showParen (p>10) (showString "Let " .
                                               showsPrec 11 lvl .
                                               showChar ' ' .
                                               showsPrec 11 arg .
                                               showChar ' ' .
                                               showsPrec 11 f)
showExpr p (App fun arg) = let strArgs = showsPrec 11 arg
                           in showParen (p>10) (showString "App " .
                                                showsPrec 11 fun .
                                                showChar ' ' .
showExpr p (Named expr name nc) = let strExpr = showExpr 11 expr
                                  in showParen (p>10) (showString "Named " .
                                                       strExpr .
                                                       showChar ' ' .
                                                       showsPrec 11 name .
                                                       showChar ' ' .
                                                       showsPrec 11 nc)
showExpr p (InternalObj obj ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "InternalObj " .
                                                     showsPrec 11 obj .
                                                     showChar ' ' .
                                                     showsPrec 11 ann)
showExpr p (UntypedExpr e) = showParen (p>10) (showString "UntypedExpr " .
                                               showExpr 11 e)
showExpr p (UntypedExprValue e) = showParen (p>10) (showString "UntypedExprValue " .
                                                    showExpr 11 e)

instance Show (SMTFunction arg res) where
  showsPrec _ SMTEq = showString "SMTEq"
  showsPrec p (SMTMap fun) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTMap " .
                                               showsPrec 11 fun)
  showsPrec p (SMTFun i ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTFun " .
                                                 showsPrec 11 i .
                                                 showChar ' ' .
                                                 showsPrec 11 ann)
  showsPrec p (SMTBuiltIn name ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTBuiltIn " .
                                                        showsPrec 11 name .
                                                        showChar ' ' .
                                                        showsPrec 11 ann)
  showsPrec p (SMTOrd op) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTOrd " .
                                              showsPrec 11 op)
  showsPrec p (SMTArith op) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTArith " .
                                                showsPrec 11 op)
  showsPrec p SMTMinus = showString "SMTMinus"
  showsPrec p (SMTIntArith op) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTIntArith " .
                                                   showsPrec 11 op)
  showsPrec p SMTDivide = showString "SMTDivide"
  showsPrec p SMTNeg = showString "SMTNeg"
  showsPrec p SMTAbs = showString "SMTAbs"
  showsPrec p SMTNot = showString "SMTNot"
  showsPrec p (SMTLogic op) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTLogic " .
                                                showsPrec 11 op)
  showsPrec p SMTDistinct = showString "SMTDistinct"
  showsPrec p SMTToReal = showString "SMTToReal"
  showsPrec p SMTToInt = showString "SMTToInt"
  showsPrec p SMTITE = showString "SMTITE"
  showsPrec p (SMTBVComp op) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTBVComp " .
                                                 showsPrec 11 op)
  showsPrec p (SMTBVBin op) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTBVBin " .
                                                showsPrec 11 op)
  showsPrec p (SMTBVUn op) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTBVUn " .
                                               showsPrec 11 op)
  showsPrec p SMTSelect = showString "SMTSelect"
  showsPrec p SMTStore = showString "SMTStore"
  showsPrec p (SMTConstArray ann) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTConstArray " .
                                                      showsPrec 11 ann)
  showsPrec p SMTConcat = showString "SMTConcat"
  showsPrec p (SMTExtract start len) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTExtract " .
                                                         showsPrec 11 (reflectNat start 0) .
                                                         showChar ' ' .
                                                         showsPrec 11 (reflectNat len 0))
  showsPrec p (SMTConstructor con) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTConstructor " .
                                                       showsPrec 11 con)
  showsPrec p (SMTConTest con) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTConTest " .
                                                   showsPrec 11 con)
  showsPrec p (SMTFieldSel field) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTFieldSel " .
                                                      showsPrec 11 field)
  showsPrec p (SMTDivisible i) = showParen (p>10) (showString "SMTDivisible " .
                                                   showsPrec 11 i)

instance Show (Field a f) where
  showsPrec p (Field _ _ _ f) = showParen (p>10)
                                (showString "Field " .
                                 showsPrec 11 (fieldName f))

instance Show (Constructor arg res) where
  showsPrec p (Constructor _ _ con) = showParen (p>10)
                                      (showString "Constructor " .
                                       showsPrec 11 (conName con))

noLimits :: CheckSatLimits
noLimits = CheckSatLimits { limitTime = Nothing
                          , limitMemory = Nothing }

newtype Quantified = Quantified Integer deriving (Typeable,Show,Eq,Ord)

quantificationLevel :: SMTExpr t -> Integer
quantificationLevel (QVar lvl _ _) = lvl+1
quantificationLevel (Forall lvl _ _) = lvl+1
quantificationLevel (Exists lvl _ _) = lvl+1
quantificationLevel (Let lvl _ _) = lvl+1
quantificationLevel (App _ arg) = maximum $ fmap quantificationLevel $ fromArgs arg
quantificationLevel (Named expr _ _) = quantificationLevel expr
quantificationLevel (UntypedExpr e) = quantificationLevel e
quantificationLevel (UntypedExprValue e) = quantificationLevel e
quantificationLevel _ = 0

inferSorts :: ArgumentSort -> Sort -> Map Integer Sort -> Map Integer Sort
inferSorts (Fix (ArgumentSort i)) s mp = Map.insert i s mp
inferSorts (Fix (NormalSort (ArraySort xs x))) (Fix (ArraySort ys y)) mp
  = foldl (\cmp (x,y) -> inferSorts x y cmp
          ) (inferSorts x y mp) (zip xs ys)
inferSorts (Fix (NormalSort (NamedSort n1 xs))) (Fix (NamedSort n2 ys)) mp
  | n1==n2 = foldl (\cmp (x,y) -> inferSorts x y cmp
                   ) mp (zip xs ys)
inferSorts _ _ mp = mp

valueSort :: DataTypeInfo -> Value -> Sort
valueSort _ (BoolValue _) = Fix BoolSort
valueSort _ (IntValue _) = Fix IntSort
valueSort _ (RealValue _) = Fix RealSort
valueSort _ (BVValue w _) = Fix (BVSort w False)
valueSort dts (ConstrValue _ _ (Just (sname,sargs))) = Fix $ NamedSort sname sargs
valueSort dts (ConstrValue name args Nothing) = case Map.lookup name (constructors dts) of
  Just (con,dt,tc) -> Fix $ NamedSort (dataTypeName dt) (fmap snd $ Map.toAscList infMp)
      argTps = fmap (valueSort dts) args
      conTps = fmap fieldSort (conFields con)
      infMp = foldl (\cinf (tp,argTp) -> inferSorts tp argTp cinf
                    ) Map.empty (zip conTps argTps)