{- | Defines the user-accessible interface of the smtlib2 library -}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies,OverloadedStrings,FlexibleContexts,ScopedTypeVariables,CPP,ViewPatterns #-}
module Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Interface where

import Language.SMTLib2.Internals
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Instances (extractAnnotation,dtList,conNil,conInsert,withSort)
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Optimize
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Operators
import Language.SMTLib2.Strategy

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Array
import Data.Unit
import Data.List (genericReplicate)
import Data.Proxy

-- | Check if the model is satisfiable (e.g. if there is a value for each variable so that every assertion holds)
checkSat :: Monad m => SMT' m Bool
checkSat = checkSat' Nothing noLimits >>= return.isSat

-- | Check if the model is satisfiable using a given tactic. (Works only with Z3)
checkSatUsing :: Monad m => Tactic -> SMT' m Bool
checkSatUsing t = checkSat' (Just t) noLimits >>= return.isSat

-- | Like 'checkSat', but gives you more options like choosing a tactic (Z3 only) or providing memory/time-limits
checkSat' :: Monad m => Maybe Tactic -> CheckSatLimits -> SMT' m CheckSatResult
checkSat' tactic limits = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTCheckSat tactic limits)

isSat :: CheckSatResult -> Bool
isSat Sat = True
isSat Unsat = False
isSat Unknown = error "smtlib2: checkSat query return 'unknown' (To catch this, use checkSat' function)"

-- | Apply the given tactic to the current assertions. (Works only with Z3)
apply :: Monad m => Tactic -> SMT' m [SMTExpr Bool]
apply t = smtBackend $ \backend -> smtHandle backend (SMTApply t)

-- | Push a new context on the stack
push :: Monad m => SMT' m ()
push = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b SMTPush

-- | Pop a new context from the stack
pop :: Monad m => SMT' m ()
pop = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b SMTPop

-- | Perform a stacked operation, meaning that every assertion and declaration made in it will be undone after the operation.
stack :: Monad m => SMT' m a -> SMT' m a
stack act = do
  res <- act
  return res

-- | Insert a comment into the SMTLib2 command stream.
--   If you aren't looking at the command stream for debugging, this will do nothing.
comment :: Monad m => String -> SMT' m ()
comment msg = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTComment msg)

-- | Create a new named variable
varNamed :: (SMTType t,Typeable t,Unit (SMTAnnotation t),Monad m) => String -> SMT' m (SMTExpr t)
varNamed name = varNamedAnn name unit

-- | Create a named and annotated variable.
varNamedAnn :: (SMTType t,Typeable t,Monad m) => String -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMT' m (SMTExpr t)
varNamedAnn = argVarsAnnNamed

-- | Create a annotated variable
varAnn :: (SMTType t,Typeable t,Monad m) => SMTAnnotation t -> SMT' m (SMTExpr t)
varAnn ann = argVarsAnn ann

-- | Create a fresh new variable
var :: (SMTType t,Typeable t,Unit (SMTAnnotation t),Monad m) => SMT' m (SMTExpr t)
var = argVarsAnn unit

-- | Create a fresh untyped variable with a name
untypedNamedVar :: Monad m => String -> Sort -> SMT' m (SMTExpr Untyped)
untypedNamedVar name sort = do
  dts <- smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b SMTDeclaredDataTypes
  withSort dts sort $
    \(_::t) ann -> do
      v <- varNamedAnn name ann
      return $ UntypedExpr (v::SMTExpr t)

-- | Create a fresh untyped variable
untypedVar :: Monad m => Sort -> SMT' m (SMTExpr Untyped)
untypedVar sort = do
  dts <- smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b SMTDeclaredDataTypes
  withSort dts sort $
    \(_::t) ann -> do
      v <- varAnn ann
      return $ UntypedExpr (v::SMTExpr t)

-- | Like `argVarsAnnNamed`, but defaults the name to "var"
argVarsAnn :: (Args a,Monad m) => ArgAnnotation a -> SMT' m a
argVarsAnn = argVarsAnnNamed' Nothing

