{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Language.SMT2.Parser import Language.SMT2.Syntax import Test.HUnit import Text.Parsec.Text (GenParser) -- * Parsing tests -- Test cases are from -- 1. the original [spec](http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/papers/smt-lib-reference-v2.6-r2017-07-18.pdf). -- 2. HORN clause samples from [SV-COMP](https://github.com/sosy-lab/sv-benchmarks) & [benchmarks](https://github.com/hopv/benchmarks/). -- 3. Examples of horn-like clauses with disjuction on heads. -- | parse and test a string, expecting @a@ pe :: (Eq a, Show a) => GenParser () a -> T.Text -> a -> Test pe p s expected = TestCase $ case parseStringEof p s of Right actual -> expected @=? actual Left _ -> assertFailure $ "should succeed for " <> T.unpack s parseTest :: (T.Text -> Assertion) -> (T.Text -> Assertion) -> GenParser () a -> T.Text -> Assertion parseTest success failure p s = case parseStringEof p s of Left _ -> failure s Right _ -> success s -- | parse and success, an assertion pas :: GenParser () a -> T.Text -> Assertion pas = parseTest (\_ -> pure ()) (\s -> assertFailure $ "should succeed for " <> T.unpack s) -- | parse and failure, an assertion paf :: GenParser () a -> T.Text -> Assertion paf = parseTest (\s -> assertFailure $ "should fail for " <> T.unpack s) (\_ -> pure ()) -- | parse and success ps :: GenParser () a -> T.Text -> Test ps p s = TestCase $ pas p s -- | parse and failure pf :: GenParser () a -> T.Text -> Test pf p s = TestCase $ paf p s -- | parse file success pfs :: GenParser () a -> FilePath -> Test pfs p f = TestCase $ do s <- TIO.readFile f pas (stripSpaces p) (removeComment s) -- | Sec 3.1 lexiconTest = TestList [ pN "0" ("0" :: Numeral) , pN "42" ("42" :: Numeral) , pf numeral "02" -- should not start with 0 , pf numeral "221b" -- should not contain letters , pD "0.0" ("0.0" :: Decimal) , pD "0.00" ("0.00" :: Decimal) , pD "0.1" ("0.1" :: Decimal) , pD "13.37" ("13.37" :: Decimal) , pD "1.010" ("1.010" :: Decimal) , pf decimal ".5" , pH "#x0" ("0" :: Hexadecimal) , pH "#xa04" ("a04" :: Hexadecimal) -- alphabet , pH "#xA04" ("a04" :: Hexadecimal) -- alphabet, to lower case , pH "#x01Ab" ("01ab" :: Hexadecimal) -- mixture , pH "#x61ff" ("61ff" :: Hexadecimal) , pH "#xdeadbeef" ("deadbeef" :: Hexadecimal) , pf hexadecimal "#x#x" -- signs , pf hexadecimal "#xA1G01" -- letter is not hex degit , pB "#b0" ("0" :: Binary) , pB "#b1" ("1" :: Binary) , pB "#b001" ("001" :: Binary) , pB "#b101011" ("101011" :: Binary) , pf binary "#b02" , pL "\"this is a string literal\"" ("this is a string literal" :: StringLiteral) , pL "\"\"" ("" :: StringLiteral) , pL "\"She said: \"\"Bye bye\"\" and left.\"" ("She said: \"Bye bye\" and left." :: StringLiteral) , pL "\"this is a string literal\nwith a line break in it\"" ("this is a string literal\nwith a line break in it" :: StringLiteral) , pR "par" ("par" :: ReservedWord) , pR "NUMERAL" ("NUMERAL" :: ReservedWord) , pR "_" ("_" :: ReservedWord) , pR "!" ("!" :: ReservedWord) , pR "as" ("as" :: ReservedWord) , pR "set-logic" ("set-logic" :: ReservedWord) , pf reservedWord "asleep" -- prefix , pf symbol "par" -- symbol should not be a reserved word , pf symbol "NUMERAL" , pf symbol "_" , pf symbol "!" , pf symbol "as" , pS "asleep" ("asleep" :: Symbol) -- prefixed by a reserved word , pS "+" ("+" :: Symbol) , pS "<=" ("<=" :: Symbol) , pS "x" ("x" :: Symbol) , pS "**" ("**" :: Symbol) , pS "$" ("$" :: Symbol) , pS "" ("" :: Symbol) , pS "abc77" ("abc77" :: Symbol) , pS "*$s&6" ("*$s&6" :: Symbol) , pS ".kkk" (".kkk" :: Symbol) , pS ".8" (".8" :: Symbol) , pS "+34" ("+34" :: Symbol) , pS "-32" ("-32" :: Symbol) , pS "|this is a single quoted symbol|" ("this is a single quoted symbol" :: Symbol) , pS "|so is\nthis one|" ("so is\nthis one" :: Symbol) , pS "||" ("" :: Symbol) , pS "|\" can occur too|" ("\" can occur too" :: Symbol) , pS "|af kljˆ∗(0asfsfe2(&∗)&(#ˆ$>>>?”’]]984|" ("af kljˆ∗(0asfsfe2(&∗)&(#ˆ$>>>?”’]]984" :: Symbol) , pS "|abc|" ("abc" :: Symbol) -- quoted simple symbol is the same , pS "abc" ("abc" :: Symbol) , pK ":date" ("date" :: Keyword) , pK ":a2" ("a2" :: Keyword) , pK ":foo-bar" ("foo-bar" :: Keyword) , pK ":<=" ("<=" :: Keyword) , pK ":56" ("56" :: Keyword) , pK ":->" ("->" :: Keyword) , pK ":~!@$%^&*_-+=<>.?/" ("~!@$%^&*_-+=<>.?