{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} module SMTLib2.PP where import SMTLib2.AST import Text.PrettyPrint import Numeric import Data.List(genericReplicate) class PP t where pp :: t -> Doc instance PP Bool where pp True = text "true" pp False = text "false" instance PP Integer where pp = integer ppString :: String -> Doc ppString = text . show instance PP Name where pp (N x) = text x instance PP Ident where pp (I x []) = pp x pp (I x is) = parens (char '_' <+> pp x <+> fsep (map integer is)) instance PP Attr where pp (Attr x v) = char ':' <> pp x <+> maybe empty pp v instance PP Quant where pp Forall = text "forall" pp Exists = text "exists" instance PP Expr where pp expr = case expr of Lit l -> pp l App c ty ts -> case ts of [] -> ppFun _ -> parens (ppFun <+> fsep (map pp ts)) where ppFun = case ty of Nothing -> pp c Just t -> parens (text "as" <+> pp c <+> pp t) Quant q bs e -> case bs of [] -> pp e _ -> parens (pp q <+> parens (fsep (map pp bs)) $$ nest 2 (pp e)) Let ds e -> case ds of [] -> pp e _ -> parens (text "let" <+> (parens (vcat (map pp ds)) $$ pp e)) Annot e as -> case as of [] -> pp e _ -> parens (char '!' <+> pp e $$ nest 2 (vcat (map pp as))) instance PP Binder where pp (Bind x t) = parens (pp x <+> pp t) instance PP Defn where pp (Defn x e) = parens (pp x <+> pp e) instance PP Type where pp ty = case ty of TApp c ts -> case ts of [] -> pp c _ -> parens (pp c <+> fsep (map pp ts)) TVar x -> pp x instance PP Literal where pp lit = case lit of LitBV n w -> case divMod w 4 of -- For the moment we do not print using HEX literals as -- some solvers do not support them (how hard is that???) -- (x,0) -> text "#x" <> text (pad x (showHex v "")) _ -> text "#b" <> text (pad w (showIntAtBase 2 (head . show) v "")) where pad digs xs = genericReplicate (digs - fromIntegral (length xs)) '0' ++ xs v = if n < 0 then 2^w + n else n LitNum n -> integer n LitFrac x -> text (show (fromRational x :: Double)) -- XXX: Good enough? LitStr x -> ppString x instance PP Option where pp opt = case opt of OptPrintSuccess b -> std "print-success" b OptExpandDefinitions b -> std "expand-definitions" b OptInteractiveMode b -> std "interactive-mode" b OptProduceProofs b -> std "produce-proofs" b OptProduceUnsatCores b -> std "produce-unsat-cores" b OptProduceModels b -> std "produce-models" b OptProduceAssignments b -> std "produce-assignments" b OptRegularOutputChannel s -> str "regular-output-channel" s OptDiagnosticOutputChannel s -> str "diagnostic-output-channel" s OptRandomSeed n -> std "random-seed" n OptVerbosity n -> std "verbosity" n OptAttr a -> pp a where mk a b = char ':' <> text a <+> b std a b = mk a (pp b) str a b = mk a (ppString b) instance PP InfoFlag where pp info = case info of InfoAllStatistics -> mk "all-statistics" InfoErrorBehavior -> mk "error-behavior" InfoName -> mk "name" InfoAuthors -> mk "authors" InfoVersion -> mk "version" InfoStatus -> mk "status" InfoReasonUnknown -> mk "reason-unknown" InfoAttr a -> pp a where mk x = char ':' <> text x instance PP Command where pp cmd = case cmd of CmdSetLogic n -> std "set-logic" n CmdSetOption o -> std "set-option" o CmdSetInfo a -> std "set-info" a CmdDeclareType x n -> mk "declare-sort" (pp x <+> integer n) CmdDefineType x as t -> fun "define-sort" x as (pp t) CmdDeclareFun x ts t -> fun "declare-fun" x ts (pp t) CmdDefineFun x bs t e -> fun "define-fun" x bs (pp t $$ nest 2 (pp e)) CmdPush n -> std "push" n CmdPop n -> std "pop" n CmdAssert e -> std "assert" e CmdCheckSat -> one "check-sat" CmdGetAssertions -> one "get-assertions" CmdGetValue es -> mk "get-value" (parens (fsep (map pp es))) CmdGetProof -> one "get-proof" CmdGetUnsatCore -> one "get-unsat-core" CmdGetInfo i -> std "get-info" i CmdGetOption n -> std "get-option" n CmdComment s -> vcat (map comment (lines s)) CmdExit -> one "exit" where mk x d = parens (text x <+> d) one x = mk x empty std x a = mk x (pp a) fun x y as d = mk x (pp y <+> parens (fsep (map pp as)) <+> d) comment s = text ";" <+> text s instance PP Script where pp (Script cs) = vcat (map pp cs)