-- | Create annotated named SMT variables of the `Args` class.
--   If more than one variable is needed, they get a numerical suffix.
argVarsAnnNamed :: (Args a,Monad m) => String -> ArgAnnotation a -> SMT' m a
argVarsAnnNamed name = argVarsAnnNamed' (Just name)

argVarsAnnNamed' :: (Args a,Monad m) => Maybe String -> ArgAnnotation a -> SMT' m a
argVarsAnnNamed' name ann = do
  (_,arg) <- foldExprs (\_ (_::SMTExpr t) ann' -> do
                           declareType (undefined::t) ann'
                           let info = FunInfo { funInfoProxy = Proxy::Proxy ((),t)
                                              , funInfoArgAnn = ()
                                              , funInfoResAnn = ann'
                                              , funInfoName = name }
                           res <- smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTDeclareFun info)
                           let expr = Var res ann'
                           case additionalConstraints (undefined::t) ann' of
                            Nothing -> return ()
                            Just constr -> mapM_ assert $ constr expr
                           return ((),expr)
                       ) () undefined ann
  return arg

-- | Like `argVarsAnn`, but can only be used for unit type annotations.
argVars :: (Args a,Unit (ArgAnnotation a),Monad m) => SMT' m a
argVars = argVarsAnn unit

-- | A constant expression.
constant :: (SMTValue t,Unit (SMTAnnotation t)) => t -> SMTExpr t
constant x = Const x unit

-- | An annotated constant expression.
constantAnn :: SMTValue t => t -> SMTAnnotation t -> SMTExpr t
constantAnn x ann = Const x ann

getValue :: (SMTValue t,Monad m) => SMTExpr t -> SMT' m t
getValue expr = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTGetValue expr)

getValues :: (LiftArgs arg,Monad m) => arg -> SMT' m (Unpacked arg)
getValues args = unliftArgs args getValue

-- | Extract all assigned values of the model
getModel :: Monad m => SMT' m SMTModel
getModel = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b SMTGetModel

-- | Extract all values of an array by giving the range of indices.
unmangleArray :: (Liftable i,LiftArgs i,Ix (Unpacked i),SMTValue v,
                  Unit (ArgAnnotation i),Monad m)
                 => (Unpacked i,Unpacked i)
                 -> SMTExpr (SMTArray i v)
                 -> SMT' m (Array (Unpacked i) v)
unmangleArray b expr = mapM (\i -> do
                                v <- getValue (App SMTSelect (expr,liftArgs i unit))
                                return (i,v)
                            ) (range b) >>= return.array b

-- | Define a new function with a body
defFun :: (Args a,SMTType r,Unit (ArgAnnotation a),Monad m)
          => (a -> SMTExpr r) -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
defFun = defFunAnn unit

-- | Define a new constant.
defConst :: (SMTType r,Monad m) => SMTExpr r -> SMT' m (SMTExpr r)
defConst = defConstNamed "constvar"

-- | Define a new constant with a name
defConstNamed :: (SMTType r,Monad m) => String -> SMTExpr r -> SMT' m (SMTExpr r)
defConstNamed name = defConstNamed' (Just name)

defConstNamed' :: (SMTType r,Monad m) => Maybe String -> SMTExpr r -> SMT' m (SMTExpr r)
defConstNamed' name e = do
  i <- smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTDefineFun name (Proxy::Proxy ()) () e)
  return (Var i (extractAnnotation e))

-- | Define a new function with a body and custom type annotations for arguments and result.
defFunAnnNamed :: (Args a,SMTType r,Monad m)
                  => String -> ArgAnnotation a -> (a -> SMTExpr r) -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
defFunAnnNamed name = defFunAnnNamed' (Just name)

defFunAnnNamed' :: (Args a,SMTType r,Monad m)
                => Maybe String -> ArgAnnotation a -> (a -> SMTExpr r)
                -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
defFunAnnNamed' name ann_arg (f::a -> SMTExpr r) = do
  let (_,rargs) = foldExprsId (\i _ ann -> (i+1,FunArg i ann)) 0 (undefined::a) ann_arg
      body = f rargs
  i <- smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTDefineFun name (Proxy::Proxy a) ann_arg body)
  return (SMTFun i (extractAnnotation body))

-- | Like `defFunAnnNamed`, but defaults the function name to "fun".
defFunAnn :: (Args a,SMTType r,Monad m)
             => ArgAnnotation a -> (a -> SMTExpr r) -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
defFunAnn = defFunAnnNamed' Nothing