/" :: Keyword) ] where pN = pe numeral pD = pe decimal pH = pe hexadecimal pB = pe binary pL = pe stringLiteral pR = pe reservedWord pS = pe symbol pK = pe keyword syntaxTest = TestList [ pI "plus" (IdSymbol "plus") , pI "+" (IdSymbol "+") , pI "<=" (IdSymbol "<=") , pI "Real" (IdSymbol "Real") , pI "|John Brown|" (IdSymbol "John Brown") , pI "(_ vector-add 4 5)" (IdIndexed ("vector-add" :: Symbol) (fromList [IxNumeral "4", IxNumeral "5"])) , pI "(_ BitVec 32)" (IdIndexed ("BitVec" :: Symbol) (fromList [IxNumeral "32"])) , pI "(_ move up)" (IdIndexed ("move" :: Symbol) (fromList [IxSymbol "up"])) , pI "(_ move down)" (IdIndexed ("move" :: Symbol) (fromList [IxSymbol "down"])) , pI "(_ move left)" (IdIndexed ("move" :: Symbol) (fromList [IxSymbol "left"])) , pI "(_ move right)" (IdIndexed ("move" :: Symbol) (fromList [IxSymbol "right"])) , pA ":left-assoc" (AttrKey ("left-assoc" :: Keyword)) , pA ":status unsat" (AttrKeyValue ("status" :: Keyword) (AttrValSymbol ("unsat" :: Symbol))) , pA ":my_attribute (humpty dumpty)" (AttrKeyValue ("my_attribute" :: Keyword) (AttrValSList [ SESymbol "humpty" , SESymbol "dumpty"])) , pA ":authors \"Jack and Jill\"" (AttrKeyValue ("authors" :: Keyword) (AttrValSpecConstant . SCString $ "Jack and Jill")) , pT "Int" (SortSymbol . IdSymbol $ "Int") , pT "Bool" (SortSymbol . IdSymbol $ "Bool") , pT "(_ BitVec 3)" (SortSymbol . IdIndexed "BitVec" $ fromList [IxNumeral "3"]) , pT "(List (Array Int Real))" (SortParameter (IdSymbol "List") (fromList [SortParameter (IdSymbol "Array") (fromList [ SortSymbol . IdSymbol $ "Int" , SortSymbol . IdSymbol $ "Real"])])) , pT "((_ FixedSizeList 4) Real)" (SortParameter (IdIndexed "FixedSizeList" (fromList [IxNumeral "4"])) (fromList [SortSymbol . IdSymbol $ "Real"])) , pT "(Set (_ Bitvec 3))" (SortParameter (IdSymbol "Set") (fromList [SortSymbol . IdIndexed "Bitvec" $ fromList [IxNumeral "3"]])) , ps term $ mkTerm [ "(forall ((x (List Int)) (y (List Int)))" , "(= (append x y)" , "(ite (= x (as nil (List Int)))" , "y" , "(let ((h (head x)) (t (tail x)))" , "(insert h (append t y))))))" ] , ps term $ mkTerm [ "(forall ((l1 (List Int)) (l2 (List Int)))" , "(= (append l1 l2)" , "(match l1 (" , "(nil l2)" , "((cons h t) (cons h (append t l2)))))))" ] -- Axiom for list append: version 1 , ps term $ mkTerm [ "(forall ((l1 (List Int)) (l2 (List Int)))" , "(= (append l1 l2)" , "(match l1 (" , "((cons h t) (cons h (append t l2)))" , "(_ l2)))))" ] -- Axiom for list append: version 2 , psP "(+ Real Real Real :left-assoc)" , psP "(and Bool Bool Bool :left-assoc)" , psP "(par (X) (insert X (List X) (List X) :right -assoc))" , psP "(< Real Real Bool :chainable)" , psP "(equiv Elem Elem Bool :chainable)" , psP "(par (X) (Disjoint (Set X) (Set X) Bool :pairwise))" , psP "(par (X) (distinct X X Bool :pairwise))" ] where pI = pe identifier pA = pe attribute pT = pe sort psP = ps parFunSymbolDecl mkTerm = T.intercalate "\n" -- | test the theory declaration from Fig. 3.1 (http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories-Core.shtml) theoryCoreTest = pfs theoryDecl "test/files/Theories-Core.smt2" logicLIATest = pfs logic "test/files/Logic-LIA.smt2" specTest = TestList [ lexiconTest, syntaxTest, theoryCoreTest, logicLIATest ] hornTest = TestList [ pfs script "test/files/sum.smt2" , pfs script "test/files/buildheap.nts.smt2" ] disjuctionTest = pfs script "test/files/disjuction-head.smt2" -- | remove the comments commentTest = TestList [ onlyComment, commentWithString, commentWithSymbol, commentStringInSymbol, commentSymbolInString ] where onlyComment = rc "; this is a comment\n;so is this\r" " \n \r" commentWithString = rc "; this is a comment,\n\"but this isn't, even after ; it won't be\";however\n" " \n\"but this isn't, even after ; it won't be\" \n" commentWithSymbol = rc "|;here we go;\n|;not so fast\n\r" "|;here we go;\n| \n\r" commentStringInSymbol = rc "|;wait\n I speak \"symbolism;&others\n\";next|;finally\n" "|;wait\n I speak \"symbolism;&others\n\";next| \n" commentSymbolInString = rc "\"A |quoted symbol ;example\n| ;actually no\r\n\";unless\r" "\"A |quoted symbol ;example\n| ;actually no\r\n\" \r" rc before after = removeComment before ~?= after extraTest = TestList [ commentTest ] tests = TestList [ TestLabel "spec" specTest , TestLabel "horn" hornTest , TestLabel "disjuction" disjuctionTest , TestLabel "extra" extraTest ] main :: IO () main = do counts <- runTestTT tests print counts