## 0.3.2 - FromJSON instances for Spline. - FromJSON instances for Key. ## 0.3.1 - Fixed sampling implementation. - Updated documentation. - Added normalizeSampling. ## 0.3 - Added Bézier interpolation mode. - Removed CP type. - Removed Polynomial type. - Added Key type. It replaces both CP and Polynomial. - Enhanced user interface with the library. - Internal files refactoring. ## 0.2.2 - Added cubicHermite. ## 0.2.1 - Added unspline. ## 0.2 - Function 'smooth' has a new name; 'sample'. - Enhanced internal implementation. - Fixed some documentation formatting issues. ## 0.1.3 - Support for GHC 7.10. ## 0.1.2 - Support for linear 1.18.*. ## 0.1.1 - Support for linear 1.17.*. ## - Fixed cabal meta information. - Fixed haddock documentation. ## 0.1 - Initial revision.