-- | Boolean conjunction
and' :: SMTFunction [SMTExpr Bool] Bool
and' = SMTLogic And

(.&&.) :: SMTExpr Bool -> SMTExpr Bool -> SMTExpr Bool
(.&&.) x y = App (SMTLogic And) [x,y]

-- | Boolean disjunction
or' :: SMTFunction [SMTExpr Bool] Bool
or' = SMTLogic Or

(.||.) :: SMTExpr Bool -> SMTExpr Bool -> SMTExpr Bool
(.||.) x y = App (SMTLogic Or) [x,y]

-- | Create a boolean expression that encodes that the array is equal to the supplied constant array.
arrayEquals :: (LiftArgs i,Liftable i,SMTValue v,Ix (Unpacked i),Unit (ArgAnnotation i),Unit (SMTAnnotation v))
               => SMTExpr (SMTArray i v) -> Array (Unpacked i) v -> SMTExpr Bool
arrayEquals expr arr 
  = case [(select expr (liftArgs i unit)) .==. (constant v)
         | (i,v) <- assocs arr ] of
      [] -> constant True
      xs -> foldl1 (.&&.) xs

-- | Asserts that a boolean expression is true
assert :: Monad m => SMTExpr Bool -> SMT' m ()
assert expr = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTAssert expr Nothing Nothing)

-- | Create a new interpolation group
interpolationGroup :: Monad m => SMT' m InterpolationGroup
interpolationGroup = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b SMTNewInterpolationGroup

-- | Assert a boolean expression and track it for an unsat core call later
assertId :: Monad m => SMTExpr Bool -> SMT' m ClauseId
assertId expr = smtBackend $ \b -> do
  (cid,b1) <- smtHandle b SMTNewClauseId
  ((),b2) <- smtHandle b1 (SMTAssert expr Nothing (Just cid))
  return (cid,b2)

-- | Assert a boolean expression to be true and assign it to an interpolation group
assertInterp :: Monad m => SMTExpr Bool -> InterpolationGroup -> SMT' m ()
assertInterp expr interp = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTAssert expr (Just interp) Nothing)

getInterpolant :: Monad m => [InterpolationGroup] -> SMT' m (SMTExpr Bool)
getInterpolant grps = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTGetInterpolant grps)

-- | Set an option for the underlying SMT solver
setOption :: Monad m => SMTOption -> SMT' m ()
setOption opt = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTSetOption opt)

-- | Get information about the underlying SMT solver
getInfo :: (Monad m,Typeable i) => SMTInfo i -> SMT' m i
getInfo inf = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTGetInfo inf)

-- | Create a new uniterpreted function with annotations for
--   the argument and the return type.
funAnn :: (Liftable a,SMTType r,Monad m) => ArgAnnotation a -> SMTAnnotation r -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
funAnn = funAnnNamed' Nothing

-- | Create a new uninterpreted named function with annotation for
--   the argument and the return type.
funAnnNamed :: (Liftable a, SMTType r,Monad m) => String -> ArgAnnotation a -> SMTAnnotation r -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
funAnnNamed name = funAnnNamed' (Just name)

funAnnNamed' :: (Liftable a, SMTType r,Monad m) => Maybe String -> ArgAnnotation a -> SMTAnnotation r -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
funAnnNamed' name annArg annRet
  = withUndef $ \(_::a) (_::r) -> do
    let finfo = FunInfo { funInfoProxy = Proxy::Proxy (a,r)
                        , funInfoArgAnn = annArg
                        , funInfoResAnn = annRet
                        , funInfoName = name
    i <- smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTDeclareFun finfo)
    let fun = SMTFun i annRet
    case additionalConstraints (undefined::t) annRet of
     Nothing -> return ()
     Just constr -> assert $ forAllAnn annArg
                    (\x -> case constr (fun `app` x) of
                            [] -> constant True
                            [x] -> x
                            xs -> and' `app` xs)
    return fun
    withUndef :: (a -> r -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)) -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
    withUndef f = f undefined undefined

-- | funAnn with an annotation only for the return type.
funAnnRet :: (Liftable a,SMTType r,Unit (ArgAnnotation a),Monad m)
             => SMTAnnotation r -> SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
funAnnRet = funAnn unit

-- | Create a new uninterpreted function.
fun :: (Liftable a,SMTType r,SMTAnnotation r ~ (),Unit (ArgAnnotation a),Monad m)
       => SMT' m (SMTFunction a r)
fun = funAnn unit unit

-- | Apply a function to an argument
app :: (Args arg,SMTType res) => SMTFunction arg res -> arg -> SMTExpr res
app = App

-- | Lift a function to arrays
map' :: (Liftable arg,Args i,SMTType res)
        => SMTFunction arg res -> SMTFunction (Lifted arg i) (SMTArray i res)
map' f = SMTMap f

-- | Two expressions shall be equal
(.==.) :: SMTType a => SMTExpr a -> SMTExpr a -> SMTExpr Bool
(.==.) x y = App SMTEq [x,y]

infix 4 .==.

-- | A generalized version of `.==.`
argEq :: Args a => a -> a -> SMTExpr Bool
argEq xs ys = app and' res
    (res,_,_) = foldsExprsId
                (\s [(arg1,_),(arg2,_)] _ -> ((arg1 .==. arg2):s,[arg1,arg2],undefined))
                [(xs,()),(ys,())] (extractArgAnnotation xs)

-- | Declares all arguments to be distinct
distinct :: SMTType a => [SMTExpr a] -> SMTExpr Bool
distinct = App SMTDistinct

-- | Calculate the sum of arithmetic expressions
plus :: (SMTArith a) => SMTFunction [SMTExpr a] a
plus = SMTArith Plus

-- | Calculate the product of arithmetic expressions
mult :: (SMTArith a) => SMTFunction [SMTExpr a] a
mult = SMTArith Mult

-- | Subtracts two expressions
minus :: (SMTArith a) => SMTFunction (SMTExpr a,SMTExpr a) a
minus = SMTMinus

-- | Divide an arithmetic expression by another
div' :: SMTExpr Integer -> SMTExpr Integer -> SMTExpr Integer
div' x y = App (SMTIntArith Div) (x,y)

div'' :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Integer,SMTExpr Integer) Integer
div'' = SMTIntArith Div

-- | Perform a modulo operation on an arithmetic expression
mod' :: SMTExpr Integer -> SMTExpr Integer -> SMTExpr Integer
mod' x y = App (SMTIntArith Mod) (x,y)

mod'' :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Integer,SMTExpr Integer) Integer
mod'' = SMTIntArith Mod

-- | Calculate the remainder of the division of two integer expressions
rem' :: SMTExpr Integer -> SMTExpr Integer -> SMTExpr Integer
rem' x y = App (SMTIntArith Rem) (x,y)

rem'' :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Integer,SMTExpr Integer) Integer
rem'' = SMTIntArith Rem

-- | Divide a rational expression by another one
divide :: SMTExpr Rational -> SMTExpr Rational -> SMTExpr Rational
divide x y = App SMTDivide (x,y)

divide' :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Rational,SMTExpr Rational) Rational
divide' = SMTDivide

-- | For an expression @x@, this returns the expression @-x@.
neg :: SMTArith a => SMTFunction (SMTExpr a) a
neg = SMTNeg

-- | Convert an integer expression to a real expression
toReal :: SMTExpr Integer -> SMTExpr Rational
toReal = App SMTToReal

-- | Convert a real expression into an integer expression
toInt :: SMTExpr Rational -> SMTExpr Integer
toInt = App SMTToInt

-- | If-then-else construct
ite :: (SMTType a) => SMTExpr Bool -- ^ If this expression is true
       -> SMTExpr a -- ^ Then return this expression
       -> SMTExpr a -- ^ Else this one
       -> SMTExpr a
ite c l r = App SMTITE (c,l,r)

-- | Exclusive or: Return true if exactly one argument is true.
xor :: SMTFunction [SMTExpr Bool] Bool
xor = SMTLogic XOr

-- | Implication
(.=>.) :: SMTExpr Bool -- ^ If this expression is true
          -> SMTExpr Bool -- ^ This one must be as well
          -> SMTExpr Bool
(.=>.) x y = App (SMTLogic Implies) [x,y]

-- | Negates a boolean expression
not' :: SMTExpr Bool -> SMTExpr Bool
not' = App SMTNot

not'' :: SMTFunction (SMTExpr Bool) Bool
not'' = SMTNot

-- | Extracts an element of an array by its index
select :: (Liftable i,SMTType v) => SMTExpr (SMTArray i v) -> i -> SMTExpr v
select arr i = App SMTSelect (arr,i)

-- | The expression @store arr i v@ stores the value /v/ in the array /arr/ at position /i/ and returns the resulting new array.
store :: (Liftable i,SMTType v) => SMTExpr (SMTArray i v) -> i -> SMTExpr v -> SMTExpr (SMTArray i v)
store arr i v = App SMTStore (arr,i,v)

-- | Interpret a function /f/ from /i/ to /v/ as an array with indices /i/ and elements /v/.
--   Such that: @f \`app\` j .==. select (asArray f) j@ for all indices j.
asArray :: (Args arg,Unit (ArgAnnotation arg),SMTType res)
           => SMTFunction arg res -> SMTExpr (SMTArray arg res)
asArray f = AsArray f unit

-- | Create an array where each element is the same.
constArray :: (Args i,SMTType v) => SMTExpr v -- ^ This element will be at every index of the array
           -> ArgAnnotation i -- ^ Annotations of the index type
           -> SMTExpr (SMTArray i v)
constArray e i_ann = App (SMTConstArray i_ann) e

-- | Bitvector and
bvand :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvand e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVAnd) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector or
bvor :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvor e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVOr) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector or
bvxor :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvxor e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVXor) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector not
bvnot :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvnot e = App (SMTBVUn BVNot) e

-- | Bitvector signed negation
bvneg :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvneg e = App (SMTBVUn BVNeg) e

-- | Bitvector addition
bvadd :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvadd e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVAdd) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector subtraction
bvsub :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvsub e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVSub) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector multiplication
bvmul :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvmul e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVMul) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector unsigned remainder
bvurem :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvurem e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVURem) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector signed remainder
bvsrem :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvsrem e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVSRem) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector unsigned division
bvudiv :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvudiv e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVUDiv) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector signed division
bvsdiv :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvsdiv e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVSDiv) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector unsigned less-or-equal
bvule :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr Bool
bvule e1 e2 = App (SMTBVComp BVULE) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector unsigned less-than
bvult :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr Bool
bvult e1 e2 = App (SMTBVComp BVULT) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector unsigned greater-or-equal
bvuge :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr Bool
bvuge e1 e2 = App (SMTBVComp BVUGE) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector unsigned greater-than
bvugt :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr Bool
bvugt e1 e2 = App (SMTBVComp BVUGT) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector signed less-or-equal
bvsle :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr Bool
bvsle e1 e2 = App (SMTBVComp BVSLE) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector signed less-than
bvslt :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr Bool
bvslt e1 e2 = App (SMTBVComp BVSLT) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector signed greater-or-equal
bvsge :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr Bool
bvsge e1 e2 = App (SMTBVComp BVSGE) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector signed greater-than
bvsgt :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr Bool
bvsgt e1 e2 = App (SMTBVComp BVSGT) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector shift left
bvshl :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvshl e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVSHL) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector logical right shift
bvlshr :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvlshr e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVLSHR) (e1,e2)

-- | Bitvector arithmetical right shift
bvashr :: (IsBitVector t) => SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t)
bvashr e1 e2 = App (SMTBVBin BVASHR) (e1,e2)

-- | Concats two bitvectors into one.
bvconcat :: (Concatable t1 t2) => SMTExpr (BitVector t1) -> SMTExpr (BitVector t2) -> SMTExpr (BitVector (ConcatResult t1 t2))
bvconcat e1 e2 = App SMTConcat (e1,e2)

-- | Extract a sub-vector out of a given bitvector.
bvextract :: (TypeableNat start,TypeableNat len,Extractable tp len')
             => Proxy start -- ^ The start of the extracted region
             -> Proxy len
             -> SMTExpr (BitVector tp) -- ^ The bitvector to extract from
             -> SMTExpr (BitVector len')
bvextract start len (e::SMTExpr (BitVector tp))
  = App (SMTExtract start len) e

bvextract' :: Integer -> Integer -> SMTExpr (BitVector BVUntyped) -> SMTExpr (BitVector BVUntyped)
bvextract' start len = reifyNat start $
                       \start' -> reifyNat len $ \len' -> bvextract start' len'

-- | Safely split a 16-bit bitvector into two 8-bit bitvectors.
bvsplitu16to8 :: SMTExpr BV16 -> (SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8)
bvsplitu16to8 e = (App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N8) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N0) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e)

-- | Safely split a 32-bit bitvector into two 16-bit bitvectors.
bvsplitu32to16 :: SMTExpr BV32 -> (SMTExpr BV16,SMTExpr BV16)
bvsplitu32to16 e = (App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N16) (Proxy::Proxy N16)) e,
                    App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N0) (Proxy::Proxy N16)) e)

-- | Safely split a 32-bit bitvector into four 8-bit bitvectors.
bvsplitu32to8 :: SMTExpr BV32 -> (SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8)
bvsplitu32to8 e = (App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N24) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N16) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N8) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N0) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e)

-- | Safely split a 64-bit bitvector into two 32-bit bitvectors.
bvsplitu64to32 :: SMTExpr BV64 -> (SMTExpr BV32,SMTExpr BV32)
bvsplitu64to32 e = (App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N32) (Proxy::Proxy N32)) e,
                    App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N0) (Proxy::Proxy N32)) e)

-- | Safely split a 64-bit bitvector into four 16-bit bitvectors.
bvsplitu64to16 :: SMTExpr BV64 -> (SMTExpr BV16,SMTExpr BV16,SMTExpr BV16,SMTExpr BV16)
bvsplitu64to16 e = (App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N48) (Proxy::Proxy N16)) e,
                    App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N32) (Proxy::Proxy N16)) e,
                    App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N16) (Proxy::Proxy N16)) e,
                    App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N0) (Proxy::Proxy N16)) e)

-- | Safely split a 64-bit bitvector into eight 8-bit bitvectors.
bvsplitu64to8 :: SMTExpr BV64 -> (SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8,SMTExpr BV8)
bvsplitu64to8 e = (App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N56) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N48) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N40) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N32) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N24) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N16) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N8) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e,
                   App (SMTExtract (Proxy::Proxy N0) (Proxy::Proxy N8)) e)

mkQuantified :: (Args a,SMTType b) => (Integer -> [ProxyArg] -> SMTExpr b -> SMTExpr b)
             -> ArgAnnotation a -> (a -> SMTExpr b)
             -> SMTExpr b
mkQuantified constr ann f = constr lvl sorts body
    undef :: (a -> SMTExpr b) -> a
    undef _ = undefined
    sorts = getTypes (undef f) ann
    Just (arg0,[]) = toArgs ann [InternalObj () prx
                                | prx <- sorts ]
    body' = f arg0
    lvl = quantificationLevel body'
    Just (arg1,[]) = toArgs ann [QVar lvl i prx
                                | (i,prx) <- Prelude.zip [0..] sorts ]
    body = f arg1
-- | If the supplied function returns true for all possible values, the forall quantification returns true.
forAll :: (Args a,Unit (ArgAnnotation a)) => (a -> SMTExpr Bool) -> SMTExpr Bool
forAll = forAllAnn unit

-- | An annotated version of `forAll`.
forAllAnn :: Args a => ArgAnnotation a -> (a -> SMTExpr Bool) -> SMTExpr Bool
forAllAnn = mkQuantified Forall

-- | If the supplied function returns true for at least one possible value, the exists quantification returns true.
exists :: (Args a,Unit (ArgAnnotation a)) => (a -> SMTExpr Bool) -> SMTExpr Bool
exists = existsAnn unit

-- | An annotated version of `exists`.
existsAnn :: Args a => ArgAnnotation a -> (a -> SMTExpr Bool) -> SMTExpr Bool
existsAnn = mkQuantified Exists

-- | Binds an expression to a variable.
--   Can be used to prevent blowups in the command stream if expressions are used multiple times.
--   @let' x f@ is functionally equivalent to @f x@.
let' :: (Args a,Unit (ArgAnnotation a),SMTType b) => a -> (a -> SMTExpr b) -> SMTExpr b
let' = letAnn unit

-- | Like `let'`, but can be given an additional type annotation for the argument of the function.
letAnn :: (Args a,SMTType b) => ArgAnnotation a -> a -> (a -> SMTExpr b) -> SMTExpr b
letAnn ann arg = mkQuantified (\lvl _ body -> Let lvl args body) ann
    args = fromArgs arg

-- | Like 'let'', but can define multiple variables of the same type.
lets :: (Args a,Unit (ArgAnnotation a),SMTType b) => [a] -> ([a] -> SMTExpr b) -> SMTExpr b
lets xs = letAnn (fmap (const unit) xs) xs

-- | Like 'forAll', but can quantify over more than one variable (of the same type).
forAllList :: (Args a,Unit (ArgAnnotation a)) => Integer -- ^ Number of variables to quantify
              -> ([a] -> SMTExpr Bool) -- ^ Function which takes a list of the quantified variables
              -> SMTExpr Bool
forAllList l = forAllAnn (genericReplicate l unit)

-- | Like `exists`, but can quantify over more than one variable (of the same type).
existsList :: (Args a,Unit (ArgAnnotation a)) => Integer -- ^ Number of variables to quantify
           -> ([a] -> SMTExpr Bool) -- ^ Function which takes a list of the quantified variables
           -> SMTExpr Bool
existsList l = existsAnn (genericReplicate l unit)

-- | Checks if the expression is formed a specific constructor.
is :: (Args arg,SMTType dt) => SMTExpr dt -> Constructor arg dt -> SMTExpr Bool
is e con = App (SMTConTest con) e

-- | Access a field of an expression
(.#) :: (SMTType a,SMTType f) => SMTExpr a -> Field a f -> SMTExpr f
(.#) e f = App (SMTFieldSel f) e

-- | Takes the first element of a list
head' :: (SMTType a,Unit (SMTAnnotation a)) => SMTExpr [a] -> SMTExpr a
head' = App (SMTBuiltIn "head" unit)

-- | Drops the first element from a list
tail' :: (SMTType a,Unit (SMTAnnotation a)) => SMTExpr [a] -> SMTExpr [a]
tail' = App (SMTBuiltIn "tail" unit)

-- | Checks if a list is empty.
isNil :: (SMTType a) => SMTExpr [a] -> SMTExpr Bool
isNil (e::SMTExpr [a]) = is e (Constructor [ProxyArg (undefined::[a]) (extractAnnotation e)] dtList conNil:: Constructor () [a])

-- | Checks if a list is non-empty.
isInsert :: (SMTType a,Unit (SMTAnnotation a)) => SMTExpr [a] -> SMTExpr Bool
isInsert (e::SMTExpr [a]) = is e (Constructor [ProxyArg (undefined::[a]) (extractAnnotation e)] dtList conInsert :: Constructor (SMTExpr a,SMTExpr [a]) [a])

-- | Sets the logic used for the following program (Not needed for many solvers).
setLogic :: Monad m => String -> SMT' m ()
setLogic name = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTSetLogic name)

-- | Given an arbitrary expression, this creates a named version of it and a name to reference it later on.
named :: (SMTType a,SMTAnnotation a ~ (),Monad m)
         => String -> SMTExpr a -> SMT' m (SMTExpr a,SMTExpr a)
named name expr = do
  i <- smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTNameExpr name expr)
  return (Named expr name i,Var i (extractAnnotation expr))

-- | Like `named`, but defaults the name to "named".
named' :: (SMTType a,SMTAnnotation a ~ (),Monad m)
          => SMTExpr a -> SMT' m (SMTExpr a,SMTExpr a)
named' = named "named"
-- | After an unsuccessful 'checkSat' this method extracts a proof from the SMT solver that the instance is unsatisfiable.
getProof :: Monad m => SMT' m (SMTExpr Bool)
getProof = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b SMTGetProof

-- | Use the SMT solver to simplify a given expression.
--   Currently only works with Z3.
simplify :: (SMTType t,Monad m) => SMTExpr t -> SMT' m (SMTExpr t)
simplify expr = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b (SMTSimplify expr)

-- | After an unsuccessful 'checkSat', return a list of clauses which make the
--   instance unsatisfiable.
getUnsatCore :: Monad m => SMT' m [ClauseId]
getUnsatCore = smtBackend $ \b -> smtHandle b SMTGetUnsatCore
optimizeExpr' :: SMTExpr a -> SMTExpr a
optimizeExpr' e = case optimizeExpr e of
  Nothing -> e
  Just e' -> e'